dlamydlamy-blog · 6 years
Wel, om eerlik te wees, stem ek saam met die meeste van u feite, omdat ek persoonlik nie tyd kry met my familie nie, want ek het 'n verslawing wat my selfoon is, maar hierdie blog het my laat besef dat ek meer tyd met my familie moet spandeer en nie met tegnologie nie.
Om jou kinders belangrike lesse van die lewe te leer
Om ‘n sterker band met jou familie te bou  
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Om tyd te maak om te praat en te luister. 
Om jou kinders belangrike lesse van die lewe te leer
Om beter te help met jou kinders. 
Om die take te deel .  
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Gebrek aan kwaliteitstyd: Dit is belangrik om kwaliteit tyd met jou gesin te deel. Vandag se realiteit is dat selfs wanneer ouers voorgee om met kinders te speel of gesinsmomente te deel, die e-pos of klets die helfte van hul aandag neem.    
Swak gesig-tot-aangesig-interaksie: Vandag het die kommunikasiemodus drasties verander van direkte kommunikasie tot aangesig om net te klets. Dit raak kinders ernstig aangesien hulle swak interaksievaardighede van aangesig tot aangesig sal hê wanneer hulle grootword. 
Onderbrekende familie tyd: Dit is goed om ten minste ‘n maaltyd bymekaar te deel om 'n goeie bande met familielede te hê. Die oggendontbyt word gebruik om almal te laat haas om dit betyds vir skool en werk te maak. 
Beperkte buitelugaktiwiteite: Die nadelige lewenstyl met gebrek aan behoorlike oefening en ongesonde eetgewoontes is die hoofrede vir die meeste van die probleme. Tegnologie het 'n ware impak op die manier waarop mense die gesonde gewoontes verander het. Beperkte buitelugaktiwiteite: Die nadelige lewenstyl met gebrek aan behoorlike oefening en ongesonde eetgewoontes is die hoofrede vir die meeste van die probleme. Tegnologie het 'n ware impak op die manier waarop mense die gesonde gewoontes verander het. Beperkte buitelugaktiwiteite: Die nadelige lewenstyl met gebrek aan behoorlike oefening en ongesonde eetgewoontes is die hoofrede vir die meeste van die probleme. Tegnologie het 'n ware impak op die manier waarop mense die gesonde gewoontes verander het.   
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dlamydlamy-blog · 6 years
Tegnologie neem oor.
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Glo jy dat tegnologie verander het hoe ons ons lewens leef?
Vlak met elektronika, gadgets en gizmoe lyk die familie van vandag meer 'saam, maar apart' as enige iets anders. Tussen iPads, handheld speletjies, skootrekenaars, Facebook, Twitter en meer, is die definisie van kwaliteit familie tyd verander? Dit is vir sommige.
Een familie. Een kamer. Vier skerms. Vier werklikhede, basies. Terwyl dit dalk lyk soos 'n plaaslike weergawe van "The Matrix" - gesinne wat 'n gemeenskaplike ruimte deel, maar in heeltemal afsonderlike planne van bestaan ​​deur tegnologie ingeprop word - 'n toneel soos hierdie het 'n toenemend bekende aandritueel geword. Gevolglik kan die Amerikaanse woonkamer in 2011 dikwels minder lyk as 'n oase vir gedeelde aktiwiteit, selfs al beteken dit net televisie om saam te kyk, as 'n verstrengelde kruising van dataverkeer. Almal het in 'n kuberkoekie gekuier. "Daar is baie voorbeelde van soortgelyke "kokonne" regoor die land, met 'n ander persoon wat in die artikel aangehaal word en sê dat hy met sy vrou per e-pos kommunikeer - wanneer sy langs die bank op die rusbank sit. As sy begin met die versoek van sekere projekte wat sy wil hê hy moet die naweek doen, vra hy dadelik dat sy 'n e-pos aan hom stuur, waarin gesê word: "Dit is net meer doeltreffend."As jy verkies om mekaar te e-pos wanneer jy saam op die bank sit as om eintlik woorde te gebruik, blyk dit 'n gladde helling van oorvertroue op tegnologie, nee? Wat is die volgende, kitsboodskap mekaar aan die tafel om mekaar se dae te vra? Sherry Turkle, MIT professor en skrywer van "Alone Together: Hoekom verwag ons meer van tegnologie en minder van mekaar," sê dat 'n verhoogde afhanklikheid van tegnologie kan ons gevoel van oorvloed en leegheid verhoog.Maar daar is tegnologie-entoesiaste wat die gebruik van gadgetry erken as om hulle nader aan mekaar te bring. Een spesifieke voorbeeld in die artikel is 'n paar wat nou tye in dieselfde kamer deel, alhoewel hulle elkeen in hul iPads gedompel word. Die man sê, "Drie of vier jaar gelede sou ek onder die TV gekyk het, en sy sou bo-lees gewees het. Ek waarborg dat ons 80% meer tyd saam spandeer as gevolg van die iPad. "Wat is jou familie tyd soos deesdae? Is tegnologie kwaliteit tyd saam of seer? 
Aseblief as hulle Kan comment ,comment in Afrikaans 
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dlamydlamy-blog · 6 years
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Who dictates fashion?
Musicians and other cultural icons have always influenced what we’re wearing, but so have political figures and royalty. Newspapers and magazines report on what Hillary Clinton wears. The recent death of MAC MILLER, USA rapper, was a severe blow to the high fashion world, where his clothes were daily news.
Clothes separate people into groups.
Fashion is revealing. Clothes reveal what groups people are in. In high school, groups have names like on  : “goths, skaters, preps, herbs and skothane.” Styles show who you are, but they also create stereotypes and distance between groups. For instance, a businessman might look at a boy with green hair and multiple piercings as a freak and outsider. But to another person, the boy is a strict conformist. He dresses a certain way to deliver the message of rebellion and separation, but within that group, the look is uniform. Acceptance or rejection of a style is a reaction to the society we live in.
“A little of what you call frippery is very necessary towards looking like the rest of the world.” -Abigail Adams, letter to John Adams, May 1, 1780
Fashion is a language which tells a story about the person who wears it. “Clothes create a wordless means of communication that we all understand,” according to Katherine Hamnett, a top British fashion designer. Hamnett became popular when her t-shirts with large messages like “Choose Life” were worn by several rock bands.
There are many reasons we wear what we wear.
Protection from cold, rain and snow: mountain climbers wear high-tech outerwear to avoid frostbite and over-exposure.
Physical attraction: many styles are worn to inspire “chemistry.”
Emotions: we dress “up” when we’re happy and “down” when we’re upset.
Religious expression: Orthodox Jewish men wear long black suits and Islamic women cover every part of their body except their eyes.
Identification and tradition: judges wear robes, people in the military wear uniforms, brides wear long white dresses.
“The apparel oft proclaims the man.” -Shakespeare, Hamlet
Fashion is big business. More people are involved in the buying, selling and production of clothing than any other business in the world. Everyday, millions of workers design, sew, glue, dye, and transport clothing to stores. Ads on buses, billboards and magazines give us ideas about what to wear, consciously, or subconsciously.
Clothing can be used as a political weapon. In nineteenth century England, laws prohibited people from wearing clothes produced in France. During twentieth century communist revolutions, uniforms were used to abolish class and race distinctions.
Fashion is an endless popularity contest.
High fashion is the style of a small group of men and women with a certain taste and authority in the fashion world. People of wealth and position, buyers for major department stores, editors and writers for fashion magazines are all part of Haute Couture (“High Fashion” in French). Some of these expensive and often artistic fashions may triumph and become the fashion for the larger majority. Most stay on the runway.
Popular fashions are close to impossible to trace. No one can tell how the short skirts and boots worn by teenagers in England in 1960 made it to the runways of Paris, or how blue jeans became so popular in the U.S., or how hip-hop made it from the streets of the Bronx to the Haute Couture fashion shows of London and Milan.
It’s easy to see what’s popular by watching sit-coms on television: the bare mid-riffs and athletic clothes of 90210, the baggy pants of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. But the direction of fashion relies on “plugged-in” individuals to react to events, and trends in music, art and books.
“In the perspective of costume history, it is plain that the dress of any given period is exactly suited to the actual climate of the time.” according to James Laver, a noted English costume historian. How did bell-bottom jeans fade into the designer jeans and boots look of the 1980s into the baggy look of the 1990s? Nobody really knows.
Once identified, fashions begin to change.
International Fashion Editor Cynthia Durcanin answers the question, “What is fashion?”
Fashion is a state of mind. A spirit, an extension of one’s self. Fashion talks, it can be an understated whisper, a high-energy scream or an all knowing wink and a smile. Most of all fashion is about being comfortable with yourself, translating self-esteem into a personal style.
Why is it important?
Fashion is a means of self-expression that allows people to try on many roles in life. Whether you prefer hip-hop or Chanel-chic, fashion accommodates the chameleon in all of us. It’s a way of celebrating the diversity and variety of the world in which we live. Fashion is about change which is necessary to keep life interesting. It’s also a mirror of sorts on society. It’s a way of measuring a mood that can be useful in many aspects, culturally, socially even psychologically. At the same time, fashion shouldn’t be taken too seriously or you lose the fun of it.
How do you know what will be hot in the future?
The collections in Paris, New York and Milan, and now London, typically set the stage for the industry one year in advance. Though, I think the street is the real barometer of style. More and more designers are drawing their inspiration from life on the street. So once again, there is a link to personal style and fashion. A teenager can throw something together without thinking about it and it can trigger a new trend.
How do you choose what to wear in the morning?
It depends on my day, mood and what’s clean. If I have an important meeting or presentation, I put more thought into what I will wear. But on my most days, I dress to my mood which can range from funky to retro to classical. Then again, there are days when my laundry basket dictates what I ultimately wear.
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dlamydlamy-blog · 6 years
The picture of fashion as a distinctive social process in which collective judgment of what is proper and correct shifts in response to the direction of sensitivity and taste sets three major questions: What is the nature of the situation in which the fashion process operates? What is responsible for its operation? What societal role or function does the fashion process perform? 
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dlamydlamy-blog · 6 years
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Fashion trends are influenced by several factors including cinema, celebrities, climate, creative explorations, political, economical, social and technological. Examining these factors is called a PEST analysis. Fashion forecasters can use this information to help determine growth or decline of a particular trend. Fashion trends change daily, it can not stay unchanged. Fashion has been subject to legal regulation throughout history, from rich and superior laws that limit who can wear certain garments to trade restrictions and varying degrees of intellectual property protection. However, the concept of fashion law as a distinct legal field is relatively recent. ASAP ROCKY is known as one of the best fashion icons and rapper,he knows that he has to perform at certain places and has to dress in a very sophisticated way.He dresses for girls and to inspire other fashion icons.I look up to ASAP ROCKY on a daily.
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dlamydlamy-blog · 6 years
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Though clothes started as a necessity, in recent centuries, people have used clothing to differentiate, celebrate and even communicate. From the catwalks of Milan, to the salons of Paris and the boutiques of London, fashion is a thriving industry which attempts to combine art with commerce. It encompasses everything we wear; from clothes and shoes to accessories like hats, bags, jewellery and even lingerie.
Clothing and fashion in Australia is about much more than the way we dress. Well known for being at the cutting edge of clothing and the fun side of fashion, Australia has always welcomed new arrivals to the scene while celebrating classics, like the little black dress. Enjoying a diverse range of styles, the Australian fashion industry designs, manufactures, imports and caters for designer and  couture labels to ready-to-wear or “off the rack” clothes. 
While fashion trends come and go, there are certain kinds of clothing made for specific purposes and people, which are constantly for sale in shops and online. There is a type of clothing for every age group, activity and taste, including:
Evening wear – for formal occasions and elegant events
Business attire – office wear such as shirts, ties, suits, and skirts
Sportswear – from athletic equipment to casual workout gear
Beach and swimwear – swimming costumes, board shorts, saris
Street wear – everyday clothes such as jeans and t-shirts
Costumes – dressing up for events like Halloween
Uniforms – generally used for jobs in trades and service sectors
Maternity wear – adjustable and loose-fitting clothing for pregnancy
Baby clothes – starting in size 00000, the first clothes many of us ever wear
Echoing the cyclical nature of fashion, vintage clothes can incorporate all these types of clothing and accessories, and it continues to be very popular. Often called “recycled clothing” these pre-loved items can be found in discount, variety and “opportunity” styles
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dlamydlamy-blog · 6 years
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what are we without clothes?
Generally speaking, fashion is the need to imitate others and to identify with them. This psychological need is the most noticeable in clothes but it is also very common in different kinds of public life. Fashionable may be a way of dressing, a manner of speaking, eating habits, a turn of phrase, appearance, music race, jobs, cars, holiday places and inter design. Fashion always has its avant-garde, it means group of people who as first imitate something, the most often a way of dressing. While style in fashion is bound up with individual way of express you by shape of clothing. Fashion was changed through ages. In ancient countries women carried wigs, had their hair curly and liked a lot of jewellery. Through the ages it has changed. During the Rococo people could be more provocative. The women liked to have very huge hair. After the Second World War women wanted to be delicate and slim, however 60s and 70s year?s women started to wear mini, artificial jewellery, very hard make up and put their hair up. Nowadays it is different. A lot of women are wearing, as they want to. Of course, fashion is very important but we cannot say what is the most fashionably because women should be elegant at work, cool at home etc. Men?s fashion is easier, because it is known that man should be elegant everywhere. The glimpse of a history of fashion is the most noticeable in women?s clothes. In this time the most popular hobby, especially among teenagers, is surfing in the net, or playing computer games. Only few of them train sport or read books. Adults like watching TV or meeting with friends in pubs. It is fashionably to know which computer game is the best or the newest and which film is on the top. Secondly, eating-places. Nowadays it is very common to eat in restaurants, even it isn?t healthy. People eat fast foods etc. very often and with friends they go to expensive restaurants because it is up to date to know such places. Cars are also trendy. Good car ought to be for sure expensive, from abroad and strong. Polish cars aren?t so popular nowadays as they were few years ago because they are not fashionable. Jobs are trendy if we can earn a lot, meet a lot of people and don?t get tired. The most popular are jobs in office as secretary or connected with languages.
Now people on holiday like going abroad, especially to Spain, Thailand, Italy or Bulgaria. They like places where is always hot and life is expensive. As regards music, it is changes. It depends from age, company and many figures. In teenagers? world very popular is rock, hip-hop, soul and reggae. I think it is easy to become a fashion victim. Nowadays we are under pressure of television, newspapers and other people. It is known that if your clothes or something are unfashionable people very fast notice it and say you that don?t pass them. So someone who wants to be liked probably is trendy and follows behind the fashion. In my life fashion doesn?t play a huge role. I think I have my own style, I don?t mind is my clothes or hair are up to date or not. I am not a victim of fashion, because I find fashion sometimes is really stupid. For example, if it would be fashionable to commit suicide we should do it? Maybe we ought to think a bit more about ourselves.
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dlamydlamy-blog · 6 years
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It’s a trend to look like a fresh prince. I have made it a living,I basically dress up for living ….the best known dresser Luka Sabbat is doing the most at the fashion shows,you know why ? because he dresses like a fresh prince and lives like a freshprince(lifestyle).In most cases fashion is said to be the last thing people tend to think about,but as a fashion icon,I want to change how people view fashion and should try and have a different sense of fashion.Most gentle man might have to take my advise because honestly first physical appearance means the most to some women we go for.You want to settle for high things but your fashion attraction is wack,nobody wants that.So as your fashion icon i’m going to change how you see or feel about fashion,the whole point for you is for you to attract people or for you to approach but that all will depend on what you choose to wear,fresh prince look will unlock a very different way of style.
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       what a time to be a fresh prince. lets make the fresh prince look move everyone and lets make it a lifestyle,it’s for the better.
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