dramseysr3 · 6 years
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How Jane Fonda Explains ‘Hanoi Jane’ Photo: ‘Regret to My Dying Day’ Tim Molloy The Wrap January 22, 2018
Jane Fonda has offered detailed explanations and apologies for the actions that earned her the nickname “Hanoi Jane” during the Vietnam War. But as Megyn Kelly made clear Monday, many Americans aren’t ready to forgive and forget the events of more than 45 years ago.
On Monday, while addressing her much-criticized question to Fonda about plastic surgery, Kelly said Fonda is in no position to judge anyone because of her actions during Vietnam.
“Look at her treatment of our military during the Vietnam War, many of our veterans still call her ‘Hanoi Jane’ thanks to her radio broadcasts, which attempted to shame American troops,” Kelly told her NBC audience. “She posed on an anti-aircraft gun used to shoot down our American pilots.”
Kelly, a former Fox News host, said Fonda “called our P.O.W.s ‘hypocrites and liars’ and referred to their torture as ‘understandable,‘” and said that she “had to apologize years later for that gun picture — but not for the rest of it.” as posted on Linkedin
There is nothing this bitch can say, conspiring with the Enemy and she can take apology and stick it up her ass. This woman to most or all service personnel hated her and compared her to Tokyo Rose.
David M. Ramsey Sr.
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dramseysr3 · 6 years
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Integrity is by far the most important asset of a leader.
Deal-breaking behaviors that make best people quit: 1) False promises to get someone to do something, e. g. to accept a job or a responsibility 2) Plagiarism of someone else ideas and credit-taking for someone’s work 3) Lies of omission to withhold relevant information. 4) Spreading rumors to damage someone’s reputation. 5) Cheating to get a financial or positional advantage. 6) Misrepresenting own accomplishment to make oneself look better at expense of others. “Honesty is an expensive gift. Do not expect from cheap leaders.” Warren Buffett Do you agree ?
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dramseysr3 · 6 years
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Terrorism, In The United States.
In 2004, The State of New York declared the death penalty unconstitutional. Another reason maybe, because, to take an defendant from arrest, conviction, housing, feeding, guarding and cost of taking the convicted person through all the due process, until death, would cost over Three Hundred $300 million dollars.
The State of New York pays one of the highest cost in housing prisoners. New York pays roughly $167 Thousand a per year for each person incarcerated in their prisons. Population in New York stands close to Eight Point Five (8.5) Million People. .112% of which are incarcerated: 9.5 thousand at $167 thousand per prisoner: 1.6 Million Dollars per year. There are approximately 2.5 million persons incarcerated in The United States: $417.5 million per year.
Instead of cutting Medicare or Medicaid or any other important class, maybe the President need to select a committee to monitor prison spending. New York has had its unfair share of terrorism. They have one of the findest and best trained police and fire department, but yet, they get hit with terrorism.
December 11, 2017, at 7:20am, Manhattan Subway Station, there where approximately 2,700 police officer patrolling in that subway. They make random searches picked out of thousands of commuters a day. Still, a want to be terrorist 27 year old Akayed Ullah, arriving in the U.S. 2011 using a F43 Family Immigrant Visa, a person with a want to be alleglance with ISIS, attempted to cause mass destruction with mass murder. By using a home made pipe bomb.
At detonation, the pipe bomb partly went off causing injuries to himself and a few citizens close to him with burns. There are only a few reasons why this pipe bomb did not destruct. The cap was on to loose, or ignition wires not sealed going into the pipe; both causing linkage causing only vapor and fire to escape. Or, not having enough black powder to explore the outer material, or he just packed the black powder so tight not allowing any air or vapor to explore; air is needed for ignition
He should of bought The Anarchist Cookbook, written in 1971 by William Powell; Amazon.com. with step by step. I say this not to be funny, but to show how our freedom of speech on the internet is telling our enemies how to destroy us.
The Terrorist stated, “he found the pipe,” and it took a while to gather the rest of the elements. All he had to do was walk into a Walmart and he could of bought all the elements. If New York didn’t have mail restrictions on black powder, Amazon would of ship it to him.
We have no deterrent in place except three meals a day for the rest of their live, living better in our prison then his country. Terrorism took out more U.S. Citizens than Pear Harbor. We haunted the leader, the head of Islamist group Al-Queda for Osama bin Ladin responsible for 911 in which we found, and he was double tapped to the head May 02, 2011 just after 1am. Our government didn’t want to catch him, they wanted him dead. But, we have some responsible just wasting away in our prisons, costing us each over $167 thousand a year for killing our U.S. Citizens.
The President needs to increase punishment to include the death penalty.i am not talking about sitting in prison going through eight years of due process costing the U.S. tax payers 300 million each. I talking about once a person is convicted of being a terrorist, attempting to cause mass destruction and mass murder; due process will end. Execution within thirty (30) days.
We executed the leader with double tap to the head, now let’s execute the ones that planned and carried out the mass destruction and mass murder.
David M. Ramsey Sr. Free Lance Writer
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dramseysr3 · 7 years
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Patriotism Must Be Refreshed From Time To Time  by the American People who must take the bad with the good. The now President seems like a miniature “Muhammad Ali ” – “I Am The Greatest, " I have done more then any Past President has done in such a short few months. In truth, Trump, seems not to have any Diplomacy nor Polilitical skills-what so ever: inept, in many ways. He has a vision of grandeur, in hopes of having an memorial entombment, like “Abraham Lincoln ” for all the things he is doing, after he pasts.
Every morning, while sitting on his white irovy throne, in his white irovy tower, texting chaotic tweets, causing nothing but turmoil around the world; he lacks common sence, while tweeting. Trump might allegedly need to seek professional help dealing with all the stress he is under. At the age of seventy (70), he may allegedly stroke out under the stress that he is not the greatest.
His temper towards women is deplorable on many levels. During his campaign, women came forward, accusing Trump of allegedly being abusive to women and a womanizer. The same holds true when dealing with women of the press versus men. It almost appears that Trump is allegedly horrified of the idea that woman are considered on the same playing field as himself; must I say the words: Woman are Equal. 
Trump is allegedly all about his image, he must be considered the greatest; as an example, his inauguration, he allegedly went crazy tring to prove that the  crowd at his inauguration was the most witnessed then any other President in United States History. Trump can’t allegedly get over the idea that Past Secretary Hillary Clinton won the popular vote among the American People. At this time, seven months later, he is still trying to prove it wrong.
Trump allegedly will never be on the same level of Presidenacy as “ Past President Abraham Lincoln, Past President John F. Kennedy, Past President Bill Clinton and nor Past President Ronald Reagan. ” If Trump doesn’t learn to relax, learn to share accomplishments with his coalition of staff; understand to play nice with our neighbors; he may not reach the Presidenacy level of “ Past President Barack Hussein Obama II. ”
Jefferson said it best,
“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure,” Jefferson wrote in a letter to William S. Smith, a diplomatic official in London, on November 13, 1787. … “God forbid we should ever be 20 years without such a rebellion,” Jefferson remarked.Oct 17, 2009
Thomas Jefferson and "The Blood of Tyrants” | HuffPost
Trump’s resent Gallup poll has him at an approvement percentage of 35% as a low time, three day Ave. This show us one thing, the American People are slowly losing confidence in Trump’s ability to run this country.
In other words, it may be time for the Secret Service to triple his security.
David M. Ramsey Sr.
Free-Lance Writer
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dramseysr3 · 7 years
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In this world of technology, our children are memorized by the internet and all the information it bears. Our children are engaged with volume texting that places our children in a trance of thought without knowledge. The main thwart, is because the use–is like a nicotine addiction. The manufacturers should be obligatory to those facts. Chance Favors The Challenged and The Prepared Mind.
As it has always been said, knowledge is power, but we as teachers of life and knowledge must control and channel the thought used on the Laptop, Cell Phone and the I-Pad. Some mis-guided parents use the technology as a baby-sitter. As long as the child is sitting quietly–they love it: but, the effects will be long lasting. The mannerism in witch the technology is used, depends on the parental guidance–received.
Limits, must always be taught, to develop a well structured environment for learning. Texting while driving is killing our children, because they had to take their eyes off the road to text that last word; which becomes their last word in life: nothing worst then investigating an accident and  finding their cell phone, and learning, the last letter typed, was the letter T . We must stop using cell phones and I-Pads as babysitters and set certain limits of use.
Tech producers are trying to addict our young  children minds; I-Phones are designed to aid in this addiction. They are attempting to keep a young mind on their product 24/7. Every notification noise, drives the person back to the product. Every application develop has the same end result, keep the person and or young mind on their product: Brain Hacking.
People and our younger generation find themselves hooked and addicted to their own technology. The urge of using their cell phones and or I-Pads–is out of control, the initiative to stop is there, but, it is almost like an aphrodisiac and you being astute at the same time. We are becoming slaves to our own technology.
The manufacturers ideology is to insure that our young minds stay connected, causing priceless feed back needed to build next generation technology. We as parents must set guidelines for our children at the youngest age, not treating technology as a babysitter.
Free-Lance Writer
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dramseysr3 · 7 years
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Our Forefather Would Turn Over
Our forefathers had no idea the American People would elect any person with no experience in the political arena. Now the Dummy is thinking of firing the special council. In my lifetime I never heard or seen any President with this many problems in such a short time. 
His tweets, problematic as they are, proves that this Dummy is texting without thinking. He is being sued for modulation, earning money while being President. Dummy is making all big event happen at one of his hotels; collecting more then 100,000 dollars for his hotel. Since President took office, he raised his golf membership to $200,000.
Dummy is a tough man texter, he has no idea when to keep his month shut. Most of these problems are caused by his tweets. My small group and I want to be vigilant in any of our statements about the President; being optimistic, unfavoured information is coming in so fast, I have to shoot from the hit. The uncouth manner that he uses to present information is bebunked.Let’s be clear, when he texts, I believe he thinks of himself as a clandestine operative while texting.
David M. Ramsey Sr.
Free-Lance Writer
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dramseysr3 · 7 years
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A Brave Soldier
“Coward Politicians Die Many Deaths, But, Our Brave Soldiers Die Only Once”
“Coward Politicians can afford to be wrong, but, sometimes, our Brave Soldiers can not found.”
“Coward Politicians draw up the orders, but, our Brave Soldiers become the Donors.”
“Coward Politicians may never die, but, our Brave Soldiers’ families will always cry.”
“Coward Politicians go home every night, but, our Brave Soldiers must stay there and fight.”
“Coward Politicians may never have to fight, but, our Brave Soldiers must aways be in the right.”
“Our Brave Soldiers may never die, because in our hearts they will always lie.”
David M. Ramsey Sr. Free-Lance Writer
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dramseysr3 · 7 years
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Two Year Requirement
What is needed at this time is legislation to be introduced that would prevent inexperienced candidates from running for the position of President of The United States. Requirements must be strengthened for the good of the people; what I suggest is:
A person running for the office of The President of The United States of America, must have at least two (2) years experience in governmental services; such as mayor or higher. A proper foundation is a must, for the running of this country.
David M.Ramsey Sr.
Free-Lance Writer
Press Link= The main Article, 2016 Election
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dramseysr3 · 7 years
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2016 Election, will go down in Infamy
Our last election proved three (3) things:
(01). A person must be Thirty-Five years of age;
(02). They must be natural-born citizen of The United States;
(3). It doesn’t mater if the person is ILLITERATE, or has any POLILITICAL BACK-GROUND what so ever, or have DELUSIONAL DEITY, or have absolutely no ASTUTE; involved in PUBLICITY & COMPLICITY: In simple language, a person can be a loud mouth, foul speaking, unwanted womanizer and or a nutcase, and can become the President. Simpler Language Yet; a person that can speak, Cockamamie​-Poppycock.
This 2016 election will go down in infamy.
The American People were looking to be mesmerize, and someone with intuitive ideas.
The people are looking for someone who shoots from the hip, talks like a good old boy, foul language and all.
A person that can say something today, and then, talk about the same thing the next day, but different; A person that can change their views, like the weather.
Benjamin Franklin said,
“In this world, nothing can be said for certain, except, death and taxes.”
Our election proved another thing; if you are of age, and have the money, you can be President.
This I say, may be a fact,
“That coward politicians die many deaths, but our brave soldiers die only once.”
A President can’t fight a war on guts alone. When a President makes a threat to a country, and does not follow through, it makes us seem weak. ***
Personally, if a person is elected President, The American people need to embrace that choice, until time shows he/she fails in that job to perform their duties: nevertheless, at least give them a chance; no matter what you think of them personally.
Can’t wait until 2020, this election will prove to be very interesting, being that every Tom, Dick and Sally with a few bucks, will be running.
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Press Link= Two (2) Requirement
David M. Ramsey Sr
Free-Lance Writer
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dramseysr3 · 7 years
I Love You Each Day.
“As we watch the stars so high,–I wonder why,–we should cry.
Crying is,–what we do, when we are, –so sad and blue.
So listen,–what I tell you now is true, the words I say,–I love you.
The love ones, –we may lose today, –we know, –we will see them,–another day.
As we go through life each day, –bringing love to you, –this May.
In closing I must say,–I love you, –more each day.”
------Dave Ramsey 05/19/2017
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dramseysr3 · 7 years
David M. Ramsey Sr. (FLW)
05/18/2017,  (DMR) I find it so hard to look at Trump with much or any charity. Russia, still may be the mans–down-fall. His adamant statements, of no dealings with Russia or interfering that may lead to indictments of obstruction within such sublime degree, that this in fact, may start the wheels turning towards impeachment: Time will only tell. This pursuit of fact finding, proving collusion or any other conspiracy to deceive, will be relentless;  maybe on the same level or degree as Water-Gate. The selecting of a special investigator to prove or dismiss all these allegations to finally put a end and close to these matters.
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Infestation at The White House Dave Ramsey Free-Lance Writer
Washington D. C. (DMR) The White House, Senate and the House of Representatives are surrounded by an infestation of Republicans; with Trump being the Lemming creature in charge and their leader, and forgive me not, American People, because they do not know what they do.
Thank God, we, the American People, have the freedom of the press, to act as a rodenticide to this problem. Trump, as he sits upon his throne in his white ivory tower, tweeting, while the world around him, collapses. Trump has every reason to fear the press with his notorious exaggeration and obstructionism of truths and his ridiculous feelings of paranoia.
The mutiny he feels, are unfounded, but his hysteria and his needs to be the center of attention are abhorrence. Russia and Korea now think of the American People under the inexperienced tutelage of the President as cowards. Trump, stated, there would be no more testing of missiles from Korea’s dictator Kim Jong Un, will not happen.
Trump will hit them with a pulse that will knock out all their power; really, what happened to that. Trump didn’t even send them a bad-boy message. Threats cannot be made without following through: in other words, Trump is all talk, with no show. Nevertheless, yet, Trump can send $70,000,000 worth of missiles in response to the poison gas released; we have the signature of whose gas it belonged to, but know proof of who set it off. As far as we know, it could have been an enemy that knew where it was being stored and they set it off.
In other words, the responds to the gas was good, but, not responding to testing of instruments of mass destruction is bad; even an inexperienced President should be able to see that. This is one of the reasons a motel clerk with no political back ground should never be the leader of the free world. Making money and creating jobs are Trump’s strong points; him running the country, will make us all dead.
The only enemy Trump has, is Trump himself. Trump makes it so hard to be a Republican in this Country. The Secretary of Defence might just as well have all our battle ships returned. Putin of Russia and Kim Jong Un, of Korea, are having a good laugh at us. The American People are losing complete confidence in our now President and in the American Way.
His ideology is flawed, and he must refine his way of thinking, even an old dog can learn new tricks. Trump does not need to conduct so many interviews. He is forgetting statements from one day to the next. Who is remembering everything he said, the press? Lets talk about the termination of the FBI director. The director of the FBI, learned he was fired from breaking news on television while giving a speech.
Trump then waits over 24 hours to see if the termination would go south on him. Trust me, if it did go South, Trump would have blamed his Attorney General and his assistant for the firing; being it did not, Trump then, took full responsibility for the termination. Trump owes no reason why he fired the director. The director works at the Presidents pleasure; however, yet, Trump has changed his reasons at least three times now: why?
I believe Trump just loves to hear Trump talk; this can be the only reason I see. Speaking is not one of Trump’s strong attributes; every time he pulses, his story changes. Using the FBI human lie detector, when he stops talking, lefts his head, tilts his position, the man is making up a story. If Trump looks down, while talking, he is lying. Trump needs a tutor to come in and teach him in the art of speaking; if the Secret Service can sneak in Marilyn Monroe, I bet you, they can sneak in a tutor or two.
Trump, at present in office over one hundred (100) days, and he has done nothing to protect the Americans way of life, liberty and justice; making jobs and money will mean nothing without a country to spend the money or a workplace to work. As you see at present, the infestation will be reduced one at a time, by the press, placing more and more pressure on Trump. Trump is seeing disloyalty in his mind everywhere. I hope we all live through Trump’s lunacy…
David M. Ramsey Sr. (FLW)
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dramseysr3 · 7 years
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Infestation at The White House Dave Ramsey Free-Lance Writer
Washington D. C. (DMR) The White House, Senate and the House of Representatives are surrounded by an infestation of Republicans; with Trump being the Lemming creature in charge and their leader, and forgive me not, American People, because they do not know what they do.
Thank God, we, the American People, have the freedom of the press, to act as a rodenticide to this problem. Trump, as he sits upon his throne in his white ivory tower, tweeting, while the world around him, collapses. Trump has every reason to fear the press with his notorious exaggeration and obstructionism of truths and his ridiculous feelings of paranoia.
The mutiny he feels, are unfounded, but his hysteria and his needs to be the center of attention are abhorrence. Russia and Korea now think of the American People under the inexperienced tutelage of the President as cowards. Trump, stated, there would be no more testing of missiles from Korea’s dictator Kim Jong Un, will not happen.
Trump will hit them with a pulse that will knock out all their power; really, what happened to that. Trump didn’t even send them a bad-boy message. Threats cannot be made without following through: in other words, Trump is all talk, with no show. Nevertheless, yet, Trump can send $70,000,000 worth of missiles in response to the poison gas released; we have the signature of whose gas it belonged to, but no proof of who set it off. As far as we know, it could have been an enemy that knew where it was being stored and they set it off.
In other words, the responds to the gas was good, but, not responding to testing of instruments of mass destruction is bad; even an inexperienced President should be able to see that. This is one of the reasons a motel clerk with no political back ground should never be the leader of the free world. Making money and creating jobs are Trump’s strong points; him running the country, will make us all dead.
The only enemy Trump has, is Trump himself. Trump makes it so hard to be a Republican in this Country. The Secretary of Defence might just as well have all our battle ships returned. Putin of Russia and Kim Jong Un, of Korea, are having a good laugh at us. The American People are losing complete confidence in our now President and in the American Way.
His ideology is flawed, and he must refine his way of thinking, even an old dog can learn new tricks. Trump does not need to conduct so many interviews. He is forgetting statements from one day to the next. Who is remembering everything he said, the press? Lets talk about the termination of the FBI director. The director of the FBI, learned he was fired from breaking news on television while giving a speech.
Trump then waits over 24 hours to see if the termination would go south on him. Trust me, if it did go South, Trump would have blamed his Attorney General and his assistant for the firing; being it did not, Trump then, took full responsibility for the termination. Trump owes no reason why he fired the director. The director works at the Presidents pleasure; however, yet, Trump has changed his reasons at least three times now: why?
I believe Trump just loves to hear Trump talk; this can be the only reason I see. Speaking is not one of Trump’s strong attributes; every time he pulses, his story changes. Using the FBI human lie detector, when he stops talking, lefts his head, tilts his position, the man is making up a story. If Trump looks down, while talking, he is lying. Trump needs a tutor to come in and teach him in the art of speaking; if the Secret Service can sneak in Marilyn Monroe, I bet you, they can sneak in a tutor or two.
Trump, at present in office over one hundred (100) days, and he has done nothing to protect the Americans way of life, liberty and justice; making jobs and money will mean nothing without a country to spend the money or a workplace to work. As you see at present, the infestation will be reduced one at a time, by the press, placing more and more pressure on Trump. Trump is seeing disloyalty in his mind everywhere. I hope we all live through Trump’s lunacy…
David M. Ramsey Sr. (FLW)
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dramseysr3 · 7 years
After test, this is after trump stated he would not allow them to test. We look like cowards.
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Korea will Fire on Us!
Dave Ramsey, Free Lance Writer
North Korea, (FLW) American People beware. Dictator Kim Jong UN, will fire one or many nuclear weapons towards America: he seems itching to push the button. Remember in the 50s when American People built bomb shelters: get those plans out: Evidence is showing, if we do nothing to slow this dictator down, [he] will follow up–on his treats.
Kim Jong UN, has already threatened to turn the White House into a “Burt- Out- Cinder” of Ashes: by means of firing one of his nuclear tipped missiles. [Kim] is constructing missile silos by means of taking back land from the ocean. [He] has built roads leading to these islands. [Kim] is building his own bomb shelters to protect him from nuclear blast: while our President sits on his Hands. Trump is one of these President that wants to Wait-and-See what is going to happens.
Remember, what we did in Germany, to slow them down from obtaining nuclear power: we blew their ball bearing warehouse where they were working on nuclear mass destruction. We must realise, that this fascist-pugnacious dictator with his outrageous audacious remarks of mass destruction must be put in check.
We all know Trump gave his Secretary of Defense, Ex-General James Mattis, complete Card Blanch in these matters: let him do it. Mattis knows what is going to happen. We must give Kim Pong UN an ultimatum, to end his missile testing and his secretly building of his missile silos: Just like the Bay-Of-Pigs 4th of April, 1961, under President Kennedy: and follow through. I’m sure The Phlegmatic Mattis, was either there, or he studied the event.
We can not wait for this unscrupulous dictator, to fire first: I would rather eulogized him then let this pathological sociopath, be allowed too Harm any American or any of our Allies with his acts of horrific lunacy. Trump must get off his butt and take control of this situation. When a country builds bunkers, and secretly build silos on man made islands: they wants to start a nuclear war, that no one can win: both sides will sacrifice millions of people on both sides.
What side is Russia on? We do not see South Korea, really doing that much when it comes to North Korea: why? A nuclear war will effect all sides surrounding North Korea: are they all building bunkers too. I feel if little North Korea is going to attract United States, [Kim] might have allies we might not know about. Intelligent, thinking has [Kim] firing a missile and then, runs to his bunker where he can control his war from there.
[Kim] forgets we have weapons that can penetrate an under ground bunker as we did in Iraq, 2003 when we killed two of Saddam Hussein sons while in a bunker. That dictator was found in an spider hole 2005: hiding. There has been thirteen dictators killed over the years, will Kim Jong UN, be number fourteen?
05/08/2017 14:35 hours
David M. Ramsey Sr (FLW)
Credits: The Sun: Patrick Knox, press link
Pictures and Intel>
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dramseysr3 · 7 years
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Lying to a Police Officer
Remember this Phase
“Officer, I do not have current Recollection”
Dave Ramsey, Free-Lance Writer (LP)
I may remember in 30 seconds or an hour, but, right now, I have no current recollection. If, for an example, I ask if John Doe was home, and you do not want to tell the officer, he is home. You also know, lying to a police officer may get you arrested for obstructionism: you can’t lie to a police officer during an investigation: alternatively, face being arrested.
You state the above phase, and the police find him any ways. Five times out of ten you will be arrested for obstruction any ways; however, you did not lie: down the road, they cannot prove you lied, and the charge will be dismissed. Remember, police officers “CAN LIE,” they will tell you anything, and every charge in the world, the only charge is obstruction, and you did not lie. (“TURN 0N YOUR CELL PHONE, IF YOU CAN, AND START RECORDING”)
Lying to the FBI Agent, is a “FELONY,” but on the other end, an FBI Agent, can’t lie to you: it is against their rules of engagement. While talking to the Federal Agent, look at him/her directly in their eyes, if you look up and tilt your head, to an FBI Agent, you are thinking about your answer and making the story up. Looking down while answering their questions; you are lying: look into their eye’s people. When an FBI Agent goes through their academy, there are no books, just taking notes.
A police officer can’t just walk through your home looking for John Doe; either they have a search warrant, or hot pursuit, ( police are chasing a felon right to your house without losing contact or sight.) Don’t believe any lies they tell you, it is one or the other fore mentioned reasons only. Say no to let them in, if they come in any ways, anything they find may be tinted. Keep your mouth closed, remember above phase if asked a question you do not want to answer, Lincoln Park Officers are notorious for gaining entry by shouting and yelling; if you get to pass their bad breathe, it is still one or the other.
Dealing with your vehicle, if stopped, you may be asked to search your vehicle. The wise thing to do, is ask,“ Am I under arrest.” If the officer said no, then the answer to his question to search your vehicle should be also, No. When being pulled over, if possible, try to navigate into a parking lot, so you can state you want the vehicle to stay their: sometimes yes, other times no.
You Have said no to the search without probable cause or being arrested. If you are in The City of Allen Park, they have a officer and a dog team. They attempt to get probable cause from the reaction of their dog. If you watch the officer, he taps on a window to get a reaction, he taps on the door to get a reaction, and afterwards he taps on a seat to gain reaction. next, the officer states, “ the dog gives him probable cause to search your vehicle.” With is utter bull. Stick to your no. If arrested, ask to leave your vehicle their; if not, you request an inventory of everything in your vehicle. If they refuse, any claim you make on missing items will make that officer liable.
Informal meetings at the police department. If they read you your rights, don’t wave them. You always want an attorney, and if you have no money, ask for a court-appointed attorney. at no time, I mean not at any time sign a confession on a less important charge that you did not do, in hopes of getting a minor charge. Deals can’t be made on that level, and only the prosecutor or assistant prosecutor can make any deals. Remember, a police officer can lie their butts off to gain a confession, or win a case.
David Ramsey Sr. (FLW)
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dramseysr3 · 7 years
To defeat and destroy your enemies, you must first destroy their soul to win.
Dave Ramsey 1973
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dramseysr3 · 7 years
Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends
Abraham Lincoln
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dramseysr3 · 7 years
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“Remember, you never have a neckless, crucifix, chain or rope, around your childrens’ or your neck, without first securing a safety break away: Same holds true, for all your pets.”
———Dave Ramsey 05/11/2017
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