drakosoroemon · 2 years
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( aiden turner, age 38, cisgender male, he/him) DRAKO SOROEMON is a FARMER. They are a HUMAN. They are ENTHUSIASTIC, but they are also MONOTONOUS. In their spare time, you can find them READING IN THE GARDEN. ( blade, 27, est, she/her )
Drako is a lover of nature. He is proud of the land he owns and spends his time outside from dawn to dusk. His pride comes from the stories told by his mother and father. He understand it's the uttermost responsibility at remaining a source of nourishment for the people of Atherion. Nonetheless he often wonders if remaining true to his family has provided him the life he wants. 
 His mother is everything to him. He wish he could say the same for his father. Disdainful. Drako would never be enough to him. His sister was the jewel of their fathers eye. Drako knows the intentions of his father have always been that of a foe. The legends he spoke of were laced with venom. He wanted to be a great. How is any child of a chimerical father happy? 
 Drako is a man of loyalty. He is the trusted friend and the Armor-less warrior. He would die for his family and loved ones. His silence may easily fool those who have yet to understand him. Drako is of good nature. He will be better than his father.
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