Importance of Selecting a Dentist You Trust
You may have been going to a family dentist in Dubai whom your parents have been taking you to from your small days. But do you still dread visiting the dental office? Do you really trust your dentist? Unless you are comfortable around your general dentist in Dubai you may not be visiting the dental office regularly as you should be to maintain your dental health.
You may have the option of selecting a dentist for your general dental treatment in Dubai from many award winning dentist in Dubai. But how you do build the trust and understanding vital for a good long term relationship with a dentist to care for you and your family?  You may feel that it should not be so hard to select a good dentist as they all are required to follow the same techniques maintain set standards and be updated always on new information and development in dentistry. But it may not be as easy as it sounds.
The problem as in any profession lies in the individual providing the service. While many may actually be good at what they do there will always be a few who are not good at it as well.  The attitude and personality of the dentist also plays a big role in the quality of the service they provide. If your dentist always treats you in a hurry you may tend to feel rushed and question whether you have been treated well. You and specially your family including the children will tend to be more comfortable if the dentist is more relaxed and friendly. This is an important observation you need to make when you book a dentist as only his skills and competent may not meet all your requirements.
Make sure you know what you are looking for in your dentist. It is best to discuss with your friends and family regarding their experiences. But no matter the recommendations if you are not comfortable with the dentists competence and personality it is wise to keep searching. It is important you feel at ease with the dentist to be able to trust any large or small treatment procedures recommended later in life. 
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All About Teeth Whitening
Teeth whitening is a general service provided by many Dental clinics in Dubai. Many people are now getting into the trend of whitening their teeth at home or with the help of a dentist in Dubai to look their best and feel more confident.
Dental care in Dubai has greatly advanced that more than treatment, preventive measures can help maintain the best oral health for all people whatever the age or gender.  While the risk of tooth cavities has been reduced, teeth are still subject to staining depending on our lifestyle and intake of food and drinks. This is where tooth whitening in Dubai has come to the rescue of many.
The most common form of whitening teeth involves the use of bleach. This method will help to lighten the shade of the teeth by several shades. It is recommended that teeth whitening should be done by a trained dental professional (dentist, dental therapist or dental hygienist). Many beauty salons also offer this service, but it is illegal if a dental professional is not present as it can present with a risk for your oral health.
The dentist will begin the procedure by making an impression of the teeth. With this impression a mouth guard will be made in which you will need to apply the bleaching gel and apply it on your teeth over a period of time.
The newest method in teeth whitening involved the use of laser. Laser teeth whitening is also known as power whitening as it can be done within an hour at the most. In this method the bleaching dental product will be applied to the teeth and them to activate it and enable whitening a laser light will be held on them.
Any dental professional is competent to carry out teeth whitening and it is recommended to go the a dental professional always rather than trying out teeth whitening home kits or going to a beauty salon. Generally home kits do not contain enough products for teeth whitening to actually be effective. Also as the mouth guard would not be custom made to fit your jaws, there is a risk of the bleaching gel leaking out to the gum and mouth leading to sensitivity and blistering.
Talk to your dentist today if you are interested in learning more about teeth whitening and how more effective it is to do it through a dentist rather than at home.
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Dental Studio - Dental Implants Dubai
A smile; some say it’s a privilege, some call it a greeting, and some say it can be beautiful. A smile however is just the latter, and really everyone should have one. A smile is certainly not a privilege for a lucky few while the others struggle with a broken one. A smile defines us from the rest of the animal kingdom and without a smile; we wouldn’t be making the connections we do, meeting new people, forging lifetime friendships. The Dental Studio understands the importance of your smile to you and to the rest of the world, and therefore invites you to try our full dental services, in the modern comforts of our contemporary and stylish dental studio.
Having the perfect set of teeth will certainly help you smile more often, and a lot more confidently, this is why we at the Dental Studio have taken it upon ourselves to bring to you the very best in dental treatments and Hollywood Smile Design. The dentist in UAE at this very unique dental clinic Dubai are a passionate about this field of medicine, and although it may not be always a life threatening medical condition, fixing a broken tooth, concealing a chipped canine, replacing a fallen tooth or just performing profound teeth whitening Dubai treatments, makes us happy. We are always excited to see our patients smile soon after they have experienced dental services at the Dental Studio.
Having the perfect teeth aren’t always possible, this is why celebrities who are obsessed with it, choose to get the Hollywood Smile Makeover done by experienced and skilled cosmetic dentists. Cosmetic surgeons go through years of training to offer the very best in dental cosmetics Dubai to you. There are various treatments that you can choose from like the instant teeth whitening, which will remove between 8 to 10 shades off from your teeth, and is a painless dental procedure. Teeth Whitening is by far the most popular dental treatment as it offers instant gratification in your smile.
Teeth that are less than perfect are assisted into the right shape through various dental materials and tooth extensions to improve on the appearance and function of teeth. Dental Veneers Dubai, Crowns and Bridges are three options covering various degrees of tooth damage. Veneers are porcelain or plastic tooth coverings that are great to mask minor faults like tiny gaps, tooth damage, and correct minor difference in measurement. Veneers are permanently fixed to the front of teeth using dental cement which holds the fixtures in place for a life time.
Like veneers crowns, cover a larger area of the damaged tooth, encasing the entire outer section of the tooth. Crowns are hollow casings and offer a simple way to improve your smile instantly. Dental crown casings, can be completed in a day, and are perfect for pre-bridal dental makeovers. A smile on your wedding is certainly a gem, but one that is perfect should not be missed. Crowns can either encase your own teeth, or if tooth extraction is required, dental implants Dubai will hold the crown in place.
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Keeping your teeth healthy while wearing braces
The Dental Studio is a highly professional dental clinic that has helped transform the smiles of many Dubai residents. We offer a wide range of dental treatments in Dubai, to straighten your smile, whiten teeth, and keep them healthy. One of the services that we place much focus into is aftercare for braces. Braces are designed to straighten teeth, and keep them aligned correctly. However, wearing braces, can put your teeth at risk for decay, if proper care is not taken during the time you have them on.
Wearing braces obstructs your ability to carry out routine dental hygiene habits, such as brushing and flossing. For this reason, your teeth need special care throughout the treatment period to ensure they are unaffected by decay or gum disease.
If you work with a Braces Dentist in Dubai at the Dental Studio, then he or she will have already stressed on the importance in visiting our clinic regularly to wash away food particles that might get logged in between the teeth and the metal clasps. This is a true concern if you have opted for metal braces, which are left on during the entire treatment of about a year, and only removed, when the braces need replacement. Brushing and flossing daily become impossible tasks, and part of the treatment objective for orthodontics is to ensure that the teeth are straightened, but also maintained to the highest standards of hygiene.
The majority of the responsibility for keeping your teeth healthy while you wear braces, is actually left up to us. You will need to make an dental appointment in Dubai for hydro-cleaning. This painless dental procedure is recommended for those with braces. High pressure water nozzles are directed into tough-to-reach-corners, pushing out plaque and tartar build-up. Hydro-treatments help to keep your teeth free of decay while you have your braces on.
Your dental Hygienist will additionally, remove plaque from the corners of the teeth and in between individually, making sure that your teeth are back to new until the next dental cleaning appointment.
Wearing braces should have you brushing and flossing after every meal. Although, flossing is not easy, you can still floss, by passing the thread underneath the brackets, and pulling on the string from inside. It might be difficult to do this, when outdoors, however, be sure to floss twice a day, once after breakfast before you leave for work or school, and once before bed. You can consult our dental hygienist at any one of the Dental Studio Branches, who will guide you to do this successfully.
The best way to keep your teeth clean while you wear braces, is to rinse your mouth well after every meal, or snack, and avoid eating anything that has the tendency to get logged in between. Tough sweets like caramel toffees, raisins, and even certain meats, should be eaten with care.
Always have mouthwash handy to use at office or at school. To get the most out of a toothbrush, switch to a baby toothbrush. The smaller bristles, and head, will make it easier to brush inside the brackets.
Using braces to correct the angle of teeth is truly rewarding at the end of the treatment. Knowing that your smile is straightened will mean you can smile as confidently as everybody else does. We agree that braces might be embarrassing for some, and does cause some irritability. However, if your teeth are taken care of during the entire course of the treatment, your smile will not only be straight, but your teeth will be healthy and white, and you will be able to avoid any further dental treatment once the braces are removed.
You only have one set of teeth after you lose your primary teeth, so let us help you straighten your smile and keep it clean as well. 
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Bad Breath
Bad breath, would be anybody’s worst nightmare. If you have ever had to pull out gum in the middle of a conversation because you notice odd looks when people talk to you, you are not alone. Bad breath is a problem than many face, and is also one dental problem that is easily treatable.
We are all very aware of what causes bad breath; certain foods, gum disease, tooth decay, an unclean tongue, plaque, tartar, smoking, coffee, dry mouth and certain problems with digestion can make people distance themselves from you in the middle of a conversation. These triggers of bad breath are easily avoidable and with the adaptation of good dental hygiene, you can overcome bad breath for good.
A dry mouth is known as the worst kind of bad breath. Some people do not produce saliva unless they are eating. Saliva is our body’s natural way to wash teeth and gums, but in some instances, saliva production decreases when we are not chewing something. Xerostomia is the medical term used to describe dry mouth. A dry mouth is also a smelly mouth, and in most cases, there is nothing you can do medically to increase saliva production, except to have a glass of water within reach and purchase sugarless gum with xylitol, which kills bacteria and improves your breath.
Heavy smokers have it bad. The best way to fight bad breath caused by smoking is to quit. However, if the process of quitting is an impossible or difficult task, try using an e-cigarette or alternate with a menthol cigarette regularly. The menthol will reduce or likely eradicate the bad breath completely. However, smoking itself is harmful to one’s health, and it would be advised that you obtain help to stop smoking.
If you have taken all steps to prevent and treat bad breath and you still have the problem, it might be a medical condition related to your digestion system. In this case, it would be advised to see a general physician who will treat you accordingly. Additionally, to help manage bad breath, you can place a drop of mint oil or tea tree oil on a cleaned tongue. Alternatively, you can even choose a breath strip or mint strip to have on your tongue. These strips are generally very potent and keep bad breath away for a few hours.
Bad breath that is caused by dental disease usually happens when the disease itself has been ignored and not treated in time. Decaying teeth, gum disease, cavies, and tooth erosion to name a few are instances that should be treated as soon as it occurs. If allowed to progress, infection, and bacteria worsens your breath over time.
The Dental Studio is a well equipped dental clinic for bad breath. Our Dubai dental hygienists will be able to have a look at your mouth, and effectively remove any hidden disease, or recommend a dental treatment to remove infected tooth structures. Working with professional dental hygienists to get to the bottom of the cause of bad breath, will mean you can effectively diagnose the true cause of the problem and have your teeth and confidence restored.
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Smiles in Dubai
The Dental Studio is a modern multi-specialist Dental Center Dubai helping to redesign smiles cosmetically, keep your teeth healthy, and perform emergency dental surgery to help save a tooth. Our clinic is an art studio for smiles in Dubai, offering the best dental hands, most advanced dental materials and resources, and computerized 3D dental planning. Just like your body, mind and soul require some occasional R&R, so do your teeth, which is why we are considered by our clients to be a tooth spa in the city of Dubai.
We all agree, a smile can warm hearts, build relationships, and bridge gaps. It’s a conversation starter, a reconciler, a distance closer, a friend-maker, a business partnership former, and well it can also mean family. So taking care of your smile, should really be your top most priority after your health of course. This is why, we have taken dental care a notch up, and we give our patients access to the world’s best treatments to maintain, improve, and redesign smiles to perfection, giving you a celebrity approved Hollywood Smile Dubai.
Dentistry is split into three different stages of intensity. The first would be preventive dentistry, which involves regular cleanings, and polishing to remove plaque and tartar before they become cavities, and making sure that teeth retain their natural colour. Preventive dentistry is handled by our dental hygienists, who will also take care of fluoride treatments and dental sealants, to keep your teeth protected throughout the year.
Orthodontics Dubai, the branch of dentistry that deals with braces and crooked teeth, is also part of preventive dentistry, although it more general and sometimes even a cosmetic dental treatment. In most cases, a well trained and experienced dentist uses Dubai braces to guide teeth in the right direction, before they begin to misalign, which could be a cause for grave concern later on.  
General dentistry involves treatment of dental aches, removal of cavities, and although teeth whitening is considered a cosmetic dental treatment, regularly reversing the effects of staining should be part of your twice yearly dental regime. A general dentist at The Dental Studio will perform minor surgery, fix a cracked or broken tooth, perform root canal surgery, and is also the dentist that takes care of fillings.
Cosmetic Dentistry could be compared to a facelift or a makeover. The immense satisfaction that you would feel, just by whitening your smile, improving the shape and size of your arch, reducing the appearance of unsightly gum lines, or simply replacing a few damaged teeth with dental prosthetics (Dental Implants Dubai) that look and feel natural, could be compared to getting your dream job, or marrying your true love. We all have that tiny wish to improve our outer appearance, just by a little, something that could change and make all the difference in the way we are accepted by our social groups, and most importantly plays a big part in improving our confidence. Cosmetic Dentistry can be the small quick makeover that you have been looking for.
Visit us at the Dental Studio in Dubai today, and find out what dentistry can do for you, and how it helps to change the way you smile at the world. 
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Keeping your teeth Healthy and Clean whilst wearing Braces
The Dental Studio is a highly Dental Centre Dubai that has helped transform the smiles of many local residents making a Hollywood Smile Dubai easily attainable. We offer a wide range of dental treatments in Dubai, to straighten your smile, whiten teeth, and keep them healthy. One of the services that we place much focus into is aftercare for braces. Braces are designed to straighten teeth, and keep them aligned correctly. However, wearing braces can put your teeth at risk for decay, if proper care to keep them clean is not taken whilst you have them on.
Sometimes crooked teeth are a result of large impacted wisdom teeth that push the arch forwards or outwards from behind. Your Orthodontist might recommend that you first meet with our Dental Surgeon Dubai to have the troubled tooth removed before you proceed with braces. Once the wisdom tooth is removed, the realignment can take place much quicker with the use of braces.
Wearing braces however, obstructs your ability to carry out routine dental hygiene habits, such as brushing and flossing. For this reason, your teeth need special care throughout the treatment period to ensure they are unaffected by decay or gum disease.
If you work with Orthodontics Dubai unit at the Dental Studio, then the dentist in-charge will have already stressed on the importance in visiting our clinic regularly to wash away food particles that might get logged in between the teeth and the metal clasps. This is a true concern if you have opted for metal braces, which are left on during the entire treatment of about a year, and only removed, when the braces need replacement. Brushing and flossing daily become impossible tasks, and part of the treatment objective for orthodontics is to ensure that the teeth are straightened, but also maintained to the highest standards of hygiene.
The majority of the responsibility for keeping your teeth healthy while you wear braces, is actually left up to us. You will need to make a dental appointment in Dubai for hydro-cleaning. This painless dental procedure is recommended for those with braces. High pressure water nozzles are directed into tough-to-reach-corners, pushing out plaque and tartar build-up. Hydro-treatments help to keep your teeth free of decay while you have your braces on.
Your dental Hygienist will additionally, remove plaque from the corners of the teeth and in between individually, making sure that your teeth are back to new until the next dental cleaning appointment.
Wearing braces should have you brushing and flossing after every meal. Although, flossing is not easy, you can still floss, by passing the thread underneath the brackets, and pulling on the string from inside. It might be difficult to do this, when outdoors, however, be sure to floss twice a day, once after breakfast before you leave for work or school, and once before bed. You can consult our dental hygienist at any one of the Dental Studio Branches, who will guide you to do this successfully.
The best way to keep your teeth clean while you wear braces is to rinse your mouth well after every meal, or snack, and avoid eating anything that has the tendency to get logged in between. Tough sweets like caramel toffees, raisins, and even certain meats, should be eaten with care.
Always have mouthwash handy to use at office or at school. To get the most out of a toothbrush, switch to a baby toothbrush. The smaller bristles, and head, will make it easier to brush inside the brackets.
Using braces in Dubai to correct the angle of teeth is truly rewarding at the end of the treatment. Knowing that your smile is straightened will mean you can smile as confidently as everybody else does. We agree that braces might be embarrassing for some, and does cause some irritability. However, if your teeth are taken care of during the entire course of the treatment, your smile will not only be straight, but your teeth will be healthy and white, and you will be able to avoid any further dental treatment once the braces are removed.
You only have one set of teeth after you lose your primary teeth, so let us help you straighten your smile and keep it clean as well. 
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Everything in the human anatomy makes sense. Every little organ, position of bone, and muscles, have a place and a purpose, so when people have crooked jaws, it puzzles a lot of scientists, who are trying to understand the cause for crooked teeth which leads to an unpleasantness smile.
The biggest mystery that surrounds crooked teeth is that it is apparent in all ethnicities human beings regardless of size and structure. Teeth crowding happens even if you have broad jaws, as teeth are disproportionate in size. One study which examined the skulls of prehistoric humans stated that the types of food that humans progressed on to throughout evolution affected the jaw muscles and bone structure which caused teeth crowding. It stated that moving from raw hard food, to soft foods and eventually processed foods caused our jaws to weaken and eventually develop much smaller than our predecessors. This fact is however contradicted, by the simple observation made when comparing people of Caucasian decent whose jaws are generally much broader but still have teeth crowding just as an individual of Asian descent who has relatively narrow skeletal structures with obvious crowding of teeth.
When you look at pictures and even the skulls of ancestors, it is obvious that our ancestors certainly had remarkably broader jaws than humans of modern time. Jaws were technically the broadest part of the face: similar proportions to what we notice on certain species of primates today.
The study stated that as our food culture changed, our jaws weren’t exercised or used as it should be if you were to chew on raw meat and uncooked vegetables. This theory is again slammed by the fact that not all our prehistoric ancestors ate hard food, many of them did indeed mash up produce and were heavily involved in turning wheat into paste and bread, and still managed to retain broad jaws.
It is true that our jaws have consistently gotten smaller over the years, but according to many studies it has more to do with our nutritional habits than the texture of food we now eat. Many of our predecessors did enjoy well balanced diets, sticking to freshly grown vegetables and meats, most of which were eaten raw, preserving the nutritional value entirely. When modern techniques for cooking arrived and methods for processing foods were developed to preserve food for longer storage life, most of the nutrition in the agriculture was destroyed by heat and preservation methods.
This theory cannot by itself however, explain teeth crowd which causes over bite and under bite. Many studies have also examined the size of teeth itself. Teeth don’t seem to have changed much through evolution, or is slow in progress, because we still have more teeth than our jaws can handle. The eruption of wisdom teeth strengthens this theory. Wisdom teeth, which are almost always too big for our small jaws, and are in fact the largest teeth that grow, and would almost always need to be extracted.
Although we not completely understand why teeth crowd, and why teeth are rarely in proportion to our jaws, teeth crowding does lead to an range of dental problems that affects not only our smiles, but our bite, gums, and if left untreated, teeth in a crowded jaw can become infected and decay prematurely. The Dental Studio in Dubai has helped many patients to improve their smile, by aligning teeth correctly through the use of braces in Dubai. Dubai Braces help to straighten teeth over time when fitted correctly by a specialist dentist who is skilled in using different devices to counteract the incorrect development of our dental arch. If you need help with crooked teeth, call our dental centre Dubai and make an appointment reverse the effects of crooked teeth.
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Cosmetic Dental Treatments in Dubai
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The highest quality Cosmetic Dental Services are available at The Dental Studio Dubai to Dubai residents. We bring you the best dental technology, treatment plans, patient comforts and a team of highly experienced friendly dentists in Dubai. The Dental Studio in Dubai has already been able to transform hundreds of smiles for patients, by removing decay, concealing decay, altering length, closing gaps and changing the shape of imperfect teeth through the use of dental veneers, bridges, dental crowns, and by bonding.
Cosmetic dentistry is an art, and includes, shaping, sculpting, and mending broken teeth to look naturally perfect. Cosmetic Dental services don’t always have to mean painful surgery, it can mean subtle alterations, simple additions or even teeth bleaching to give you the smile you’ve always wanted. There are a few different types of dental treatments that fall under the umbrella of cosmetic dental procedures; with the simplest one being, Teeth Bleaching and the most complex yet painless dental treatment for repairing damaged teeth; dental crown.
Teeth Whitening Dubai Bleaching is one of the most popular cosmetic dental procedures that is almost a necessity than a luxury. Regardless of how many times we brush during the day, the food and beverages we consume, tarnishes pearly whites by a small margin each time, and therefore teeth need regular whitening treatment to keep them bright and white. In-office teeth whitening at the Dubai Dental Studio can whiten your smile ten shades if necessary.
Bonding Dubai Dental bonding is painless dental treatment that takes care of minor abnormalities associated with large spaces, and length variants of teeth. Bonding is the process of using resin, much like clay to add length or width to the visible section of teeth. The resin will harden, giving your teeth a uniform shape and structure. Dental bonding is also useful to conceal small cracks, and chipped teeth. Bonding extends teeth, either horizontally or vertically, concealing imperfections. The dental resin is so tough that fuses with teeth like cement does and can last for years.
Contouring and Reshaping Just as bonding adds to teeth, your dentist can remove some of the teeth structure to create uniformity. Minor alterations are achieved by reshaping and contouring teeth. It is very common to have one tooth stand over the rest. Your cosmetic dentist will fix these minor issues by shaving off some of the enamel to even out the arch without hurting the tooth. Reshaping and contouring is similar to when a sculptor uses sand paper to smoothen rough edges and reduce the size of something that is out of place. Reshaping is only done if your teeth are relatively strong and bonding is also used to reinforce the tooth.
Dental Veneers and Crowns A dental veneer works just like bonding does, which is concealing minor structural abnormalities, but does so only in the front tooth surface. Veneers are hard sheets made of a type of long-lasting plastic. These are glued on the front of visible teeth, to lengthen, and widen teeth. They are also excellent at covering stained teeth, cracked & chipped teeth, and like bonding.
Dental Crowns These are tooth shaped casings made of ceramic or porcelain designed to cover the entirety of the tooth. They go on the top much like a helmet, reinforcing the tooth. Teeth casings are great to treat chipped or broken teeth, cover cracks or rebuild teeth after cavities have altered the structure.
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What causes teeth to stain and discolor?
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Let’s get one thing clear, the front surface of your tooth is actually translucent and not white. The white of a tooth comes through from beneath the dentine part of the tooth that is actually white. The enamel becomes opaque over time, as more minerals are deposited within it. Teeth can become discolored externally, where the change occurs to the top surface; the enamel or from beneath; the dentine.
Discoloration that happens on the underlying layer is much harder to reverse, if not impossible, as this type of discoloration is caused by genetics, and by medications taken at a very young age, while the primary teeth are forming. This form of discoloration that happens to the dentine is called intrinsic discoloration. Discoloration that happens to the dentine is called extrinsic and can be reversed through teeth whitening and good dental habits.
White teeth are of paramount importance to your appearance and the impression you make on other people. Greeting someone with a smile for the first time, whether a business associate or friend, lets them see you as a friendly and approachable person. Discolored teeth prevent you from being confident and smiling as you would like to.
Although many recommend visiting the dentist at least twice a year for a dental cleaning, opting for a teeth whitening routine at least once a year will maintain your teeth to a pearly white standard. One of the first things that anyone notices about you, would be your smile. They almost look for it, and expect it, so why hide it because of stained teeth?
Many people wonder why teeth discolor although they are brushed and cleansed twice a day. The fact is that teeth are not smooth. All our teeth have humps and ridges which are so tiny, the bristles of the brush cannot effectively clean. These ridges are spread across teeth, and therefore when they trap bacteria, and plaque will make your teeth look stained.
Teeth Whitening in Dubai at The Dental Studio is a dental process to reverse the effects of tooth discoloration. The simple painless treatment will have you relaxing on the dental chair, reading a magazine or watching a movie while the teeth whitening gel does its bit.
Teeth whitening Dubai is usually preceded after a general dental cleaning which removes the layer of plaque and tartar buildup allowing the active ingredients in the whitening gel to penetrate deep into the enamel. Teeth whitening gel contain ingredients to whiten stains like bleach and also breaks down and removes the stained layer without harming the enamel itself.
Keeping your teeth white after whitening treatment would mean that you avoid things like coffee, smoking, red wine, and certain foods that contain artificial coloring. This is easier said than done. So try to keep the consumption of these foods and beverages to a minimum and always rinse your mouth with water or chewing gum after. There are some other foods that are not known to discolor but sometimes stains your teeth even more than other foods are known to do. Iron supplements, soy sauce, turmeric and saffron, certain berries, and fruits & their juices and colas and even beetroot. These foods are known for their health benefit, but are not known for their ability to stain your teeth. So when consuming these foods and drinks, one is to be careful to not let your teeth come in contact for too long, and ensure that you either brush or at least rinse your mouth with a good mouth wash straight after.
If you’re worried about your smile and would like to have your teeth whitened visit us today for a full teeth whitening procedure at The Dental Studio in Dubai, It’s a painless hassle free appointment that will leave your teeth up to ten shades whiter.
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General dental cleaning
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When you visit your Dubai dentist at The Dental Studio regularly, you are giving your teeth a new lease in life. Extending its glow longer, removing infection and rebuilding teeth so they pause in their aging process.
If you were to go out and give yourself a complete makeover, it just won’t feel like a complete makeover until and unless you have also done the same with your teeth. In a study recently conducted, it is found that teeth are the most neglected feature of your aesthetic appearance.
Many of us get regular hair cuts to keep the split ends at bay, and help hair grow better. We spend much time conditioning it, cleaning it, and nourishing it, so hair is shinny, strong and bright. But we miss the point that hair continues to grow, and new hair will always replace the old dry one.
Teeth on the other hand do not have replacements lying underneath. Should one fall off or become infected with dental decay, there are no treatments to save a tooth if it decays badly, but to extract it and have it replaced with a prosthetic.
A regular visit to the dentist is as important as seeing your hairstylist if not more important. Your dentist will clean out the tartar and plaque, revealing strong white teeth underneath. Plaque is the everyday sticky substance that lines the surface of the tooth. Although we brush, there are always certain sections that might be hard to reach with a tooth brush or missed on many occasions. Additionally, our teeth are bathed in saliva which helps to re-mineralise teeth with calcium. Although this is a good thing, it also traps plaque in between forming a hard wax like film over the surface, called tartar. This film can easily be mistaken as part of the teeth, and removing it with a brush is not easy.
A dentist using high powered small tooth-sized cleaning tools will scale and polish your tooth. This treatment itself can improve the colour of your teeth from dark yellow or brown to almost white. Scaling and polishing is quick and simple dental treatment, most dentists refer to as dental cleaning.
For those individuals who have not visited a dentist in a long time, a deep cleaning procedure might be required. This is a process where gum pockets are cleaned and root surfaces smoothened out to stop bacteria from sticking to it surface. Gum pockets are not always present, but many patients who have teeth that have pulled from the gums, are at risk for gum disease if gum pockets are left untreated. These gum pockets are at risk of infection, putting the root of the tooth in danger of becoming infected as well.
A regular visit to your friendly dentist Dubai will help detect these problems well in advance, preventing gum disease and allowing your natural teeth to look shiny white. A dental makeover on a regular basis, just like your visit to your hairstylist will also prevent you from undergoing serious surgery, and dental restorative surgery often.
The Dental Studio is a comfortable and luxurious dental clinic serving patients in the Jumeirah district. Our high-tech facility is well equipped with the latest in dental technology, enabling our dentists to examine the risk for dental disease and treat and impeding danger effectively in time.
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Who is an Endodontist?
An endodontist is a dental surgeon who is specialized in treating the inner core of teeth. The central section of a tooth contains the roots, and the blood vessels and when this section becomes infected after a cavity removing it, is a process that should be done with precision and accuracy to ensure the tooth's structure is not compromised. This treatment is commonly referred to a Root Canal Therapy. The pulp of the tooth contains nerves and blood vessels, making it very delicate, that only a specialized dental surgeon should be tasked with treating such root canals in Dubai. The nerve of each tooth runs through the centre like a intertwined thread down the center along with a single blood vessels that brings nourishment to keep the tooth alive. Every tooth is also connected to a network of nerves much like a highway, therefore leaving an infected tooth can cause unbearable pains resonating along the entire section of the gum. Endodontists are trained to remove infected nerves painlessly and risk free without harming the tooth or network of nerves beneath. An endodontist uses tiny dental instruments called reamers to clean out an infected core, preventing further disease. The empty space is filled with a white resin to seal the area and strengthen the hollow tooth. A root canal can become infected if a decaying tooth is left untreated. Ignoring a cavity early on, allows the bacteria to reach the nerve. One might ask at this point if the nerve is important in a tooth's function? However, the nerve in a tooth is very much unresponsive, unless in extreme cold and alerts you when your tooth is infected. Removing the root and filling it with resin strengthens the tooth and a reduced the risk of soft tissue infection. This kind of pulp infection arises from tooth decay and cavities that are ignored and allowed to affect the center pulp cavity. When the root becomes infected, it can cause mild to severe pain that will interrupt your ability eat and drink. If the pain worsens, visit Dubai Dental surgeons at The Dental Studio immediately to avoid further complication. Although root canals are complex, the surgeries to remove such infection are routine procedures conducted at The Dental Studio. Our dentist will have an x-ray taken of your tooth, which will help him or her understand how deep of an infection you have. The treatment is quick and painless, as you unlikely to feel any discomfort during the procedure. The treatment generally takes about 15-20 minutes and once completed you will be able to use the rescued teeth as normal. You may be asked to avoid drinking hot beverages for a day before returning to normal practice. The Dental Studio is a specialized dental clinic Dubai helping patients overcome tooth infections. Our dentists are a team of friendly and professional individuals who are passionate about teeth and smiles. Our clinic exclusively practices all branches of dentistry offering the full scope of dental treatments in a highly sophisticated facility. If you have been experiencing mild pain, or have noticed decay, you may need the services of an endodontic dentist. Walk in to our dental clinic or call over at our office for an appointment and rid yourself of uncomfortable pain associated with your teeth.
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Wisdom Tooth Removal
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The Dental Studio in Dubai is a professional and highly sophisticated dental centre that is able to see and treat toothaches or dental problems that you may experience at any time in your life. Wisdom tooth problems are common, and everybody who has ever lived will experience the inconvenience and discomfort of wisdom teeth, four times in their life.
For some lucky people, they may just have a "clacking" of the jaws every time they attempt to bite into a big burger, and for some the pain can be so excruciating that they either form a dependence on pain killers or wait until it's too late to consult Dubai dentists. In our experiences, wisdom teeth are only painful when left untreated and the time leading up to treatment. Usually the patient finds immediate relief during the procedure. This is because no dental surgery begins without first administering local anaesthesia that prevents you from feeling any pain during the surgery.
Wisdom tooth extraction Dubai at the Dental Studio is an effortless treatment to relieve yourself from the pain. Wisdom tooth extraction is simpler, and possibly less painful while still forming, than if you plan to wait till it's almost surfaced. This is because in the beginning stages of a wisdom tooth development, the roots are yet to be firmly anchored to the bone, and thus removing it will cause less damage to the bone and healing time is shorter in younger patients than in older people.
This is not to say that every wisdom tooth must be removed, but with regular observation and appointments with your orthodontist or oral surgeon, you will be able to take preventive steps to avoid your wisdom tooth causing much damage to neighbouring teeth.
Your family dentist will check the angle at which your wisdom tooth is growing, and will be able to resolve the problem before it begins. If surgery is necessary, after numbing the area, depending on how far along the teeth has formed a tiny incision is made to the gums to widen the space. The teeth can be either gently removed or the dentist will break it into two or three small pieces. The patient will not feel anything during the extraction. Once the wisdom tooth is removed the gum is patched up and you'll be given an after care routine for two days to ensure the area heals effectively.
You will need to avoid hot tea and coffee for a day, avoid spicy food and also refrain from brushing around the area. You may experience some amount of bleeding, in this instance dab a tiny piece of cotton wool in water and place directly over the bleeding and bite down on it. You will need to contain the bleeding in this way until it stops.
The agony of the entire wisdom tooth aches and pains will be over in a little over a day, and you will be able to go back to eating and drinking without dependence on pain killers after two days. Your dentist will guide you through any fears you may have about after care. Visit The Dental Studio today for wisdom tooth removal.
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Cosmetic Dental Dubai
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Not happy with your smile? Cosmetic dentistry Dubai a branch of expertise that focuses on corrective nature's negative forces to your smile through the alterations polishing, and if your choose to surgery, to improve on your existing teeth. Cosmetic Dentistry is different to restorative dentistry, where in most cases, you have a choice in which sections you want changed or altered. With restorative dentistry, the treatments are a necessary process in helping you repair a broken tooth, or improve on your smile after a serious illness or injury.
Cosmetic dentistry Dubai is achieved with various dental treatments. Through teeth whitening, veneers, dental implants, crowns, tooth re-shaping, dental bonding and various orthodontic treatments, you can obtain the perfect smile.
Teeth whitening or bleaching is a common procedure where a dentist restores the healthy pearly white shine of your teeth to shade that suits you the most. Veneers in dentistry are a thin custom made tooth colored single-sided shell (similar in appearance to a seashell) that is stuck on to the most prominent side of the tooth in order to improve the aesthetics and protect the surface. Dental implants are root implants that take the place of fallen teeth. They are used to support restorations, balance and grip dentures, or hold a false tooth in place. The false tooth is called a crown. There are many different variations of crowns that can be used to replace fallen damaged tooth. Some crowns are made of metal alloys like gold, silver, or glass like porcelain and ceramic, which look and perform like natural teeth.
Tooth shaping or tooth sculpting involves filing down or shaping teeth to look more appealing. Tooth shaping helps by removing that tiny bump on the incisor that makes your smile uneven, or flattens the taller molar. Dental Bonding as part of cosmetic dentistry achieves the same results as tooth reshaping. Instead of filing or carving excessive enamel off, dental composite resin (a clay like substance) is pasted on, to improve teeth, colour length, and width. Orthodontic treatments involve the use of braces to correct irregularity in the dental arches. Teeth that are misaligned, have crowding, or too spaced out, makes your smile seem imperfect and affects the bite as well.
Cosmetic dentistry Dubai is dental solution that combines the wide area of expertise and dentistry to ensure, your teeth are not only healthy but also look their best. We use our teeth every minute we're awake and sometimes even when we sleep. They bite, and break down food, crunch it to smaller sizes, by grinding, and teeth also aid in pronunciation of words while talking. Therefore teeth are prone to damage, faster and more often than other areas of the body. If regular checkups, dental treatments and cosmetic dental surgery is included into taking care of your teeth, your teeth may start to look yellow discolored, and your smile will not be as perfect as it was.
Step into The Dental Studio in Dubai and inquire about how our cosmetic dental procedures can help improve your smile and keep your teeth perfectly healthy.
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Root Canal
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Endodontics Dubai at the The Dental Studio is the area of dentistry that relates to the inside of the tooth. The centre of the tooth contains the root and a nerve ending which helps keep the tooth strong and alerts you if there is a problem. The nerve is the first line of defence against any bacterial infection spreading to the gums from within.
When a tooth becomes infected by bacteria, it forms a cavity or an opening on the surface. When the bacteria damage the surface deep enough, it reaches the root of the tooth. It is at this point that you will need to see an endodontist who is experienced in such procedures. Any surgery to do with teeth, frighten people away. However, for those brave patients who have walked in to our clinic to have a painful tooth removed, report no pain at all.
A root canal procedure is done under local anaesthesia, which means you will feel no pain during the procedure. The most painful period would be the time leading up to the surgery and not during the surgery itself. A root canal treatment aims to remove the infected root and nerve and stop the infection from spreading further. A root infection can spread to other teeth from underneath the gums, however, this rarely progresses to this stage, as emergency treatment is sort after the patient experiences severe pain.
If you have been taking painkillers to keep the pain at bay' it would be advised that you make an appointment immediately with your dentist and find relief from toothache. The treatment will take no more than twenty minutes to half an hour. A tooth's root splits into two spaces along the length of the tooth. Both these canals should be cleaned out and sealed shut. Once the infected tissue has been removed, and the inside cavity is cleaned, the threat of the infection spreading or numbing pain is alleviated.
A root canal is one of the most common treatments done at our clinic daily next to, of course regular dental cleanings and fillings for chipped teeth. A root canal therapy, colloquially known as just root canal has been successful in converting patients from never wanting to step inside a dental office to walking in voluntarily on a regular basis. Our clinic takes the extra effort to make sure patients are made comfortable and have everything step in the treatment explained to them. Our team of specialist dentists treat all members of the family from children to old age, and have treated an infected root a thousand times over successfully. Our clinic is designed to be welcoming and warm with friendly staff and dentists who are ready to treat dental problems professionally.
The Dental Studio is open to new patients. To make an appointment click: The Dental Studio
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Good Dental Hygiene Practice
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Keeping teeth healthy and strong are simple steps to do, with daily dental hygiene routines, commonly available, like electronic tooth brushes, sugarless gum, convenient mouth washes and the numerous chewable and teeth healthy food now known to us.
The top most layer of a tooth is the enamel. This is the hardest part of the human body. Even though teeth are also part of the skeletal system, and made of bone, teeth have an added reinforcement layer called the enamel, which protects the pulp underneath. Although it is hard, the enamel of teeth are not defenceless against micro damage like that which comes from acid and bacteria.
Bacteria which is always found in your mouth is constantly at work causing damage to your teeth. The damage is a result of the acid produced when bacteria feed on the sugars we consume. Sugars are common in not only sweets, candies and ice creams, but in many other foods that we commonly consume.
Bacteria feed on fermentable carbohydrates sugars and starches. This puts most of what we into high-risk cavity feeding nourishment. The obvious, sweets, pop sodas, and other popular sweets damage the teeth directly, but most other foods like potato chips, most types of fried crisps, flavoured milks, deserts, and even baked sweets like cookies, and cakes.
Fruits are a very tricky subject when it comes to your teeth. Some fibre rich fruits are good for your health, and even chewing on them cleans and polishes your teeth. These include, apples, pears and some like strawberries. But aside from removing plaque build-up, they do leave behind acid, which directly affects teeth negatively, taking cavity damage to another level. So how do you benefit from eat fruits without letting it damage your teeth? The simple solution would be to have a sip of water to rinse your mouth completely of all residue acid.
Dentists Dubai cannot stress further on maintaining your enamel to ensure your tooth pulp remains out of reach and far from the dangers of bacteria penetration. Bacteria and acid are quite persistent, acting like termites in wood, breaking it down tooth structure permanently over time.
The best way to combat this damage is to consume fermentable carbohydrates as quickly as possible. The less your teeth are exposed to such harmful cavity causing foods the better health your teeth will remain in. Cleansing your mouth off immediately after is highly recommended, but it is important to not brush immediately after. When your teeth come in contact with direct acid. Acid makes teeth brittle, and much more susceptible to damage, so brushing soon after will do more harm than good. Instead, rinse, or cleanse your mouth with either sugar free gum, or a non- fermentable carbohydrate to combat dental disease. You may brush your teeth after an hour.
The Dental Studio is your specialist dental hygiene experts in Dubai, who are dedicated to fighting decay and cavities. Drop by for a friendly chat with one of dental hygienists who will provide you with all the necessary information and techniques you could use at home or with us, to keep your teeth strong and cavity free.
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Flossing and its importance
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Dental Care Dubai is fast becoming fashion. As the world meets in this fast paced city, keeping your teeth clean and white is as important as picking your outfit for work in the morning. As dentists, we see many patients who have admitted time and again, that flossing is not part of their daily hygiene habits.
Flossing is one very important step to white clean teeth, and yet it is also the one routine that many people forget to do once a day, because let's face it, its time consuming and you would rather just rush through the day than stare at a mirror cleaning 32 teeth. We all think brushing is enough, but brushing only cleans the surface of your tooth, not the sides nor beneath. If you were to try it now, put a string between two of your teeth, you'd feel the string struggle to pass through, but with a little tug of war by both your hands, you'd feel the space at the bottom. This space, although is not accessible to the bristles on a brush, is great for trapping tiny food particles, which the bacteria feed on.
If you pulled the strong away, the odour it gives is sort of scary, and you'd wonder if anybody you spoke to that day thought you had bad breath. The chances are not if you had brushed that morning. The odour in the plaque, is the result of bacteria feeding on food particles. Removing this wax-type plaque out of each space, not only prevents cavities from creeping up on you, but also improves your breath.
Gingivitis happens when bacteria laden plaque collects in your mouth, causing damage to your gum. The result is bleeding and slight swelling. The plaque in-between and under teeth can damage your gums greatly, if flossing is not a daily routine. "A stitch in time saves time". This is true of dental care as well. Many people depend heavily on emergency dental care instead of routine visits and regular dental hygiene at home. Damaged, bleeding gums is not just painful, but can prevent you from eating and drinking the things you normally enjoy. Spicy food will cause you excruciating pain, and anything will feel ten times worse, therefore making sure your gums are protected by removing plaque from tight corners saves you time and money.
Removing plaque from all sides of teeth means, you are protecting the rest of your health as well. Bacteria in the mouth can easily travel to the rest of your body through the oesophagus, causing other illnesses over time. It is important that you brush, floss, and use a mouthwash everyday to keep your teeth and gums healthy and protected. If good dental practice is followed, you will not need a dentist to improve your smile. The Dental Studio are expert dental care specialists who are dedicated to dental restoration, decay prevention, and cosmetic improvements of smile should you need it. Visit our clinic today and find out how to keep your teeth happy.
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