disasterlulu · 4 hours
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They’re meeting Bruce and Damian at the boardwalk
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disasterlulu · 4 hours
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nightwing commission !!
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disasterlulu · 1 day
Pangaea was wasted on the dinosaurs. Imagine the railway network.
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disasterlulu · 1 day
do not forget the patron saint of these weeks that we celebrate ourselves proudly and openly in the streets
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her name was Marsha P Johnson, and we have her to thank for so much.
remember, the first Pride was a riot, and she was one of the brave souls who endured it to help carve the path which so many of us walk today. she helped found several activist groups regarding LGBT safety and wellbeing. and she was absolutely radiant, too.
thank you, Marsha. we remember you.
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disasterlulu · 1 day
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dick's been thru some stuff....
also,,, is it canon that dick has a stuffed elephant doll named after zitka...? or is that fanon?
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disasterlulu · 1 day
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I missed my own deadline cuz I was stumped on a page for weeks, I woke up early in the morning to finish this so I could at least put it out today. I did ittt…
Last few pages of chapter 1 will be out during the summer.
I hope you enjoy the update, I’m gonna eat a super later breakfast now…
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disasterlulu · 1 day
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Pages 1-6 are finished! Updates will be slow just as a heads up but it should be about 6 pages per update.
I hope you enjoy reading this story as I continue to work on it! Just that alone would mean the world to me!
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disasterlulu · 2 days
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TSC draws!!
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disasterlulu · 2 days
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Happy Pride Month!
Faust the Crow loves you even more than she did the last 2 years!
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disasterlulu · 3 days
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disasterlulu · 3 days
first snow
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disasterlulu · 3 days
Nobody is talking about my level of exhaustion here
me telling how i was exhausted and said "beef milk"
@disasterlulu : mpreg
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disasterlulu · 4 days
imagine: Catalina,Laila,Jeremy, and Jean are together in the kitchen while Jean and Catalina are cooking dinner. Catalina's playlist is basically the same, so after weeks, Jean started to remember the lyrics and songs.
Bad Romance by Lady Gaga starts palying, and Catalina and Jeremy are singing together, but then she stops before the last verses bc she is focused on cooking. Jeremy keeps singing, "I want your love, and I want your revenge. I want your love, I don't wanna be friends, " and he's about to sing the French verses trying to imitate them, but they always sound gibberish. But he doesn't sing them because this time the verses "J'veux ton amour, et je veux ta revanche. J'veux ton amour, I don't wanna be friends, " are sang by Jean himself with the perfect pronunciation and French accent, and then everyone is staring at him. He tries to be indifferent but he does notice how Catalina's eyes are shining of happiness and Laila is smiling bc this is the first time he participates and he definitely notices how Jeremy is blushing and is in awe with his mouth slightly open for the surprise.
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disasterlulu · 4 days
“platonic age gaps are problematic-“
are you guys really not friends with your parents? your siblings? your older and younger cousins? your professors and teachers and mentors? the regulars at the cafe twice your age? your motherfucking grandparents? open your eyes and your hearts to what a friend can be.
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disasterlulu · 4 days
there was backlash from homeschooling "parents rights" advocates in my area before because of a daycare teaching kids about consent...all they learned is that you don't have to accept unwanted physical intimacy. one scenario that happened is a parent told her toddler boy to kiss a toddler girl in class. toddler boy comes back and says that toddler girl didn't want a kiss. it turns out the kids were taught that you don't touch someone if they say "no". parents thought this was ridiculous. I felt crazy hearing them talk about it, why in the world would you be upset by kids respecting each others boundaries, and why are you asking your toddlers to kiss each other in the first place as if they're toys and not human beings?
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disasterlulu · 4 days
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disasterlulu · 4 days
KevJean, KevThea, JereJean, whatever, dont care. What I want is for Kevin and Jean to start texting - they don't even have to be friends. Imagine how much better TSC would be if Jean was just periodically updating Kevin on the perfectly normal things with just utter confusion.
"So I tried to be nice and do Cat's laundry but now she's mad that all her white shirts are pink :( "
"Yeah, had the same problem. FYI, you only need one of those little soap pods at a time. I thought you were supposed to use five cause their so small."
"Did you know there's a whole appliance just for cooking rice?"
"No. Sounds like a waste of space."
"Do you know what toilet bowl cleaner is?"
"No clue. I just give Nicky 20 bucks and make him clean the bathroom."
"Have you ever heard of Myspace?"
"Someone who was not a Trojan tried to sit next to me during lecture."
"Glare at them until they move. Works every time."
"random girl just told me I had pretty eyes?????"
"Happened to me too. Don't listen to her. It's a trap."
"Laila eats ice cream after practice for the protein apparently."
"Do you live in a mad house?"
"Don't answer that. I'm calling Jeremy."
"Just opened a can of chickpeas with a knife. Cat kicked me out of the kitchen."
"Honest mistake. Happens to all of us."
"Cody is trying to get me to register to vote."
"How are you not already registered?"
"How are you?????"
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