5 Ways To Detox and Reverse a Fatty Liver Naturally With Home Remedy Treatments
If you’ve experienced excess fat in the abdominal area, constant fatigue, or persistent fogginess to your thoughts chances are is that you might be suffering from a fatty liver. Because of the name Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease we get the impression that it’s a medical condition that doesn’t affect all of us. The truth is, we have all had a fatty liver at one point or another. As a matter of fact, over 2.1 billion people in the world suffer from a fatty liver, that’s almost ONE-THIRD of the world population. Before we get into how we can reverse a fatty liver, I’d like to make a confession. My name is Ivan Lee and I have a mild liver obsession…. ...but really, can you blame me? Your liver is essentially your right-hand man when it comes to over 800 functions in your body. Things like:
The breakdown of fat
Eliminating Toxins from your body
Regulating glucose, blood pressure, and blood sugar
Resisting infections
Balancing blood cholesterol production
Regulating your estrogen and testosterone
Why Does A Liver Become a Fatty Liver?
Your liver is constantly on the attack as it gets bombarded with toxic chemicals such as BPA’s from water bottles, preservatives in almost all of foods, alcohol that we consume, and so much more. Typically, this is no problem for our liver. It can handle all of these external pressures that come its way. But when we’re indulging in bad eating habits our liver starts receiving inflammatory signals that tell it to start storing fat. When this happens, our liver ends up “clogged up,” becoming enlarged and essentially a fatty liver. When a liver becomes a fatty liver, it can’t properly perform its functions of absorbing nutrients, eliminating toxins, and regulating hormones. This of course creates a chain-reaction in which more and more organs become inflamed and become unable to perform their functions. This of course leads to the consequences of a fatty liver. Constant fatigue, unhealthy skin, fat accumulation, compromised immune system, and much more common health issues are all side effects of not being conscious what we’re putting our liver through. While all of this sounds terrifying let’s keep in mind, your liver is one of the very few organs that can fully regenerate back to 100% with proper support, no matter how inflamed or damaged it previously was. Also, your liver is essentially the Rocky Balboa of internal organs. This thing can take a freakin’ beating. You won’t even notice the symptoms of a fatty liver unless it is significantly damaged, we’re talking 70% destroyed. That’s however a double-edged sword. With your liver even slightly compromised
your weight-loss becomes SIGNIFICANTLY harder
you’re way more prone to acne
you’ll constantly be fatigued
All the while, you’ll have no idea why that is.   Now, let’s cut to the positives: If you implement these 5 tips:
You will find that weight-loss becomes WAY easier
You will wake up with MUCH more energy
You will feel much more vibrant, energetic, and overall more healthy.
You will reduce the size of your gut quickly
  So how can we reverse and detoxify a fatty liver? What home remedy can you use TODAY to remedy your liver back to its good old high-functioning, non-inflammatory, detoxifying self!?
When you drink alcohol, your liver needs to produce a toxic enzyme called acetaldehyde to metabolize the alcohol which can damage liver cells and cause permanent scarring, as well as harm to the brain and stomach lining. When you drink alcohol it dehydrates you and forces your liver to find water from other parts of your body. That’s essentially what causes hangovers.
These contain anti-inflammatory nutrients, antioxidant nutrients, detox-support nutrients, and anti-cancer nutrients. They also contains phytonutrients in a special combination that support all steps in body’s detox process, including activation, neutralization, and elimination of unwanted contaminants.
Garlic isn\'t just great for scaring away  vampires. Garlic contains a mineral called Selenium which increases the action of antioxidants, in turn assisting the liver in detoxification. It also contains Arginine, an amino acid important for relaxing the blood vessels, which eases blood pressure in the liver. And lastly, Vitamin B6 which helps lower homocysteine levels in the body, thus acting as an anti-inflammatory substance, which inhibits inflammation in the liver.
Beets are amazing, they contain a fiber named Pectin, that helps clean the toxins that have been removed from the liver, allowing them to be flushed out of the system instead of reabsorbed by the body. Also, Beet juice can be highly beneficial, as it allows betaine to stay intact. Betaine is the substance that encourages the liver cells to get rid of toxins. Additionally, betaine acts to defend the liver and bile ducts, which are important if the liver is to function properly.
Turmeric is a natural liver detoxifier and has been used for thousands of years in traditional herbal medicine to treat liver and digestive disorders. It helps to clear LDL (bad cholesterol) from the liver and enhances liver function. According to research at the Medical University Graz in Austria, curcumin has been shown to delay liver damage that can eventually lead to cirrhosis.
Helps to detox the body. Not only does it clean the intestines, but in its raw state it is considered a liver lymphatic tonic which contributes to overall body cleansing. It also helps to balance the body\'s pH as it cleanses and improves skin tone. We recommend taking a shot of it in the morning and at night.
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