Lovely Day
Hola Tumblr's. How is thee? I is good. Hmm. I will now decribe my entire day out into this blogging post.
I woke up and got dressed, did my hair, and all that other exciting stuff.
Went to school. Blech Totally fun! NOT. <3 School.
After school we had our 2nd basketball game. It was fun. I am on JV so V plays before me so I ate a poptart and 2 hershey kisses and CHEEZ-ITS! Yumm.. I also drank water :)
The Varsity team lost :( And so then it was are turn YAY! :) We played and played and did really good even though we were playing their VARSITY people. Our Varsity has no idea how to pass and they just like to be ball hogs. But whatever their playing time NOT mine.  
Our final score ended up being 23 - 9. Us. We won our second game making us 2 - 0 and them 1-1. Yay for US!! <3
After that I went and got a chicken breast, american cheese, lettuce, ranch and italian bread footlong from SUBWAY! < Eat Fresh > Yum.
I went to dance. < Competion = Mr. Pinstripe Suit. Lyrical = Hometown. >  and danced and fanced and ate while i was there.
Now I am home blogging and playing on my phone about to get on facebook.
Good Night Bloggers
~Erynn Sparkles~
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“Dance first. Think later. It's the natural order.” - Samuel Beckett
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B-e-a-utiful. By : Megan Nicole <3 this song!
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“Begin doing what you want to do now. We are not living in eternity. We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand-and melting like a snowflake...” - Francis Bacon Sr.
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New to This :/
Mood : Confused.
Hola tumblr's. I is new to this site and highly confused. I mean 1. I bet nobody follows my blog at all. This is just a place for me to rant on and on and on and have nobody give a crap at all :D I might get some of my friends to make one so they can follow meh but i don't think they will. They aren't savvy to the internet like i am. Kudo's to me.
Anyways. Who has an High School Hero Account? I do! I'm HSHZoo_Sparkles so you know add me as a friieendd :)
What else do I talk about in this post? How confusing this is. I put something called always sparkle and I'm not sure if i was supposed to do that or not ? 0.0
Well i am out of words. Ta-ta.
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