escapismmaxing · 4 days
rainwings are the only other tribe that can learn aquatic btw,,,,
rainwing headcanons!! + history rewrite and canon tweaks
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physical headcanons!!
they’re kind of small i think, mid sized. very long certainly, i imagine them lounging around in trees like jaguars
maybe THIS is my most canon compliant design actually
manes of long hair aren’t uncommon, but not every dragon has them and very VERY rarely a rainwing will have hair trailing down their spine and ending in a fluffy little tail,, rare but possible
speaking of their tail, it doesn’t really get “thinner” or taper off at the end simply because that’s reallyyy not how prehensile tails work, so while rainwings don’t have thick tails per se, their tails do have a semi consistent thickness
their horns are long and slender, they’re considered very elegant and they usually stay close to the head/neck of the rainwing to not get caught while tree gliding
their frills are HUUUUUGE i'm always disappointed when i remember how small they are in the canon drawings
like NO their frill obscures their neck most of the time, also covers their ears, and it is very prone to being very expressive
the membranes connecting the spines of the frills also come in different shapes!
their frills also sometimes have butterfly like tails where part of the frill near the face hangs really long and thin? if that makes sense. like a swallowtails tail, but on their frills
i also shrunk their wings a little,, still long for gliding purposes but not necessarily wide/tall since those would just get unnecessarily tangled in trees
their little fangs stick out of their mouth,, oh so little
social/family structure,,, 
more communal living!! we love it
rainwings are very communal and lack the family structure of sibs, so they’re comparatively more communal than mudwings
monogamy is slightlyyyy more common, but it’s still not necessarily the norm. rainwings and their polycules,,,
i think they keep track of who their kids are!! sorry but that’s just my belief. i think parents (even if they’re not committed or mates or whatever) will somewhat co parent their kids
they’re incubated all together, but parents keep track of where there egg is and how far along it is and when it will hatch etc, and then they will be there when the egg hatches to make sure nothing goes wrong
even if the parents aren’t there, it is someone’s job to be there and make sure the dragonets hatch successfully, and then they are safely transported to the dragon equivalent of daycare
childcare is such a big job market in the rainwing queendom,,,,
i think depending on the parents, they will raise their dragonets in their home, but these dragonets still spend a LOOOOT of time in the daycare. i think dragonets are just very widely cared for by basically everyone, some pairs of parents just spend a bit of extra time with their dragonets, but they’re never raised 100% secluded from the town
grown dragons will divide the dragonets into age groups and teach them stuff
tree gliding, fruit finding and identification, flower identification, flower drying, leaf weaving/thatching, etc
also oral storytime! very important
grown dragons stay very communal, they don’t really couple off and move into their own “houses”
they have couples and polycules and just kind of go into the next generation, raising the new dragonets in the same communal way
and a history rewrite,,,,
basically i wanted to give them a reason they were so exclusionary in the original five books and this is what came from that
i didn’t like the rainwing racism was like,,, right? obviously some rainwings can be “lazy” or whatever, but the fact that all of them were + not the smartest + not really empathetic was just like,,, not the move imo
maybe about a century before the sandwing war of succession, the rainwings experienced their OWN war of succession, except they didn’t drag other tribes into it and it was kept within the queendom
a queen died and had many daughters who could take the throne, and then the daughters started fighting over this
(this is where it’s somewhat necessary for me to input just a general dragon headcanon,, i think they live for sooo fucking long. like 150 years easy. they don’t mature at 6 they mature at like 25-30. so these wars of succession last for SO LONG because the daughters won’t fuckin die (from old age)!)
so the rainwings fought with each other for ages, and during this war (with a deadly biochemical weapon like their venom) a lot of things like literacy, written history, math, etc, don’t seem as important, so they’re somewhat forgotten because parents are more focused on keeping their dragonets alive and safe
also a lot of scrolls and stuff are literally destroyed
and then this is also the reason for really low literacy rates
post their war of succession, they establish the “court of queens” which is kind of like a voting ruling body, but they don’t always like each other a whole lot and are prone to argue more. also being queen actually DOES mean something (a bit more than a tie breaker)
i’ll align with the book here again that i do think anyone can be on this council, but then queen is chosen from the council members and by the council
and each newly coming in council member does have to prove themselves in their rainwing skills
again, following this war, there was a lot of focus on internal repair rather than fixing relationships with other tribes, so they became very exclusionist as the other tribes saw them
so the stereotype of the rainwing ranges a bit more,, paranoid, exclusionist, lazy, etc
somewhat soon after their own war of succession, the sandwing war of succession breaks out, and they go FUCK NO and hide in their rainforest just trying to recuperate
this is why they’re so self contained when the DoD encounter them
they’re aware of the disappearances, and they’re worried, and they’re putting in measures to try and prevent them,,, but also they do NOT want to fuck with another tribe. please. just let them rest
and they were aware that glory’s egg went missing, but they were like “FUCK one of those snakes got in here” and changed the designs of the hatcheries or something
fitting this into canon
i think it fits pretty neatly?
the general vibe of the rainwings is that they’re all a whole lot more scared/paranoid, but we still see a lot of the chilled out moments where they’re at peace
the council (again) isn’t lazy (at least not all of them)
they kind of exist along a spectrum where different members kind of have different vibes
it’s the same queens from the book, now just on a council
some of them care a lot about the disappearances, but they’re still scared/too cautious to get involved
some of them don’t reallyyy care, and they would rather just focus on the rainwings that are still here, tighten up the border to reduce disappearances and just hunker down
also they don’t have an army, and they consider themselves pacifists and really don’t want to fight anyone or organize an army considering their history
glory becomes apart of the council rather than directly becoming the queen, and grandeur is the official queen
a turnover of the council happens because glory is PISSED and grandeur just lets it happen lol
this is where the group competition fits in like it fits in in the book
so basically glory + the rainwing gang is challenging the council members because she thinks they’re so incompetent
not saying that kinkajou (a child) or tamarin (a child) STAYS on the council, but it’s just the start of the turnover for the council to get more proactive rainwings involved
grandeur takes a shining to glory and lets her lead the invasion as it happens in the book
fashion and jewelry!
although in modern days, rainwings incorporate some very gauzy, light, see through fabrics into their fashion as shawls and such, this wasn’t always the case
for a long looong while, the main components of rainwing fashion was stringing plants across and around horns, wings, tails, necks, etc
the main fashion was the changing scale color and pattern, which still holds up, but now with a little extra flair
rainwings grow exotic flowers and trade these with other tribes! with tribes that are farther away, trading dried or otherwise preserved flowers is more common since the flowers are indeed prone to dying
rainwings also make perfumes from flowers,,,, like that one fuckass queen she was onto something
their expanse of flowers and fruits also give them access to the most dyes! so any other tribe that produces a fiber frequently works with rainwings to get them dyed pretty colors
also also, rainwings make paints and trade these to other tribes 
rainwings are pretty advanced healers, despite seeming a bit uh,, confused in the books. they just didn’t know how to treat a sandwing stab bc they haven’t dealt with sandwings in ages! but when it comes to other aches and pains and illnesses they have a wide amount of remedies
they also focus a lot on the mind especially after the rainwings are gotten back from the nightwing island
they study the effects of the no sunlight vs sunlight,, they see a lot of mental effects,,, basically they become wellness influencers.. KIDDING but they do start a “mental health matters” type thing lol
along with the healing, lots of potions and elixirs are created for healing purposes, and rainwing small magics (related to my animus magic rewrite, dw abt it, but basically a lot of dragons have the ability to do “small magic”) relates to potions and elixirs and such
rainwings are incredibly good mimics! so after they come out of their shells, they learn other tribe’s languages super easily and therefore are great verbal translators! 
it’s very common for rainwings to work with other tribes on a queen’s counsel as a translator for foreign and inter tribal affairs
history researchers? like of their own internal history trying to recover stuff from pre their war,,
there’s also a lot of biologists/naturalists/dragons who are studying the animals and plants of the forest just for the sake of science
“royalty” and commoners
so, this “council of queens” is established after this war of the queen’s remaining daughters
i truly think this war was devastating, so they start on rebuilding their queendom right away
internal focus, accidentally icing out other tribes
they want to avoid the war happening again, so they stop passing down the throne through daughters, rather any female dragon can petition to join the council
and any GROUP of dragons can petition to remove a queen from the council
it’s a very,,, democratic? system
but it boils down to their being only a little bit of separation between royalty and commoners,, and it kind of doesn’t exist tbh
this along with the really intense communal feelings and being raised communally and raising dragonets with one another,, very close knit tribe
not a whole lot of class strife like icewings or seawings or something
there’s a lot of beliefs surrounding different flowers, kind of similar to victorian messaging around flowers
i’m not really sure how superstitious/religious they are tbh,, again maybe a lot of this fell away during the war as more cautionary tales were told rather than superstitious fables or anything
but there is definitely a system of flower messaging
i think they hold all animals in high regard, and think they all have high intelligence (they just favor sloths)
some animals do have certain beliefs surrounding them
seeing an increase of frogs means the rainy season is coming soon, when they start decreasing the rainy season is ending
sightings of pods of dolphins around the coasts means generally good tidings and a positive short term future
i think they do have a lot of pet superstitions?
sloths are pretty common, so nothing super crazy there
but if a dragon has a big, jungle cat, other dragons will view them as very charming/caring, as it takes a lot of work to get a big cat to trust you
small amphibians or reptiles means that a dragon is detail oriented
snails and insects and mollusks are considered like an “old dragon’s” pets
so yeah! rainwings. this still feels weirdly,, incomplete? maybe it’s just because of how much i like them i just want to make them fully fleshed out which they aren’t really here. but i think they’re really cool, i just don’t love their canon all the time. yeah! idk. complex feelings. as always, hit me UP with your ideas anywhere you please i love hearing feedback :)
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escapismmaxing · 4 days
rainwing headcanons!! + history rewrite and canon tweaks
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physical headcanons!!
they’re kind of small i think, mid sized. very long certainly, i imagine them lounging around in trees like jaguars
maybe THIS is my most canon compliant design actually
manes of long hair aren’t uncommon, but not every dragon has them and very VERY rarely a rainwing will have hair trailing down their spine and ending in a fluffy little tail,, rare but possible
speaking of their tail, it doesn’t really get “thinner” or taper off at the end simply because that’s reallyyy not how prehensile tails work, so while rainwings don’t have thick tails per se, their tails do have a semi consistent thickness
their horns are long and slender, they’re considered very elegant and they usually stay close to the head/neck of the rainwing to not get caught while tree gliding
their frills are HUUUUUGE i'm always disappointed when i remember how small they are in the canon drawings
like NO their frill obscures their neck most of the time, also covers their ears, and it is very prone to being very expressive
the membranes connecting the spines of the frills also come in different shapes!
their frills also sometimes have butterfly like tails where part of the frill near the face hangs really long and thin? if that makes sense. like a swallowtails tail, but on their frills
i also shrunk their wings a little,, still long for gliding purposes but not necessarily wide/tall since those would just get unnecessarily tangled in trees
their little fangs stick out of their mouth,, oh so little
social/family structure,,, 
more communal living!! we love it
rainwings are very communal and lack the family structure of sibs, so they’re comparatively more communal than mudwings
monogamy is slightlyyyy more common, but it’s still not necessarily the norm. rainwings and their polycules,,,
i think they keep track of who their kids are!! sorry but that’s just my belief. i think parents (even if they’re not committed or mates or whatever) will somewhat co parent their kids
they’re incubated all together, but parents keep track of where there egg is and how far along it is and when it will hatch etc, and then they will be there when the egg hatches to make sure nothing goes wrong
even if the parents aren’t there, it is someone’s job to be there and make sure the dragonets hatch successfully, and then they are safely transported to the dragon equivalent of daycare
childcare is such a big job market in the rainwing queendom,,,,
i think depending on the parents, they will raise their dragonets in their home, but these dragonets still spend a LOOOOT of time in the daycare. i think dragonets are just very widely cared for by basically everyone, some pairs of parents just spend a bit of extra time with their dragonets, but they’re never raised 100% secluded from the town
grown dragons will divide the dragonets into age groups and teach them stuff
tree gliding, fruit finding and identification, flower identification, flower drying, leaf weaving/thatching, etc
also oral storytime! very important
grown dragons stay very communal, they don’t really couple off and move into their own “houses”
they have couples and polycules and just kind of go into the next generation, raising the new dragonets in the same communal way
and a history rewrite,,,,
basically i wanted to give them a reason they were so exclusionary in the original five books and this is what came from that
i didn’t like the rainwing racism was like,,, right? obviously some rainwings can be “lazy” or whatever, but the fact that all of them were + not the smartest + not really empathetic was just like,,, not the move imo
maybe about a century before the sandwing war of succession, the rainwings experienced their OWN war of succession, except they didn’t drag other tribes into it and it was kept within the queendom
a queen died and had many daughters who could take the throne, and then the daughters started fighting over this
(this is where it’s somewhat necessary for me to input just a general dragon headcanon,, i think they live for sooo fucking long. like 150 years easy. they don’t mature at 6 they mature at like 25-30. so these wars of succession last for SO LONG because the daughters won’t fuckin die (from old age)!)
so the rainwings fought with each other for ages, and during this war (with a deadly biochemical weapon like their venom) a lot of things like literacy, written history, math, etc, don’t seem as important, so they’re somewhat forgotten because parents are more focused on keeping their dragonets alive and safe
also a lot of scrolls and stuff are literally destroyed
and then this is also the reason for really low literacy rates
post their war of succession, they establish the “court of queens” which is kind of like a voting ruling body, but they don’t always like each other a whole lot and are prone to argue more. also being queen actually DOES mean something (a bit more than a tie breaker)
i’ll align with the book here again that i do think anyone can be on this council, but then queen is chosen from the council members and by the council
and each newly coming in council member does have to prove themselves in their rainwing skills
again, following this war, there was a lot of focus on internal repair rather than fixing relationships with other tribes, so they became very exclusionist as the other tribes saw them
so the stereotype of the rainwing ranges a bit more,, paranoid, exclusionist, lazy, etc
somewhat soon after their own war of succession, the sandwing war of succession breaks out, and they go FUCK NO and hide in their rainforest just trying to recuperate
this is why they’re so self contained when the DoD encounter them
they’re aware of the disappearances, and they’re worried, and they’re putting in measures to try and prevent them,,, but also they do NOT want to fuck with another tribe. please. just let them rest
and they were aware that glory’s egg went missing, but they were like “FUCK one of those snakes got in here” and changed the designs of the hatcheries or something
fitting this into canon
i think it fits pretty neatly?
the general vibe of the rainwings is that they’re all a whole lot more scared/paranoid, but we still see a lot of the chilled out moments where they’re at peace
the council (again) isn’t lazy (at least not all of them)
they kind of exist along a spectrum where different members kind of have different vibes
it’s the same queens from the book, now just on a council
some of them care a lot about the disappearances, but they’re still scared/too cautious to get involved
some of them don’t reallyyy care, and they would rather just focus on the rainwings that are still here, tighten up the border to reduce disappearances and just hunker down
also they don’t have an army, and they consider themselves pacifists and really don’t want to fight anyone or organize an army considering their history
glory becomes apart of the council rather than directly becoming the queen, and grandeur is the official queen
a turnover of the council happens because glory is PISSED and grandeur just lets it happen lol
this is where the group competition fits in like it fits in in the book
so basically glory + the rainwing gang is challenging the council members because she thinks they’re so incompetent
not saying that kinkajou (a child) or tamarin (a child) STAYS on the council, but it’s just the start of the turnover for the council to get more proactive rainwings involved
grandeur takes a shining to glory and lets her lead the invasion as it happens in the book
fashion and jewelry!
although in modern days, rainwings incorporate some very gauzy, light, see through fabrics into their fashion as shawls and such, this wasn’t always the case
for a long looong while, the main components of rainwing fashion was stringing plants across and around horns, wings, tails, necks, etc
the main fashion was the changing scale color and pattern, which still holds up, but now with a little extra flair
rainwings grow exotic flowers and trade these with other tribes! with tribes that are farther away, trading dried or otherwise preserved flowers is more common since the flowers are indeed prone to dying
rainwings also make perfumes from flowers,,,, like that one fuckass queen she was onto something
their expanse of flowers and fruits also give them access to the most dyes! so any other tribe that produces a fiber frequently works with rainwings to get them dyed pretty colors
also also, rainwings make paints and trade these to other tribes 
rainwings are pretty advanced healers, despite seeming a bit uh,, confused in the books. they just didn’t know how to treat a sandwing stab bc they haven’t dealt with sandwings in ages! but when it comes to other aches and pains and illnesses they have a wide amount of remedies
they also focus a lot on the mind especially after the rainwings are gotten back from the nightwing island
they study the effects of the no sunlight vs sunlight,, they see a lot of mental effects,,, basically they become wellness influencers.. KIDDING but they do start a “mental health matters” type thing lol
along with the healing, lots of potions and elixirs are created for healing purposes, and rainwing small magics (related to my animus magic rewrite, dw abt it, but basically a lot of dragons have the ability to do “small magic”) relates to potions and elixirs and such
rainwings are incredibly good mimics! so after they come out of their shells, they learn other tribe’s languages super easily and therefore are great verbal translators! 
it’s very common for rainwings to work with other tribes on a queen’s counsel as a translator for foreign and inter tribal affairs
history researchers? like of their own internal history trying to recover stuff from pre their war,,
there’s also a lot of biologists/naturalists/dragons who are studying the animals and plants of the forest just for the sake of science
“royalty” and commoners
so, this “council of queens” is established after this war of the queen’s remaining daughters
i truly think this war was devastating, so they start on rebuilding their queendom right away
internal focus, accidentally icing out other tribes
they want to avoid the war happening again, so they stop passing down the throne through daughters, rather any female dragon can petition to join the council
and any GROUP of dragons can petition to remove a queen from the council
it’s a very,,, democratic? system
but it boils down to their being only a little bit of separation between royalty and commoners,, and it kind of doesn’t exist tbh
this along with the really intense communal feelings and being raised communally and raising dragonets with one another,, very close knit tribe
not a whole lot of class strife like icewings or seawings or something
there’s a lot of beliefs surrounding different flowers, kind of similar to victorian messaging around flowers
i’m not really sure how superstitious/religious they are tbh,, again maybe a lot of this fell away during the war as more cautionary tales were told rather than superstitious fables or anything
but there is definitely a system of flower messaging
i think they hold all animals in high regard, and think they all have high intelligence (they just favor sloths)
some animals do have certain beliefs surrounding them
seeing an increase of frogs means the rainy season is coming soon, when they start decreasing the rainy season is ending
sightings of pods of dolphins around the coasts means generally good tidings and a positive short term future
i think they do have a lot of pet superstitions?
sloths are pretty common, so nothing super crazy there
but if a dragon has a big, jungle cat, other dragons will view them as very charming/caring, as it takes a lot of work to get a big cat to trust you
small amphibians or reptiles means that a dragon is detail oriented
snails and insects and mollusks are considered like an “old dragon’s” pets
so yeah! rainwings. this still feels weirdly,, incomplete? maybe it’s just because of how much i like them i just want to make them fully fleshed out which they aren’t really here. but i think they’re really cool, i just don’t love their canon all the time. yeah! idk. complex feelings. as always, hit me UP with your ideas anywhere you please i love hearing feedback :)
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escapismmaxing · 7 days
Bro just wanna say, your headcannons are so cool, and your art is literally awesome.
You’re deadass a giant inspiration, love what you do so much :)
ohhhh my gosh no way you’re saying this rn i freaking LOVE your art i would pluck it out of my phone and roast it like a marshmallow if i could
but thank you sm 😭 i appreciate it fr i love what you’re up to man
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escapismmaxing · 8 days
Wings of Fire Ask Game!
| 1. Favorite character? [Can be anyone, even that weirdo that appears for one page]
| 2. Least favorite character? [Same applies]
| 3. Favorite book? [Winglets, guides, graphic novel, ect.]
| 4. Least favorite book? [Same applies]
| 5. Favorite Arc?
| 6. Least favorite Arc?
| 7. Favorite protagonist group? [Dragonets of Prophecy, Jade Winglet, ect.]
| 8. Least favorite protagonist group? [Same applies]
| 9. Favorite antagonist?
| 10. Least favorite antagonist?
| 11. Favorite quote?
| 12. One thing you'd add to an arc/ book?
| 13. One thing you'd take from an arc/ book?
| 14. When did you start reading Wings of Fire?
| 15. Any design headcanons?
| 16. Any backstory headcanons?
| 17. General character headcanons?
| 18. Favorite tribe?
| 19. Least favorite tribe?
| 20. Favorite canon ship?
| 21. Least favorite canon ship?
| 22. Favorite non-canon ship?
| 22. Least favorite non-canon ship?
| 23. Hot takes?
| 24. Cold takes? [Takes that pretty much agree with everyone else]
| 25. Hopes for a new winglet?
| 26. Hopes for a new legends book?
| 27. Expectations for a new arc?
| 28. Character you hope gets expanded on/ viewed in the near future?
| 29. Character you hope is just. forgotten by the narrative? Never to be seen again?
| 30. Dynamics that 100% can't or won't happen in canon but you think would be fun? [Can be platonic or romantic]
|31. First oc you made? When did you make them?
| 32. Have you made any fantribes/ fan continents?
| 33. Any role plays you've participated in?
| 34. Any specific Wings of Fire artist(s) you want to shout out? [Art, writing, ect.]
| 35. Character you want to maul? [Affection]
| 36. Character you want to maul? [Malicious]
| 37. Have YOU made any fan content? [Feel free to self promote]
| 38. Something in the fandom you see too much?
| 39. Something in the fandom you see too little?
| 40. Free space! Ramble as much as you want!
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escapismmaxing · 8 days
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some sandwing hybrids! sky, ice, and rain respectively
OTA- anything is welcome :>
sand/sky - open
sand/ice - closed
sand/rain - open
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escapismmaxing · 14 days
mudwing headcanons
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(PLEASE click on her she is so beautiful to me and tumblr kills her with hammers)
physical traits
another huge tribe; longer than ice wings, shorter, but very bulky and muscle-y (think alligator)
alligator is pretty much the keystone of my design for them, and also their design is probably the most canon compliant one i have (said moments before i go against this)
i do like the idea of giving them thicker tails, more adjacent to seawings than any other land dwelling tribe, and also just leaning into the swampy aspect of them more
depending on how aquatic of an environment they’re incubated in (and also depending on parent’s genetics) a mudwing can hatch with fins! it’s not entirely uncommon (fins smaller than seawing fins)
mudwings can have tail fins, fins running down their stomach, and their neck. this is distinct from seawings as mudwings never have fins running down their spine or fins on their limbs
mudwings have HUGE horns and ears to siphon heat away from their face
they also have a throat sac like icewings! they produce a variety of throat song, mostly akin to various frog sounds
also,,, tusks protruding from their lower jaw! (that i just realized i forgor to draw,,,,) this is used for foraging, and also agriculture (tilling soil, etc) which mudwings are particularly proficient in
mudwings also tend to have ecosystems growing from them,, algae and duckweed etc on their backs, necks, and tops of heads which helps camouflage them
speaking of camouflage,, colors,,,, well you know
mudwings only being brown is actually the most boring concept i've ever heard 😭so they’re not! brown is still the most common, green is also very common, muted reds, oranges, and yellows as accents float around as well
culture <3 (social structure)
okay i actually love the SCRAPS of culture content we have of the mudwings
so i guess i want to start out with family structure and community,,,
the whole “breeding night” is so fucking funny to me,,, and it’s staying. i will keep it. i think this can also coexist with courting and mating and committing to another dragon singularly, and maybe all mudwing communities just consist of really complicated polycules 
although parents aren’t always directly and singularly involved in the raising of their clutches, the adults still communally raise/look after the hatchlings, even if it’s somewhat from a distance
also, i think clutches know their parents and vice versa, even if there’s no special connection, you have to avoid incest somehow,,,,
so sib groups grow up together and rely on one another, like how it is in canon
if a bigwings egg is a “dud” and doesn’t hatch or is,,, abducted from the nest for the purpose of a false prophecy,,,, it’s actually really detrimental to the other eggs and can put them at risk to not hatch
clay’s sibs successfully hatching and growing up is,, a miracle im saying. the bigwings is the CRUX of everything. first to hatch, fastest to develop, grows the biggest, etc etc
i also think bigwings can produce fire at a slightly wider range of temperatures in order to keep their sibs warm if they’re ever under duress
on the topic of clutches and bigwings and,, everything
one egg clutches are considered crazy bad luck, and they need a lot of maintenance from an older dragon in order to actually hatch
if it’s feasible (like a clutch of a bigger size was laid on the same day) the single egg will be transplanted into that bigger clutch asap
also a similar feeling about 2 egg clutches, but it's not as bad
single and 2 egg clutches happen VERY frequently with hybrids, so often a hybrid will be in another sib group and all of their sibs go “yes they are us. oh they’re purple? they’re literally us what do you mean”
on the topic of hybrids, seawing and mudwing hybrids are insanely common, to the point where the majority of mudwings on that border are at least a liiiiitle bit seawing
there’s a lot of communal learning and passing down traditions in agriculture, farming, and animal rearing, and oftentimes a family farm is passed down from one sib group to another
(i don’t only make humble farmer mudwings though, there’s also a lot of artisans, scholars, the equivalent of dragon environmentalists, etc)
so moving away from family groups and stuff,,,,, onto wider society, let’s start with the royal family
mudwings pass the crown down from eldest daughter to eldest daughter, through a “royal” line
basically, one group of sibs has the crown, then the oldest/first clutch will be promised the crown, but it can very easily be abdicated and passed to a different clutch if the oldest clutch doesn’t want it or seems not fit to rule
there’s not a lot of competition for the crown because sib groups rule together, and the queen position really doesn’t mean anything, at most acting as a tiebreaker
obviously, sibs never fight sibs for the crown. that’s like speed running a revolution from the mudwing commoner population. but also, cousins don’t tend to fight either because of this strong wider communal feeling
fashion, jewelry,,
i think mudwings don’t have a lot of fashion/accessories because of how swampy and wet their environment is. royals will have jewels embedded into their scales (like moorhen) but even this requires somewhat regular cleaning to actually look,, pretty and shiny? so it’s not common
other jewelry consists of tight bands of wood and clay around horns, clay earrings, rings and armbands
clay jewelry is especially common! including clay beads that represents their sibs
clay fired earrings, strings of clay beads draped across the body, etc is commonly found
jobs! (and also a rant on cuisine apparently)
briefly touched on earlier, idk how much expanding i’ll do here tbh
farming is pretty common, crops including rice, cranberries, watercress, taro, water spinach, water chestnuts,,,, you get the point. there’s a lot of crops to be grown and mudwings grow them!
not in monocultures though, there’s a lot of mixing of crops on the same farmland
also with farmers, animals are raised! but closer to the less swampy edges of the kingdom
they’re still partially wild honestly, but mudwings rear cows and boars very commonly
so much of mudwing economy revolves around food, so they have a very robust cuisine, and they grow/trade for a lot of spices and herbs (with the skywings) and they have a lot of practices surrounding food/sharing of food being sacred
oh god.,,,, the tangent is taking over,, im so sorry
marriage!! i think when mudwings want to get married there’s a long string of cooking for one another!! back and forth making beautiful dishes for one another until they make a beautiful dish TOGETHER. god i love them
aside from farmers, a lot of mudwings are artists! they carve wood and make clay sculptures and jewelry as well as weave baskets and jewelry and thatched roofs from fronds and other wide-leafed plants
pottery is also common
tanners make leather from cow and boar hide, and bookbinders make books (after contact with pantala) and trade with sandwings for dried parchment
also butchers, cheesemakers (cows milk)
as well, the typical circle of scholars and nobles that keep rigorous records on the queendom’s history
and of course, royal diplomats
less superstitious than icewings perhaps,, but i do think they have some shared beliefs
perhaps just in a “mother earth” “all mother” type of concept? a dragon that gave them swamps, and then all other life came from swamps, etc
of course, the egg superstitions from earlier
there’s a lot of superstitions/outright magic about sharing food and the etiquette around sharing food
oh, one of you dropped your utensil while eating? in the future you’re going to save each other from mortal danger
someone gifting dishware is considered a proposal,, but it can be platonic or romantic
the monarch spilled their drink? the rainy season will be rainier this year
just a lot of really niche things
yoppee, i love mudwings so much. i think there is so much untapped potential and what we have now is beautiful. love drawing them, love their color palettes, love their sib groups. yeah not much else to say here. as always, send a dm or an ask if you want to know about something further!
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escapismmaxing · 26 days
animus magic rewrite/restructure (or at least an attempt)
so first, the problems
not enough rules and very overpowered
the one rule is that you can’t bring a dragon back from the dead, but honestly idk if i even trust this one
bc darkstalker also said you can’t make an animus, but you CAN make an animus so maybe you can bring someone back from the dead too idk
regardless, this is not enough of a limit. in fact, this isn’t a limit at all
my plan to fix it
assign “stages” or “levels” of animus power
propose a more concrete idea as to how animus power works
rework the whole soul thingy,,
stages/levels/classes?? maybe
stick with me as this may get messy/complicated/confusing. i will try my best
there’s elemental magic that’s split between the tribes (i realize this is very avatar esque but just like,, go with it,, avatar doesn’t own elemental magic and avatar is also great)
skywings can have air and fire magic
mudwings can have fire, earth, or water magic
seawings and icewings can have water magic (different forms)
nightwings and sandwings can have fire magic
(we come back to rainwings later)
the base idea with elemental magic is: if a skywing is born with air magic, it is considered a veryyyyy low level of being an animus
it’s relatively common but not super super common, a medium level of common i suppose
the next level up would be a skywing having air AND fire magic, which is much less common
then the next level is a skywing having air AND fire AND another element that’s considered outside of their tribe (ie water)
any elemental magic is considered pretty low level though and is more common relative to the other types of magic
other types of magic: healing, illusion, divination, enchantment, alchemy, nature magic 
nature magic is common among rainwings + leafwings, it’s their version of elemental magic, but it’s uncommon amongst the other tribes
leafspeak is a form of very powerful nature magic
divination is common among nightwings, even those not directly born under the moons
moon-born dragonets aren’t the most common, so usually when one is hatched they work for the queen 
so more common divination magic is what a normal dragon will go to
like tarot and scrying
possessing any of these types of magics is MUCH MORE rare
a “true” animus (like the ones we see in the series) would have to possess enchantment, alchemy, and illusion magic at minimum, which is why they’re so rare
there’s only been a few “true” animi because being an animus is the top level of power (darkstalker, albatross, jerboa,,,)
side note that idk where to really put but uh,,, animi have to train. like anemone in the second book. they are not just hatched all powerful. i think animus magic really lost some of its,, well,,, magic,, in the later books
the soul thingy,,
i think there is the basis for something good here. now hear me out. let me cook.
my idea: everytime an animus enchants something, part of themselves is imbued in that object in order to make it work
part of a “soul”? not really, because souls are not concrete objects and i think it gets really up in the air and weird abt morality and stuff
but memories
a memory slips from the animi’s mind and is implanted into that object, which gives the object a little bit of sentience and the power of the enchantment
this doesn’t happen with all types of magic, but it is NECESSARY for enchantment and alchemy
basically, the knife darkstalker enchanted to kill an icewing every full moon had some memory from darkstalker
memory implantation also allows for the enchantment of other dragons. the enchanter’s memory is now IN the enchanted dragon and the memory is implementing the enchanter’s will over the enchanted dragon
that’s why animi go crazy. parts of their lives are slipping out of their claws, and the more they enchant, the more they forget, the less they are themselves
also, spells often cause physical symptoms
dizziness, headaches, fainting, seizures, nose bleeds, nasuea, etc etc
severity of the symptom depends on intensity of the spell
healing a dragon’s cold? a little bit dizzy. healing their broken limb? yeah you’re gonna pass out buddy.
(trying to revive them from the dead? you might end up dead yourself bud)
it’s still a little rough around the edges i know, but uhh yeah
i am aware that this is unfinished, unpolished, rough around the edges, etc but i like it as a framework. i wanted to add in more magic into the world (which i feel like i accomplished with the levels) and also give some actual limitations to real animi (the memory loss, sickness, etc). i am SO OPEN TO MORE SUGGESTIONS. PLEASE GIVE ME YOUR SUGGESTIONS. hit up my inbox my dms my reblogs my anything!! i want more people’s ideas and eyes on this in order to like. make it GOOD
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escapismmaxing · 28 days
what post do you want to see next
sorry for being MIA on this account college has been chewing me up with its nasty nasty teeth
(reblog for bigger sample size if you'll be so kind)
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escapismmaxing · 3 months
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wonder who these two are
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escapismmaxing · 3 months
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my favorite favorite girl
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escapismmaxing · 3 months
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shrimp coded
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escapismmaxing · 3 months
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tumblr image quality wakes up everyday and kills me with hammers (PLEASE click for better quality)
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escapismmaxing · 3 months
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moonwatcher coming soon,,,
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escapismmaxing · 3 months
cursed wof idea where icewings shear their fur into fuckass poodle haircuts
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escapismmaxing · 3 months
skywing redesign + headcanons
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birds of the sky,,.,
physical traits
small little fellas, in order to be the fastest fliers they are the smallest of the pyrrhian tribes! but still bigger than the pantalan bugs
most of my headcanons really just focus around making them more flight focused
i know it’s canon that they have huge wings, but i make their wings fucking huuuuuuuge like their wings are discounted when scaling their size in relation to other pyrrhian dragons but if it wasn’t, they would be “bigger” comparatively
also their wing membrane stretches partway down their tail in order to really catch the air
their shoulders have locking mechanisms like albatrosses perhaps
also,,, for aesthetic purposes,, i think they have those little butterfly tail things like swallowtails or luna moths
they have short tails so less drag is created
their horns are very long and branching, but they bend back and tend to follow the curve of the spine/neck so that they don’t stick out and create excess drag when skywings are flying
this one exists in theory more than in drawings,,, but they would have those faceplates that owls/hawks/birds of prey have that angle air into their ears in order to hear better when they're flying
they have relatively small/thinnish bodies, with honeycomb structured bones (i really just redesigned them around flight tbh)
they don’t really have “spines” but they have plated scales that can be ruffed up around their neck
colors have a huge range, basically any color the sky can be a skywing can be, but i think maybe their eggs only hatch during the daytime? so they don’t overlap with nightwings in color a lot
i think reds and oranges are perhaps still the most common? but blues, purples, yellows, and even pinks aren’t unheard of
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i also think their scales can match the cloud formations during their hatching
culture and societyyyy/ family structure 
skywings have family units! not really nuclear families how we’d think though because i really hate limiting fictional dragons to a western understanding of family structure
however i do think fewer partners are involved, like 2-3, raising their hatchlings under one roof
still a strong community, but with dragonets returning to one house for the night
i think there’s certainly a “town” daycare somewhat that young dragonets will go to and be communally watched over
however skywings are comparatively more fractured than other tribes due to their home in the mountains, so it’s somewhat small pockets of dragons all looking after one another scattered through the mountains
as for school,, i think skywings have a stricter, more academic schooling model closer to what icewing schools are like? learning a variety of subjects in an academic setting rather than learning the family trade from the family
there are still skywings who have a family trade such as farming (herbs, root vegetables) and artisan trades like metalwork and glasswork. but these artisans often take in apprentices rather than raising their kids to be their apprentices
farming is pretty common because skywings don’t eat a lot of meat! in line with the whole,, bird,,, fast flying,, etc, they have to digest lightweight things that are still high in protein, so they eat a lot of seeds and leafy greens
they don’t eat a lot of “heavy” meat like cows, pigs, etc, and they tend to avoid eating birds at all. some skywings do eat fish and rabbits though
skywings also have a pretty strong hierarchy within the castle that degrades pretty fast outside of the castle
although this begins to fade as queen ruby takes over
there wasn’t the circle system exactly, but it was very clear who scarlet favored, and the favorings of the queen directly correlated to jobs and housing given within the castle walls
this falls apart outside of the castle, where towns are generally kind
skywings have a lot of festivals/celebrations surrounding flying, racing etc
adrenaline seeking skywings will have crazy dangerous flight races through precarious pillars of rocks
on the topic of sports, falconry is super popular and falcons and other raptors are considered holy by basically all skywings
on certain days, festivals will be held where skywings decorate their wings with beads, thin fabrics, jewelry, feathers, ribbons, etc, and flaunt their wings, perform some tricks, etc
flutes, pipes, and wind chimes are very common for music! generally just any using wind to make noise instruments is common, like an ocarina!
another example of me making music more present in the world,,, many skywings can learn simple ish wind charms that give them semi control over the wind, while this is helpful during flight, skywings also use wind charms to essentially play the mountains as a huge instrument!
of COURSE skywings speak with hoots and chirps and tweets and basically any bird noises. like any and all bird noises. which meeeeannsssss skywings can also be really good mimics! not as good as rainwings but still very good at mimicking animals and other tribes
fashion and jewelry
alpacas are very common in the mountains, so spun wool fabrics are very common! shawls and coats and capes are very common
skywings have very diverse jewelry since the mountains give them access to a lot of metals and gems, but a lot of this jewelry is for royals and nobles, and commoners tend to wear simple metal bands and piercings 
a lot of trade happens so thin, silky, gauzy materials are used for drapes and shawls
basically, a lot of fashion (especially closer to royalty and nobles) would be very inconvenient to fly in
and fashion for commoners is a lot more focused on wooly shawls and scarves to help skywings stay warm since they’re silly little guys living in the peaks of mountains
religious-y superstitions 
so. much. bird. idolization
there is somewhat of a bird hierarchy but at the same time all birds are good birds
a very common religious “pilgrimage” for skywings is traveling around the continent and going birding. making and keeping birding journals. 
multiple jobs revolve around the upkeep of birds, especially in the palace, there’s multiple different sectors that house exotic birds and are dedicated to the care of those birds
falconry is very common, as is all bird keeping
they’re not really considered pets as much as they are companions
when a dragons companion bird dies, it gets a skywings funeral since skywing and bird souls are considered to be one in the same
if you see a bird and the bird sees you it means fate has turned her wide eyes unto you. if the bird doesn’t see you it means fate passes over you (for now, it always comes back around)
scrying with feathers
like skywings will have bundles of feathers and then scry by asking questions and throwing the bundle of feathers onto the ground
the answer depends on the orientation of the feathers
since skywings burn bodies, but bones don’t burn, they keep the skeletons usually in very fancy clay urns
this wasn’t happening during the war with ruby, so there’s currently a huuuuuge project within the kingdom of recovering the skeletons and trying to match the bones to put them in an urn
it’s very slow moving work but dragons also think it’s essential
there’s kind of a paris esque catacombs being created under the castle where all the urns are ending up, but dragons are trying to make it look a lot more lively
gems embedded into the walls, skylights when they can, etc
skywings do the same thing with bird bones! especially the bones of companion birds
the birds bones will be kept in their own urn until the dragon dies, at which point an urn big enough for the bones to be mixed will be produced
also,, in line with wanting to make magic more prevalent in all the tribes outside of animus,, skywings being bonded with birds will extend the bird’s lifespan 
the bird wouldn’t get the dragon’s lifespan, but a blue jay would live to be ~20ish rather than 7 years
also (random but related to birds) some icewings were freaked the fuck out by skywings because icewings consider birds to be BAD LUCK. icewings who live not in the castle, but a little bit north of the more populated border, do sky burials with their dead because the ground is too hard for graves. so these icewings consider carrion birds to be kind, but also omens of impending death, so when they roll up to the skywing kingdom and some fuckass has a black culture absolutely chilling there’s a lot of 👁👁
i think skywings can be super cool and interesting but i do kind of struggle to spice up their designs,, bc i dont like drawing feathers. maybe one day ill learn! idk. but i think theyre funky fresh
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escapismmaxing · 3 months
guys i swear skywing headcanons are on the way im fighting tooth and nail trying to figure out how to take good photos of my art
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escapismmaxing · 3 months
oh awesome ty :D very cool trivia indeed
also this isn’t impacting my redesign (i already have my opinions) i just want to know the wider opinion
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