Waiting for my money to transfer…currently stunned that I’d managed to lose about $11,100 trading options but is 100% confident that I’d not only be able to earn it back but become a millionaire by trading AMZN options.
Am I delusional and / or a gambling addict? Only time will tell
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God, trading options is like doing trust falls with hedge fund managers
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I want to kiss every major AMZN daytrader directly on the lips.
This stock makes me feel like the Oracle of Delphi.
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Lol is Charlie Munger ok
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Starting to think of death again
That persistent itch to return to nothing
So tired of sleeping, sick of waking up
What if I hang myself in lieu of graduating
Sounds like the short way out
The exit sign glowing in the dark
Red, red, red, and the door's to the left
I slept and I'm awake
The same day never stops
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so AMZN didn't break last peak, and I'm starting to look for low variance to short it again
I think the only thing I regret in my life is that I didn't enable spreads when I could, and now RH checks age for the option-trading experience part after a college kid killed himself because of a bug in calculations
wish I could buy a call option & put option simultaneously for the earnings, looks like free gains to me
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update: earned $457 dollars on it and sold at the highest point by pure luck
and it rose steadily onward to either break resistance or fall back to touch support (again, for the third time)
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I bet my last $1900 on a OTM put of AMZN expiring next Friday
MarketWatch stopped counting at 8 pm
By experience it starts on 5 am today
And I'm not selling until it dives below the support
If I'm wrong, you can take my life as well
Not a penny more, not a penny less
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How much can you do to deserve what you have? To get what you want?
What are you willing to do to be free?
It's the long game, always--even when you are tired of playing it; would you ever win? Was it just a ruse?
I find myself wondering if one day my wrist would drip blood onto the counter and I barely take notice.
There's so much work to be done, there always is.
I try my best, and I don't like the numbers and the letters I get.
I guess somebody has to pay for the work--if not me, then who? I already paid the bill, makes sense I've to pay for the rest of it, too.
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The story of my life (death?)
I email a professor
I submit an exam
I receive an email notification of my graded assignment
I turn in an assignment
I turn in an assignment
I turn in an assignment
I receive an email notification of my graded assignment
I receive an email notification of my graded exam
I buy a flight ticket home
I receive an email notification of my graded assignment
I receive an email notification of my graded assignment
I take a final exam
I take a final exam
I take a final exam
I take a final exam
I take a final exam
I go home
I hang myself in the garage
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I cradle my laptop in my arms
And press my hand against the vent
I try not to think of another world
Or how I can free myself from this one
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I'm full of dread and whatever the opposite of hysterics is
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I think of death fondly
Like a distant relative whose company I once enjoyed
And will soon visit again
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I love the way they hate
They do it much better than me
And it looks so fair on them
Almost like they were born to it
Almost like they were born for me to love them
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I'm cold but the room is too warm
My home is quarter a lifetime away across from the Atlantic Ocean
My mind is burning and the night breeze doesn't feel like a gentle kiss
I love and feel and hurt and am never good enough
I'm a second-hand album of family pictures at a garage sale--
Well-loved in theory in a distant memory
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My life is made of my own choices
But my love is made of narratives written for me
Fictional or not--my hands are tied
My future is one step-ladder too high, fifty-six years too low
And I'm holding a nylon rope tied in seven loops
Waiting for the other shoe to drop
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