ehggbee · 1 day
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eagerly awaiting the reveal of what political science 101 concept is she going to stop the plot to teach middle schoolers about. we got bread and circuses we got the extended work on thomas hobbes my money is on haymitch starting this book as an objectivist and having to unlearn that in the face of true struggle
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ehggbee · 2 days
Pride month y’all know what that means
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Time to bring back this beauty
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ehggbee · 2 days
We are well beyond canary in the coalmine warning levels with the way trans people and particularly trans women are treated on this site.
Maybe you've heard the metaphor of allowing wolves and sheep to share the same space, welcoming everyone. You end up with just wolves because allowing them in that space makes it unsafe for any sheep. Or the story about how a nazi goes into a dive bar and is refused service. The bartender then explains to someone else at the bar that if you serve them once they tell their friends and before you know it you're the nazi bar they all go to and normal customers don't feel safe.
Terfs and other bigots are seeing these targeted harassment campaigns succeed against trans women and rejoicing. They see Tumblr ban them and officially stand by those decisions as endorsement for their harassment. It's a sign to bigots across the internet that Tumblr is a good place for them.
And what's more is that a lot of us probably don't realize just how much trans women contribute to Tumblr. The women banned recently were sources of site-wide memes and posts I wasn't even aware originated from them.any years old memes and references can be traced back to trans women on this site.
How many of these folks have to be removed before this is no longer a site you want to be a part of it? Sure you cultivate your own experience, but you can't follow or interact with people who aren't here. And if I wanted to interact with the nazis and terfs I'd go to reddit.
I encourage everyone to reblog this. Trans women shouldn't have to be the only ones speaking out against the bigotry they're experiencing. They shouldn't be the only ones risking their blogs being nuked by staff. We have to stand with them.
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ehggbee · 3 days
I rarely post, but this is soemthing personal for me. I've spent a good portion of this year working on my first "product" as a maker. This is an amiibo shelf I've designed and made entirely myself!
I used mosou black for the black hole effect
Used acrylic rods to act as a light pump for the floaty bits orbiting the black hole
And a LOOOOT of LEDs
Please consider buying one as they become available! They'd make an amazing gift for anyone who likes smash brothers or amiibo in general
UPDATE 11/24/2023: Finally back in stock! Also, forgot to mention the blue parts are actually color shift as well.
Update 12/25/2023 spent all of Christmas resupplying the store. Ive been covering all My costs, but not by enough to have a surplus of materials. It also takes several hours to assemble each one. With all that in mind I will be raising the price on these going into next year. However the 5 I put together now will go for the current price. So if you've been thinking about it this is your last chance before the price increases a bit. I know a lot of people have favorited it so I wanted to make one last batch before I raised the price so no one feels like they missed out.
Hopefully I'll be able to have some new designs in the shop early next year as well!
Update 02/18/2024
Wow! It's been a minute, Ive been resdesigning the internal components to make everything easier and faster to assemble, unfortunately the current batch succeeded in the exact opposite of that! I've also replaced the little screw-on connector as seen in the video with a more polished looking barrel Plug receiver and found a new printer for my backgrounds to make them scratch resistant. I have 4 fully assembled and available for sale as of today and I have a few left to assemble in this batch.
Update 6/6/2024
Went to Romania to meet my extended family. But I am back and have more shelves in stock!
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ehggbee · 3 days
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ehggbee · 5 days
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ehggbee · 5 days
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The Kei Truck Garden Contest, Japan (2018)
Landscaping contractors from various regions of Japan bring their mini pickup trucks to an event known as "the Kei Truck Garden Contest." They dedicate several hours to converting the cargo bed into a miniature garden.
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ehggbee · 5 days
i am about to bestow upon you the secret butter technique. i am sorry, but it is french. i am sorry again, this only works with cow butter. i am certain plant based butters wouldn’t work, and alternative animal butters may or may not work
has this ever been you: you have a nicely steamed vegetable, or maybe you want to make the best butter noodles, but you know that if you put butter on those it’ll just melt and you end with kind of greasy noodles or vegetables? don’t you wish it was instead a luscious buttery glaze?
introducing: beurre monté
you will take a small sauce pan, and begin heating it with 1-2 tablespoons of water (use very little water) and bring it to a hard simmer or boil
turn the heat down slightly, and add Butter. how much? however much you dare. (start with 3-4 tablespoons and go from there)
you are going to either whisk Aggressively or you can pick up the saucepan, still holding it over the heat, and swirl aggressively so the butter is skating around the sides of the pan
done correctly, you will have liquid butter that is still emulsified. you have made Butter Sauce. season it with a little salt, and toss whatever you want in it.
if you’re butter splits, i’m sorry. you didn’t agitate it enough to maintain the emulsion, and now you have melted butter.
you can use this knowledge to make other sauces by swapping out the water for another liquid. white wine becomes beurre blanc. red wine is beurre rogue.
you want to CUM? sweat minced shallot in a tiny bit of butter, add white wine and cook it out until it’s reduced by about half. then whisk butter in hard. a few flecks of minced thyme or fennel frond stirred thru, and you eat that with a nice seared fish? or scallop? or even shrimp? wow. you will Nut
your boxed mac and cheese game can also be elevated by cooking your pasta and making a beurre monté first, tossing your pasta in that and adding the cheese packet. wow. hey; you’ll cum
go forth now with this butter secret
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ehggbee · 5 days
I've been astonished by how much people seem to love my weird and experimental project held together by duct tape and string, especially since so much of it flies in the face of the way I've been taught publishing is supposed to work. The conventional way authors survive online is to release books for sale as frequently as possible - whereas I've been focusing on giving each project as much time as I can, and releasing them slowly (so far I've done a Dracula-inspired novel.) I’ve been making the sort of transgressive queer writing that mainstream publishing is too nervous to touch right now, and I've been giving it away in my newsletter for free.
I want to keep telling stories for free, forever. Only there's one problem: I'm going to need A Lot more subscribers to my newsletter. I have just under 5000 readers right now - I’m going to need at least double that.
Conventional wisdom also says that Tumblr is a dead end, but I'm convinced that this is one of the last places on the internet that capable of fostering real, counter-cultural queer expression - precisely because we are so often left out and forgotten by the mainstream. Half the reason I'm on this website is because of the culture of absolute resistance to advertising. Unfortunately, that also makes my job here rather hard. If things continue to go well, between Patreon, sales of special editions, and a couple small ads, I think I can just about get away with doing this. But I need your help.
If you're someone who's hungry for good stories and:
❧ You're sick of being sold superficial, safe, and sanitized queer stories that shy away from genuine expressions of socially unacceptable desire
❧ You see sexual freedom as inseparable from queer liberation, and you want to see that explored in metaphor via a vampire seducing a priest
❧ You want to read modern queer fiction that's aware of the deep and rich history of queer culture
❧ You want to help foster a project that would create new avenues for underground and transgressive forms of queer expression
Then you should subscribe to What Manner of Man! It's sexy and boundary-pushing and kinky, with fire in its veins.
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If this works, I'll be able to take on bigger and more ambitious projects than I ever have before (it's mad scientists next, and I have some pretty mad ideas!)
Thank you for your time! Reblogs deeply appreciated.
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ehggbee · 5 days
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ehggbee · 5 days
i love you im glad you exist im so happy you’re alive
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ehggbee · 5 days
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🌼 The Fields of Mistria demo is HERE! 🌼
Experience the start of your new life in Mistria with our first-ever demo! The demo is available now through the end of Steam Next Fest, on June 17th at 10 am PT.
✨ bit.ly/Mistria
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ehggbee · 5 days
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ehggbee · 5 days
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ehggbee · 5 days
You mentioned you like sauces, but like... what kind of sauces? Are you a bbq? honey mustard? ranch? I bet you love ranch.
I love a good ranch. But this isn't a good time. I am being attacked by witches. I will tell you about ranch Later.
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ehggbee · 6 days
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ehggbee · 7 days
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noelle collection
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