Benefits of Raising Free Range Chickens That Everyone Must Know
Are you aware the eggs coming from free-range chickens have twice the amount of vitamin E, five times richer in vitamin A, contains less saturated fat, and contains rich omega-3 fatty acids? Most consumers are not aware of the advantages of eating free-range chicken eggs or meat because it is rarely advertised. The only time you read about free-range chicken is on some healthy lifestyle magazine that isn’t that commercialized.
 Another reason why free-range chicken benefits are unknown to many is we have become so dependent on big companies to produce our eggs and meats. We rarely read the labels and just get whatever it is that is available on the shelf of the supermarket. This is a great mistake in my opinion because it leads us to consume unhealthily. If you want to experience a healthy lifestyle, you need to look into getting free-range eggs and meats for your diet.
 Additional benefits of free-range eggs and meat
 In terms of taste, free-range eggs are much tastier compared to your average eggs. Have you ever wonder why all eggs, regardless of where they come from, taste the same? Well, that is because they are harvested from the same breed of chickens that are injected with chemicals and heavy vitamins. These chemicals and hormones are injected to them to allow them to produce more eggs than usual. This is why eggs today have become smaller and less tasty compared to eggs in, let’s say, twenty years ago.
 Free-range eggs have richer yolk flavor that is almost orange in color. If you’ve ever been in a rural farm with backyard chickens, you should already know what local eggs look like. They are bigger and yellowish in color. And like I’ve said before, they contain considerably more vitamins and minerals.
 What makes free-range eggs superior to your normal eggs?
 Free-range eggs come from free-range chickens. Free-range chickens get to roam around their area of residence freely. This is opposite to what most chickens experience in dairy farms. Most of the eggs you consume today come from dairy farms that cram thousands of hens in a small area. These hens don’t have the freedom to forage their surroundings and are only limited to the confinements of their cages.
 What makes free-range eggs healthier is they are produced by birds that have freedom on their diets. You can raise hens without antibiotics and they would be fine most of the time. Free-range chickens don’t need antibiotics because they get enough nutrients from all their foraging of their surroundings.
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Rhode Island Red. The Best Egg Laying hen Breed from my own experience. This one’s really fat, yeah?
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Electric Fence For Protection Of Animals – What It Offers
Electric fence, contrary to popular belief isn’t used to keep animals in. Electric fence is usually used to protect the animals inside from predators. You can say that its primary use is to keep predators out in order to protect the livestock inside.
Contrary to what people think, poultry animals don’t always wander out of their cage. Poultry animals are mostly content inside their cage as long as they have enough room to wander about. You can search on the internet to check how much space do poultry animals need to make sure that you can provide the right amount of space. Providing the right amount of space is detrimental to the success of your poultry farm.
What makes electric fence great?
What makes electric fence so useful is they offer two-level protection. First off, they function as a deterrent for predators. They function just like your usual fence in which they don’t allow predators to easily get into the living quarters of the animals you are housing. Apart from offering the usual cage protection, they also provide another layer of protection by means of electricity. Electricity is running through the fence and will shock anyone who’s touched it. This is considered a two-level security because both of their functions are there to help protect poultry animals.
The thing that makes electric fence so efficient in securing poultry farms is they deter all kinds of predators in entering the site. As soon as any type of predators feel the shock from the fence, they will immediately back away and avoid the site altogether. By basically shocking potential predators once, you are effectively safeguarding your whole poultry farm in the foreseeable future. This is indeed a great investment.
The takeaway
The takeaway from all this is you definitely need to spend if you want to ensure the safety of your poultry animals. You can get away with the most minimal fence setup but it can be risky. Remember that it will only take one attack to damage the entirety of your poultry farm. If you want to keep your poultry animals safe and sound, you need to invest in some form of protection.
There is a reason why electric fence is currently the fence of choice of many poultry farmers. It offers better protection compared to almost any other form of fences. It may be a tad expensive initially but the protection you will get from it is priceless.
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