energeticjoon ¡ 3 years
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@blakebearsblog @babyfangirlland-blog @michellechanturia @alizaejones-blog @tuffteddybearbaby-blog @leslie2898 @prxttypisces @aileen55555 @weirdgirl16355 @adorablethatsme @itserickalove @xwildlikewildlifex @extrasadbish @xinsonyax @mentallyillmillennials @omamaha16 @awesomejennruiz-blog @dontcribuyabag @limama0224 @x5sosidmen @nahhsim @spnmendes-blog @mickeynov123 @cevanshoochie @whocouldofguessed @criminalarts98 @kenziee1345 @kourtzf1998 @ifellinhole @cixrosie 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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energeticjoon ¡ 3 years
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@nope160 @meherandthemoonxx @wakandan-bitch @dolandolphins @anastasiaac12 @the-retired-infant @grayson-eteeweetee @ifisubyouaremyhero0856-blog @itsfanni-blog1 @filhadonaja-blog @instantfans1000-blog @emilyb3lle-blog @emily-83113 @mylovejackjack-blog @louiselarcher78-blog @edenbrodie @fallon-nova @smithemmie @aaliyahdesir @impossiblynoisywasteland @keyeraxmichelle98 @blackenedsunflowers @smilie101 @latenightaus-blog @audreyjeffress-blog1 @qveenbxbygirl @staysmurfy-cx @cuddlemecarpenterr @taramce74 @kelseystewart1 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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energeticjoon ¡ 5 years
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energeticjoon ¡ 5 years
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oh so he’s FINE fine🔥
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energeticjoon ¡ 5 years
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i just want to talk
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energeticjoon ¡ 5 years
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his smile 😭😭
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energeticjoon ¡ 7 years
Yellow Glows | Soulmate!Ethan
*YNs POV* Everyone knows how the story goes, when you turn 18 your soulmate’s death date appears on your left wrist. Everyone has a soulmate, doesn’t matter if you want one or not- you get one. Some people think having a soulmate is a gift and others think it’s total bs. Personally, it’s kinda sad. You turn 18 find out the day your so called “true love” is going to die and are expected to love them and only them; hell you may never even find out who your soulmate is! Of course, you’ll always know if they’re near you or not. Once your soulmate is within a mile of you, your wrist begins to burn as if it’s on fire and the date starts to glow. However, once the date passes on your wrist the burning never goes away, whether you were ever near them or not. I, for one, was praying I’d never have to experience the burning sensation for the rest of my life.
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energeticjoon ¡ 7 years
Old Break-Ups & Big News (Ethan Dolan) Pt. 2
Read Part 1: here
Summary: Ethan & Y/N hear the baby’s heartbeat for the first time.
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energeticjoon ¡ 7 years
Old Break-Ups & Big News (Ethan Dolan)
*Y/N’s POV*   As I paced back and forth in front of Ethan’s apartment door my nerves only grew and grew. My hands wouldn’t stop shaking and what I was going to say to him was only a mess jumbled in my head. I hadn’t been back at his house in 6 weeks. The last time I saw him was to pick up my stuff from his apartment, because only 2 days prior to that I had broken up with him- I had broken his heart. Do I knock? Do I text him to come outside? Do I even tell him? The questions kept flooding into my head making me feel sick to my stomach. I slid down again this door and decided to wait until I felt better. I heard footsteps to my right and didn’t bother looking up as if was probably just a neighbor of theirs. “Y/N?” Shit. I looked up to be met with Grayson. 
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energeticjoon ¡ 7 years
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Moodboard: Ethan x Lavender 💜
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energeticjoon ¡ 7 years
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• The Road-Trip, part 1• Hi & welcome to my first post, I hoped you enjoyed(:
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energeticjoon ¡ 8 years
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Jack Johnson x Dark Green🌳
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energeticjoon ¡ 8 years
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Roadtrips with Aaron🚘 Requested: No Guys send in more requests! (: -Hailey💋
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energeticjoon ¡ 8 years
Get to Know Me Uncomfortably Well
1. What is you middle name?
2. How old are you?
3. What is your birthday?
4. What is your zodiac sign?
5. What is your favorite color?
6. What's your lucky number?
7. Do you have any pets?
8. Where are you from?
9. How tall are you?
10. What shoe size are you?
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
12. What was your last dream about?
13. What talents do you have?
14. Are you psychic in any way?
15. Favorite song?
16. Favorite movie?
17. Who would be your ideal partner?
18. Do you want children?
19. Do you want a church wedding?
20. Are you religious?
21. Have you ever been to the hospital?
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?
23. Have you ever met any celebrities?
24. Baths or showers?
25. What color socks are you wearing?=
26. Have you ever been famous?
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?
28. What type of music do you like?
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?
30. How many pillows do you sleep with?
31. What position do you usually sleep in?
32. How big is your house?
33. What do you typically have for breakfast?
34. Have you ever fired a gun?
35. Have you ever tried archery?
36. Favorite clean word?
37. Favorite swear word?
38. What's the longest you've ever gone without sleep?
39. Do you have any scars?
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?
41. Are you a good liar?
42. Are you a good judge of character?
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?
44. Do you have a strong accent?
45. What is your favorite accent?
46. What is your personality type?
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?
48. Can you curl your tongue?
49. Are you an innie or an outie?
50. Left or right handed?
51. Are you scared of spiders?
52. Favorite food?
53. Favorite foreign food?
54. Are you a clean or messy person?
55. Most used phrased?
56. Most used word?
57. How long does it take for you to get ready?
58. Do you have much of an ego?
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?
60. Do you talk to yourself?
61. Do you sing to yourself?
62. Are you a good singer?
63. Biggest Fear?
64. Are you a gossip?
65. Best dramatic movie you've seen?
66. Do you like long or short hair?
67. Can you name all 50 states of America?
68. Favorite school subject?
69. Extrovert or Introvert?
70. Have you ever been scuba diving?
71. What makes you nervous?
72. Are you scared of the dark?
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?
74. Are you ticklish?
75. Have you ever started a rumor?
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?
77. Have you ever drank underage?
78. Have you ever done drugs?
79. Who was your first real crush?
80. How many piercings do you have?
81. Can you roll your Rs?"
82. How fast can you type?
83. How fast can you run?
84. What color is your hair?
85. What color is your eyes?
86. What are you allergic to?
87. Do you keep a journal?
88. What do your parents do?
89. Do you like your age?
90. What makes you angry?
91. Do you like your own name?
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?
94. What are you strengths?
95. What are your weaknesses?
96. How did you get your name?
97. Were your ancestors royalty?
98. Do you have any scars?
99. Color of your bedspread?
100. Color of your room?
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energeticjoon ¡ 8 years
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Happy happy happy 18th, Shawn!💙🎈
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energeticjoon ¡ 8 years
Hello hello hello, so would you rather a three some with cal and ash or red haired Mikey? (I think we all know the answer to this tho) and how was your day? Also I'm an aries :))
red haired mikey hands down im sorry cashton (they can do it w/o me tho ;-) we all know they’re gonna)
ship: calum
biggest perk: the aquarius is quiet and thoughtful whereas aries tends to be bold and fiery. their personalities compliment each other and balance extremely well!!!
biggest flaw: sometimes the aquarius can be seen as too cold, or the aries can be seen as too brash and too loud, so they have to make sure that the scale doesn’t tip xx
random fact: in ancient rome, when a man testified in court, he’d swear on his testicles
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energeticjoon ¡ 8 years
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hey hi hello!! i got bored :-) so as u can see, i’ve decided to combine two of my many passions: shipping and astrology!! ready set go!!!
what u gotta do:
-must be following me (yes, i will be checking, soz) -reblog this post 2 spread the word (i will also be checking this) -send me a message (wyr, fmk, or ship me!! or just talk to me haha) -include ur zodiac sign in the message (it can be just ur sun sign, but u can include moon and/or rising as well)!!
what u will get:
-a ship based off of ur sign and who i think ur zodiac would be most compatible with -the biggest perk of the relationship -the biggest flaw of the relationship (bc no relationship is perfect lbr) -a random fact bc i am a fucking nERD
so yeah!! it’s easy!! i will try my best to do all the ships :-) i hope ur all doing well!!
p.s. u can blacklist the tag “cass does ships” if u don’t wanna see them!!
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