dominicpowers · 1 year
Who: @emiradursun​
Where: Oasis Nightclub
If there was one thing that Dominic was known for, it was that he knew how to have a good time. He was a man that had often been snapped by the paparazzi at some of the biggest parties in the United States - whether it was thrown by a teammate or some other high-profile celebrity - or at some of the hottest clubs there were. That was why he was grateful that there was a Nightclub in Aurora Bay, though he certainly had no qualms with traveling to Los Angeles or San Francisco to attend a good party either, and he couldn’t help but enjoy the thumping music and the lively atmosphere. As he made his way to the bar, though, he couldn’t help but notice a familiar face and as he got closer, he couldn’t help the smile that pulled at his lips.
“Fancy seeing you here.... Then again, you do have a good eye for a nice party,” Dominic said before he moved to pull the other in for a hug. The two had been friends for a few years now, having met at a party he attended in NYC - he couldn’t remember who had thrown it, just that it had been someone famous - and they had hit it off. And, of course, hit on each other. While they both were aware that there was nothing else between them but sex, they had agreed to be one another’s beneficial friend - and if that didn’t wind up hooking up with someone, they could always count on each other. “It’s good to see you again, though, Emira. You been doing alright?”
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dominicpowers · 1 year
Who: @amayapowers​
Where: Amaya’s place
Once every last box and bag had been unpacked and unloaded into his home, Dominic knew that there was just one thing he had to do - he had to run and see his favorite cousin. The two had practically grown up like siblings in Aurora Bay, the two year age difference between them practically nothing, and he can vividly remember her making him sing backup to her when she was a little kid - and he can remember when he would get her to play a game of HORSE or Around the World in exchange. Now the two of them had grown into their own, making names for themselves, but if there was one thing that the Powers family had instilled in them... It was that they couldn’t forget where their came from.
That’s how he found himself at her doorstep, letting his knuckles rap against the doorframe. He knew he probably should’ve texted her, seen if she was even home, but he wanted to surprise her. He doubted she even knew he bought his own place in their hometown, or that he was planning to stay there for good - well, apart from when he had to travel for his games, at least. “Yo, big cuz... you in there?”
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dominicpowers · 1 year
What you are as a person is far more important than what you are as a basketball player.
John Wooden (via allaboutbball)
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dominicpowers · 1 year
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dominicpowers · 1 year
Locations: The Neptune Status: Open 
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Ramsey was still getting used to living back in Aurora Bay. She had been so overwhelmed with the city life lately that she needed the small town charm to come back into her life. However, it was taking a bit of time to still get used to the sudden shift in environment and she was hoping it wasn’t a sink or swim situation. Her main objective in being home were two thing’s. To find herself again and to be able to be with the people she loved and loved to spend time with.  She was still working, but had taken some time off for herself, which meant she was taking calls about future jobs. One particular call had her running late and the model came rushing into the restaurant, feeling embarrassed that she had been late to meeting someone to have a nice meal between friends. “ Shit, I’m sorry. I had a call and I lost track of time. “ Ramsey explained as she sat down with a genuine apologetic expression on her face. “ This is on me, were you waiting long?” 
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It had been less than a week since he had been in Aurora Bay, at least on an official level, and already he had seemed to be running into so many people from the past. People that he had come across over the course of his career as a Golden State Warrior - whether it was from red carpet events or some of the biggest parties in LA - and one of those was Ramsey. While he and Ramsey may not have been the closest of friends, it was still nice to see a familiar face in his hometown and he figured that at the very least... she could use with one there, too. “You ain’t gotta apologize, Ramsey... Trust, I get it.” And really, he did. He knew that Ramsey, like him, had a job that required him to have his phone on him in case his agent needed to contact him about an update to his contract or if they wanted him to show up somewhere for good press - both for him and the Warriors - and he wasn’t going to get upset for being stood up. “Just glad you remembered little old me.” His words were playful, teasing, and a dimple etched into his cheeks before he shook his head. “But nah, I haven’t been waiting that long. Just long enough to get a water, flirt with the waitress, perform open heart surgery...”
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dominicpowers · 1 year
location: anywhere status: open @aurorabaystarter​
Ben dropped the bag onto the table in front of him. “Inflation is really kicking my ass. I pretty much just gave those girl scouts all my money.” He said as he unloaded the bag revealing the six boxes of girl scout cookies he had just bought, all Thin Mints. “I mean not all of it, but five dollars a box, that’s steep.” He tore into the packaging, he had been waiting all year for cookies to go on sale. He shoved a cookie into his mouth. “You want one?” He asked before he could even swallow.
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“Tell me about it... I got a niece in the scouts and I feel like she took ten percent of my salary.” An exaggeration, of course, but he definitely remembered a time when Girl Scout cookies were three bucks a pop. “Thanks, but I’m good. If they were Tagalongs, though? You’d probably be able to upcharge me. I’m a sucker for those, man.” A chuckle left his lips then as he shook his head, only to move and offer a hand to the other man. “Don’t think we’ve properly met though... I’m Dom. I grew up here and I’ve visited from time to time, but I’ve officially just moved back.”
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dominicpowers · 1 year
Location: Seaside Animal Rescue
Status: Open
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As soon as Layla started to see more people running around with new pets, Kaede knew he was going to have to take his daughter to the animal rescue to pick her up something. Thing’s had been difficult the past year and while there were ups and downs, he knew his daughter was ready for a pet. He just really hoped it wasn’t anything huge that captured her heart. 
He held his daughters hand as she moved through the different sections of the rescue as her eyes lit up at every possible idea. She couldn’t decide between a cat or a dog. Kaede didn’t grow up with pets so, he wasn’t the best at offering his daughter advice, so he had to do the next best thing. Ask the person next to him who was looking at the kitten enclosures. “ What’s your opinion for a first pet? Kitten or puppy?” He asked as his five year old daughters eyes lit up and looked at the other person. 
One of the things that Dominic liked to do when he had time off was volunteer at the animal rescue. When he had been a teenager, it had been one of the things he had did to pad his already impressive high school transcripts for the Admissions Officers at the Universities he was applying for, but it had been something he had fell in love with. Giving back where he could, making sure that people understood that he never forgot where he came from and that he was never too big to care for anyone - especially animals that couldn’t help themselves... it was something that enlightened him and it was something he had always told himself he would do. That he would donate a small portion of his salary to the Humane Society, but also to the Seaside Pet Rescue as well...
But his wanting to help out didn’t just relate to his wanting to supply funding to the rescue. No, he wanted to volunteer and help out the animals if need be, and he was there when he saw the man and his daughter looking at potential animals to take care of. “I suppose that depends on you and your daughter, sir,” Dominic started, lifting his shoulders up in a shrug. “They’re both good options, and both definitely show a great level of responsibility, but cats need less attention and training than dogs. Cats mainly just need you to feed them and keep their litterboxes cleaned, but dogs require housebreaking, exercise, training... It depends on how much you want to teach your daughter, I think. I, personally, am more of a dog person... I have two myself, though my Rottie is currently pregnant, and I can say that once they’re properly trained? Their love is definitely far more rewarding. At least, in my eyes.”
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dominicpowers · 1 year
Open Starter: @aurorabaystarter​ When/Where: Sunday afternoon on the beach
Dawson decided to take his dog out to the beach. Larry was still very much a puppy and needed lots and lots of exercise to keep himself from getting into trouble. The young great dane had proven to love the beach, so it had become a favorite activity for Dawson. He loved watching the dog run and splash in the water. 
He had spent a few minutes walking down the beach, occasionally throwing a tennis ball for the young dog to go get. This time however, he was surprised as his dog picked up the tennis ball and ran in a different direction. The puppy ran directly up to a stranger and Dawson waved his arm, making his way quickly over to them. “Sorry! He’s friendly… “ He said jogging their way. 
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Though Dominic hadn’t been in Aurora Bay that long, he knew that one of the things he absolutely needed to do was take his dogs out to the beach. His Golden Retriever, Champ, absolutely loved the water and he knew that the exercise would be good for Honey, his pregnant Rottie. And given that he knew that his dogs would enjoy the attention, from people and fellow pets alike, he figured taking them to the beach wouldn’t necessarily be a bad thing. With both of his dogs in their harnesses, and a bag of some of their favorite toys, he began to walk out of his beachside property and down the beach. His dogs followed along after him, tongues hanging out of their mouth as they enjoyed the warm temperatures.
What he didn’t expect was for another dog to come bounding up after him, and he had to stop his dogs - thankful that they were well-trained - to ensure that nothing was going to happen to his dogs, or to the puppy that ran up. Hearing the concerned owner, though, Dominic could only smile and chuckle. “Nah, man, you’re fine... I could tell from his tail that he just saw me and my dogs as more people to play with.” But you could never be too careful, really. “Looks like he could use some more fetch training, though, eh?”
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dominicpowers · 1 year
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dominicpowers · 1 year
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dominicpowers · 1 year
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dominicpowers · 1 year
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Full Name: Dominic James Powers
Nicknames: Dom, DJ, Sweet Feet
Age: 34
Date of Birth: July 23rd - Leo
Hometown: Aurora Bay, California
Current Location: Aurora Bay, California
Gender: CIS-Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Religion: Christian
Occupation: NBA Player (Golden State Warrior Point/Shooting Guard)
Living Arrangements: Living in a house in Aurora Bay Drive
Language(s) Spoken: English
Faceclaim: Michael B. Jordan
Height: 6'3
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Piercings: A stud in each ear
Tattoos: Two - each arm covered in a biomechanical design. His left arm looks like a robotic arm while the right arm is the same, except there are cut outs that show gears inside - a play on the fact that his teammates playfully call him a machine for how often he works out.
Noticeable Features: Brilliant eyes and charming smile
Fashion Style: Classic, Sporty, Preppy
Parents: James Powers, Veronica Powers nee Lawson
Siblings: Hilary Gregory nee Powers (sister, age 29), Violet Powers (sister, age 27), Brandon Powers (brother, age 23)
Cousin: Amaya Powers
Pets: Two dogs - Champ, a three year old Golden Retriever, and Honey, a four-year old Rottweiler. Honey is currently pregnant.
Ever since Dominic had been born, his father had made sure to tell him an important fact about life - that it was going to be harder for him than it would be for anyone else. That he would have to work twice as hard to get only half the credit, and that was something that stuck with Dominic. No matter what he did, he made sure to give everything a hundred and ten percent - and that was precisely what he did. But one thing he found was that while he was good with numbers, he was better with athletics.
Between peewee football and little league baseball, he proved from an early age that he is quite the athlete but there hadn’t been a sport he loved more than the game of basketball. It was a sport that was more fast paced, one that put you on the spot and made you have to think on your feet. And though he knew it would be difficult, he could see himself having a future in it - and though he had worried how his father would take to his wanting to try and play the sport professionally, he was surprised that his father was supportive. As long as he had a decent backup plan, that was, and Dominic knew that that meant he’d have to go to college.
Of course, he wound up getting his pick of colleges. With his prowess in basketball, a guard that could alternate between the point and the two, he was recruited by many of the top names in the NCAA - UNC, Duke, Ohio State, Michigan State, University of Kentucky, University of Louisville, South Carolina, LSU (just to name a few) - and with a scholarship offered by more than half of them, the decision was a tough one. Eventually, though, Dominic opted to go for a college that wasn’t just a one-and-done, and with a decent business school, he chose the University of North Carolina. And that turned out to be a good thing, because he wound up leading the team to the 2009 NCAA Division his last year of college and with a collegiate championship under his belt, it was easy for him to be drafted to the NBA.
Drafted by the Golden State Warriors alongside Steph Curry in May 2009, Dominic was determined to make his name be one that would ring in infamy - a name much like Michael Jordan, Shaqueille O'Neal, Magic Johnson, LeBron James and the late, great Kobe Bryant - and it wasn’t long before Dom and Steph wound up becoming the Golden State Warriors’ greatest weapon. Nicknamed the dynamic duo, they were hard to guard because the other team never knew what position they were playing since they could both switch from the point to the two and they became such a well-oiled machine that they helped them win 5 of their 12 conference titles, 5 of their 6 division wins, and 3 of their six national championships.
Of course, Dominic was well aware that he wasn’t getting any younger and that his days in the NBA would eventually come to an end, so he decided to move back home to Aurora Bay and with his money - and his love of animals - has donated enough to the Seaside Pet Rescue that they don't have to worry about funding for whatever might come their way. And though Dominic likes being seen as the eligible bachelor that everyone knows him as, part of him yearns to find that perfect someone and settle down.
Until then, though? He’s totally going to enjoy his status as an eligible bachelor as long as possible.
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