emilybandicoot1234 · 1 year
Never here
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emilybandicoot1234 · 2 years
Sorry never here. Find me on Instagram emilybandocoot1234 if you want to see my art.
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emilybandicoot1234 · 2 years
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I always sketch during my lunch break, I end up with lots of stuff and I don’t know what to do with it lol.
This style is closer to my comfort zone. Guess it shows…
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emilybandicoot1234 · 2 years
Branch: Love is for suckers. Romance is so stupid. Only a complete idiot could ever possibly fall in love. You'll never catch me making a fool of myself with that silly sappy crap.
Poppy: [walks by] Hi, Branch!
Branch: [picking a bouquet of flowers] I will begin with a heartfelt sonnet and a passionate love ballad--
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emilybandicoot1234 · 2 years
Sorry I’m never here but my main phone doesn’t have the space for tumblr. If you want to get ahold of me better find me on Instagram emilybandicoot123
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emilybandicoot1234 · 3 years
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Poppy is a sucker for happy branch. A pure boy who must be smooched.
I got my “Art of Trolls” book and it was worth every cent. Plus I got a couple requests for broppy kisses. I’ll do something more serious later, but for now I like how these came out.  I’m trying to work on making character poses more dynamic. 
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emilybandicoot1234 · 3 years
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Delta Dawn’s type is the working kind. ;)
Been struggling between my own style and the movie’s style for a little while now, as you probably noticed. Bear with me just a little longer, I’m gonna figure myself out and pick one :D
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emilybandicoot1234 · 3 years
A boy's day
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Heyyyy nice collab made by me and the great @theshy1sout !
It’s a wholesome moment of Hickory, Branch and Milton’s friendship. Shy's part is background of the pic and oneshot below (ao3 here). And I drew the precious boysss. Enjoy :D
A girls' day? - Branch groans out. - Again?
- Come on, we are hanging out almost every day - Poppy smiles at him, carelessly. - One "girls' day" per week isn't a big deal.
- Yes, but the thing you call "hanging out every day" is doing your royal duties - He crosses his arms on his chest, giving her a sight of disapproval. - I'm not a king.
- Yet. - The Queen smirks at him. - Besides that, I've never forced you to help me with my tasks. It's you who offers me help. You like it. I tell you we can picnic or something, but you're always "no, Poppy. You're queen, your duties are always the first thing to do".
Branch looks away, grimacing even more. The pink troll puts her hands on her hips, knowing exactly what's going on in his boyfriend's head.
- You are just jealous of me spending time with my friends - She throws at him nonchalantly.
- Pff, no. - He huffs. - I just want my own "Branch day only with Poppy"
- Every Sunday is "only Branch and Poppy day". Not a good argument.
- I can do stuff without you! - He still sounds offended. - I have my hobbies. And I have my own friends. I have my own life, I'm not a kid who doesn't know what to do without you.
- That's also not what I'm saying.
- I'm not jealous!
- Branch - She grabs his hands, stopping him from speaking with them. - If you want to do a "boys' day", you can. You just can.
He blinks at her.
- A boys' day? - He disbelieves and watches as she nods.
- A boys' day - She repeats calmly. - You can invite your friends, your own friends, and do your stuff.
He gazes at her with wide-open eyes and a half-open mouth.
- Okay... - Branch takes a deep breath. - I guess I was a bit jealous...
She chuckles.
- I can do a boys' day... - He whispers revealingly, making Poppy laugh heartily.
- Go for it, my man! - She squeezes his hands cheerfully, grinning at him. - You can do it! Go, invite boys!
This time Branch giggles, too.
- Am I still that idiot about "friendship's things"?
- Yep. But you are my idiot - Poppy beams, planting a peck kiss on his cheek. - Go, invite your boys.
He chuckles.
- Okay.
- Maybe you are wondering why I gathered you in my bunker at 7 a.m.
- Yes! - Hickory calls out. - That's exactly what I'm asking you!
- I think it was part of his opening - Milton whispers to the yodelist. - You know, rhetorical question.
- Oh... - Only now the orange troll notices Branch's discontent face. - I'm sorry. Go on.
The blue troll clears his throat and starts again.
- I'm sure you're wondering why I gathered you here. The thing is... You are now part of a boys' day! - He beams, throwing his arms in the air.
His two friends stare at him in silent misunderstanding.
- Hurray? - Milton says shyly.
Branch heaves a heavy sigh, dropping his arm.
- So you also don't know what a boys' day looks like - He murmurs with dissatisfaction. - I was hoping you would help me.
- I think it's more like a girls' thing to do stuff like that - Hickory points out. - I've never heard of such a thing as a boys' day.
- So maybe we can be first? - Vet suggests shyly.
- I mean, Poppy said it's just about doing our stuff together - Branch explains. - Like ya know, our hobbies.
- Oh, okay - Hickory says. - We can do that. But why did you wake us so early?
- It's not that early. It's 7 am. - Milton frowns.
- Oh, I didn't tell you - The blue troll grins awkwardly at the yodelist's bags under his eyes. - Milton and I are 'early birds', ya know. I didn't know you weren't. I have some coffee, want some?
- Yeah - Hickory yawns loudly.
After a few minutes they are sitting around the kitchen room, holding cups with warm black coffee. Except for Milton. He uses a lot of milk.
- So first thing first - Branch smiles at the white sheet of paper he puts on the tabletop. - We have to make a schedule.
- Seriously - Hickory grimaces.
- Just a simple general order of things we're gonna do today - The survivalist explains. - My idea is that we can do our favorite things, I mean, everyone shows us something he likes, and we are gonna do that.
- Oh! We can go to my pet house - Milton beams. - I can show you my animals.
- Well, okay then - Branch writes something down on the paper. - We can do this first. And then I wanted to give you an archery lesson. What do you think?
- Cool - Hickory mumbles from above his cup.
- And you?
Yodelist needs a few seconds to understand this question was to him.
- Oh. Umm... - He frowns from thinking intensively. - Oh! I know! I can teach you yodeling.
Milton and Branch stare at his wide smile with unconcealed fear.
- Don't worry, it's not that hard - Hickory takes another sip of his coffee. - It's gonna be fun, just fun.
- Okay - Branch looks at his list and adds a new point. - So I guess we have the whole plan already.
- And you know what time it is - The yodelist murmurs, finishing his coffee and looking for the clock.
Milton stands up so sharply, making them both jump and almost spills coffees on the tables.
- It's pet time! - The vet cheers joyfully.
- Okay, so when you said "pet time" I imagined puppies, kitties, you know - Hickory shrugs his shoulders. - Hamsters and stuff. Not a giant octopus!
The long fluffy vivid orange arm of the creature is embracing the yodelist so tightly that he barely can breathe.
- Her name is Bibi - Milton explains, caressing one of the creature's arms. - And it's a Snuggle Squid. She's Ginger Jo's charge. Jojo likes big animals a lot.
Hickory is so glad that now he knows the giant octopus's name, but he would rather take some space. He frantically needs air.
- Is she gonna eat me? - He breathes out weakly.
- No, she just wants to hug you - The vet watches him with a little surprise. - Isn't that a bit too tight for you, Hick?
- Why don't you just tell her to loosen her grip? - Milton asks innocently.
- Oh... - Hickory looks up at the creature's face. - Umm... Bibi? Can you... uh... Stop squeezing me so tight?
The squid glances at him with her huge navy eyes and purrs so loud, that the yodelist feels her skin vibrate. She loosens her grips and all of a sudden her fluffy snuggle becomes less murderous and more pleasant. The orange troll relaxes and feels better than ever, melting with every second in the huge warm squid's arm.
- She's enchanting, doesn't she? - Milton smiles.
- I've never felt so loved... - Hickory whispers weakly, melting more and more.
- And how are you doing, Branch? - The vet turns to the survivalist on the other side of the pen. - Have you combed Valentino's fur?
The blue troll is sitting on the grass, the brush is lying next to him. The vivid green cat with a red round head is cozying up to him, nestling his muzzle into his chest.
- I lost control - Branch smiles awkwardly at the cat. - I thought you said that Valentino loved combing.
- He does - Milton admits. - But he also loves cuddling. Especially if someone smells like lavender.
- How do you know about my lavender shampoo - Branch whispers firmly, looking at him suspiciously.
- I don't. I just know that Valentino loves lavender - The vet shrugs his shoulders shyly.
The blue troll lifts his hand above the cat nestling on his lap. He's staring at the creature, hesitating to pet him.
- Please don't tell anyone - Branch says and in the very same moment he cuddles tightly but carefully into Valentino, hiding his face into his fluffy fur. He embraces the cat with both of his arms. Milton hears purring and to be honest he isn't sure who's purring.
- Oh, look who hops to us - The violet troll smiles at the grey creature sniffing his feet. He gets down to it. - Good morning, Hilary Mr. Dust Bunny. How are you doing today?
The bunny looks up at him and purses his little green nose.
- Oh, come here, you little - Milton grabs him and lifts, standing up. He starts petting him gently and the bunny looks content.
- Milton! Look!
Hickory runs to him with a wide smile on his face. He stands in front of the vet, presenting a long green snake in white stripes. Its tail is stretching around the yodelist's arms and neck and its head, with a red tongue appearing from time to time from its mouth, is looking around from the big orange hand.
- I think he likes me, too - Hickory points at the snake with genuine happiness in his voice.
- It's ‘she’ - Milton corrects him.
- Oh.
The "pet time" went great, so it is time for archery. Branch is already prepared (as always). He gives his friends bows, helping them to choose the well-balanced ones for them.
- Okay, so now focus, guys - Branch shows them arrows. - Archery it's as fluffy and easy as taking care of the critters. Take one arrow and listen to me, do nothing without my permission. Understand?
- Ay ay, captain! - Hickory calls, grinning.
- Now, the aim is there - The survivalist points at the birk far from them. The round red board is so visible on the background of white trunks. - It's huge enough for you to shoot it.
- Ha. Ha. Ha. - The yodelist says sarcastically.
- I'm serious, archery isn't a safe kind of fun.
- I thought you prefer safe things...
- I prefer to be safe - Branch cuts him. - And weapons make me safe. Okay?
- Okay, captain.
- Now - Branch lifts his bow, putting the arrow on the bowstring and stringing it. - Rule number one, never aim into a troll.
- Should I take notes, captain? - Hickory jokes, but it doesn't distract Branch from aiming.
- Rule number two; when you're aiming, never focus on the point you want to shoot. Your whole body is slightly vibrating. You have to feel the rhythm of your body, the rhythm of your breath, your heart, and your blood.
Branch takes a deep breath, not taking his eyes from the board.
- So poetic - Hickory chuckles. - No wonder Poppy's crazy about ya.
- Focus - The survivalist cuts him off again. - Put the arrow on your bowstring.
- Jawohl Kapitän!
- When you feel your rhythm - Branch goes on. - You can notice that the top of the arrow is drawing a little circle.
- Oh mein, you're right!
- Lift the bow to make the highest point of the circle touch the point you want to shoot. And you have to uncling the arrow when its top is at the lowest point of the circle.
The quiet whistle flies away next to Branch's left ear and then he notices an arrow digging into the ground under the red board. He gets his bow down and gives Hickory a disapproving sight.
- I'm sorry - The orange troll grins nervously. - I know, the permission, I should've waited for permission.
Branch lifts his bow again. He aims and shoots. His arrow hits right in the middle of the board, with triumphal 'bong'.
- Wow - Hickory whispers genuinely impressed.
- See? It's not that hard if you actually get focus - The survivalist starts walking to the board to take the arrows back. - Next time remember to wait until I say something like "Now you can shoot!" or...
A loud whizz right next to his ear freezes him. The white arrow hits the board with cheerful "bong", and Branch feels his legs getting weak.
- Oh, I'm-I'm sorry - Milton says shyly, getting his bow down. - I was so focused on waiting for permission... I thought I...
Branch turns to him with his bloodless face. He takes a very deep breath. He puts his hands on his hips.
- Heh, we forgot about you... - Hickory chuckles awkwardly at the violet troll.
- New rule - The survivalist announces quietly, staring with his wide-open eyes at the ground. - Never go for an arrow before we run out of arrows...
Milton laughs nervously.
- I'm really sorry...
- I... I thought... - Branch pants. - I thought when you said... Yodeling... You meant.. like... Karaoke or something... Not... not hiking!
Hickory laughs at his friends, standing already on the top of the mountain.
- Milton! - He calls the vet out. - Come here!
- But there's a Fluffhogs! - The violet troll screams down the path. - It's a pretty rare species! It's yellow, guys! YELLOW!
- Milton, come here!
- He can stay there - Branch breathes out, reaching the top. - I can wait here - He adds, lying down.
- I thought you're more athletic - Hickory lifts his eyebrow.
- I'm the forest survivalist - The blue troll points out, still puffing. - I live in the jungle... There are more trees than space to run... We, Pop Trolls, have very athletic hair... Not legs.
- Oh, yeah, I've noticed you use hair more often than others - The yodelist thinks out loud. - It's like your fifth limb.
Then they hear quick steps coming closer and louder. Soon they see Milton, holding a little flower in his hand and panting loudly of course.
- Look! - He presents the plant. - Fluffhog!
Little yellow balls are lying between the white petals and shaking slightly.
- You mean those tiny specks? - Hickory asks shyly.
- They're baby fluffhogs! - Milton beams with hearts in his eyes. - Aren't they so cute?
Branch stands up heavily and finding his balance he takes a peek at the flower.
- Oh, yellow baby fluffhogs - He smiles, still breathing heavily. - I've never seen yellow ones.
- I know, right??
- Okay, plants' lovers - Hickory interrupts them. - I'm sure you are wondering why I gathered you here.
- That's what I'm asking you, yes - The blue troll huffs.
- It's my favorite place with such a perfect echo for yodeling!
- Yay...
- Branch, I know Hickory annoyed you a bit lately - Milton turns to his blue friend with such an official tone. - But sarcastic revenge isn't a solution. Let's respect our new friend and his... specific hobby and have fun, hm? - He smiles at the end and the blue troll groans out.
- Fine...
- Okay! - Hickory grins at them. - So if we're over the blowing exercise - Branch blows a raspberry. - We are ready for the harder part. We are gonna sing vowels as clear and long as we can in one breath. Are you ready?
- Yes! - Milton cheers.
They all start singing "a'' and the echo makes it really loud. They are stretching it and stretching in one breath. Soon Milton gives up, losing his air. Even if just a minute ago Branch was panting, now he matches Hickory in singing and doesn't stop the note until the yodelist stops.
- Wow, I have to say, that was impressive - The orange troll complements his friend.
- You have no idea how much I practice singing with Poppy - Branch sighs heavily. - She's singing non-stop. And "who sings the longest" is one of her favorite competitions.
- Oh, so you want to compete? - Hickory beams with a smirk.
- I didn't say that!
- Okay, so who sings the longest! - The yodelist announces. - Ready, steady, GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO........
- Hi, boys! - Poppy walks to the table and takes a seat. - How was your boys' day?
- Umm... - Milton looks unsurely at Branch, who's holding a big cup of warm milk with honey, a medicine for the throat.
- It was nice - The blue troll rasps slowly. - We have a little competition. Guess who won?
- I still can't believe it - Hickory frowns at his huge mug of beer. - I've been training yodeling since I hatched. I should've won...
- Ha.ha.ha. - Branch rasps slowly with a wide satisfied smirk and then takes a loud sip from his cup.
- Branch loves fluffy cats - Milton whispers to Poppy, making the survivalist hit his cup at the table.
- I told you to not tell anyone!
Poppy gets down to Milton's ears and whispers:
- I know, and he also purrs.
The blue troll makes an offended face and hides behind his cup.
- Anyway, that was... Really specific day - Hickory points out.
- Yep - Branch nods.
- We should definitely do that again! - Milton beams.
- Yep.
- Agree.
Thank you for reading!
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emilybandicoot1234 · 3 years
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✨commss from insta✨
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emilybandicoot1234 · 3 years
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why are you calling your bestie with a freaking triangle………….
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emilybandicoot1234 · 3 years
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I felt like I had colored Easter eggs for the first time in my life (since we don't celebrate Easter in Mexico). It was fun. BTW I finally found a new technique for drawing trolls, as well as being inspired by a Tumblr artist
Okay... my reaction after finding out that trolls hatch from "eggs" was:........... Whaaaaaa ---------- t? O_O That wasn't what I expected, it's creative. My theory about why the directors implemented that, is because perhaps it's a reference to many of the toys that usually come inside "eggs" (since the trolls were based on the famous toys)
In fact, it occurred to me that they would have three.  (obviously not at the same time) I have already decided the sex of the three eggs, but I still have to choose the design and the names. In the meantime, I'll leave you the eggs.
Which do you think will be a girl and which boy?
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emilybandicoot1234 · 3 years
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exactly HOW long has he had this speech in his head??? how many times has he rehearsed this??? there’s no way this is off the cuff. this was PRACTICED.   
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emilybandicoot1234 · 3 years
Sonic Halloween ( redraw 2015 VS 2021)
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emilybandicoot1234 · 3 years
I'm I'm alive
I did not die 
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emilybandicoot1234 · 3 years
how to color poppy from Trolls
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emilybandicoot1234 · 3 years
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Request of @geekgirles !!!!
This was SO fun to draw... Branch is fussing over his and Poppy's beautiful bb egg 💕
He couldn't NOT go a tad bit overboard.. Using thorns as protection, and taking the night watch to make sure their baby was alright 💖
Completely Poppy-fied with braided hair and glittered nails, she made him a little midnight snack, he's totally prepared!
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emilybandicoot1234 · 3 years
(does an evil little dance that fills u with bloodlust)
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