ooc; I apologize for coming back and then leaving again. I ended up getting a job, so I don't have lots of personal time now. But I'll still be popping in from time to time.
Hiatus until further notice.
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ooc; I missed this so much. ighworihgrwohg. Seriously, you guys are more than welcome to throw yourselves at me. If you want. No pressure.
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Tony raised an eyebrow, playing it off as though he still didn't know what Natasha was referring to. Sure, maybe she and patchy had helped, but he wasn't about to stroke her ego with a thank you when he'd spent hours in the lab. Regardless of if he'd have been there without their help or not. "I'm here because patchy owns my soul and I've got more money in this place than god. Why're you here?" Tony's eyebrows raised, a grin tugging his lip.  She worked there sure, but Tony more meant in his space. The teasing was just to lighten the mood. The last thing he needed was a spider with a vengeance after him.
dont-touch-the-suit started following you
“Well, desperate times call for desperate measures, and as I remember, you were very desperate the night of the party.” She tilted her head to the side, brows pulled together, and gaze cast upward in a mock thoughtful pose. She blinked and resumed to her normal impassive gaze within a second. She smiled at him. Smiling was never good. “It was well worth it.” That mission had been a vital one. She had been with SHIELD for three years then. They were beginning to trust her and her rank was rising. Shadowing Stark was just the final obstacle to be exactly where she wanted to be. “Why are you here?”
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"Whatever you'd like to call it, sweet cheeks." he hummed, looking up from beneath his brows at her as though asking what she was still doing there. A scoff left his lips when the word 'grateful' flew past hers, his eyes rolling, pocketing his phone. "Yea, grateful. Grateful that I'm a genius and managed to discover a new element while being held against my will in my own home. Hey, Nat, does babysitting pay well?"
dont-touch-the-suit started following you
“Attempting?” She raised her brows with incredulity. . “I don’t attempt. And the last time I checked, I assisted Director Fury into helping you save your life. I can’t say that’s my usual mission, but I think men I’ve killed have been more grateful.”
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"Uh...the latter." Tony breathed with an almost mocking smirk, tossing a wink her way. "I'm not sure if there's some rule about being a triple agent and attempting to kill your fellow boy band members, but hey." he shrugged, his eyes dropping back to his cellphone as though completely interested in it rather than Natasha, if only to agitate her.
dont-touch-the-suit started following you
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“I’m not sure if that old adage about better late than never applies to missing meetings about national defense. Is it just the Latverian Embassy you don’t care about, or is it everything that doesn’t have your name of it?”
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Lady Loki and Victor von Doom by FuckingSelen
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"I've got a pretty wide field of expertise." Tony purred, peering down at the blue prints she was going over again. Beauty was one way to get Tony's attention, but intelligence was always a nice cherry on top. The fact that she was at least six feet tall compared to his five foot eight stature was almost unsettling but he didn't let it bother him, hardly even noticing her posture straightening. "Bored? Pfft, this is my job. What kind of genius, philanthropist would I be if I didn't check in on things?" he scoffed, playing it off as though he was actually there for reasons other than boredom. Tony watched as she twisted a lock of hair around her finger, running his tongue over his lips momentarily before his gaze shifted back to the blue prints as though he hadn't been staring. "Well, Lock," he began, pocketing one hand, his other turning the blue prints as though he were truly interested in them, eyes scanning over the white outlines. "We should do coffee some time. I could show you around, too." One more smirk and he wandered away almost as quickly as he'd shown up, once again bored with the entire environment, a card with his cellphone number left on the table atop the blueprints.
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“One would hope,” Loki muttered under her breath as she continued to scan the primitive design before her. Good looks could account for many things. Had more than helped her earn this position with her words paired with a false little smile others thought was true. Unfortunately is seemed the reputation the man had earned in the papers was true as well. “You realize how very reassuring that sounded,” she mocked. “I’m Lock Nauda. One of the new engineers hired to work in your technology department,” she stood up straight then and turned to look at him, “Mr. Stark.”  Most defiantly arrogant as well as an egotist if the clothes he was wearing were anything to go by. This mortal would be tedious to manage face to face.
Tony only stared a moment, his eyes scanning over her, trying to catch some glimpse of something foreign. Lock Nauda was a strange name and Tony didn't even bother trying to say it, leaning into the table she was standing at. "An engineer huh? Yea, me too. Fun stuff. You new? I don't remember seeing you around here uh..before." he mused, pointing lazily around the room as he spoke and trying to recall the last time he'd boredly wandered into this part of the building. Checking up on things was usually something Pepper did. "I think I'd definitely remember a face." he smirked, winking at the woman.
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Trickery had always come easily to Loki. Weaving webs of deception in delicate layers that no one but the scar lip could hope to understand was second nature. Using magic to aid personal causes as easy as breathing. Now, with so much against her she was calling in favors and refusing to fight Midgards enemies on open ground. Loki would use what Loki knew and that was words.
In this new form taken on so rarely the trickster used resources to learn what these Avengers who had defeated the god in battle were capable of. Thor was not a problem. Easily brought to his knees or appeased with simple lies. Loki had need to know of the others for the next time they meet. To make them weak. See them crumble.
So he’d made a disguise. Forged his skin into a new suit. Called himself ‘Lock Nuada’ with a degree that so many in this realm thought was important. Faking one, developing a past by twisting mortal memory was easier than ever before. They were such weak things. She read a text or five and got the hang of mortal science quite easily. Then went off and talked her way into a position at Stark Tech. The only advantage of going so deeply into the network was being near others that could possibly appreciate the designs she was capable of, discovered their black coffee, and piggy backing her own fail safe into Stark tech without anyone noticing. Then there came a day when she felt a gaze across her white lab coat and saw the man of iron from the corner of her eyes as she remained bent over some blue prints. Arrogant mortal, clearing his throat as if she should drop what she was working on, even if it was a ruse, to pander to him. 
“If you had eyes you could see that I am busy and I do not like being interrupted.”
"Ouch, is that the third degree?" Tony hummed, his tone slightly teasing with a hard blink as though actually taken aback before giving the woman a smirk. "If I didn't have eyes, I wouldn't be over here, uh...what did you say your name was?" he asked, slipping the question in there smoothly, eyebrows raised as he waited for an answer, already assuming she knew exactly who he was. After all, she was working inside of a building with his name on it.
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Stark industries. Tony's legacy. The thing he would be remembered for. The thing his father was remembered for. His name was on nearly every high-tech weapon, aircraft carrier and most of the equipment S.H.I.E.L.D owned. Everything that Tony held near and dear, alongside his mansion, money and appearence. So it wasn't really any surprise that he was strolling through research and development that day, sunglasses sitting on the bridge of his nose, hair perfectly tousled into place. Tony stopped where he stood, crossing his arms over his chest, watching people in white lab coats busy at work, creating and recreating blue prints, testing firearms in the firing room, spilling coffee down themselves. Eyebrow raised, Tony didn't find himself particularly impressed nor entertained with the dull work atmosphere. It wasn't until a woman caught his attention. Her skin was fare, face framed in dark tousles and Tony couldn't be bothered to relocate his eyes anywhere else other than her curves, tracing them as his head tilted downwards, sunglasses sliding down his nose. It was only a second before he managed to push them back into his hair, close his mouth and stroll right up to the table she was standing over, her eyes scanning over a piece of paper as though she was totally absorbed. At least until he cleared his throat and smirked, stuffing his hands in his pockets, completely lax.
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Iron Man 3
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