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Edited sum MH parallels
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Forbidden Love Affair (Professor! Duncan Shepherd x reader) EPILOGUE
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(yes i use this gif for everything at this point for dunc hehe)
Summary: the end of an era :)
warnings: fluff, hints of smut, FLUUFFFFF, context heavy (duh this the last part of a 25 chapter long fic lmao), mentions of previous characters.
(no need for read of previous chapters but it might be more fulfilling)
word count: under 3,5 k
see masterlist for prior chapters / part 23 / part 24 / part 25
A few months had passed since they moved states. The final goodbyes they had with everyone they knew were filled with tears and happy smiles. Duncan had a final night out at the bar with Damon; promising him to live his life to the fullest. And to hold onto Y/n and never let her go. And of course that Damon was more than willing to visit them in New York.
And with y/n, the promises of always calling and texting Caroline. Never ceasing the oversharing of their stories even if they weren’t roommates anymore. They were finally ready for the change. Ready to start something new. The long flight over was a happy medium of anxiety and excitement. And the subsequent trips to furniture and decor stores to finish furnishing their home was finally over.
Maybe things were finally falling into place.
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Collar (Michael Langdon x woc! Reader)
(The true battle is watching their superiority complexes clash; tw for shitty daughter/father relationship; enemies -to-‘do they wanna kill each other or fuck each other?’-to-‘oh shit are those butterflies’ ; good for her ; god complexes 😩👌)
parts: (っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ♥
taglist: @ilove-evanpeters @moonyscardigans @twinshii @raspberryhaterade @iwenttoshiratorizawa @uselessdoodlesdude @khai-luvs-iida @ferneskin @burneraccountant @de4ds0up @bellaisasleep @arougeme @aurorarevenclaw1927 @applecandy14 @fingersnapples @weasleysgirl77 @fuckingheartgames
If you are interested in future stories or enjoyed this chapter, drop a like on my taglist post! The link can be found on my masterlist.
TW: mentions of sU1c1d3, more s3xu4l situations, extreme down bad-ism, grief.
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part six | firewood
“You were right to worry. Nadia doesn’t remember leaving Ariel, nor does she remember her death.”
“Her murder,” I snapped, glaring at the wall.
“Of course, Eve, no need to argue with me,” Myrtle said.
I blinked, looking over to Myrtle, John Henry, and Cordelia. “Right, right, sorry. I didn’t mean to sound angry towards you.”
Cordelia placed a comforting hand on my arm. “Although we do understand. You have a right to be upset right now.”
I nodded, looking down to the floor. John Henry spoke up again for what felt like ages.
“This doesn’t mean it’s over, Eve,” John Henry insisted, “If I had known then what…what that son of a bitch did to Nadia…”
“You didn’t know.”
“We all saw strange things the night your mother passed the Seven Wonders. Behold, Baldwin; they would join us too if they knew that he killed her.”
“I don’t trust Baldwin,” I said plainly.
“He’s loyal to the warlocks, but he adored Nadia. We all did. He would do what’s right.”
“Just talk to Behold. Not Baldwin.”
“You know who else adored Nadia? My father. He thought she was beautiful and smart. He adored her so much he married her and had a child with her. Look how much that meant in the end. Behold’s a good person. I trust him. Don’t tell Baldwin.”
We sat quietly for a moment.
“…Okay. If that’s what you want.”
“Thanks. Next thing, though—Dad’s going to summon us. And we’re going to go ready.”
“I thought you wanted us to refuse him,” Cordelia said, “That’s what Zoe told me.”
I rose from my seat, starting to pace around the room slowly.
“If we don’t stop this now, if we don’t go to him, he will come to us. If he’s not getting his way, he’s dangerous, like a murderous toddler. Our sisters can’t be in harm’s way. I’m keeping as many people safe as I can, no matter what.”
I turned to face John Henry. “Which is why you are staying in New Orleans.”
He rose to his feet instantly. “What? Eve—no way!”
“Yes way, John Henry. You’re staying as far away from my father and the Antichrist as possible. Consider Miss Robicheaux’s academy political asylum. One of them will kill you if they get their hands on you.”
He looked at me with continued outrage. I crossed my arms with an annoyed sigh.
“What, you have an argument against not getting murdered?”
He stared for a moment, then relented and took his seat again.
“Good. Now, tomorrow we’ll meet and I’ll tell everyone the plan. Right now, we’ve had a rough enough day and need rest. Me and the girls will strengthen the ward before we go to bed, so rest easy.”
Everyone nodded, awkwardly shuffling out. Cordelia stayed behind. I gave her a questioning look; she smiled back.
“You know, you’re not the Supreme yet, Eve.”
My eyes widened slightly, and I chuckled, looking to my feet.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t think…”
“I’m just teasing. It’s reassuring to see my successor so confident and decisive. I must admit, I never found that level of self-trust during my time as Supreme. I was always afraid I would turn into my mother. Selfish and power-hungry.”
I shook my head. “Nothing in this world—not a bone in your body would make you be anything close to Fiona. The fact you even worry about that is proof enough for me.”
She laughed. “If only you could’ve been this way when you first arrived on our doorstep. The coven could’ve been granted a more confident Supreme.”
I moved over to her, placing a hand on her arm. “Cordelia, you are exactly what the coven needed. We needed a Supreme guided by love and devotion above anything else and you gave us that. Forget about your flaws. You were perfect. You gave us the change that Fiona showed us we needed.”
Her eyes filled with tears as I spoke. She took my hand, gripping it firmly.
“If you weren’t the person you were when I got here? I would’ve been a nut job.”
I laughed softly, tearing up myself. She sniffed, shaking her head.
“Don’t say that.”
“No, no! It’s true. You were the first person I could trust and depend on to stay. Mom left me with Dad, and Dad is well…you know. I thought I’d only have myself for the rest of my life. That makes someone crazy. But you all are my family. And I got that family because of you, so thank you.”
We held each other’s gazes soulfully. I squeezed her hand tighter, feeling a hint of urgency within me I couldn’t understand. Something in me begged me not to let her go, to stay like this forever, to hang on for this moment as long as I could. I looked at Cordelia’s face, then smiled, standing up.
“Come on. Let’s get you to bed, okay? You need rest the most out if any of us right now.”
We went up the stairs and Cordelia suddenly faltered, grabbing onto the balcony with visible distress. My hold on her hand tightened and I swallowed, my throat tightening in the familiar way that signals tears, like a shift in the air on the open sea.
“Are—are you okay?”
“Of course, dear, just tired. Such a busy week, you know?”
I nodded, lowering my head. “Yeah.”
We walked through the corridors of the bedrooms, and Cordelia stopped us outside of my door, letting go of my hand. I met her eyes in confusion and alarm. Her face had changed. The look in her eyes had shifted. She touched my face, smiling fondly. Something about it was so intimate that it disturbed me. So human it was almost a curse to see.
“I’ll be okay from here. Don’t worry too much about me, Eve. Get some sleep, I’m sure the girls can do the protection spell without you.”
She walked on ahead, then paused, turning towards me again.
“You need to make sure you don’t suffocate yourself, Eve. You’re a rising Supreme, and that isn’t easy, and it won’t alleviate the mountains of pressure you put yourself under. Make your life full—keep friends and make your own family. Fall in love if you can. Find something you can do that makes you happy. Because when you look back, you’re going to wish you pursued happiness above all else.”
“I thought a Supreme is supposed to devote herself to her coven.”
She laughed softly. “A coven can’t nuture a Supreme. A coven can’t care for a Supreme. If you make your existence this world you won’t have a life. And…you’re too young to miss the opportunity to have one before it’s too late. Your coven depends on you. You lead and protect your girls, but when it comes down to it, this responsibility won’t bring you happiness. Find something that makes you happy, Eve. Anyone who loves you will want you to find that somewhere.”
Stunned to silence, I watched her go quietly until I heard her door open and close. After warding the academy, I went to bed and laid awake for what felt like hours.
Find something that makes me happy? I did, hadn’t I? My coven. They were my family, my place. I…it was what brought me happiness, right?
I frowned, turning over. It wasn’t like I felt happy at all, but I never really expected to. The thought bothered me, but I tried to ignore it and sleep. Eventually, my eyes grew heavy enough to succumb to rest, and my thoughts stopped.
I was awoken a few hours before sunrise by Queenie, who shook my gently. “Eve! Eve, please wake up!”
I stirred, groaning. “Queenie? What’s up?”
I rubbed my eyes, turning on my lamp and looking at Queenie. She was breathing strangely, was she laughing?
“Is every…thing…”
A pit formed in my stomach at the sight of tears on her face. I grabbed her arms in concern, sitting up fully.
“Queenie. Queenie, what happened? Did someone hurt you? Is there someone attacking the academy?”
“No! No…”
“Tell me,” I insisted, searching for her eyes.
She looked at me, eyes puffy and filled with grief.
“It’s Cordelia! She…oh god!”
I nearly stopped breathing. “Cor—Cordelia? What about Cordelia? What about Cordelia?! Queenie, please—!”
She crumbled in my arms, sobbing. I swallowed, holding her. I looked over to my doorway, seeing John Henry’s grim face. Fear was beginning to set in; what I was thinking couldn’t be true. It wasn’t allowed to be true.
“We heard a crash,” he explained to me, voice trembling slightly, “And she hasn’t woken up.”
My face contorted as tears began to prick at my eyes. I could barely manage words. “What do you mean she’s not waking up?”
He lowered his head, faltering against the doorframe. I stared at him desperately, tears beginning to stream down my face.
“What do you mean she’s not waking up?!”
“Now, Michael, I’ll be completely honest…I don’t know what she’s planning. But, I do know that when she comes we will be ready for her. My daughter has become clouded by those stuck-up bitches in New Orleans, but she knows what’s right and we can get her to see reason—“
“Mr. Augustus, can you explain something to me?”
Ariel paused, looking at Michael, thrown off by the interruption of his rant. “Of course. What would you like to know.”
Michael leaned forward slightly. “I’ve been very curious about it…if you despise those witches so much, how did you allow your daughter to live with them?”
Ariel bristled at the inquiry, avoiding Michael’s piercing gaze.
“She ran away after…Nadia—my wife, passed. I don’t know for the life of me why even to this day. Perhaps she felt more comfortable around women, or went to see her grandmother, but there’s no way her grandmother would let her live in that place.”
Michael’s eyebrows rose, his interest piqued. “If you don’t mind me asked another question, why not? Why would her grandmother stop her?”
Ariel eyed Michael suspiciously, taking his seat. “Why are you so interested in learning more about my daughter?”
A flare of indignation sprouted in Michael’s chest, but he maintained a calm appearance. He sighed.
“That’s my business. Just like it’s your business how your wife mysteriously died in your care, and your daughter asserts you plan to ‘get her out of your way’.”
Ariel’s face darkened. “Have you been talking to her? Why have you been talking to her?”
Michael only smiled. “That’s also my business. Now, neither of us want to share anything too dark, so why don’t you answer my simple question?”
Ariel sat back, studying Michael’s face, looking into his eyes. “Evelyn’s grandmother is a voodoo practitioner. She was alive for the war between them. She would’ve been livid if she knew her granddaughter was making the same mistake as her child.”
“Mistake? Mm…”
Michael stood, eyes wandering in thought. “It just makes me wonder…is this mistake the reason you told Eve that she wouldn’t want to end up like her mother?”
A tension clamped down in Ariel’s stomach, and his fist clenched. “What? What are you talking about, I never told—I never said anything of the sort like that to her!”
Michael paused, looking down at Ariel. “Not here, no. In a different time, at a different place.”
He calmly walked over to Ariel behind his desk, making Ariel retreat away from him slightly. Michael, clearly pleased, smiled at this, and stepped towards him again.
“I may not know exactly what happened yet, but I do know you plan to harm her in some way. Am I wrong?”
Ariel only stared, too shaken to protest.
“Yes, that’s what I thought. I just want you to know this.”
Ariel’s chair flew forward until Michael stopped it with his hand, leaning down towards Ariel’s face, his eyes burning into his.
“If you touch her…if you hurt her while she’s here, I will make sure it’s something you regret for the rest of your life.”
The chancellor found he couldn’t catch a steady breath, nor hold the young man’s cold stare. “What…do you want with my daughter?”
Michael straightened up. “I told you, that’s my business.”
The doors behind him opened smoothly, and he offered Ariel another polite smile, despite the hollowness it carried through his eyes.
“Although, I can offer you some peace of mind by telling you this: I have no plans or desires to harm her.”
Ariel watched with disbelief as a hint of something glittered in Michael’s eyes. “I actually quite like Eve. I like her very much.”
“You…are interested in my daughter,” Ariel stated with uncertainty.
“And I won’t allow any harm to come to her. So I recommend you act wisely.”
After wishing Ariel a pleasant evening, Michael left and returned to his room.
With a heavy sigh, he collapsed in front of his desk, taking off his jacket and placing it over a stack of textbooks. He stared at his open textbook in complete stillness, then covered his face with his hand, shutting his eyes.
There was nothing he could find that explained the dreams he’d been having of Eve for the past couple of weeks. It was the only thing he cared about in this cesspool of witches and warlocks he’d submerged himself in besides burning it to the ground. He’d been playing with the thought he’d presented when she admitted she’d dreamt of him as well—was it something to do with their destiny, or was it because he wanted her?
He inhaled sharply, moving his face from behind his palm. The sensation of her lips pressing against his returned to his mouth as his fingertips ghosted over it. After he’d finally touched her skin, after tasting how sweet her mouth was, he couldn’t tell for himself. The lines around her had blurred.
He felt the pull when their eyes first met; that recognition, that familiar cold, ruthless gleam in her gaze. But he couldn’t define the moment when he first wanted her. The only thing he was sure of was that it was long before the dreams—they seemed more like a sign that his desires were growing uncontrollable.
Not a day passed where he wasn’t haunted by the way she shivered at the feeling of his fingertips against her back. The way she dug her nails into the doorframe as he let his breath caress her skin. The brief moments where her fortress cracked and she was vulnerable towards him, and her eyes softened with timid desire.
His desire was far from timid by now.
He’d told Ariel the honest truth; he had no intentions or desires to hurt Eve. In fact, his mind was often plagued with visions and fantasies of pleasuring her. Just like it was right now. His breath grew irregular as his mind wandered to a dream that he couldn’t forget if he tried; where he lost himself in between her thighs, devouring her, coaxing desperate pleas from her lips, feeling her body writhe with pleasure. It wasn’t like he didn’t fantasize about fucking her properly, but the thought of his tongue on her pussy drove him into a mild frenzy. He had to have her. Had had to taste her. All of her.
Ariel had finally stopped puttering around summoning the witches a few days later. Michael couldn’t help but admit to himself a little excitement—she was going to be near him again; her presence was going to cure his mental anguish. They were growing more connected, he could feel it, and he wondered if she felt it too. They were sharing dreams and possibly desires, did they share a mind as well?
“Morning Michael,” a warlock greeted kindly.
Michael politely greeted him back, but remained engrossed by his thoughts. He checked the time again on a clock in the corridor—eight-thirty. Ariel announced at breakfast that the witches were due to arrive in the afternoon. He wasn’t so pathetic to not be able to survive waiting that long to hear her voice again. He was the Antichrist! The devil’s spawn! As if he’d be hung up over some witch when he had plans ti end the world—he knew deep down that the only reason he so eager was their linked fate with the apocalypse. Still, he checked the clock. It wasn’t because he wished to see her of his own accord, he was a slave to destiny.
The hours dragged on like years. He studied and practiced in his room for his meeting with Cordelia Goode, the Supreme. He’d learned about her mother—a selfish, cutthroat woman that he likely would’ve enjoyed meeting. However, her daughter, reportedly had little backbone and a phobia of exercising her will. Her mother did, run the coven into the ground with her behavior, but Michael felt that didn’t warrant becoming some kind of witch mother goose. Ultimately it didn’t matter to him; he was going to destroy it all anyway.
Noon came, and Michael was starting to wonder if they were going to show up around dinnertime instead. He was a bit dismayed at the lack of Eve by one o’ clock and decided he needed some air at two. The leaves crunched underneath his shoes as he moved to sit down underneath the trees. The air was much clearer and lighter outside; even for something as monstrous as him, the oppressive energy emanating from the Academy’s walls was taxing to bear.
He reached into his pocket, taking out a small golden snake charm, and holding it in the center of his palm to stare at it. He’d been practicing scrying when, instinctively, he reached into the mirror, and the charm was in his hand when he opened it. Michael wasn’t sure what the snake meant exactly, but he knew it had something to do with her. When he held it at night, his mind would get flooded with memories of him and Eve—he knew they were memories because they felt familiar to him, but they couldn’t have belonged to him because they were impossible. He could recall and feel every moment he’d spent with Eve easily, and these alien experiences he surely would’ve remembered before now.
So where did they come from?
That was a question he simply couldn’t answer.
At a certain point, Michael knew he was going to be noticed missing if he didn’t return. Begrudgingly, he rose to his feet and went back inside. Before he could, a sharp gust of wind collided with his back. It sent a shock through his system, and he whirled around with alarm.
It felt like her.
Of course, there was nothing but stillness before his eyes, and the gentle rustling of trees. With a swallow, he fixed his jacket and went back inside.
I stared into the fireplace of the dining room, gripping a glass with pale knuckles. Tears streamed down my face again. I gave up fighting them back. My red satin pantsuit glowed in the light of the flames. Dinner had long passed, and I was left alone. It was fine, I wanted be alone. I couldn’t handle sharing my grief, or my rage.
“Eve, are you still in here?”
I didn’t answer Zoe as she walked up behind me, placing a hand on my shoulder.
“Eve, let’s go back to the hotel room. I know you don’t want to be seen like this by the warlock council tomorrow. You need some rest, not this.”
She removed the glass from my hand, and the ice tinkled.
“I didn’t even know you drank,” she remarked.
I gave a dry chuckle, tearing my eyes away from the flames. “Yeah, well, there’s a lot you don’t know I do.”
I rose from my seat, following Zoe as she led me back to our rooms. We stood silently in the elevator. My eyes wandered from the mirror ceiling to the stylized buttons, then to my reflection in the polished golden wall next to me. I saw the dried tears on my cheeks, and put on my sunglasses to hide my eyes as we stopped and the door opened.
When get got inside, Zoe gave me some water with ice and a slice of lemon.
“Are you sure you want to be alone, Eve? I’m worried about you,” she said, searching my eyes.
I smiled. “What, you think I’m going to off myself too? Don’t worry, I have unfinished business. It’s not wise.”
She didn’t find my words amusing. I let my smile drop, placing my hand on hers.
“I just…please let me be alone.”
Her eyes softened in empathy. “Okay, I’ll go. Just take a shower and drink some water and get some sleep, please.”
I gave her an amused look. “Alright, mama.”
She sighed. “Yeah; no more drinking for you.”
After Zoe left me for her own bed, I sat still, slouching my shoulders and taking off my hat, tossing it onto the nightstand. I kicked off my red flats and began to undress; just because I was half drunk and mad with grief didn’t mean I could ruin such lovely clothes with vomit or tears or by wrinkling. I let out a sigh after I’d undressed and hung everything up, standing silently in my underwear. It was a bit chilly; I went to turn on the heat. I felt the soft fibers of carpet underneath my feet and found some comfort in it. I turned on the television and hugged myself, rubbing my arms for some warmth and rubbing my feet against the carpet as I stared at the screen.
I could already feel the effects of the alcohol fading away like I hadn’t drank for an hour in silence. There was no way I’d be hungover tomorrow. Zoe didn’t need to be concerned about my appearance for the warlocks tomorrow, my appearance was impervious to the ravages of emotional devastation. The blessings of a rising Supreme were coming for me, and the first was impeccable health.
I went into the bathroom, seeking a shower like Zoe said. I turned on the hot water, then looked at myself in the mirror. My skin was glowing and flawless, my teeth were cavity free and disturbingly white…even the popped blood vessel in my left eye was gone. I’m obviously not going to complain about being perfect and beautiful, but I didn’t recognize this new face; this new body. All of the mementos of my life so far were washed away. It was like I’d died along with Cordelia and some stranger took my place. I didn’t look human. In fact, my reflection reminded me of him.
I broke my stare, took off my undergarments and got in the shower. I stayed in there for what must’ve been an hour. Afterwards, I called room service and got some dessert: a cherry soda ice cream float. It was something I’d never had before, perfect to christen my new body. It was good. It would’ve been better if the taste wasn’t dulled despite the power of my perfect tastebuds. Shock does that.
My phone buzzed, and I tensed, hesitating to pick it up. I eventually relented, seeing the contact.
I hesitated again, but gave in and answered, holding it to my ear.
“Hey, Mom.”
“Hi, sweetheart,” she greeted softly.
Her voice was gentle as always, with the sweet lilt she always spoke with, but it sounded weak. She’d been crying. She was remembering things.
“How are you feeling?”
She let out a sigh. “I don’t…I’m sorry to be bothering you like this. You’re already going through too much…I don’t think I should add to it.”
“No, Mom, it’s…it’s fine. What’s up?”
“I just…I’m having a hard time accepting it. Ariel and everything. Everything I remember tells me he loves me—worships me. He was so gentle and caring and…”
She fell silent, and I heard a trembling breath.
“I know. It’s…unexpected.”
“It’s painful, you know? And all the things I wanted for you…”
I swallowed as a dull pain formed in my chest. “Mom, it doesn’t—“
“No, no, it does. You were in our crossfire, and I should’ve sensed it. I should’ve known his intentions, I should’ve been able to protect you!”
I smiled a little even though she couldn’t see it. “Well…I made it out fine, didn’t I, Mom?”
She was quiet too long. “Did you, sweetheart? People don’t bring the dead back because they’re fine.”
My smile dropped. I wish her voice didn’t sound that way. So much empathy, so much pity. It was like Cordelia. I pinched the bridge of my nose, feeling my throat tighten.
“Mom, I’ll call you back later, okay?”
“Get some rest, sweetheart.”
I hung up and laid down, shutting my eyes. I listened to the television, struggling to clear my mind. I turned out as fine as I could. I really did. And after tomorrow, I was going to come close to being a little bit better.
Eve never showed up, and neither did the rest of the witches on the day they were expected. Michael was displeased by this, but his curiosity had been piqued as well—had something happened? Did Eve prevent them from going? Were the witches planning to refuse him?! The thought infuriated him.
“We reached out to Miss Robicheaux’s Academy, but they gave us no details on the cause of the Supreme’s delay,” Behold said, a furrow in his brow, “They said they would stop by soon. Honestly, they could at least pretend to respect us.”
“They’re planning something. I know it,” Baldwin muttered, “They want us to burn as badly as we want them to.”
Michael remained silent, focusing on his plate of food, extremely disinterested by their mindless babbling.
“Perhaps you’ve heard something from my daughter, Michael?”
The dining table fell silent, and Michael paused, looking up and meeting Ariel’s measured stare. This must’ve been the look Eve got when she was younger, he thought to himself, the look he thought he could stand up to him with.
Michael smiled, laughing softly. “I’m afraid I haven’t heard from Eve in some time now. She hasn’t spoken to me since she left our academy.”
“I’m sorry, since when do you know anything about Eve,” Behold interjected with disbelief, eyeing Michael suspiciously.
“We shared conversation a few times during her stay here,” Michael said, sounding as dismissive as possible. “It’s nothing remarkable, really. Just the polite hello and some talk about the Seven Wonders.”
Michael’s eyes slid over to Ariel’s, challenging him to say something to disagree. He tensely went back to his food, and Michael smiled again, shifting his focus to the other warlocks.
“Nothing that would help us, unfortunately. It’s not like we’re friends.”
“I’m amazed she even had a conversation with you,” Behold remarked, eyebrows quirked, “Especially about the Seven Wonders. She dislikes addressing that.”
Baldwin scoffed. “I’d be shocked to death to find she liked anything.”
Ariel chuckled at this, but raised his fork in defense. “As unlikeable and displeasing my daughter has turned into as a woman, she has always enjoyed speaking about the ins and outs of magic. Not even Myrtle Snow can change that.”
Behold nodded, sighing. A hint of nostalgia softened his expression.
“I still remember the days where she’d be sneaking through the halls at night, arms filled with books from the library she’d chosen for independent study—at first I could catch her, but then she adapted and outsmarted me. Nothing would get between that girl and knowledge.”
Michael listened to Behold with heavy interest, observing the way the warlock’s face brightened at the memory. He’d even gone as far as to smile a bit until he felt Baldwin’s eyes on him, and went back to his food. No good to attract unwanted attention.
Ariel cleared his throat. “Well, everyone, let’s finish this and get some rest. The witches may come tomorrow, so we need to be ready. Michael, I especially want you to rest well.”
A soft assent spread throughout the dinner table. Michael sighed softly, finishing his glass of water.
“Of course.”
Michael didn’t sleep for hours. He just laid in bed, staring at his ceiling. He would shut his eyes and turn on one of his sides, trying to relax himself, but something kept nagging at him. Eventually he gave it up and sat at his desk, passively reading a textbook until his room began to feel too stuffy, and he needed to get some fresh air. It wouldn’t be difficult; he’d slipped out easily to meet with Ms. Mead before—
He exhaled sharply—would his mind not stray anywhere away from Eve for once? With a fervor he rose from his desk and slipped out of his room quietly. The night air would do him some good. He made his way through the halls silently, passing by the main hall and the library and the doors to Ariel’s office.
“Behold can’t know about this, he’s too…safe. He’s not willing to do the necessary dirty work.”
The sound of Ariel’s hushed voice made Michael stop in his tracks, and slowly move back to the door. He leaned against the wall, listening closely.
“I have to agree. He barely keeps silent about Nadia. He’d probably run to Cordelia if he knew about this.”
Michael rose a brow as he recognized Baldwin’s voice.
“So, it really only kills women?”
Baldwin chuckled. “You can taste it if you like! You won’t feel a thing. We can put it in their dinner or wine…the possibilities are endless.”
“All of the witches…gone…I can almost taste it,” Ariel mused.
Michael had moved closer, attempting to peek inside to get a glimpse of what they were talking about. It had to be a poison, but what kind? And were they planning to kill all the witches?
“Speaking of all witches…what’s going on with Michael? Is there something to be concerned about there?”
Ariel let out a sigh. “I’m not sure. He seems to be attached to my daughter. He threatened me. He’s acting…protective.”
“What did she do? What—I just don’t understand what could’ve happened.”
Michael retreated away from the crack, his mind starting to race as the two men fell silent. If they started questioning him, his plans to destroy the coven were going to become nothing more than a memory.
“We need a Supreme to take the coven, Baldwin. Michael is clearly the Alpha; there’s no getting around it.”
“I know. But once he is Supreme…his job will be done, and many Supremes have died early. We could give it a few years or more, we just have to be patient.”
Ariel sighed. “I had such high hopes for him. And Eve…she’s had Supreme potential since she was a teenager. She’s my child, but she’s been a loose end for too long. She would destroy all the change we worked for in a heartbeat.”
Michael’s eyes narrowed. Not only did they delude themselves into thinking they could kill him, but Eve was on their hit list as well. He silently retreated away from the doors; he’d heard enough.
His plans for the coven would have to be executed earlier than expected.
The warlocks had been eating when Eve bursted through the doors of the dining room, flanked by two witches. She stopped, crossing her arms, scanning everyone’s faces through her sunglasses. She was dressed in all red again, hat and all.
Michael stared, transfixed. She felt different. The air in the room had changed upon her appearance. Something happened during her absence—something big.
“Eve,” Ariel said, his voice faltering slightly as he rose from his seat, “I’m pleased to see you again.”
She didn’t respond, removing her sunglasses. Michael was stricken by her appearance. She looked—quite literally—radiant. Unnaturally so. Her eyes, however, were red and watery, and were the only imperfect quality on her face.
“Where…is Cordelia?”
She turned away at the question. “Follow me,” she instructed firmly, “I’m only explaining once. All of you.”
She left and turned left, heading for the office. The warlocks sat in confusion for a moment, looking to the other for some confirmation or clarity until Behold rose swiftly and followed after. The students quickly went after him. Michael glanced over to Ariel, seeing him and Baldwin share a look. He quickly followed after his peers with a sense of urgency. The clock had begun ticking.
Eve sat at Ariel’s desk in intense silence as everyone shuffled in. Ariel entered last, eyeing her closely. She lifted a gloved hand, signaling everyone to come closer, then to stop.
“Okay, what would you like to—“
“Over these past few weeks, I have redone and passed the Seven Wonders.”
The news hit Ariel, Baldwin and Behold like a freight train. The boys muttered to each other with surprise and Michael quietly agreed with them. Eve held up a hand, making everyone fall silent. She moved to speak, but her eyes filled with tears. She wiped her eyes swiftly, taking a deep breath.
“And just last night…a tragedy occurred. The Supreme, Cordelia Goode passed away.”
Baldwin looked a little pale, glancing over to Ariel but finding him oddly composed. Behold went over to Eve, placing a hand on her shoulder. Her lips trembled, and she put on her glasses, letting out a sigh.
“Um…she did it to herself. We’re still investigating though, we have our suspicions.”
Ariel spoke up. “Suspicions, Eve? Are you implying anything?”
She scoffed, lowering her glasses to look at him. “God, get over yourself for one minute. The only thing I’ll say is that there was no evidence of witchcraft.”
Michael’s eyebrows rose slightly. Interesting. She stood.
“I’m sure you already connected the dots, but I am the new Supreme. Michael Langdon will not be taking the Seven Wonders. However, I still have business here.”
Eve met Ariel’s eyes. “If it cannot be handled properly and discreetly, it’ll be a bit of a spectacle. I suggest the parties involved govern themselves with a modicum of dignity.”
Her gaze went over the wards, then paused upon meeting Michael’s. Her breath caught visibly, and she held his stare. She asked with her eyes.
Did you? Is this revenge?
Michael slowly shook his head. She looked away, fixing her stare onto the desk before putting her sunglasses back on and moving to leave.
“That’s all. You may go back to breakfast.”
She brushed past Ariel. He moved to speak to her, but her eyes silenced him with their frigid anger. He moved away slightly, alarmed. Michael watched with interest. Something was about to come to a head and he was eager to see it.
He felt his stomach jump as she turned, glanced back and met his eyes again. Her gaze magnetized him, filling him with the urge to push through the crowd and take her in his arms. He wanted to feel her again. One of the witches followed her line of sight and frowned in confusion at Michael. He looked away, and the witches left the room.
He had to see her. He needed to slip away and see her alone.
“What was that about?”
I tensed, looking at Zoe. “What do you mean?”
She sighed in annoyance at my secrecy. “Eve, I’m not blind. I saw the way you looked at him.”
She moved closer to speak lower. “The Antichrist.”
I cast my glasses aside onto my bed, moving away from Zoe and sitting by the fireplace.
“I thought it might’ve been vengance. A life for a life. I took someone dear to him, so I wondered if he returned the favor.”
Zoe was quiet; I could only imagine what was running through her mind. All of the questions and implications. However, she only asked one thing.
“Was it?”
I chuckled. “No.”
I watched the flames eat at the logs, seeing how the wood shriveled and grayed. Zoe walked over to me.
I didn’t answer at first. She squeezed my shoulder and I met her eyes.
“Eve, I’m worried about you.”
I smiled. “I know. Don’t be. I have it under control.”
That didn’t satisfy her. “You always seem to have everything under control.”
“And nobody has to worry about me,” I rebutted.
I placed my hand on hers. “Trust me. I know what I’m going to do. I’ve had this plan since I was fifteen—I’m pretty confident I can execute it.”
“I’m not taking about the war—“
I placed a finger to my lips, shaking my head. She nodded in understanding.
I let her hand go and turned my attention back to the fire. “Go set your stuff down. Decompress. You remember how to protect yourself, right?”
She left my side, going over to the door.
“Yeah—although I always forget the last part of the incantation.”
“Well, remember it. Come get me tonight if you can’t. I know we’re leaving first thing in the morning, but—“
“That, I don’t need an explanation for.”
I nodded. She smiled at me as she opened the door, then slipped out of the room and left. I watched the handle closely. An odd mixture of feelings sprouted within me.
I reasoned with myself to calm them—he wouldn’t be so reckless to come down here, not with witches next doors and warlocks breathing down my back. The though brought me some relief, but a twinge of dissatisfaction. I sighed, shaking my head and rubbing between my eyebrows. If I could control everything, my feelings could do me the courtesy of falling in line.
I heard a knock on Zoe’s door and tensed as I heard it creak open.
“Hey Queenie, what’s up?”
“Hey, Zoe. I heard you leave Eve’s room, so I wanted to see if she was in the mood to talk.”
I sighed. Please, no one else come in here…
“I think she could use the conversation. She’s being a bit distant with me, hopefully she’s more comfortable with you.”
Zoe’s door closed, and I listened to the footsteps approach my door. I held my head in my hands for a moment, then looked up to watch the doorknob turn. I begrudgingly rose from my seat.
“Come on in, Queenie, what’s…”
The door opened, and I met Michael’s eyes. My stomach dropped, and I swallowed. I clasped my hands to stop my fingers from grazing over my lips; the memory of him created the habit. He entered carefully, watching me closely, and closed the door behind him. I let out a constricted breath.
“Looks like I can get in now.”
“You shouldn’t be here,” I told him, hushing my voice, “It’s…unwise.”
He scanned my face, then a smile formed on his lips. “I wanted to see you.”
I frowned, deflecting his words. “You were going to see me well enough at dinner.”
“And you know I wanted to be alone.”
He boldly close the space between us with a few long strides and stared into my eyes. His gaze softened and my stomach flipped. I took a step back.
“Okay, well, we’ve seen each other. You need to leave before you attract unwanted attention.”
I turned away, but he took my hand and I stopped.
“Don’t you think we’re a bit past the cold shoulder part?”
His hand was warm and soft; just like last time. My mouth dried, and I fixed my eyes onto the ground.
“Please don’t.”
“Why,” he asked, daring to sound a little hurt, “Do you not want me? Are you more committed to the duties of your coven now?”
I heard a smile in his voice. “Am I your enemy again?”
I met his eyes, giving him a cold look. “When did you stop being an enemy, exactly?”
I moved away and sat down by the fireplace again. He laughed softly, taking the seat opposite me.
“I think it was when I pulled away, and you told me to shut up and give you more.”
I scoffed. “I never told you to give me more—“
“With the places your hands were starting to roam, you might as well have said it.”
I met his eyes, feeling a bit competitive. “Don’t act like you weren’t minutes from tearing my clothes off.”
“Don’t act like you weren’t seconds from begging me to,” he shot back, a smirk growing on his face.
“I wasn’t.”
“Of course you weren’t,” he taunted, leaning back in his seat, “If I recall correctly, you could barely form words.”
He tilted his head, eyes glittering in the light of the fireplace. “Have you never been kissed before?”
A wave of unexpected nerves passed over me. I held my ground. “I don’t think anyone who whimpers like that when they kiss someone has much experience themselves either.”
That seemed to take him down a peg.
He looked away, covering his mouth, but I could tell that he was smiling.
“What,” I questioned, wanting to catch his gaze.
“Oh nothing,” he said cooly, rising from his seat. “I didn’t just come here to see you, though.”
I gave him a questioning look as he moved over to me. He smoothly leaned down at me from behind and spoke softly into my ear.
“Ariel and Baldwin are planning something. I wanted to warn you.”
I looked at him pointedly. “You know more.”
“Hmm, maybe I do.”
His eyes lowered to my lips. I watched his pupils dilate, and the air grew heavy around us as we both went still. I found myself leaning towards him and he gravitated in return.
“Too bad we’re enemies, right Eve?”
Michael’s gaze locked onto mine. He was wide open—I saw straight into him.
“Mm, your heart’s not in it. Don’t tell me you’re getting sentimental now…”
“You’re teasing me.”
I cocked a brow, leaning closer. “Am I?”
“I missed you.”
“I know,” I said, letting a satisfied smile take form, “You’re too easy to read. Are you even trying to protect yourself from my sight?”
“You have no idea yet, do you,” he questioned softly.
I eyed him. “What are you talking about?”
He straightened up, looking down at me. “I’d tell you, but I don’t think I’m supposed to.”
“What, because we’re enemies?”
“No, not that. We’re bigger than that.”
I scoffed, chuckling. “Let me guess…it’s your fate again?”
“Not just mine.”
He moved away, starting to leave. I rose from my seat, spurred by something I couldn’t put a finger on. He placed his hand on the doorknob, and I spoke without thinking.
He turned to face me with a knowing smile. “Yes?”
I didn’t know what I wanted to say. I just kept looking at him; at his smile and his eyes.
“Leave my girls out of this. And at least knock next time.”
His smile lost its feeling as he masked an emotion he didn’t want me to see, and his eyes became empty. He let the silence grow until my words started to press down on my chest. I looked away, letting my feet carry me towards him, forcing my hands to stay folded in front of me.
I stopped in my tracks, placing a hand on the chair to try and feel relaxed and met his eyes. He wasn’t holding the doorknob anymore.
“I still feel it.”
My fingertips reflexively grazed my lips. He moved away from the door, watching me with uncertainty, unsure if he was welcome any closer. I laughed softly and he stopped.
“I know…so do I.”
The words lifted a pressure within me. I let my hands fall to my sides, stepping back as he came closer. He stopped, giving me a questioning look and I smiled in return. I felt the heat radiating from the fireplace against my legs. I held his gaze as he came closer, closer, closer until he was an arm’s length away. He lingered, raising his eyebrows.
I imagine he thought I wouldn’t move an inch. That I’d be frozen still, waiting for him to descend onto me like last time.
I lifted a hand, studying his face as I caressed his cheek, watching how his nostrils twitched as he took an unsteady breath. No, I was aware this time. Far more aware. I closed the space in between us, parting his lips with the pad of my thumb, watching a nervousness creep into his expression.
I teased him out of it. “What, isn’t this what you wanted?”
He took my hand, kissing my fingers.
“Yes. It is.”
It was a simple answer, but it summoned up goosebumps on my skin. It was his eyes. His gaze was heavy on mine. It slid down to my mouth, then to my neck, then lower—
“Don’t get too ambitious now,” I said, “There’s no place private enough in this hole in the ground to make me ever do that here.”
He chuckled, locking onto my eyes again. We stared at each other, and I cocked my head. His eyes darkened and his hold on my hand tightened. I could tell, he was about to pull me to him, so I grabbed his shirt and roughly pulled him against me, taking his lips with mine. His grip completely loosened and he let go of my hand as he grabbed onto my hips, pulling me closer—if it was even possible, backing me to the wall.
I let my instincts guide me. I took hold of his lapels and stopped him from moving me any further, pushing him into the chair he sat in before. He rocked back into it with wide, thrilled eyes, grabbing onto the chair’s arms as I removed my coat, tossed it aside, and climbed into his lap. I took hold of his face, tasting his mouth, feeling his shuddering breath against mine when our lips broke apart for only the gravest need for air. His hands anchored on my waist, then immediately starting roaming my body eagerly.
“Eve,” he muttered, his voice low and throaty, “Eve…”
I pulled back, pressing a finger to his lips, breathing heavily.
“Shh. There are eyes and ears everywhere.”
Michael’s fingers found the buttons of my shirt, and he grinned at me. He leaned forward, eyes swimming with lust as he undid them quicker than I could think. To be fair, I couldn’t think very fast at the moment. It was hard to break my mind from the consuming pull to devour the man under me, and to resist the urge to undo his pants and completely succumb to it. But I could resist. My desires were in my grasp—I was in control.
He started to kiss sloppily up my chest and throat, making my eyes flutter shut as I tilted my head upwards without a second thought. His smile grazed my ear.
“Do you really think I’m going to let you stay on top?”
I slid my fingers into his hair and tugged, pulling his head back and looking down at him. I smirked.
“I don’t hear any complaints,” I said, pulling my shirt out of my pants, “In fact, I believe you just begged me for more.”
He didn’t give any protest, he just pulled my shirt off and ran his hands up my back.
“Then give me more, Madame,” he said, eyes taking in my body hungrily.
I felt something shift as his hands took hold of my thighs from behind, and I let him pick me up and move me over to the bed. He swept my glasses off of the bed and they clattered onto the floor while he laid me onto my back and got on top of me, immediately pressing his lips against mine. I started to pull his shirt up, my other hand undoing his belt, making him smile.
“I thought it was too dangerous,” he said, starting to fumble with the button of my pants, “Too many eyes.”
“Why did you move to the bed if you didn’t want to give them a show?”
I snatched his belt out from his pants and pulled him down against my mouth again. He laughed, still fumbling with my pants. He frowned, looking down at them and I moved his hands away with a small smile.
I undid my pants, meeting his eyes, and he unzipped them, sliding his hand down over my underwear, leaning down to kiss me. His hand was warm over my aching sex and I gasped softly at the feeling as he pressed his fingers down and started to rub. I opened my legs slightly, adrenaline racing through my veins when—
A loud knock came to the door that violently shook me out of the moment. We both froze in place as another voice sounded from the door. It was Queenie and Zoe.
“Eve, are you okay?!”
I looked at Michael and pushed him off, mouthing the word ‘hide’.
“Eve, we’re coming in!”
I got under the covers and stilled myself, gripping Michael’s belt in my hand as he hid under the bed. The doorknob turned, and I relaxed completely.
A tense silence filled the room as Zoe and Queenie walked in slowly. They approached my bed and lingered over me.
“She’s sleeping,” Queenie said, “There aren’t any monsters in here. False alarm?”
“Yeah,” Zoe agreed, “But that doesn’t explain who came to my room looking and sounding exactly like you.”
“Maybe it was one of the warlocks. Or Langdon.”
Zoe shuddered a little. “God, this place is so creepy.”
Queenie scoffed. “You can say that again. All that matters is that Eve’s safe though, so let’s go. She needs the sleep.”
“You’re right.”
“I can’t wait to get the fuck out of this hellhole…”
Two sets of footsteps departed from the room and the door opened and closed. I waited, listening until I heard Zoe and Queenie’s doors open and shut until I opened my eyes. Michael crept out from under the bed, looking annoyed.
“It’s filthy under there,” he said, brushing his shirt off.
“I doubt anyone cleans under there.”
He looked at me and moved to kiss me again but I placed a hand on his chest, pushing him back. I smiled.
“You can go now.”
Michael looked at me with confusion. “You want me to leave?”
“I think it’s best we quit while we’re ahead.”
I handed him his belt as he rose to his feet, looking a little displeased as he stared down at me. I tilted my head up more as he stood and observed his disheveled appearance—his wrinkled, untucked shirt around his unbuttoned pants (when did I even do that?), his messy hair, his rosy cheeks and lipstick-reddened lips. I smiled a bit upon seeing that, touching my lips with slight embarrassment.
“You might want to use transmutation to go back to your room and clean the lipstick from your mouth,” I said, “Unless you want to be seen like this while leaving Witch’s Way. Not a good look for your best friends Ariel and Baldwin.”
A pleased glint formed in his eyes. “I doubt Ariel takes kindly to me leaving his daughter’s room under mysterious circumstances, regardless of how I look. After all…”
My eyebrows lifted slightly as he grabbed my jaw with a firm hand, holding my head up all the way back to look deeply into my eyes.
“Who knows what someone like me would do to his little girl?”
I closed my legs, squeezing my thighs together as I held his piercing gaze. His pupils were darkened in the light that came from the fireplace. He saw something in my eyes, and seemed satisfied.
“And who knows what his little girl would want me to do to her?”
I swallowed, averting my gaze with unexpected sheepishness. I pushed his hand away and stared into the fire.
“I’m not his anything. Don’t speak of me as if I belong to him. I don’t.”
His belt buckle clinked as he redressed and neatened himself up. “Of course you don’t belong to him, Eve.”
My eyes darted back over to him in surprise. He smiled at me with a fondness that kindly softened the corners of his smile, the quality of his eyes. Their blue color glittered in the fire as he grabbed his jacket from the seat.
“You don’t belong to anyone. Not even to me.”
He lingered after he redressed. I felt the knot that had formed in my stomach release, and I rose from the bed and went over to him. Michael’s eyes questioned me as I caressed my fingers over his hair and smiled.
I leaned in, placing a gentler kiss on his lips, making him cradle my face in his hands automatically and return it. The intimacy of it made me soften. My hands were stiff as I held onto him. He seemed to respond to my tenderness with a firmer grip; a stronger hold. We began to stray from the door again and I pulled back.
I opened my eyes, looking down at his trembling lips. I whispered against them.
“Now get out, idiot.”
He laughed, releasing me. I stepped back, holding myself as I glanced to the wall.
“You look beautiful, by the way.”
I looked up in surprise at his words only to find I was alone.
“We can’t just let this happen!”
Baldwin shook his head in unbearable frustration. “I can’t—that little girl will ruin us all!”
Ariel sighed, watching him from his desk.
“You and I both know she’s just been waiting to get revenge—and don’t act like she doesn’t know about her mother, she always did.”
Baldwin stilled, falling silent. He rubbed the bridge of his nose.
“Ariel, what on earth are we going to do? Eve is not Cordelia; she doesn’t trust anything we do. I bet she’s warned those witches of hers about poison.”
“Maybe she has. Maybe she hasn’t. This isn’t the end.”
Baldwin looked at him curiously, taking a seat.
“What’s your proposition?”
“We stop being timid and take what’s ours.”
Ariel closed his fist around the air and squeezed tightly, his knuckles getting pale.
“Eve wants to meet with me. We keep it private; kill her then.”
“What? Ariel—“
“We’re losing time,” Ariel exclaimed, cutting off Baldwin, “We need to destroy that coven at its source. Losing another Supreme so quickly would have them in shambles—scrambling for any kind of stability.”
“Myrtle won’t—“
“Then we get rid of Myrtle.”
“How on Earth do you plan—“
“The same way I got rid of Cordelia Goode.”
Baldwin sat back, pale as a sheet, then chuckled.
“Eve says they found no evidence of witchcraft.”
Ariel smiled. “There was no witchcraft. I have a contact.”
He rose from his seat, going over to his liquor and making himself a drink.
“In fact, you just might know her. You may have seen her on TV.”
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corrupt lawyer!reader offers to help Duncan's case to prevent him going to jail by confessing his family corrupt strategies to gain power on Congress. And...a little bit of money to the dear judge. Duncan only had to say he was forced to do the app and he was hella free of any charges. Duncan wanted to take his star lawyer by taking her to eat something in celebration but she had other plans, fuck with him till the sun comes up 🥵
(duncan shepherd x corrupt lawyer!reader)
warnings: smut, corrupt/dark reader, restraints? just an FYI, i ALWAYS headcanon any of the cody boys, particularly duncan AND michael to ALWAYS be taller than the reader regardless of actual height. you 5′11? WELL HE’S STILL TALLER. i dunno if this bothers people or not, just letting yall know :D
word count: short blurb / not proof read
"Cheers," you smirked with a wide grin, teeth almost barring as you watched Duncan mirroring you, raising his glass along with you. The elusive Duncan Shepherd. And your client that you had been representing for the entirety of his trial. Now a free man.
"Cheers to us," he clicked his glass with yours, the bubbly drink fizzing as your glasses parted. The tall champagne flutes resonating the sounds in his hotel room. You licked your lips clean, feeling the light alcohol hitting you as you lazily lowered your drink.
"You know you really couldn't have played the part better," you paused as your finger played with the light condensation of the glass. The cold wet feeling pooling against your fingertip, contrasting your warm temperature. 
"Play what? A victim? That's exactly what I was," Duncan narrowed his eyes, that snarky look on his face filling his expression as he raised his hands, much like an innocent bystander.
Duncan already had plans for the evening, celebrating his win for the case was obviously something to celebrate. Although the means to win the case were less than legal, and less than ethical. He was content with the conflicts he'd have to deal with once the dust was settled. As long as he wasn't behind bars; that's all he cared about, no matter the consequences he’d have to jump through afterwards. A free man is a free man, and that’s all that mattered.
"And you’re aware, you're going to have to play the victim for the rest of your life," you chortled, a snort leaving your nose as you raised your glass to drink the rest of the champagne. The light coloured drink emptied as you tapped it against the glass impatiently, “- Not one slip up.”
"Let's not talk about the case anymore, shall we? We are meant to celebrate. Dinner still, am I correct?"
"Fine, well I need a stronger drink first," you waved the empty glass haphazardly in the air.
Duncan scoffed as he headed towards the bar cart in his hotel room. His heeled dress shoes clicking against the tiles as he grabbed a bottle of whiskey and shook it lightly in your direction as he presented it.
You merely nodded, simple downward gesture before you laid your glass against the table again. Your gaze on Duncan rather than whichever bottle of whiskey he was graciously offering to you.
He returns with two short glasses, patterned with diamond shapes, held in between two of his fingers. The brown liquor filling the wide glasses until the very mid of the glass. He hands you it, and it's quickly downed. The burning feeling sizzling your throat and tongue. The feeling of it warming your chest as you settled the glass again.
"...I take it, you don't want to go out for dinner?" He quirks his brow as he takes a few large sips of his drink. Still standing in front of you, not prepared yet to take his seat again.
Your steps towards him are slow but calculated. Stalking him like prey as you reached closer to him. He watches you as you remain still; that stare still in your eyes as he tilts his head upward and drinks the last of his whiskey. The taste still on his tongue as he hastily drops off the glass against the edge of the table.
It was undeniable, that Duncan was anything other than innocent. The case was merely won from fighting the system, lying about the technicalities and paying off more than a few of the jury. And yet despite his less than clean slate, you were wanted him, every single part of him. Even the less than innocent parts.
Slowly and methodically, you pressed up onto your heels. His height making it a struggle to reach as you perched upward. Pressing your manicured hands on his chest, fingers aiming for the buttons of his dress shirt. Duncan's eyes darkened, his head lowering to close the space as he latches his lips to yours. A single moment of pause passes. Neither moving until you feel the shift in the room.
Duncan's tongue slips against yours, the taste of the whiskey still laced in his kiss as he lowly groans. His hands tightly gripping the dark pencil skirt you wore. The tight stitching is ripped, the seams falling as he desperately tries to rid you of your outfit.
"That's a 'no,' I take it," he breathes out against your lips as he parts. Your hands are quick to begin tearing off his dress shirt, the dark coloured buttons falling against the tiles as you nearly edge him closer to the bed in the room.
With a firm push, Duncan ends up sitting on the edge, his hands quick to undo his belt. You watch as he unthreads the thick designer leather, the metal buckle clinking against itself as he pulls it from the loops. The smallest amount of his chest is exposed, his thin black tie still loosely around his neck.
Underneath your outfit that you shed, you finally reveal a matching set of bra and panties; like the best page from the agent provocateur was stripped and placed onto your body. 
His fingers plucked along the garter belt around your thighs, the strip of fabric aiming downward to clip onto your thigh high stockings, “And I take it, that this was planned. Am I correct?” 
“Just shut up and kiss me already,” you nearly lunged forward for him, grabbing the thin tie around his neck and throwing it against the bed, Grabbing anything and everything off of him. He tastes like liquor and the sweet cologne that’s been stained around his neck. That same tantalizing and aromatic smell that felt like his personal calling card for you. His scent that you’ve had to be around for weeks during the trial and yet you couldn’t do anything to do him. 
His hands are fast and forceful as he straddles you against his lap, forcing you on top of him, his clothed cock rubbing against your core. A soft whimper slips from your lips as he eases the both of you backwards on the bed, reaching the headboard against the wall. His back pressed against it as his lips fight for dominance with your kisses. 
The culmination of desire that you had for Duncan and the inability to treat him anymore than just a client was more than enough to celebrate now that Duncan was in the clear. And to celebrate in anyway you wanted to. 
“Give me your hands,” you whimpered against his lips, a desperate cry and one that leads Duncan to giving his hands immediately. You knew he could be aggressive whenever someone else was in charge, and yet he still complied. He could feel your lips switch to a smirk as you wrapped his tie around his wrists, tightly keeping him bound as you raised his wrists above his head. The silk tie was soft around his skin, the sensation of it strange as he realized how vulnerable the position was. His chest exposed as you tied his wrists around the top of the head board. 
“I still think you need to play the part better though,” you mused as you rutted against his cock, his length throbbing against you as he swallowed. 
“And what are you asking of me?” He asked with his brow quirked, his mouth falling open as he felt the head of his cock pooling with precum. His eyes falling on you as your hand slid underneath his briefs and palmed him, stroking his length before you tugged on his briefs and exposed his throbbing cock.
“You owe me, everything,” you spoke slowly and lowly, in rhythm to your hand stroking him.
“Your freedom was only because of me,” your hands slipped away to edge at your panties as you slid them down and off from your thighs and legs. 
Duncan watched, his thighs tensing as he felt this new sensation for the first time. A vulnerability he wasn’t use to.
“I own you now,” you exhaled, a sly evil smile on your face as you continued to run your fingertips up and down his length, watching him twitch as he tried to contain himself.
He exhaled a short breath, the blacks of his eyes pooling, making his normally pure blue shade nearly a thin ring around his eyes. 
“Go on then, take what’s yours,” his lips upturned into a evil smirk, watching as you eased yourself down onto him.
baby tags
@chicaluna2410 @fckinsupreme , @blakescoven, @melodylangdon @brattylovee, @lady-jane-revisited @bitchchatter @blackwiddows @wroteclassicaly @lovelylangdonx @sojournmichael @bloodcoatedeclipse, @angelicmichael @7-wonders @codycrazy @kitty4860  @wormycircumstance (wtheck i still can’t get it to work lol)
and @xavierplympton
94 notes · View notes
The amount of grown adults literally doing everything in their power to get content of Cody Fern living his PRIVATE LIFE is disgusting. Y’all don’t respect this man’s privacy and its gross. 
32 notes · View notes
Andy Dolan, amirite?
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170 notes · View notes
The Reparation of My Heart (vampire!michael langdon x reader) chapter 5
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read the rest here // chapter 1 // chapter 2 // chapter 3 // chapter 4
warnings: uh none? castlevania au (yes the titles are episodes from castlevania) historically inaccurate shit cause castlevania. do sinks exist? mentions of blood/death, talking bout demons ig, ALSO decided this is gonna be a inuyasha style slowburn.
word count: 1,9 k
time skips/jumps are within the // and perspectives also change in between these //
I long to hold a warm heart, one that only brings me joy and passion. One that craves more than just a simple kiss. Those hearts are only once in a century. 
And I struggle for the longing of one's heart of my own. As the hedonistic pleasure that it brings me is the same amount of satisfaction as I gain from breaking one.
And breaking them is much too easy.
Michael searched throughout the village. Tearing through the doors of each and every house and hut to find her. Each home he only found more frozen bodies. Families huddled together for warmth before they passed. Lovers together forever as they were frozen in an cold embrace.
The homes that were broken into, doors ripped open. Those were not so lucky. Their limbs broken apart like glass. Dark red splattering the floors and walls as the creatures tore them apart. What were once comforting homes of shade and shelter, were now glassed over with ice and frost, the coldness seeping into Michael’s skin.
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There’s something so beautiful about Cody’s eyes I can’t even explain it
YES 💖👄💖
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glass shattered on the white cloth… everybody moved on
but i stayed there… dust collected on my pinned-up hair…
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Cody Fern as Sauron
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Halloween Party
Michael Langdon x Reader
warnings : none
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Vulgar pop music was blasting as you pushed through the huge crowd. You were currently at a Halloween party which your best friend Coco had dragged you to. You were planning to just stay inside and watch a bunch of horror movies whilst eating a bunch of candy. But of course, you couldn't say no to Coco.
So there you were, covering your ears as people danced around you. "Coco!" You shouted over the loud music. "Are you looking for that Vanderbilt girl?" You heard a smooth voice behind you. You turned around to meet a boy with a mop of curly blonde hair.
"Um, yeah. Do you know where she is?" You asked him. The boy was dressed as Jack Skellington. Oh the irony, as you were dressed as Sally.
"She's over there with Brock." He pointed in a far corner where Coco could be seen dancing with the man known as Brock. With a groan, you turned back to the boy who was stood staring at you expectantly.
"Don't you have any other friends you can dance with?" He asked you. "Not...really." You answered awkwardly. "Me neither. I'm Michael." He held his hand out for you to shake. "I'm Y/n." You shook his hand. His hand was really warm.
"Nice to meet you. Want a drink?" He pointed to a table that had a bowl filled with punch. "Sure." You answered with a smile. He came back with a red plastic cup and handed it to you.
"Alcohol free, I think." You giggled at his statement and he soon joined. You gulped down the drink in seconds, as you were really thirsty. "Wow, slow down." Michael said jokingly.
"Wanna dance?" You asked him. "Sure." You slid your arms around his neck, his hands rested on your hips as you swayed to the song.
"You know I was dragged to this party by Brock. I'm assuming Coco dragged you here too?" "Yeah, she's always been like that. Wanting me to go everywhere with her." He hummed in response.
"This party is kind of boring, don't you think?" You asked him. "Yeah to be honest."
You felt your phone buzz in your little handbag you always carried around with you. "Sorry, I've got to check this." "It's fine." He smiled and removed his hands from your hips, you did the same with your arms.
Coco🥀 : Y/nnn!!! I just met this really cute guy!!!
Y/n🕊️ : That's great Coco! What's his name?
Coco🥀: His name is Brock and he is sooo hot! But omg! Where r u?
Y/n🕊️: I also met this rlly cute guy🤭
Y/n🕊️: His name is Michael I'll ask for his snap later
Coco🥀: Girl, you need to get laid, here's your chance!
Y/n🕊️: OK that's it I'm going bye!
You switched off your phone and turned back to Michael. "Wanna sit outside? It's getting a bit hot in here." "Sure."
"You know, I thought I was gonna spend tonight alone." You said as you both sat down on a brick wall. "Me too. I knew Brock was gonna ditch me. I need to find new friends."
You both sat in silence as you watched the cars passing by.
"Y/n!" You heard your name being called behind you. You both turned around and saw Coco with her arm around Brock. "I'm going back to Brock's house!" She shouted as she came over to you and Michael.
"Hopefully I'm gonna get laid, and you too!" She not-so whispered to you. Michael heard this and snickered. "Omg, is this Michael? You were right! He is cute!" "Coco!" Your cheeks turned bright red as you tried to cover them.
"Get his snap Y/n!" Coco was dragged away by Brock. "You told her I was cute?" Michael turned to you with a smirk. "Maybe, maybe not." "And she also told u to add my snap, right?" You nodded.
"Give me your hand." You did as instructed and he carefully held your hand as he pulled a pen from his jacket pocket.
"My number and snap is there. I've got to go now. See you later." He stood up and leaned towards you, giving you a peck on the lips which took you by surprise. "Bye." You said shyly.
You were definitely going to meet him again.
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This didn't turn out like I wanted it to but oh well
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I wanted to do fluff 🥺: Val falling in love with the sweet and kind daughter of the president Eisenhower and even deciding to screw his mission because he realized the aliens weren't his true family, just Y/N. And one day they run away from the white house leaving no trace behind and just live their happy lives, maybe even having cute hybrid babies. 😭 just pure fluff!
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“just the two of us” (valiant thor x female!reader)
(i know the song wasn’t released early enough for this to fit, but just ignore that and enjoy the song lol)
// (i wish the gif system wasn’t so broken. gif is from @plum-chatwin​)
we’re gonna just rewrite and imagine that none of what happened with mamie happened so YEAH LMAO
warnings: just pure fluff
word count: under 1000 i think (not really proofread)
His stance was so stoic, never truly relaxed, never not precisely how he wanted to present himself. But sometimes you’d see him doing the only thing you’d thought was nearly impossible. 
Express pure unadulterated emotion. Laying next to him you’d wonder if he was really willing to let ‘them’ take over the planet. Take over everything that you’d ever known in your short life.
“What are you thinking about?”
Val’s eyes narrowed as he continued to stare up at the skies, twinkling with stars and meteors that were travelling against the dark black night.
“Are you asking me what I’m actually thinking about? Or are you asking me to tell you how I’m feeling?” His lips upturned just a fraction, a smile growing as he finally turned to look over at you.
“Either or,” you smiled in return. You’d assume that he’d always know what you were doing, or about to do. You rarely ever surprised him and often times he’d be able to catch your hands before you’d even think to touch along his face. But he’d let you in always, watching curiously each time as you drew little shapes and lines along his perfectly contoured face. Your fingertips touching along his slicked back hair. Always styled perfectly, not a single strand out of place.
“Let’s go with the latter,” his eyes flickered as he scanned your expression. Trying to decipher any indicators of emotion.
Caring, she cares about me.
“Confusion, I suppose,” he decides on saying as he gently grips your hands, ceasing your motions as he splays your fingers apart. His larger hands fanning out your fingers until your hands are mirrored. Fingertip to fingertip and palm to palm.
“What are you confused about?” You pressed your head against the soft blanket that laid underneath the both of you.
Val exhaled a short breath, his head tilting back and forth as he studied your hands.
“Humans are so strange, would it be comical to call you ‘alien’?” he chuckled as he twisted your hands around, the warmth of his warming yours as he continued to examine your fingers.
“It would be strange, yes. Why do you think we’re strange?” You asked curiously, a smile fixed on your face.
“My kind have always been on the receiving end of war, chaos. Loss. As a result, we’re always reaching for achievement. Conquering. Anything to better ourselves. And humans simply, live. They sleep, rest, eat-”
“You mean enjoy things,” you cut him off, almost surprise appearing on his face as you laced your fingers with his.
“Enjoyment. Vices, pleasure?” his meets your gaze.
“Yes, humans definitely aim for pleasure,” you coyly smirked at him, easing yourself on top of him as you met chest to chest. Staring down at him as his hands continued to follow yours. In any other situation this would be vulnerable to him. Having a human locking him against the ground. Your feet and thighs keeping him pinned underneath you.
“And despite your mother’s wishes, you still aim to please?”
You rolled your eyes, unamused, “how is it, you’re not even from here and you find a way to bring up my mother in this.” You’re quick to roll off of him again, but he stops you easily. Calculating the exact amount of pressure and resistance to keep you laying on top of him.
“I’m sorry, y/n,” he chuckled lowly.
“But you know that your mother isn’t happy with this arrangement.”
“She didn’t need to know,” you trailed off, your voice muffled as you pressed your cheek into the stiff fabric of his suit jacket. Your hand now unlaced from his as you buried your hand into the soft cotton of his dress shirt.
“She was bound to find out eventually. My superiors were bound to find out too.”
“But I’m happy, aren’t you?” You finally asked. Your eyes fixed on a point in the sky now, not wanting to quite see his expression yet. You weren’t sure what he’d say. If anything at all. Perhaps a very plain reaction. Or a complicated explanation of what happiness meant.
Val’s silence was deafening. And you were close to giving up on the conversation for tonight. It was getting cold now, and surely someone would’ve noticed that you were missing from your bed.
“I suppose-” he paused. Val never paused. Never had to second guess his words. Never had to hesitate to explain something to you. But he paused. His words nearly cut off entirely as it seemed he’d even stopped breathing.
“Val?” You asked again. Still watching one single star in the sky still sparkling.
With too much apprehension in his voice and your impatience, you turned to look at him, catching his eyes. His expression is still, unmoving, but his brows are firmly knitted together. Thinking. Feeling?
“Yes, I do believe I feel happy,” he finally says. His eyes nearly twinkling as his gaze meets yours. His lips upturned in a smile.
“There’s a certain, motion inside of me when I’m with you. I can only assume that’s happiness,” his hand raises to gently cradle your cheek, precise and yet still gentle.
“E-motion,” you corrected him, your cheek pressed into his palm.
Perhaps it was in your naivety. Thinking that despite everything that was set in motion. These little moments together were prolonging the inevitable. That maybe Val could learn to love you. That he could feel the flutter of his own heart whenever he saw you. That he could feel exactly how much love you have for him. Maybe one day he’d see it and feel just the same.
i don’t remember really how accurate this is lmao
// i accidentally made this small and i have no idea how to fix it lol
i love you baaabies tag list
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@welcometothelioncage @elena-75s-blog ,@chicaluna2410  @fckinsupreme , @codyfernmorelikedaddyfern , @psychobitchtess ,@frenchlangdon, @blakescoven , @pppsssyyyccchhhiiiccc , @melodylangdon @brattylovee, @lady-jane-revisited  @bitchchatter @wroteclassicaly , @sojournmichael  @bloodcoatedeclipse, @angelicmichael @7-wonders @codycrazy @kitty4860 @winterrfalconn @langdxn @peachesandfern @femaleantichrist @this-isnt-madness @tharros-auris-black-asimi @ferndolan  @codyfernno @lovelylangdonx  @xavierplympton
tags that i seem to not be able to get to work @wormycircumstance @mintytea1 @depressedvamp
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he’s the cutest even when he’s flipping us off
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valiant thor icons!
ahs: death valley.
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“Everyone trusts a park ranger.” Stan Vogel 
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How to end toxic masculinity
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