drdigipol · 5 years
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WASHINGTON (AP) — The Trump administration is poised to tell five nations, including allies Japan, South Korea and Turkey, that they will no longer be exempt from U.S. sanctions if they continue to import oil from Iran, officials said Sunday.
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drdigipol · 5 years
Howard Schultz: Billionaire Entitlement Syndrome
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drdigipol · 6 years
LYIN’ TRUMP! Trump wrote his own doctors note during the campaign. Forced his doctor to write it down from his dictation. Then confiscated his medical records after he became president. Oh... and Trump was prescribed hair loss medication. #BaldDictatorTrump
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drdigipol · 6 years
Larry Kudlow is Literally Always Wrong
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drdigipol · 7 years
Stephen Colbert Monologue (Nov 27, 2017) - The Late Night Show In Age Of...
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drdigipol · 7 years
Nobody Knows Anything About Health Care! - Lindsey On The Street from VirtualArtsTV on Vimeo.
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drdigipol · 7 years
Trevor Responds to the Las Vegas Shooting & Trump Tweets the Weekend Awa...
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drdigipol · 7 years
I had a great time doing this interview with The Great Battlefield host Nathaniel Pearlman. If you are curious about how Trump and other politicians are using Twitter (and how well they are using it) check this out.
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drdigipol · 7 years
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Now that Spicer is gone, Trump's gonna have to leak his own passwords.
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drdigipol · 7 years
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#AmericanGothzilla #TheMastersDoGodzilla
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drdigipol · 7 years
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drdigipol · 7 years
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drdigipol · 7 years
THIS--> MAGNITSKY ACT IS A THREAT TO PUTIN'S WEALTH & POWER The Magnitsky Act allows US to sanction Russia by targeting money of specific Russian human rights violators. This allows us to target Putin's personal banking & power systems. He uses his loyal friends' offshore accounts to hide his personal wealth. And he rewards his loyal friends & power brokers with money they hide in offshore accounts. By freezing these assets, the US exerts the most effective pressure on Putin, and he HATES IT! So when Donald, Jr. met with Russians to discuss adoption as affected by the Magnitsky Act, he was meeting about lifting our MOST EFFECTIVE SANCTION versus Russia and Putin. They want you to think Magnitsky is just about adoption. That is a lie, #fakenews, designed to mislead you.
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drdigipol · 7 years
VIDEO: #FakeNews, #1stAmend & #Journalists
Here is a link to the video of a webinar I did w/ NPR's #JackSpeer on Fake News, 1st Amendment & Journalists (safety, ethics, bias, etc.). Jack and I are both adjunct professors at Johns Hopkins' MA in Comms program. This is one of a series of webinars @JHUcomm. It is my second. The discussion was great. Enjoy :-) http://squirrel.adobeconnect.com/pokde6dhvket/ 1 hour or so. Also, if you want to read a summary written by someone who attended the webinar: https://hub.jhu.edu/2017/07/12/combat-fake-news-media-literacy/
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drdigipol · 7 years
The full video is available here: http://squirrel.adobeconnect.com/pokde6dhvket/
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drdigipol · 7 years
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Top lawyers with at least four major law firms rebuffed White House overtures to represent President Trump in the Russia investigations.
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drdigipol · 7 years
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#GlobalWarming is a Chinese hoax. #climatechange #bigly
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