drfatimaha · 4 years
Your risq has already been determined. Kindness, advice, money, wealth, knowledge, support, food, shelter, security and other b enefits. The people we meet in our lifetime either have our risq to give us or we have theirs to give them. Spouses,family,friends or foes. You may even invite someone you don’t like, your friend might bring uninvited guests to your dinner event because in the grand plan, they serve a purpose. They were meant to get their share of food or other from you or give you your risq.This risq could be in the form of something they may say even if you may not like it or connections you two might make through each other. It’s all planned. Go with the flow, learn, be attentive. Don’t go forcefully looking for your risq/benefits from others. If you did and the result wasn’t what you wanted you might get disappointed and resentful. The ultimate source of risq is Devine. People come into your life and you theirs to serve a purpose and would sometimes disappear after completing their Devine task or reappear into your life again and again. Understand that your risq from family, friends and strangers have already been determined, you get what has been decreed and you cannot force more benefits out of them. Once I understood this I became free from disappointment and resentment.Dr.FatimahA.
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