emilyprentvss · 5 years
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emilyprentvss · 5 years
i love jane eyre but honestly imagine being friends with that bitch. like imagine trying to convince her to leave rochester and she’s like idk and you’re like he called u ugly???? he keeps his secret wife locked in the attic???? wake up???? and then you think she finally has it sorted out and she calls you a few months later like “his wife killed herself and burned down the house so it’s cool we’re getting married” like !!!!!!!!!!!! HOW DO YOU GO TO THAT WEDDING!!!!!!
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emilyprentvss · 5 years
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emilyprentvss · 5 years
Olivia [talking about her and Alex’s wedding]: I remember, during the service, Alex was crying so hard, she couldn't even say the words, "I do." Have you ever seen someone cry that much?
Fin: That was you, Liv. And no, I have not.
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emilyprentvss · 5 years
reviving this to remind y’all there is nO romantic chemistry between them at all?????????
that’s it that’s the post
Shipping wars aside:
Now that I’ve had a chance to actually think about it, I’ve realised that my frustration doesn’t come from the fact that jeid was picked over jemily/willifer etc., but the fact that it falls victim to the trope that a man and a woman cannot simply just be friends. Throughout 14 seasons, they’ve been like siblings, teasing each other like siblings would and moving heaven and earth for each other as siblings would. They’re best friends, and it’s lovely and refreshing to see that. But the idea that there must be SOME kind of romance between a man and a woman who are “friends” is so mind-numbingly repeated and just plain wrong, especially in today’s society. That’s why I’m frustrated.
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emilyprentvss · 5 years
If the last scene of season 15 isn’t a family dinner at Rossi’s I will be sorely disappointed.
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emilyprentvss · 5 years
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rachel weisz in definitely, maybe (2008)
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emilyprentvss · 5 years
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Can someone please teach this dork how to dance 😂😂
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emilyprentvss · 5 years
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emilyprentvss · 5 years
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Disobedience (2017) dir. Sebastián Lelio
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emilyprentvss · 5 years
Olivia: Why are you late?
Alex: A technical error occurred causing an unexpectedly long bought of unconsciousness.
Olivia: Overslept?
Alex: Overslept.
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emilyprentvss · 5 years
You know what really upsets me?
The fact that JJ's only dealt with like one half of the problem. Like.. She's only ever dealt with overcoming Tivon and it bothered me at first until I sat down and thought about it.
Askari was the man at the wheel for the most part. He succeeded in:
Waterboarding her
Flat out abducting her in the first place
Taunting her
Digging up painful memories
Drugging her
Making her think that Cruz was dead
And that's all well and good.. It's traumatic and scary and all of that, I'm glad she was able to confront those demons and overcome his control over her.
Here was my issue though
She only ever overcome Askari. Not Hastings. Now a lot of you might be saying:
"But Dani, Hastings never really hurt her"
To which I reply:
"Oh yes he did my friends and I will prove it to ya"
Now, it's obvious from the beginning that Askari has lines he doesn't cross, seeing as it's revealed that he's not the one that assaulted Nadia but he was the one who killed her.
With that in mind I present you
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Now admittedly, Hastings did not get far at all. Cruz yells at him to stop and he does. But we also know:
He's been thinking about this for a while
This ain't his first rodeo as he's obviously done this before (i.e: Nadia)
Now, consider the following
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Now, what's the central theme to all of the above?
Every time we see JJ discuss her abduction, to herself or otherwise, the focus is always solely on Askari and never on Hastings. Not once do we actually see her talk about Michael.. Almost as if she's forgotten he's part of the equation.
Which she has.
Or more accurately, she has purposefully tried to write him out of it entirely. Think about it. Askari may have physically wounded her, scarred her and stolen from her many things. But there's one thing he didn't do:
Sexually assault her.
Askari is, by all accounts, a monster. That's been pretty well established. What makes him different from Hastings you ask? Well, he only wounded her body.
Hastings? He wounded her soul.
As anyone who's been sexually assaulted, harrased or raped (myself included) will tell you, that shit sticks with you. You may be fine for days, months, even years but one day something triggers a memory or a flashback and you find yourself back down that rabbit hole.
It changes you.. You're never gonna be the same person you were before that tramua.. But damn it if we all don't try. We write the person or people who hurt us out of our lives entirely more often than we talk about or relive the event.. Until something forces us to.
That's why this
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Hits so much closer to home. If you really focus in on JJ's eyes during this brief scene, the recognition in them is clear.
For a split second she's paralysed, for a split second the line between past and present is blurred and for a split second she's unable to move or scream for help.
It isn't until Kate intervenes that she's able to get up off the ground and find her voice. Kate grounded her and brought her back to the present.
In conclusion
JJ's still reeling, still very raw from this event. She's moved on from Askari for the most part, she's made it clear that he would not hinder her life nor her recovery.. But Hastings? He's gonna be around for about as long as she is, not prominently for the majority of the time, just lingering in the background and behind the scenes of her life until something happens that brings him back to the forefront of her mind.
As long as she's alive, a part of him is too. He's in her mind and soul just as much as her husband is. He may not have succeeded in doing much to her but he got far enough to cement himself within her.
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emilyprentvss · 5 years
Anathema’s Mom: See? She’s got special plans for you. Agnes gave us the easy job. We just had to make sure everything was good for the family. You’re the one who’s going to have to save the world.
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emilyprentvss · 5 years
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emilyprentvss · 5 years
no offense to other svu ships, but… 
munchfin is the most beautiful svu ship in the world. no exceptions.
completely underrated, and the ultimate symbol of progressivity and representation.
i mean, an lgbt+ couple consisting of a black man and a jewish man?
ultimate otp.
fight me on this.
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emilyprentvss · 5 years
Rossi: [sees a pile of trash] Big…
Rossi: [glances at Garcia] …mood?
Garcia: [gives him a thumbs up, glowing with pride]
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emilyprentvss · 5 years
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am too gay/gay starved or was this queerbaiting subtext?
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