ecosystims · 2 years
where did ecos go
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ecosystims · 2 years
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I figure out I had ADHD last year, but I didn’t seek an official diagnosis and medication until this year. I’m 30 years old, my school days are long behind me. I slipped through the cracks because I have predominately inattentive type and I was a quiet little girl. Having ADHD does not mean you have to be hyperactive and loud, it means you have a processing problem in your brain that doesn’t allow you to regulate your focus or emotions. 
Mental health even now is still taboo to talk about. People are more open now than ever about it however and that gives me hope. 
This is a profoundly personal comic and it only reflects my own experience with ADHD. It is on a spectrum with a wide range of personalities. But if my story connects with someone else and helps them, that would mean the world to me.
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ecosystims · 2 years
Is it just me or do any other neurodivergent people out there need to be told in far advance before being asked to do a chore or you freak out and cry or get really overwhelmed over it? Like my parents will be like “oh hey can you do *insert chore or task* today?” and I’ll just be like 🤯 today???? Idc that it’ll only take 15 minutes or less it was not on the agenda??? I have to work my way up to it I can’t just??? Do it without knowing about it for more than a day
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ecosystims · 2 years
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why did you even do that asshole
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ecosystims · 2 years
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ecosystims · 2 years
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bound to fall in love
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ecosystims · 2 years
another day another anti endo on my dash. smh
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ecosystims · 2 years
man i was getting changed and i was like "oh i can wear a skirt to be fem and ill be a femboy :D" and then i was like. do you remember what body you're in. and then i was like. oh :(
sometimes i forget the body is mullerian + fem-passing and doesn't look like me and then i get sad
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ecosystims · 2 years
thinkin about gender lately
it feels like perpendicular lines (refuses to elaborate)
its also kinda like. im 100% a boy but also 100% agender but im not 200% gender its more like half a gender (100% + 100% = 50%?)
maybe its something to do with the perpendicular lines. like. uh idk how to explain it
my 100% boy + 100% agender = 100% bxy but my total gender is 50%. but nothings like missing per se so the 50% is actually 100% but its not. like. ok maybe something is missing but not really its like a chunk of a rock broke off. the rock isnt 50% a rock its still 100% a rock but like. its gone but idk?????????????????????
weird little funky gender
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ecosystims · 2 years
that reminds me of the time where i just left my tutoring after reading shakespeare for like an hour and then i texted one of my friends and i was like "thanks but the sentiment would have been better received if my identity was known" and we both just went "what"
I worked with toddlers and pre schoolers for three years. Sometimes I accidentally slip and tell a friend to say bye to an inanimate object (“say bye bus!”) & occasionally they unthinkingly just do it.
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ecosystims · 2 years
🪀▹intro post!
hello!! im ecos or tommy!! im a frequent fronter in @ceresys so i decided to make myself a silly little blog where i can do silly little things. yes i am half an introject of tommyinnit. sorry
icon is by @/Shmeckdoesstuff on twitter
ecos is pronounced /ˈikˌɒs/
🪀▹tagging system!
#ecos.rb ▹ reblogs
#ecos.txt ▹ random rambles/rants
#ecos.dtl ▹ (detail) info/meta posts
#ecos.ys ▹ system posts
#ecos.qr ▹ little gay posts
🪀▹more info!
i use he/him and im a bxy. im also bigender (agender + boy)
im asexual and aromantic! aroace for short
im a minor (so same as the body). specifically a systeen if that matters
i would consider myself one of the hosts of ceresys. im also an introject. more specific terms would be dream-alter and somtive/dreamtive
my origins dont really matter to you /lh but im dreagenic
i consider myself both alterhuman and human. idk what the alterhuman part specifically is but i dont feel completely human
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