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i dont get offended at white people jokes even though im white because: 
i can recognize white people as a whole have systemically oppressed POC in america, which is where i live 
most people when they make white people jokes only mean the shitty white people and i am not a shitty white person 
im not a pissbaby
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With Mother & Father’s day coming up, please remember you are not required to be grateful to abusive parents. Please remember,
Don’t break no-contact.
Don’t let family guilt you into breaking no-contact.
Don’t feel guilty for living w/ them as an adult, you’re doing your best.
Don’t feel you’re betraying yourself if you have to give ‘appeasement gifts.’
DO put your mental & physical wellbeing first, as we know they won’t.
Maybe get yourself something, so many of us had to be our own parent anyway.
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let 👏 bisexual 👏 girls 👏 love 👏 boys
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There’s a black trans woman running for president and I’m surprised I’ve seen nothing about her on here.
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rick riordan really went there with the original percy jackson series.. he wrote a story about a kid with adhd living in an abusive, low income household who realizes that the generation before him created a world that he and the rest of his generation could not possibly thrive in and then refused to acknowledge that the society they crafted was detrimental to their children,, percy must make the decision to demand change in the end;
meanwhile his antagonist is a blond haired blue eyed kid from one of the top 20 richest towns in the united states who should have had it all but was denied it, causing him to come to the same realization years before percy ever does, but he believes the answer to their problems is to look to the past, to the traditions and methods of the Good Old Days without recognizing that the corruption and depravity of that era will only continue the cycle if they are implemented in the present day – luke believes the world needs to return to its former glory whereas percy realizes that the system will always be corrupt if they don’t invest in an entirely new way to support the younger generation and basically what im saying is rick riordan has been stoking the revolution in us since middle school
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When ICE isn’t cool.
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Just an experiment. Reblog if you actually give a fuck about male victims of domestic violence and rape.
Of fucking course
What sick bastard doesn’t
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“If it’s about a dad dating other dads, how come some of them have kids???”
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Used to be @astupidgaytrashcan
Hey, I’m Morgan!! I wanted a fresh start to a blog and also I’m compulsive as fuck so follow me here!!!
-I love reading!!!!
-tbh am in tooo many fandoms idk anymore
-follow me please
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