SO! I kinda really fucking died. Full post about it here. But I’m trying to make it so I don’t have 3 billion blogs, so sadly, I am closing down This blog. You can find me now at  @fragmentingspacetime a gaster and riverperson RP blog
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Canvas is a world entirely comprised of black and white, with the occasional light grey. It’s completely empty of resident life, but has a few from the multiverse beyond. Other than that it’s a blank canvas. 
 This is where the characters come in, they bring colour to the land with their trait colour by interacting with each other and exploring. By coming to the dimension character’s colours change, they’re left with black, white, and their trait colour, no matter how colourful they are beforehand. 
Come join the Canvas RP discord! OCs, Canons, and duplicates all allowed!
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I LOVE. having multiple threads with my rp partners !! it’s like on some days i feel like writing long stuff, on others i feel more like writing short stuff, sometimes i’d rather write some intense situations, and other times i’m more in the mood for lighthearted topics. having several different types of threads with a person enables me to keep rping with them even if i’m stuck @ a reply for another thread we’re having !! it’s great, honestly !? if you wanna have 1 more thread or 20 more threads /w me that’s 10/10 👌👌👌👌 just write that starter or send an ic ask & we’ll go from there or hmu for plotting k man i love threads i love writing all the things
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Reblog if you’re an OC without a fandom.
We are creating a masterlist for all you lovely OCs. 
The list is here.
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     Breath 𝙘𝙖𝙪𝙜𝙝𝙩 in a burning throat
  Everything’s different                                     But it’s the same     
                                                  Am I 𝘯𝘰𝘸                                                          Or 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧 I –
                                                         I don’t know                                                          I don’t know
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Unusual questions for your muse
🛌- Does your muse prefer to sleep under many layers of blankets or only under a few? 🎀- Does your muse like to accessorize? What are their favorite pieces of accessories? 🎐- Does your muse like to collect/hoard anything? 🛋- Does your muse like to have company over? 📱- Is your muse the “oversharing” type? 🐰- Does your muse prefer soft, plush textures or smooth and glossy textures? 💎- Is your muse drawn to things that sparkle? 🔖- Is your muse a daydreamer? What do they tend to think about? Have they ever caught themselves while lost in thought? 📰- Does your muse like to read the news? 📇- Is your muse a gossiper? 🕹- What does your muse do to occupy themselves when bored? 🏚- Does your muse like to explore dangerous places? 🌋- Has your muse done something stupid and not regret it? ⛪️- Does your muse enjoy attending churches they don’t belong to? 🛣- Is your muse considered a wanderer? 🐺- Would your muse consider themselves a lone wolf or a social butterfly? 🤝- Does your muse forgive others easily? 🖖- What “Fandoms” would your muse belong to? 🎖- Does your muse enjoy praise? 🎟- Do they like “so bad it’s good” movies? 🎠- Does your muse like amusement parks/carnivals/festivals? 🏝- Could your muse survive on an uninhabited island all by themselves?
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Random headcanon meme!
⍤ : What does your muse’s voice sound like? Is it light? High pitched? Scratchy? Deep? 
✍ : What is your muse’s handwriting like? Is it neat? Sloppy? Fancy?
☕ : Does your muse prefer coffee or tea?
⌚ : Is your muse good with keeping on schedule for meetings, appointments, or events, or are they always late? Or, are they always a bit early?
♿ : Has your muse had any injuries in the past?
☺ : What is your muse’s smile like? Do they smile often?
⚡ : How does your muse feel about storms? Are they afraid of them, or do they calm them?
⚠ : How does your muse react to possibly dangerous situations? Do they face them head-on, or do they plan out their actions first?
☃  : What is your muse’s favorite season? What about their least favorite season, if they have one? 
☂  : Does your muse like rain?
☼ : Does your muse like daytime or nighttime more?
🏨  : How well does your muse sleep?
❤ : What are your muse’s thoughts on love? If they are not in a relationship, do they believe that they will ever find a perfect someone for them?
☘ : Does your muse believe in luck? How about fate?
⚯ : Does your muse have good eyesight? If not, what is it like? Are they nearsighted or farsighted? Or both? Do they use glasses? Or do they prefer contacts?
👓 : If your muse wears glasses, what are their glasses frames like?
♨ : Does your muse have good table manners? How do they feel about bad table manners?
❀ : What is your muse’s opinion about flower crowns?
♬ : Does your muse sing well? Regardless of whether they sing well or not, do they enjoy singing?
📐 : Is your muse good at math? Do they like it, or do they hate it?
♞ : What is your muse’s favorite animal?
εїз : How does your muse feel about bugs and insects?
📱 : Does your muse prefer calling or texting?
☆ : Of the sun, stars, and the moon, which is your muse’s favorite?
ツ : Does your muse prefer lots of friends, or just a few close ones?
✝ : Is your muse religious?
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Galaxy seems rather caught up in her own thoughts, not really talking but muttering to herself, quietly working out a problem. When they reached the cabin, she kicked the door open absentmindedly, ignoring Akumu immediately clawing up her leg and hanging off her arm.
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They jumped a bit when Galaxy kicked the door open and Akumu went to hanging off her arm. They made a vaguely concerned quiet noise.
Instinctively they ducked as they entered the doorway, force of habit given their height, and glanced around the room on the other side.
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-okay, umm…’ Lewis rotates in place for a sec, before starting off towards the sound of rushing water. ’…this way!’
Bandit nodded, following Lewis til they could see the stream, but were far enough they wouldn’t bother any wild animals 
“Okay, lets set up here so it’s easy to find the stream but we won’t bother anything in the forest”
↔️ (@two-ghosts-and-a-blind-guy lewis)
(( @two-ghosts-and-a-blind-guy​ Whoops we made an AU in plotting ))
((Our muses swap species?))
They stepped into another dimension, immediately falling over, everything felt wrong(right?) they landed on their face with a grunt, sprawled on the ground. 
They pulled themself into a sitting position, eyes closed they rubbed at them a bit to make sure there was no dirt in them, their face felt weird, so did their hands, the usual fuzz gone. 
They opened their eyes (iris’ a deep brown, faded) and their pupils intermediately dilated no no no they weren’t supposed to have hand no they were supposed to be clawed paws. This wasn’t right, this wasn’t, they weren’t, they can’t, they’re cursed! they they they can’t be normal again!
Their breathing rate increased, fast and shallow breathes, chest heaving, hands grabbing at their head, tugging on their hair and curling up on themself. They leaned against a tree, legs drawn up close, rocking a bit, making little noises. 
Something snapped nearby, something falling, their head shot up, eyes registering a white figure, clawed hands reaching for their throat, mind playing out awful memories, he cried out and fell back from an imagined attack, falling into some bushes behind him.
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Acrim had been drifting, taking a break for a while. Faulty though her autopilot might have been, it would probably get her somewhere eventually while she relaxed and sorted through her latest haul.
But then there was that thud from the cargo bay.
Acrim shot up, immediately on alert. She had been unfortunate enough to have somebody try to loot her ship on a couple of different occasions… This could be another.
“Psst. Scrapper. Please tell me that was just a box falling over or something settling in there…”
“Cargo bay monitoring’s still broken, Acrim. As I told you a week ago.” the ship’s ai replied.
“Don’t have the parts, this is the worst time…” Acrim muttered, frowning.
She’d have to go check it out for herself. She rummaged a bit, digging out her nearest blaster and letting it warm up as she cautiously approached the doorway.
“Is somebody in there?” she called.
They tense up as they hear a voice, freezing in place, they make a little noise in response, then repeated it again a little louder in case the person on the other side of the door hadn’t heard
They hoped the person was friendly.
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My muse just came into contact with mutagen and is transforming into a mutant; What does your muse do?
For an alternative; Send your muse transforming into a mutant after coming into contact with mutagen for my muses reaction.
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  They’re coming 𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘨 from the corner,       And all I know is that I don’t feel safe.
        I feel the 𝘵𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘨 on my shoulder,               I turn around in an 𝙖𝙡𝙖𝙧𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙩𝙚 —
      But am I losing ᴍʏ ᴍɪɴᴅ?                 I really think so…
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You Are An Emotionally Volatile Nightmare
Your heart guides you and sometimes that's not as dreamy or romantic as it might sound. It's true that your feelings often inspire you to heal and create, and as long as those feelings don't steer you wrong, you're capable of truly visionary accomplishments in the name of empathy and love.
Feelings, though, aren't always gentle and sweet. You know that better than anyone, because your own emotions - the same overwhelming forces that inspire you to make the world a better place - can take you to very dark places, especially if you believe that the subject of your ire has shown unwarranted cruelty toward you or something you hold dear. You know that your feelings aren't necessarily rational, but that doesn't stop you from dramatically blaming other people for causing you pain. Of course, you might not even stop at crying; that notoriously brilliant creativity might even spur you to express your wrath artistically - nothing says “emotional stability” like a morose, vengeful poem.
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Hi personals! I see that you’re following a rp blog. That’s cool! Thanks for joining us! Here are just a couple of pointers for you when it comes to rp / some things you probably need to know about rping!
Read! The! Rules! More often than not a mun will have a statement on how they feel about personals. Most are cool but a certain few of them have just had bad experiences with personals and you’ll get blocked. You’d save yourself a lot of time and energy by checking the rules first!
Mun = mundane! This is the writer behind the blog. Indie = independent, not affiliated with an RPG! RPG = role play group! Muse = the character they’re playing!  OC = original character! Canon character = a character that appears in a canon piece of work, a book, tv show, movie, musical etc. “I have muse for” = this is a character I could see myself playing! OOC = out of character! IC = in character! Meme = askbox meme, usually reserved for other rpers or character anons, unless they’re questions! Godmod = when someone takes another character’s actions and make them do something that the character didn’t do with the mun’s permission. (ie = if I were playing a character named Hazel and she was talking to a character named Nathaniel, I can’t go ‘Nathaniel punches Hazel in the face’.)
These are usually marked in tags as ‘mun’ or some form of ‘ooc’! We, as rpers, ask that you DO NOT REBLOG these posts unless we explicitly say so. Some rpers are a lot cooler about this concept, but most really don’t like it becuase IF the post gets a lot of notes we can’t see the replies we owe. It’s best to just NOT REBLOG AN OOC POST unless we explicitly say so (ie = ‘ok to reblog’ or some sort of indication in the tags or post itself!).
Don’t reblog interaction posts; it messes with the activity and the notes of a thread. if you like reading an interaction, feel free to enjoy reading, but just don’t reblog threads if you aren’t involved in it. Some people will allow you to like the interactions, those will be in the rules as well! When you send it, don’t rush the muns. Roleplayers have lives and there’s only 24 hours a day, whether it be work or school, rp isn’t a job. Rp is supposed to be a hobby, so don’t rush people to reply to things since it’s not fair to them to have something that’s supposed to be fun be ruined by other people.
I can personally say I love getting anons asking about my characters! I very often find myself asking for people to send questions to or about my character. There are certain things that are absolutely OFF LIMITS to some muns or muses, though. Going back to my first point, these things can be found in the rules. But here are a couple of other things to keep in mind.
                - ALWAYS ASK THE MUN FIRST.                                   (you can’t go wrong in simply asking the mun / mod of the blog if they’re okay with a certain topic and you’ll always get an answer!) – this also goes for other muns you want to include in the ask. like much things in life, consent is key!
                - JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE AN ANON DOES NOT MEAN YOU’RE GOD.                                     (don’t godmod! don’t do it. that’s disrespectful to the writer. don’t even think about it.)
                     AND REMEMBER, IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, ALWAYS ASK. RP blogs, if you want to reblog and add something feel free to! And you can always send this blog an ask if I’ve made anything unclear!
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To basically everybody I rp with
theliel :
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random stuff said starters
Please note none of this is said in a romantic or sexual context but all of it was said by one person. Watch out for weirdness in this.
[NAME] you don’t have a soul
bees with knees but they already got knees
you just called an entire tab a thot
You go random famous lady!
he needs a tophat
Do you ever forget how messed up a game you have is?
you’re still upstairs you close the window
this reminds me of lamas with hats
added bubbles
OMG yur right
are you going to put hats on your tynamo???
‘cause otherwise it’s nude
I know [NAME] (I hope) well and I am not confused by him at all, I think that says something about my mental state.
chubby licky boi
gasp bump is… SNEKY BOI!
I will throw forks of love and care at ALL OF YOU
potats are gud
I prefer to listen to art youtubes
I yell at him join servetr
I can hear my own breathing in my ear
Wanna fite bro I kicked yur lvl 60 a s s at lvl 59
see he fine 
he still exists
Vaguely fruity
Flavor: Vauge fruit
lotsa dorkies
Guardians of the galaxy 2 had trash music sorry notsorry
There is no kindness in sports
I’m doing it to be annoying and have fun at the same time
According to science bees should not be able to fly. Bees say fuck you and fly anyways
I have spent so much time drawing friend today
current theories are: his dad killed a cow
Oh well gotta wait til [year]
I don’t want to deal with time S*** today
yer subconcious does
huh, rife
yeah it’s a knife
we had smores and the inside of my mouth tastes like marshmallows
The inside of my mouth tastes like marshmallow texture
it’s that fun cheerful tune of kids songs thats hard to get tired of
laugh at the sad
fuck the sad
sorry got distracted helping set up a sandwich bar
I’m enjoying a snap pea and a sandwich with really thick bread
hey hey hey
he scaled [NAME]’s fence
the ladder was broken, by [NAME] trying to climb it
I like the cat but not the caption
Relationship status: Murder
idk man do you think we’ve come up with everything in the world
Just wait until something bigger comes along or you die
smiles make the world go round and you unconciously want it to end?
Nah i’m eatin’ fingers
I very much ate fingers earlier
I thought the cat at the bottom was real before seeing the hand
I’m listening to Christmas music in summer
can’t ’m doing taxes for imaginary people
its called grade ten m a t h
taxes are surprisingly easy
snakes are fluffy
He’ll be (ship) W R E C K E D
Cold pepsi and warm coke taste the same apparently. Does that mean cold coke and warm pepsi taste the same?
[NAME] is trying to get outside through a closet
he’s going to narnia
Refer to the background characters in a movie as NPCs
cats are fragile, you can drop them, but you have to support their butt when holding them
you can’t drop dogs
there was T pose dancing at some point
I just sang through part of the YMCA song entirely with weird noises
mac n cheese soup and chocolate milk, what an excellent combo
do you think anyone would care?
Makes sense
Wrote several reminders
You can gut those
You could also use beans but it gets less stressbally
Consume uncooked rice
Just because I’m very tired don’t mean you can pull one over my eyes
Sleep bud
tree gitch
i w i l l c o n s u m e y o u
I love my evil paint son and want to do something with him
Let him be a villain and give him actual time
how do you?????????? Romance????
Why would I brush the bucket teeth
That is a crocodile in a car
croc in a car
“Mutton, mystery meat, cuddles, dog food….”
have my ominous additon
i wasn’t talking about pork with the last one buddy
I’ll leave you guessing on that
it’s a history joke
and incredibly morbid to most people
Do you ever start giggling because YOU KNEW THAT QUOTE and it read in your head AT THE SAME RAMBLY PACE as the original?
vlaid VLAID V L A I D
M e m o R I z e
Learn to program yourself to do things automatically???
in my aro ace mind cats are supirior to people kissing
use it anyways
Rick rolls don’t affect me because its genuinely good music
I never thought i’d google “Are ravens assholes” But here I am googling it
same but I apply the rules of me playing cards against humanities to it
If you don’t know what it is, DONT ask
It still doesn’t explain well
you are in possession of the sheet
imbue canadianness into your dog
im reffereeing a fight over the phone and have no clue whats going on other than [NAME] is fighting herself???
dunno how you use a phone but im pretty sure thats not what phones are for
i t ’ s a m a g i c n u m b e r
y e a h b u t y o u w i l l b e c o m e w e a k i f y o u d o n ’ t s l e e p
i dont feel like watching TV today otherwise I might be more excited
C l e a s e y o u r b l o o d w i t h c o c a c o l a
but it’s HARG and LONG
this is precious boi but??? design HARD
Have you ever wanted to murder a washing machine?
I don’t even know if there was an end
Nessacery hugs
I don’t break into houses but i might scare someone to death accidentally one day
Biologically she is starfish
She is agender biologically 
Starfish are agender
wow emojis suck
get that snap crackle pop fizz in your mouth
Jackalope but only one wind music horn that will eat you and is on one specific island
Make! that! plan! Eat! that! painting!!!
Okay but who would a tree fuck
You’re in my blind spot because the lego’s fat
I hope hell breaks loose
Hell did not break loose
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an rp guide to making drafts more fun and less stressful
if you’re like me you tend to stockpile replies like you’re preparing for the apocalypse, and there are times when i look at that large number (across multiple blogs whoops) and wonder WHAT THE FUCK HAVE I DONE I WILL NEVER DO ALL OF THESE.
BUT FEAR NOT. i have compiled a list of tips i’ve gathered over my 13+ years of rping that have made chugging out responses as stress free and fun as possible. take them or leave them, i hope you find some use in it!
       1. never ever EVER EVER give yourself a “due-date” DON’T DO IT. PLEASE DON’T. I MEAN IT. you can set a goal, that’s awesome. say, ‘hey! i want to get x amount of drafts done today’, but don’t ever tell yourself you HAVE to. this is a hobby, for FUN. when you go into your drafts with a due-date, you go into your drafts with initial stress and if you don’t meet your self-determined quota you’re going to feel bad and you should never feel bad when you write for fun. when you sit down to do drafts just tell yourself, i’m gonna work on these today and see where i get. as long as the only concrete goal you give yourself is to try, then you’re already on the right track!
       2. first thoughts, jot them down! when you go to draft your posts/like it/save it/whatever you do to keep track of your drafts, you should try to jot down a few “first thoughts” before you do so. this is just something i do personally, it’s always helped me out. when i get a reply from my partner, before i go to draft it, i make some bullet points where i would respond; my muses initial internal reaction, possible dialogue, and my muses initial external response. even if you come back to it a week later and take a gander at the reply in your drafts, you can gloss over what you wrote down to try and bring some inspiration back for the reply. you can change your mind, keep it the same, whatever. it just helps brings you back to how you first responded to the reply and spark some creativity.
       3. respond in the order you want to, not the order received this isn’t a job at the local diner, you don’t have to rotate drafts like FIFO (first in first out.) your reply isn’t going to ‘spoil’ the longer you have it in your drafts. if one draft jumps out at you more than the other, DO THAT ONE. your rp partner will (they should) understand muses can be fickle and you have preferences. when you force yourself to do a draft, it tends to come out less than stellar, or not like you wanted, and you’ll just frustrate yourself further.
       4. when you DO decide to sit down and write drafts, get comfy! listen to music? like white noise? need some generic background noise? put that shit on! even if you’re responding mobile in class (shame on you) or at home naked in your bedroom, try to make yourself as comfortable as possible. me? i prefer silence or soft ambient music in the privacy of my room, but that’s just a preference. i tend to write better when i feel the most comfortable. 
       5. TALK TO YOUR RP PARTNERS!!!! trust me i doubt they are going to mind if you head into their im/skype/inbox/whatever and ask questions you have as they come along. if there’s something in their reply you want clarified to help you in yours, ASK! even if there’s no question, i highly encourage you talk to who you’re writing with, especially for longer, more plotted threads; it’s no secret that you tend to write better with people you know/get along with. ask them to chat about their muse in that specific setting, maybe talk over a couple possibilities in the near future, get some inspiration just by chatting. i understand for some of us, talking with others we don’t know is a daunting task, but just try to remember we’re all here for the same reason; we want to write, and have fun, and be creative. the worst thing someone can say to you when you ask for feedback or input is ‘no’, and tbh if they say that then i think you’ve dodged a bullet lmfao
       6. PRAISE YOURSELF for the love of god don’t be ashamed to say HEY I DID ONE DRAFT TODAY GO ME. even if its one out of 100, you still DID IT and that’s AWESOME! the more you congratulate yourself and the more you believe in what you create, the easier creating more will be. 
       7. don’t be afraid to back out of some things this one is the hardest for me to follow, because i love everyone i write with and i tend to not want to let go of threads. but if there’s that one draft you constantly look at every time you try to get some done and it just makes you sad because you’re not sure, you’re never sure how to respond, maybe it’s time to move along. that feeling effects your overall mood and tends to make writing for other drafts more difficult. DO NOT FEEL BAD WHEN YOU DO THIS, DON’T YOU DARE. think of it more as…putting it aside for the time being. you can always revisit that particular plot/scenario at a later date, and your rp partner will understand. if they don’t, if they pressure you to keep a draft that only proceeds to upset you when you go into your drafts, you do not need to write with them. repeat after me, my lovely creative nuggets, you do not owe anyone anything. you don’t. i repeat, THIS IS FOR FUN. this is a hobby. you are not getting paid and unless your rp partner is paying you by the word, do not let them control what you reply to and when. 
       8. don’t be afraid to start NEW things don’t punish yourself. i see it all the time, people joke about having too many drafts and yet they do starter calls, reblogs memes, whathaveyou. THATS OK STOP FEELING BAD ABOUT IT! if you need some creative juices flowing, and your drafts don’t look appealing, then reblog that meme! ask for some starters! as long as you keep writing, inspiration will find you in time, i promise. 
       9. HAVE FUN. i’ve said it like 89745974 times but i cannot stress it enough. rping is for fun. it should always make you feel better, not worse. if it takes you two days to do 20 drafts, or two weeks to do 1, that’s ok. the more you worry about ‘losing followers’ or interest in your muse, the more stressed youre going to make yourself which in turn makes focusing harder which makes writing harder and then your drafts contiue to sit even longer. it’s a vicious cycle we all fall into sometimes, and that’s ok. just because you’re stressing about it doesn’t mean you’re terrible, we all do. just TRY to recognize the signs when you’re doing it, and pep yourself up. talk to someone. maybe just chat about your muse with a friend if you can. if you get drafts done by the end of the day, great! if you don’t, you don’t, and that’s ok too.
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