dianawilton · 6 years
You’ll meet her, she’s very pretty, even though sometimes she’s sad for many days at a time. You’ll see, when she smiles, you’ll love her.
Pan’s Labyrinth, Dir. Guillermo del Toro (via wordsnquotes)
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dianawilton · 6 years
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Flawless Human Being — a story by DANIELLE CAMPBELL
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dianawilton · 6 years
Diana could barely remember a time before her mother was sick, but when she was very young, the two of them would always walk down to the beach and feed the seagulls. Diana’s mother wasn’t well enough to do it anymore, so sometimes, she’d ask Diana to do it for the both of them. So, that morning, Di had grabbed a little bag of breadcrumbs and walked down to the sparkling lake in the park, tossing the crumbs to the ducks that were waddling nearby. It was a weird hobby, she knew, but it comforted her, and with everything that had been going on, she needed it.
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dianawilton · 6 years
I don’t think people love me. They love versions of me I have spun for them, versions of me they have construed in their minds. The easy versions of me, the easy parts of me to love.
(via jaadohainasha)
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dianawilton · 6 years
“Near the end, for sure. Treasure’s never just lying around. It’d make sense if it was near the end, so we can prove that we’re willing to wait for it.” Of course, she was just making all of it up as she went… but there was part of her that felt a sort of pride to be able to distract Diana… even if it was only a little. It was true that she was a tad bit curious about what caused her to be at the bus stop in the first place, but Val had no intention of making herself a hypocrite by expecting her to spill what was going on. 
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“Perfect, I’m sure we’ll discover the most precious treasure Mauve has to offer,” Diana said with a light giggle. She looked down towards her feet before looking over to her friend, “Thanks, Val, for talking to me... Austin left for Boston yesterday, and well... He’s not my boyfriend anymore, and I just miss him a lot more than I thought I would, I guess...”
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dianawilton · 6 years
Was the smile on her face making Juno feel better? Totally. She didn’t do emotions well, especially those she doesn’t know very well. Babies in supermarkets with their crocodile tears make her more uncomfortable than anything. She chuckles at Diana’s words. “That seems like a good idea, as long as it’s not somewhere shady.” The brunette nods her head. “Juno. Juno Carplynn.” She didn’t expect Diana to know who she was, even if she was a wanna-be. “Nice to meet you.”
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Diana smiled, her teary eyes becoming brighter. “Nice to meet you, Juno! I’m sorry, I swear, I’m not normally this emotional.” She said with a little laugh. “Look, I know we don’t really know eachother, but the eighth stop is coming up and you’re welcome to join me. If you don’t have other plans. You never know what’s on the other side of the stop, it could be the adventure of a lifetime.” She said, her voice kind but heavy.
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dianawilton · 6 years
hey everyone!! i’ll be back on Kit & Diana tonight to do some replies, i’m just heading to class now! xx
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dianawilton · 6 years
A soft smile crossed Cassidy’s face at the mention of a milkshake. Dance had been so draining and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and a few carrot sticks had been her sustenance for the day. Besides, her mom worked at the diner, usually the late shift about now and, though she was late getting home, her mom wasn’t going to be there till later and Gracie was fine for at least an hour or two. The older seemed to be in need of cheering up and the prospect of being invited anywhere by an older student no less could be an opportunity. “Oh, sure. I mean…my mom works there so, I’m sure she could snag us some waffle fries or something.” The brunette murmured, opening up a little at the sight of the other’s teary eyes. “Waffle fries cheer me up.”
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“Oh amazing, you are an absolute saviour. I am more than confident that the milkshake and waffle fries combination could fix just about anything” Diana stepped on the bus and sat down, in the process taking a few deep breaths to try and compose herself. “Well, piece of advice, don’t date a senior boy, this is what happens,” she lets out a cynical chuckle while gesturing towards her tear-stained eyes. “Anyways, please, distract me. Are you excited about starting high school in the fall?” She smiled, genuinely curious.
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dianawilton · 6 years
Without any hesitation, Val followed her friend onto the bus and sat down next to her. It’s not like the bus would take them that far, right? Besides, her parents were both already sound asleep. Even if they were to wake up and notice Valery wasn’t there, they’d probably be delighted- assuming she was out having fun with friends. “Adventures are always good! Maybe we can even find some lost treasure while we’re at it.” 
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Diana laughed; While Val was only a year younger than her, Diana found she had the most brightening youthful energy. She wasn’t sure what exactly it was, but she smiled just being in the girl’s presence. Diana used to feel it with Toby too, back when they were friends. “What stop do we think our treasure is going to be found at? Should we get off soon? Or just wait until the end of the track? I deem you the lead navigator in this adventure,” she said, giggling softly.
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dianawilton · 6 years
“Huh. That sounds cool, maybe I’ll have to save up and go before it’s too late.” He makes a mental note to check out more abut it at home..but he knows he’ll forget anyways, so its not top priority to write it down. “Don’t let my parents hear you. Free accommodation would literally have them plowing down doors just to even try and get that.” He laughs, nodding. “To be fair some of them do pregame. But most of the time, it’s all talk. They gotta boost their egos somehow.”
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Diana laughed, “Exactly, as much as I love all the jock boys — I mean, they are my friends after all — I still have to tease them every once in a while for their ‘binge drink and brag’ mentality. Either way though, we’ve all been the one to have a few too many shots early in the night, so it’s hard to be overly judgemental.”
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dianawilton · 6 years
If there was one thing Juno knew, it was how to make herself seem like she knew where she belonged. And in Franklind? Finding just where she belonged was harder than anticipated. “Yeah, I’d be down.” She walks onto the bus, giving the driver her change and sitting in one of the seats. Half of her doesn’t expect Diana to sit with her, but she wouldn’t be unwelcome to it. “Going anywhere in particular?” Thought she had her doubts based on her previous answers to questions.
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Diana sat on the seat across from the girl and smiled, her face brightening up slightly from its teary predecessor. “I have no idea where I’m going... Eight is my favourite number though, I could just take a gamble and get off at the eighth stop. See what my luck is.” Diana said with a weary laugh. “I’m Diana... Diana Wilton.” Even in her saddened state, Diana still knew her reputation preceded her, and for that reason, habitually used her full name.
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dianawilton · 6 years
“I’m sure Austin would love that.” Ella teased. She offered Diana a grin. “I’ve got some things in the works. A few pool parties, I have a water balloon battle planned, too. That’s sort of an experimental thing, I’m not sure if that’s something anyone would be into or not.”
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Diana laughed, “Well, he’s a college boy now, and already starting his hockey training camp, so I’m officially a single woman. So, even if he doesn’t love the plethora of shirtless surfer boys I plan to find, it’s none of his business anymore” She had been shaken up for a few days about Austin leaving, but she felt distant from him now, and she had convinced herself to move past it. As always, she was committed to not allowing things out of her control to influence her own life. “Oh, definitely do those. Pool parties are always amazing, and honestly, a water balloon battle sounds like a blast. Anything that involves bathing suits and competition is right up my alley.”
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dianawilton · 6 years
Joel noticed the way Diana’s face seemed to change. It made him want to smile too, how happy she seemed in that moment. He made space as Diana sat down beside him. “True, E.T. is sad as hell.” Joel said. The last time he’d seen that movie was in Chicago, with his sisters. If it was playing, Joel was sure he would cry too, but for different reasons. Remembering things like that often sent him in a downward spiral. Joel didn’t want that to happen in front of Diana. “But I’m honestly good with anything as long as I can eat as much buttered popcorn as I want.” He threw her a crooked smile. “I was just at the skate park. And what about you? You didn’t have any plans on a night like this?”
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“We should be safe from tears though, I mean, other than E.T. — well, and the Shining — most 80s movies I can think of are fairly upbeat. Probability’s in our favour.” Diana had become a bit of an connoisseur when it came to old films, for it had long been one of the only things that kept her mother grounded when her illness worsened. They would spend entire weekends curled up, drinking tea, and focusing only on the world within the screen. It was a comfort to the two of them, an assurance that a happy ending was attainable. Diana nodded along; she had never skated herself, but as a girl born in Santa Cruz, California, she had always surfed, and she felt the two sports had a fair bit in common. “I probably should have been able to guess that,” she said in reference to the the board in his hands. “Have you tried surfing? I feel like it’d transfer over well from skateboarding, and the waves here can be pretty decent. No, no plans for me at all tonight.” Normally, she would lie to assure people of her popularity, but at that particular moment, even Diana was not in the mood for falsehoods.
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dianawilton · 6 years
“How about I move on from Daphne’s stunt and onto yours?” Carolina knew people always had a weakness, and they often involved their own secrets. She was sure Diana had some – she seemed to damn perfect to not have something juicy. 
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“Well, Carolina, have a great summer, and I wish you luck. Destroying me won’t be an easy task.” Diana begins to walk away from the other girl.
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dianawilton · 6 years
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After a long day, all Valery wanted was some peace and quiet. She wanted to just clear her head, and she wouldn’t have been able to do that if she went directly home. She always thought the whole late night stroll was a bit cliche, but that night she decided to give it a try. When she was approaching the bus stop, she saw a familiar face that peaked her curiosity. “Number 7? Um… no I can’t say I know where that goes.” She paused, biting her tongue for a moment. The smart move was probably to try to talk Diana out of going off, and maybe find out what was bothering her. However, the words just slipped out of her mouth when she asked “Wanna find out?” 
To be frank, Diana was overwhelmingly grateful that Valery didn’t try to get her to spill her feelings; sometimes, on nights like these a distraction was perfect. Diana felt a kinship with Val. Toby had been a friend of Di’s for years and when he was arrested for driving under the influence and manslaughter, old wound’s first created by Diana’s own father were opened up again. Val is currently the only person in Mauve who knows the truth of Di’s father, who knows the secret she keeps, and just being in her presence brings Diana herself down to earth. “Most definitely, an adventure is exactly what I need right now” she says stepping onto the bus and taking a seat. 
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dianawilton · 6 years
“I’m afraid I don’t know where any of these buses go… I’m waiting for my mom and she said this was probably the best place to meet since it’s close to the studio.” Julianna replied, looking over at the other girl with a concerned look in her eyes. “I know I just moved here so I don’t know you or anything… but I can tell that something is very not okay. Do you need to talk about something? Or do you need a distraction? I’d hate to leave you sitting here by yourself.”
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Diana smiled, her eyes still slightly welled with tears. She had been so determined, when she moved to Mauve, to show no vulnerability, but at that moment, even she didn’t care about maintaining her facade of perfection. She was grateful for a chance to talk, and, for some reason, whether it was the strangers’ warm southern accent or just the fact that her thoughts needed to be vocalized, she began to share, “My boyfriend — well, I guess ex-boyfriend, now — just left for college, and I don’t know... I thought I was ready for it and that it wouldn’t hit me that hard, but I’ve just... I’ve never known this town without him, and I, well I just feel a little lost is all...”
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dianawilton · 6 years
Joel noted the way Diana trailed off, and he made up his mind. Seeing a movie with her could be lots of fun. “I’m not doing anything for the rest of the night. And besides,” Joel continued, “I always have time to see a movie with a pretty girl.” He hadn’t meant it in a flirtatious way. Joel just hoped that something, anything, would cheer her. He hated to see people sad, especially people like Diana, who had it all. Joel had been one of those people, before his life went to hell. Joel smiled as he hopped on the bus after Diana.  He grabbed a seat, and gestured to the one next to him. “So, what do you say?”
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Diana smiled and instinctively blushed when he called her pretty; despite who she was now, a part of her still existed as the little, insecure girl in California who would have died for a compliment. Emotions were fickle, and Diana wasn’t sure exactly why or how, but she could feel her sadness fading from her face; her smile relaxed and was more genuine, and this time, it actually brightened through to her eyes. She sat down next to Joel, “Perfect, I haven’t been out to see a movie in forever, it’s exactly what I need. Well, as long as they don’t play ‘E.T.’, there is no way I wouldn’t cry if we watched that,” she said with a soft laugh. The bus began to move and Diana looked over at him, “So, where were you coming from before we ran into each other, anyways?”
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