Lip Reduction Surgery In Mumbai: Thin Pouts Are Trending In Asia
"Many people turned to lip reduction surgery because European style is coming into the trend, i.e., thinner and smaller pouts!"
What is going in trend is becoming the style, and that is why thinner pouts are rising in demand.
People's desire for lip reduction is gaining extreme attention because most unaware clients fall prey to beauty salons for small changes in their lips that often result in botched lip fillers by non certified injector.
Any asymmetry in lip contour by aging or genetic can be treated effectively by lip reduction surgery.
Traditionally, Asian people have bigger and more prominent lips than Western. However, these days thinner lips are trending, called European lips.
Thinner and smaller lips are characteristics of European people whose nose profiles are already popular in the cosmetic fraternity due to the distinct downward curvature and prominent bridge, giving an allusion to the curved beak of an eagle. For this reason, it is commonly referred to as a Roman or arched nose set. The western people's distinctive nose features a beauty benchmark in the cosmetic and plastic surgery world. Moreover, thinner lips that are perfectly full yet thin are categorized as perfect facial features and considered everlasting beauty standards. However, thinner lips or lip reduction surgery in Mumbai is in demand due to its natural and more appealing results, and clients are interested to know more about the Greek and Roman beauty standards, added Dr. Parag Telang (MS, MCh, DNB, FCPS).
What is Asian Lip| Lip Reduction Surgery| Reduction Cheiloplasty?
Firstly, lip reduction surgery is termed Asian lip surgery because the procedure is performed to create a thinner lip by reducing the volume of the top lip, as thicker lips are mostly the facial characteristics of Asian people. The procedure is done to correct the thick top lip and create an aesthetic fuller yet thin lip by surgically cutting at the top lip's wet-dry line to meet the aesthetic lip contour. Even though reducing the lip volume is less frequently mentioned in the cosmetic literature, the procedure weighs as a trending procedure in Asian countries like India, Sri Lanka, and Indonesia. Moreover, lip reduction surgery in Dubai is also trending, as many Caucasian people who want smaller lips living in Western countries throng to Abu Dhabi and schedule lip reduction surgery with the expertise of plastic surgeons like Dr. Parag Telang.
Lip Reduction Surgery/ Reduction Cheiloplasty:
Lip reduction/ Reduction Cheiloplasty is a cosmetic surgery that helps bring harmony between lower and upper lips by removing unwanted lower or upper lips' skin tissues. Dr. Parag Telang made a horizontal incision in the pink inner part of the lips that ensures lesser scarring post-surgery. The procedure is administered under local or general anesthesia based on the patient's pain tolerance. Further, the extra tissues and fat are removed from the targeted areas to minimize the volume of the lips, meeting the goal of proportionate lips according to one's facial structure and symmetry.
Procedure time: 1-2 hours
Resuming work: 5-7 days
Anesthesia used: local or general
Hospital stay: Daycare
Time off work: 2 days
No Exercise for: 2 days
No Driving for: 2 days
Full recovery: 2 weeks
The Consultation:
The in-person consultation with Dr. Parag Telang is important to plan the procedure based on one's desire and expectations. It ensures that the patient knows the procedure in detail, including the type of surgery, risks involved, pre-and-post op instructions, benefits, results, and candidacy to undergo the procedure. Lower or upper lip’s skin tissue may be removed or sometimes both to recontour the entire lip area and make it proportionate to the overall facial appearance.
Note: To achieve the desired shape and volume reduction, the plastic surgeon eliminates a greater portion from the center of the lower lip.
Who is an eligible candidate for lip reduction/ Asian lip surgery? Candidacy:
Someone who wishes to reshape their lips and want to change their facial appearance.
People who have naturally bigger lips or they have larger than desired lips from the previous lip augmentation surgery.
Lip reduction can be a viable solution for those with lip asymmetry concerns due to aging.
Lip reduction can also be a corrective treatment for cleft lip and palate patients.
Some questions that patient may ask during the consultation include:
Does the autoimmune disorder limit the lip reduction candidacy?
How long smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol should be stopped pre-and-post surgery?
How could one limit the risks or side effects associated with the procedure?
What precautions or pre-procedure measures should be taken if a patient has a history of cold sores or herpes blisters of the mouth?
Leading up to the Procedure:
If a patient meets the eligibility criteria to undergo lip reduction surgery, the next step is to become aware of the pre-procedure instructions and follow accordingly.
Here are pre-procedure guidelines for lip reduction surgery:
Stop smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol at least 2-4 weeks before and after surgery to achieve faster healing and the best results.
Patients are advised to get the routine blood tests done before surgery and let the plastic surgeon be aware of their present medical condition and ongoing medications, if any.
Avoid blood thinning medicines and supplements a week before surgery.
Patients with inflammatory diseases, infections, or allergies around the mouth area must share their current medical status with the plastic surgeon in advance so that associated risks or infection can be minimized.
On the day of surgery:
The patients are advised to reach the clinic an hour before surgery.
The pre-admission tests, such as blood pressure, blood sugar, and other relevant vitals would be recorded.
A one-on-one discussion with the anesthesiologist and the plastic surgeon will also be scheduled at this point, who will conduct the final evaluation and mark the targeted areas.
The procedure involves a horizontal incision in the pink inner part of the lips during the surgery.
The next step involves cutting off extra tissue and fat from the lips to minimize the volume of the problematic areas.
The final step is stitching the incision areas with dissolvable suture material.
Within a couple of weeks, the stitches typically dissolve/ disappear on their own.
Lip Reduction Recovery:
The lips are one of the most sensitive parts of the body. However, it is always worth working with a board-certified plastic surgeon. Even though minor swelling, bruising, slight pain, and redness are the post-surgery symptoms, the Asian lip reduction is considered a very safe procedure.
Recovery instructions are jotted down below:
Swelling and redness can last for a few days or weeks, and during this time, soft foods are advised to eat.
Swelling may last several months for some patients, so generally, a patient can expect to take a full week off from work.
Plastic surgeons may recommend anti-inflammatory medications or over-the-counter painkillers.
Applying ice packs to the treated areas can be a good idea to subside swelling.
Schedule a follow-up if the post-surgery symptoms last longer than two weeks.
One can achieve the desired lip shape and volume reduction, achieving an aesthetic proportion to the overall facial profile.
Lip reduction surgery helps deal with facial asymmetry by balancing the upper and lower lips.
Lip reduction can be combined with other aesthetic treatments, such as dermal fillers, to achieve the desired results.
Lip reduction surgery may also be used as a corrective procedure for cleft lip palate concerns.
Lip reduction surgery helps improve lip deformities caused by excess tissue in the lip area.
Lip reduction also improves functional issues by correcting labial incompetence.
Lip reduction surgery gives permanent results in just a single surgical session for most patients.
Lip reduction helps eliminate speech issues or drooling.
The cost of cheiloplasty/ lip reduction surgery in Mumbai ranges from 40k to 60k INR, and this cost quote may vary from patient to patient based on their surgical goals, desired results, anatomical and physiological status. Moreover, depending on the requirement, a patient may require one or more than one surgery to achieve the desired outcomes, and hence cost may vary. One must note that Mumbai shares the top space in plastic cosmetic surgeries, and many patients from Southeast Asia, Africa, and Gulf countries join medical tourism in India to avail the benefits of quality cosmetic services. Since lip reduction is highly customized and counted as the most delicate cosmetic procedure, it is recommended to schedule surgery only with a board-certified plastic surgeon with ample experience. Even though it is common to share a lump sum cost of lip reduction, several factors are still responsible for influencing the cost quote, including the reputation of the plastic surgeon, accreditation of the surgical center, the extent of the issue, desired goals, and location of the clinic/center.
Dr. Parag Telang has the expertise and aesthetic mastery to treat patients of different ethnicities, cultural backgrounds, and geography. So, the extreme artistic sense is pivotal in achieving the best results possible. Dr. Telang is a well-recognized plastic surgeon and is appreciated by Bollywood celebrities, too, and that is the reason why he is also the most reputed plastic surgeon in Dubai.
Q. How is lip reduction surgery performed for Asian patients?
The procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia, making sure the overall surgical journey will be pain-free and comfortable. The plastic surgeon cuts the top lip's wet and dry line to create a new, thinner lip line. The incision is made to remove excess tissue and fat, and further, the remaining top lip below that line is pulled inside the patient's mouth, resulting in a thinner top lip. The post-surgical effects, including swelling, pain, redness, and bruising, can last up to a few days or weeks. Stitches are okay to be removed after a week. The lip reduction procedure is safe, permanent and result-centric, and only experienced, board-certified plastic surgeons are allowed to do such delicate tasks.
Q. How long does lip reduction surgery take?
Usually, lip reduction surgery takes anywhere from 40 minutes to an hour but may last up to a couple of hours, based on the extent of the issue. Dr. Parag Telang is highly skilled and has performed many of these surgeries on many patients from different ethnic groups. Once the procedure is done and the patient is shifted to the recovery room, post-surgical measures must be followed. Once the patient feels okay and gets the approval of a plastic surgeon, they can go home the same day and continue their recovery there.
Q. Is lip reduction surgery painful?
Local or general anesthesia ensures a patient has a pain-free surgical session. Depending on the patient's pain tolerance, a specific type of anesthesia is administered. 
Experiencing mild discomfort post-surgery is okay, as it is part of healing development and can be managed effectively with post-surgery measures/ instructions. Over-the-counter pain medications and anti-inflammatory medications can be prescribed to deal with pain if necessary. It is advisable to meet the performing surgeon in case post-surgery symptoms last longer than two weeks.
Q. What are the top post-surgery instructions to be followed?
After lip reduction surgery, a plastic surgeon may advise the following instructions to help achieve a smooth healing and the best results:
Keep the treated areas clean as much as possible, so mouthwash after each meal is mandatory.
Avoid kissing during the recovery period for at least two weeks.
Checking the temperature of food or liquid is important before taking it into the mouth.
Follow all the post-op instructions as suggested by the plastic surgeon, and do not miss advised follow ups.
Quit smoking cigarettes during the healing period for at least 4-6 weeks to achieve a hassle-free recovery.
Q. What are the scars like?
Scars after lip reduction surgery are invisible because the incision is placed inside the mouth, and the mucosa helps the wound heal properly. Moreover, the expert plastic surgeon has an artistic idea of how to minimize scarring after surgery. Thus, the question of scarring should not worry the patient.
Q. What are the post-op risks associated with lip reduction?
Every surgical procedure carries some risks or side effects, so lip reduction is also not untouched. Bleeding, bruising, infections, and scarring are common side effects that may occur. Still, these side effects are rare, easily manageable, and negligible if the procedure is performed by an expert, board-certified plastic surgeon.
Q. Is lip reduction surgery permanent?
Yes, the effects achieved through lip reduction surgery are permanent. Unlike non-surgical procedures, such as lip fillers, which require repetitive sessions to maintain the desired look, lip reduction results are permanent and long-lasting. However, patients are not required to schedule frequent visits to the clinic for repetitive treatments or surgeries.
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Mumbai-based Celebrity Plastic Surgeon
M.B.B.S., M.S. (Gen Surg ), D.N.B (Gen Surg), F.C.P.S (Gen Surg), M.R.C.S (U.K), M.Ch (Plastic Surgery). Fellowship in Ear Reconstruction, Paris, France in Advanced Facial Aesthetic Surgery & MACS-Lift, Gent, Belgium.
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