dessa-99-blog · 5 years
This week was about relaxing before the ZH week. I slept a lot this week at least. I was with my friends in our home and in pubs of course like a good University student. I also read a lot unfortuanetly not biology but fantasy books. So this week was not a stressful one but a chilling one. Like every monday we went to a bar named Csinos which is my favorite. It was really good we talked a lot. In these events we talk about everything like our week, our life even religion. Before this week there was just Tomi's (my boyfriend's) friends but now I invited some of mine from the University. (Now it was half ktk and half btk-ttk :D ) The best about these times is that I can be really myself with these people. In Tuesday we went to my grandma with my brother. She is very kind and she cooks really well. We played games like canasta and online games like World of Warcraft. Wendesday is my hardest day because I have 3 lessons but I am in school until 7pm. I have a math in which I am really bad. When I arrive home I am so tired that I don't have strength to cook something. Some Wendesday we went to ktk wendesday with our friend. The last week I played beer pong and I realised that I am not good at it. :D Thursday is my favorite day. The school is easy because I have just english lessons. We held a boardgame night with my boyfriend. I cooked a lot and we watched the Avengers endgame movie. There is a game named bang and we played this. I was with my boyfriend a lot. We were classmates in high school and we are togedher now more than 4 years. I really enjoy live with him even if he can make mess in the house. In the weekend I didn't study which was not a really good idea because in the next week I will write a ZH. Instead of that I cooked cake because we celebrated our cousin's birthday he turned to 3. I watched a series named Once upon a time. The first 3 season is really good. For sum this up in this week I had a lot of fun and I was really happy. (Even if I have guilty consuisness because I didn't learn.)
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dessa-99-blog · 5 years
So my last two week was much better than the first. In the university i can find the classrooms and this is very good for me. Sometimes the 1,5 hour is long for me but I can concentrate now longer. There are some subject that I hate for examlpe math and chemistry but I will do it. (I must) I started to love my biology subjects too. I am tired all the time this doesn`t change. But I love this lifestyle. Now I am home with my family and I can bake so I am happy. I really love baking. I baked tiramisu this weekend and brownie. I love american recepies. They use cups and they don't care if a cake isn't beautiful. They bake very sweet and delicious cakes. I started to bake in Pécs and I really enjoy it. I take my cake to the school and eat it. I don't like the things from Spar not because it is unhealhy but because it is not good. My other favorite thing is reading. I love books and I read a lot. (even when I have to learn sometimes) I love fantasy and crime storys. My favorite author is J.D. Robb and Sarah J. Maas. Now I trying to read a book in english but is it really hard. It has a very difficult language. And I read a book in hungaryan from Cassandra Clare. In this weekend I played board games with my three sister. We played Catan and Carcassone. These are the best. There is a picture from my castle at Carcassone.
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dessa-99-blog · 5 years
Hi, I am Emese but the my friends are calling me Eme. I lived in Zirc and I have just moved to Pecs. This was very hard for me because this city is too big for me. The Univetsity is also hard for me I don't undersant a lot of things and I am tired all the time. But I am also love this life. I love the new things for example the people are all very kind here and the lessons are good (but very long for me). I am really afraid that I won't do it (I mean to be a teacher but others learned english more than me and my english teacher in high school doesn't wanted active lessons or lessons where we learn something) but I really want to be one so I hope to. I have a really bad scedule. I have big holes between my lessons or there is no break for me. I really miss my old school. I miss my frends and also my teachers. But mostly I miss the help from my teachers. I mean that I can just send them a message in messenger and they write me back. I didn't miss the dormitory. I like the space that I have now. I live with my boyfriend in a flat but it is really big for me after the dorm. It is hard to cook sometimes after school but I love it too. I was really socked when I saw the prices when I bought some food. I come from a big family (I have 3 sister and 2 brother) so it is also hard to cook for the two of us. For the first time it was hard to find the bus that brings me to the university. So in the first day first lesson I was almost late. It was 40 minutes to reach the school. For sum this up it is hard to be a student here but I also love this lifestyle and I hope that this will be better with time. Thank for the attention. By Emese
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