eshalakkireddi · 3 years
What Factors Indicate You Need IUI Treatment
IUI is a non-invasive, artificial conception method used by couples who are experiencing trouble conceiving a child. According to research released by the IVF centre in Banjara Hills, the pregnancy rate with IUI therapy is between 10% and 20% every cycle. The basic goal of IUI is to increase the quantity of sperm that reach the fallopian tubes and therefore increase the odds of conception. This is not, however, recommended for everyone. If you're thinking about switching to infertility therapy, you need to know if it's right for you. Also, inquire about the cost of IUI.
Why is IUI done?
The ability of a couple to become pregnant is influenced by a variety of circumstances. In most cases, intrauterine insemination is utilised in couples who have:
Sperm from a donor: IUI is the most popular method for achieving pregnancy among women who need to utilise donor sperm. Frozen donor sperm specimens are collected from accredited laboratories and thawed prior to IUI. Infertility that hasn't been explained. IUI is frequently used in conjunction with ovulation-inducing medicines as a first-line therapy for unexplained infertility.
Infertility caused by endometriosis: The primary therapeutic option for infertility caused by endometriosis is to use drugs to obtain a good-quality egg, followed by IUI. Visit the best ivf specialist in Hyderabad for successful results.
Unexplained infertility: IUI is performed considering it as a first treatment for unexplained infertility along with ovulation-inducing medications. Endometriosis-related infertility. For infertility related to endometriosis, using medications to obtain a good-quality egg along with performing IUI is often the first treatment approach.
Infertility due to a mild male factor (subfertility): Your partner's sperm analysis, which is one of the first steps in the medical evaluation of infertility, may reveal poor sperm concentration, sperm motility, or sperm size and shape abnormalities (morphology). Some of these issues can be resolved with IUI since prepping sperm for the operation helps distinguish highly motile sperm.
Infertility that isn't explained: Nearly 10% of couples worldwide experience unexplained infertility, and the cause is frequently unknown even after semen testing and ovulation analyses. There might be a number of causes for this, including sperm motility and unsuccessful fertilisation and implantation attempts. IUI therapy delivers the sperm directly inside the uterus to stimulate conception in these circumstances. Google ivf Hyderabad for more information!
Ejaculation Problems: Ejaculatory dysfunction, which occurs when the semen is not delivered properly during sexual climax, is a prevalent cause of male infertility. IUI can also be a cost-effective choice in situations of premature and delayed ejaculation, retrograde ejaculation, and anejaculation.
Stenosis of the Cervical Spine: Scarring of the cervix occurs as a result of certain disorders, preventing sperm from accessing the uterus through the vaginal canal. The cervical canal and mucus may also malfunction, reducing the likelihood of conception. Finally, the cervix may not be in the proper form, preventing sperm from entering smoothly. IUI therapy is an excellent choice in all of these situations.
Anovulation: During a menstrual cycle, the ovaries frequently fail to produce mature eggs, preventing ovulation. Failure to ovulate can be caused by medications, hormonal imbalances, birth control, and other external reasons. One of the most common reasons of infertility in women is chronic anovulation, which can be treated by IUI.
Cryopreservation: It is is the process of preserving something by freezing it. Many couples utilise this method to freeze their sperm for up to 24 years of future usage. All biological activity of the cells halt during cryopreservation, although the biological components remain unaltered. Men frequently choose sperm preservation over testicular surgery, vasectomy, or chemotherapy.
Being single is a unique experience: If you're a single woman who wants to establish a family, IUI may be the best option for you. Select a suitable sperm donor and check that he has done all of the necessary testing to establish his eligibility. Only the healthy sperm are inserted into your uterus after they have been treated and cleaned in labs.
IUI is a low-cost, low-risk procedure with little adverse effects. It's a good idea to check with your fertility specialist to see whether you're a suitable fit for the procedure. It might be your opportunity to build a family, experience motherhood, and adore your baby's unconditional affection.
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eshalakkireddi · 3 years
Understanding Infertility and its Treatment
After one year of unprotected intercourse, infertility is described as a couple's inability to conceive. Infertility is seen in a variety of ways. Our best IVF specialist in Hyderabad discusses about it in this article:
What is the definition of infertility? After one year of unprotected intercourse, infertility is described as a couple's inability to conceive. In our nation, infertility is seen as a societal problem with a variety of medical symptoms. Infertility affects 15% of couples globally or one in every six to seven people. As many as 20% of couples in India seek therapy for this disease. Medical factors for infertility might be present in one or both of the couples. Infertility affects 35-40% of males and an equivalent amount of women in our nation, with 20-30% of instances affecting both couples. Infertile couples can now enjoy the joys of motherhood because to advancements in medical technology. Over 3 million test tube babies have been produced since Louise Brown was born on July 25, 1978, brightening the lives of their parents.
What are the different treatment options for infertility? Infertility can be treated using a variety of methods. IUI is an acronym for Integrated User Interface. The method of insemination at the time of ovulation is known as intrauterine insemination. Over and beyond the natural course, this aids in raising the odds of conception. In situations of minor sperm count/motility difficulties, dysovulation, minor endometriosis, unexplained infertility, and donor sperm, it is advised. In IVF, many follicles are made to mature, which also happens in a normal cycle. The distinction is that just one follicle grows in a normal cycle, while the others die.
IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) is a method of fertilising eggs with sperm outside of the womb (uterus). In layman's words, that implies it aids in the creation of a 'test tube baby.' Many infertile couples are able to become parents thanks to IVF. In situations of tubal block, male infertility, severe endometriosis, unexplained infertility, prior unsuccessful IUI cycles, egg donation, surrogacy, and so on, it is advised to couples. IVF Hyderabad is very common throughout.
ICSI is an acronym for International Society for the Study ICSI is a treatment performed in conjunction with IVF. A single sperm is directly inserted into an egg in this process.
Fertility-improving laparoscopy and hysteroscopy are used to remove ovarian cysts, fibroids, polyps, tubal correction, septum excision, adhesiolysis, and division of intrauterine synechiae, among other things.
Male Infertility Treatment Medical or surgical therapy options are available depending on the reason. Surgical sperm retrieval followed by IVF-ICSI can be used to treat Azoospermia.
Is there a link between ovarian stimulation and the amount of eggs kept in the ovaries? This isn't the case at all. In IVF, many follicles are made to mature, which happens naturally as well. The distinction is that just one follicle grows in a normal cycle, while the others die.
Which couples are candidates for IVF-ICSI? IVF-ICSI is an option for couples whose female spouse has one or more of the following conditions:
Tubal Injuries In the event that both tubes are clogged or severely damaged. Patients whose tubal microsurgery has failed may potentially benefit from the technique.
Endometriosis is a kind of endometriosis that affect In situations of severe or moderate endometriosis, the pelvicanatomy is distorted.
Ovulation Disturbances Various ovulation-inducing medicines can help with the majority of ovulation issues. If pregnancy fails after therapy, IVF should be explored.
Infertility that isn't explained If there is no evidence of pregnancy after six cycles of ovulation induction, the patient will need IVF. IVF may be considered even before 6 cycles if a patient is above 35 years old. Is there a link between ovarian stimulation and the amount of eggs kept in the ovaries? This isn't the case at all. In IVF, many follicles are made to mature, which happens naturally as well. The distinction is that just one follicle grows in a normal cycle, while the others die.
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eshalakkireddi · 3 years
The distinction between sterility and infertility!
These phrases are sometimes used interchangeably, although they refer to two distinct diseases, each with its own set of treatment choices. For the best infertility treatment in Hyderabad visit Dr Chandana!
What is the definition of sterility? The inability to produce progeny (children) as a result of treatment such as tubal ligation, hysterectomy, or vasectomy is one frequent definition of sterility. Tubal ligation, sometimes known as "having your tubes tied," is a treatment that involves blocking or partially removing a woman's fallopian tubes, preventing sperm and eggs from the meeting. The tube that permits sperm to migrate out of the testicle is partially removed in a vasectomy, which is equivalent to tubal ligation for males. A hysterectomy, or the removal of the uterus, can cause infertility in certain women.
What is the definition of infertility? Infertility is the most common kind of infertility. At its most basic level, infertility is the inability to conceive after twelve months of proper, scheduled, and unprotected intercourse. If the lady is 35 years old or older, the time limit is reduced to six months. Anovulation is another reason why the duration may be decreased (when the female partner is not ovulating), A male factor (low sperm count or motility), a history of faulty fallopian tubes or uterus, or the requirement for donor sperm are all possible causes of infertility. Infertility, unlike sterility, is not usually caused by a medical condition or surgery. There are various hospitals that provide infertility treatment in Hyderabad.
Infertility and sterility are connected or co-exist in some situations, however they are not always the same. A lady who has had a tubal ligation or hysterectomy, for example, is deemed sterile and so infertile. In contrast, a woman may not have infertility concerns, but the pair will have infertility if her male spouse is sterile.
Infertility due to a primary cause Couples who haven't gotten pregnant after at least a year of having sex without using birth control techniques are said to have primary infertility.
Infertility that occurs as a result of a secondary cause Secondary infertility describes couples who have been able to conceive at least once but are now unable to do so.
What to Expect When Getting Tested for Infertility It's critical that you seek out medical specialists, such as ORM Fertility, to help you evaluate and discuss your sterility or infertility. To provide you with a fuller view of potential treatment choices, the initial diagnostic processes involve a full medical history and fertility tests. Your gynaecological history (such as menstrual cycle length), frequency of intercourse, surgical history, and current medicines will all be kept secret.
Testing for Male Fertility In 30-40% of all infertility instances, male factor infertility is the cause; it isn't always the female spouse. As a result, during your infertility appointment, your doctor will want to assess the male spouse as well. A semen analysis, which looks at the concentration of sperm as well as the proportion of motile sperm, is the best technique to evaluate the sperm.
Fertility testing for women Understanding what is necessary for a successful pregnancy is one method to better understand fertility tests. An ovary with healthy eggs must be present, and the ovary must release (ovulate) an egg. The egg is received through the fallopian tube, where it is fertilised by a sperm. After then, the fertilised egg travels via the fallopian tube and into the uterus.
Getting past infertility: Infertility may be treated in a variety of methods, and ORM Fertility's doctors have some of the greatest IVF birth rates in the country. We recognise that each patient is unique, thus ORM Fertility will customise your treatment choices to fit your best-case scenario for becoming a parent.
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eshalakkireddi · 3 years
Male Infertility - A Complete Guide
Nearly one in every seven couples is infertile, meaning they haven't been able to conceive despite having had frequent, unprotected sexual contact for a year or more. Receive the  best infertility treatment in Hyderabad
Male infertility has at least a partial role in up to half of these couples. Low sperm production, poor sperm function, or sperm delivery obstructions can all contribute to male infertility. Male infertility can be caused by illnesses, injuries, persistent health issues, lifestyle choices, and other causes.
The inability to conceive a child can be stressful and disappointing, but male infertility may be treated in a variety of ways.
Signs and Symptoms The inability to conceive a child is the most common symptom of male infertility. There might be no other visible symptoms or indicators.
However, in certain situations, signs and symptoms are caused by an underlying problem such as a genetic ailment, hormonal imbalance, dilated veins around the testicle, or a disease that prevents sperm from passing through. You may notice the following signs and symptoms according to:
Sexual function issues, such as difficulties ejaculating or ejaculating little amounts of fluid, decreased sexual desire, or difficulties keeping an erection (erectile dysfunction) In the testicular region, there may be a pain, swelling, or a lump. Respiratory illnesses that recur Inability to detect the odour Breast development that isn't typical (gynecomastia) Hair loss on the face or body, as well as other symptoms of chromosomal or hormonal abnormalities A sperm count that is lower than usual (fewer than 15 million sperm per millilitre of semen or a total sperm count of less than 39 million per ejaculate)
For the best ivf treatment in Hyderabad visit the doctor on time.
When it is time to see a doctor: If you haven't conceived even after a year of regular, unprotected intercourse, or if you feel you any of the following symptoms, see a doctor:
Problems with erection or ejaculation, poor sex drive, or other sexual function issues In the testicular region, there may be pain, discomfort, a lump, or swelling. Testicular, prostate, or sexual disorders in the past A groin, testicle, penis or scrotum surgery A partner over age 35
Causes for infertility in men: Fertility in men is a complicated process. The following events must occur in order for your spouse to get pregnant:
Healthy sperm must be produced. This begins with the development and enlargement of the male reproductive organs throughout puberty. To trigger and maintain sperm production, at least one of your testicles must be working properly, and your body must create testosterone and other substances. Sperm must be transported into the sperm. When sperm are created in the testicles, they are transported through delicate tubes until they mingle with semen and are ejected from the penis. A sufficient amount of sperm must be present in the sperm. If your sperm count (the quantity of sperm in your sperm) is low, the chances of one of your sperm fertilising your partner's egg are slim. A sperm count of less than 15 million per millilitre of sperm or less than 39 million per ejaculate is considered poor. Sperm must be able to migrate and be functional. Your sperm may not be able to reach or enter your partner's egg if the movement (motility) or function of your sperm is abnormal.
Preventative measures Infertility in men isn't always avoidable. You may, however, strive to prevent some of the most common reasons for male infertility. Consider the following scenario according to the best ivf specialist in hyderabad:
Please don't smoke.
Alcohol should be consumed in moderation or not at all.
Stay away from illegal substances.
Maintain a healthy body mass index (BMI).
A vasectomy is not a good idea.
Things that cause the testicles to get hot for an extended period of time should be avoided.
Reduce your stress levels.
Pesticides, heavy metals, and other toxins should be avoided.
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eshalakkireddi · 3 years
Pregnancy symptoms for three trimesters by infertility doctor in Hyderabad
Naturally, whether you want to know whether you've conceived or want to know if you're not pregnant, you're going to be curious about how early you can have pregnancy symptoms and when you can be certain. For pregnancy, queries call the Dr.Chanadana Lakkireddi infertility doctor in Hyderabad.
Symptoms of pregnancy during the first trimester Aside from early pregnancy symptoms, which you should be aware of at the start, there are pregnancy symptoms that you will most likely encounter within the first three months, usually after your pregnancy has been confirmed. These are some examples:
Feeling fatigued: The hormonal changes that occur in your body throughout the first 12 weeks can easily cause you to feel tired, even weary, for no apparent reason. A rapid shift in hormone balance can sometimes cause you to become particularly emotional or disturbed. Needing to use the restroom more frequently: increased urination happens at an unexpectedly early stage, well before the expanding uterus is large enough to put pressure on your bladder. This can begin as early as four weeks and last throughout the first trimester. It is caused by increased blood flow to the pelvic area and your kidneys, which improves their effectiveness. At roughly 35 weeks, you should expect a few months of relief before the problem returns, this time caused by the larger uterus generating pressure. Because of the increased blood flow, your heart will be pounding harder and quicker. Arrhythmia and palpitations are extremely common between weeks eight and ten. These aren't anything to be concerned about unless you have a cardiac condition. Call us and book your appointment today for pregnancy treatment with Dr. Chanadana Lakkireddi who offers the best infertility treatment in Hyderabad.
Symptoms of pregnancy in the second trimester The next three months are frequently regarded as the most pleasurable period of pregnancy. The growing baby is still not so big that you're uncomfortable or that daily duties are becoming difficult, and most of the early pregnancy symptoms have diminished or vanished entirely. You will most likely feel less weary and more prepared to face the challenge of preparing for what comes following the birth. It's a fantastic time to start thinking about the specifics! There will, of course, be significant changes in your body, such as a growing belly and bigger breasts; the likelihood of nasal or dental problems due to altering hormone levels and increasing blood flow; and skin changes such as dark patches caused by increased melanin in your skin. While pregnant, you should take extra precautions to protect yourself from the sun.
Symptoms of pregnancy in the third trimester
You will have been pleased by your baby's movements up until this point, but they may have become tiring in the past three months, especially at night. Your growing weight may be making you feel uneasy, and you may be looking forward to the conclusion of the pregnancy so you may move on to the next stage. Meanwhile, you may experience backache, heartburn, shortness of breath due to a lack of space for your lungs to expand, and the development of spider veins, varicose veins, or hemorrhoids. The frequent urination that you left behind at the end of the first trimester has returned.
Braxton Hicks contractions: These are minor contractions that you will most likely feel like pressure in your tummy. As your due date approaches, they tend to become more frequent and stronger.
Call us and book your appointment today for pregnancy treatment with Dr. Chanadana Lakkireddi who offers infertility treatment in Hyderabad.
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eshalakkireddi · 3 years
Weight and fertility BY IVF specialist in Hyderabad
We have been isolated for about a month as a result of the unusual circumstances in which we all find ourselves. The IVF team is eager to start all treatments that have been halted as soon as we are able and it is safe for our patients. But, in the meantime, we have maintained regular contact with our patients during this "pause," not just to keep them informed about their fertility therapy, but also to help them perceive this "pause" as an opportunity to prepare for their impending therapy. That is why we want our medical team to explain and assist you in getting through this period as smoothly as possible and, in particular, in returning to an optimal condition to continue your assisted reproduction treatment. For Infertility treatment and book your appointment with an IVF specialist in Hyderabad. Implications of Excess Body Weight Excess body weight (EBW), or the amount of bodyweight we have more than our target weight, is widely recognized to be connected with an increased risk of infertility in both men and women. It affects the quality of sperm in men, while it can cause ovulation abnormalities, implantation failure, or affect the embryo itself and its path to a viable pregnancy in women. All of these effects, however, do not result in complete sterility, but they do raise the risk of not conceiving or delaying conception in both natural and assisted reproduction. This risk is affected by excess body weight as well as other variables such as diabetes, hypertension, and other chronic metabolic disorders. Why do I eat more while I'm confined? With the isolation process, the vast majority of our population's habits have altered and they have grown more sedentary. Similarly, we have noticed an increase in total intake, snacking, and caloric products, and alcohol consumption. Last but not least, the tension and anxiety created by the flood of information about the COVID-19 pandemic and its economic ramifications is an additional factor that puts us at risk of eating more or changing our behaviors. As a result, the combination of all of these variables has caused us to reduce our daily physical activity while increasing our caloric consumption, resulting in many people gaining weight. Fertility and health Taking care of ourselves is essential to being in the best possible health when the isolation period is over, making it simpler to return to our routine and allowing us to handle a potential infection. Being healthy, on the other hand, definitely includes our reproductive health. An unbalanced diet and excessive alcohol consumption can also harm the couple's fertile capacity (especially in people who are predisposed), resulting in difficulties achieving spontaneous pregnancy or worse outcomes in assisted reproduction treatments such as artificial insemination or in-vitro fertilization. When it comes to fertility, excess body weight can make the process difficult for many people. By defining goals and aiming for a daily routine, we will avoid gaining weight and find ourselves in the best possible health. To accomplish so, a well-balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables, as well as frequent exercise, is essential. Furthermore, we must seek distractions from eating during our free time or vacation, such as reading, listening to music, watching movies, playing family games, etc. These activities will not only divert our brains from thinking about food or drink, but they will also assist us to reduce our stress levels and find some psychological relaxation. Schedule your appointment with Dr. Chanadana Lakkireddi, one of the best IVF specialists in Hyderabad.
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eshalakkireddi · 3 years
Fibroids are noncancerous uterine growths that can form inside or outside the womb. They can be as small as a pea or as large as a grapefruit, and there may be a single or several fibroids. For Pregnancy and IVF treatment contact the best IVF in Hyderabad. They're also a lot more prevalent than you might think. According to the studies, one-third of women will acquire fibroids at some point in their lives, most commonly between the ages of 30 and 50. Fortunately, the vast majority of these women are either unaware that they have the illness since they have no fibroids symptoms or, if they are aware, the fibroids are tiny enough that no treatment is required.
This focuses on the causes and symptoms of fibroids, as well as how they may impair fertility and pregnancy. We also briefly discuss the various treatments that are available in circumstances where this is required. For appointment contact, Dr. Chandana is one of the best IVF doctors in Hyderabad.
What are the causes of fibroids, and what are the symptoms?
Although the actual reason is unknown, fibroids are most likely connected with excessive amounts of estrogen. As a result, they are most common throughout a woman's reproductive years, between adolescence and menopause. Estrogen levels are at their highest throughout these years. They, on the other hand, tend to decrease after menopause when estrogen levels fall. Because their estrogen levels are normally higher than normal, women who are overweight or obese are more prone to have fibroids. Although there are no symptoms in nearly two out of every three occurrences of fibroids, when they do arise, they can include:
Pain in the abdomen or lower back
Periods that be more irregular, heavier, or painful than typical
Constipation or the urge to urinate frequently
If any of these symptoms persist, consult your doctor. A referral for a scan or other diagnostic examination can assist in determining whether fibroids are the source of the issues and, if so, what action should be taken. If, on the other hand, there are no symptoms of fibroids, they are often detected by chance during a regular scan or gynecological checkup.
Do fibroids cause infertility? In some circumstances, fibroids in or around the womb can interfere with conception. This is uncommon, but when it occurs, it is usually because they prevent a fertilized egg from attaching to the uterine lining or produce a physical blockage of a fallopian tube. The type and location of the fibroids are essential in determining whether they affect fertility. According to Journal, women with subserosal fibroids (those that grow on the outside of the uterus) have no reduced fertility, but women with submucosal fibroids (a more uncommon form in which fibroids develop inside or very close to the uterine cavity) have decreased fertility as well as a higher risk of miscarriage. However, most women who have been identified with fibroids can carry a normal pregnancy. Fibroids are frequently formed during pregnancy as a result of increased estrogen levels, particularly during the first trimester. In the vast majority of cases, they do not cause any issues and usually diminish after deliveries. Schedule your appointment for IVF treatment with an IVF specialist in Hyderabad.
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eshalakkireddi · 3 years
The ideal time to get pregnant by best infertility specialist in Hyderabad
What is the best time to get pregnant? The fertile years of a woman last from the commencement of menstruation at puberty until menopause. Within that time frame, some months are better than others for conceiving. As a result, the ideal age to get pregnant is not always a clear biological fact. Dr. Chandana offers successful infertility treatments and is the best infertility specialist in Hyderabad.
Healthiest for your physique
There is little doubt that your body is biologically in its peak decade for uncomplicated conception and full of energy to assist you to cope with the hardships of birthing and the early years of sleep-deprived demands of caring for a young child when you are in your twenties-early thirties.
Optimal for conception
According to the NHS, if you are planning for a baby in your twenties, you have a 92 percent chance of becoming pregnant within a year, rising to 98 percent after two years. During this decade, your chances of miscarriage are minimal, and you are less likely to have other issues that could interfere with your fertility or pregnancy (like high blood pressure and diabetes, which are more common in older women).
Is it better to be younger?
Is this to say that the younger you are, the better you are? No, not always. There are well-established links between adolescent pregnancy and lower results. Younger women are more likely to have a low birth weight and premature birth. Nonetheless, the causes of these difficulties remain unknown. For IVF treatment contact infertility doctors in Hyderabad.
Considering the foregoing, our twenties and early thirties would be the greatest biological time to become pregnant. But what about you, your partner, and other immediate concerns?
The best option for you and your partner
As members of a more educated and active society, women are delaying the age at which they may begin attempting or wishing to conceive. Aside from mother nature, many women would prioritize their work or social lives before starting a family due to financial or emotional constraints. As a result, many people will decide that the optimal time to get pregnant is in their late thirties or early forties.
The preservation of fertility
Women can "freeze time" by freezing their eggs, ensuring their future fertility. Eggs may now be preserved at -196°, ensuring they remain in the same state as when they were frozen, thanks to impressive scientific developments. Similarly, women undergoing cancer treatment or other treatments that may impair their future fertility now have the option of starting or expanding their family following treatment and recuperation by using previously stored eggs.
Oocyte vitrification
This procedure involves a very rapid drop in temperature, which allows the eggs to be efficiently preserved since they retain all of the qualities and the likelihood of resulting in a successful pregnancy that they had at the moment of freezing. Oocyte vitrification drastically enhanced egg survival rates and became a game-changer for women's fertility options.
When is the ideal time to freeze your eggs?
Women are born with millions of eggs, which diminish throughout their lives. Furthermore, biological and genetic factors contribute to a decline in the quality of these eggs as they mature. The age of 35 marks the point at when the symptoms of aging can be seen. As a result, freezing your eggs before this age will increase your chances of having a successful pregnancy in the future.
For appointments and online consultation with Dr. Chandana, IVF doctor in Hyderabad, call us today.
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eshalakkireddi · 3 years
Montgomery Tubercles- Early Pregnancy Sign by IVF doctors in Hyderabad
What exactly are Montgomery tubercles?
Tubercles are sebaceous glands that are found all over the body but are especially active in some locations. Their primary purpose is to lubricate and protect the skin. These are the same glands that create the natural lubricant that keeps hair pliable or greasy if left unclean and can create oily skin, particularly during puberty. Montgomery tubercles are only known when they are found on the nipples and areolas of your breasts. They provide a similar function in the nipples, releasing secretions rich in moisturizing lipids to lubricate the skin and provide a protective oily layer to guard against infection. For IVF treatment call and book your appointment with Dr. Chanadana Lakkireddi who is the best IVF doctor in Hyderabad.
We all know that breasts and nipples exist in a broad range of forms and sizes, and Montgomery tubercles are no exception. These tubercles can have as little as one or two or as many as 30. Their number can also rise in reaction to hormonal changes, with pregnancy being the most apparent example.
Is this an indicator of pregnancy?
While Montgomery tubercles can be an early symptom of pregnancy, not all pregnant women experience them. According to studies, between 30% and 50% of pregnant women notice these tubercles, and when they do occur, they might be one of the first indicators, even before a missed period. Of course, the sudden appearance of Montgomery's tubercles should not be interpreted as a single confirmation of pregnancy. Other, more common symptoms to be on the lookout for include:
Tender, heavier, or larger-than-normal breasts;
Implantation bleeding, light spots that may occur several days before your period is due, occasionally accompanied with slight cramping;
morning sickness
Tiredness and exhaustion that is notably greater than usual at the end of a long day;
Mood swings and emotional sensitivity;
A need to urinate frequently.
If you have one or more of these symptoms, as well as a missing period, you should take a pregnancy test. If the test is positive, you should see your doctor as soon as possible. Even if you are not pregnant, Montgomery tubercles around your nipples are frequent. These are normally completely typical and cause no concern. Montgomery tubercles can grow more prominent due to non-pregnancy-related factors such as:
Hormonal fluctuations caused by your menstrual cycle; contraception pill; pre-menopause or menopause;
Stress-induced hormonal abnormalities;
Certain medications might cause hormonal imbalances.
Weight loss or gain, especially if the shift is abrupt;
stimulation of the nipples
Montgomery tubercles occur both during and after pregnancy.
Even though Montgomery tubercles are not one of your first pregnant symptoms, you will most likely notice them as the pregnancy proceeds. As your body prepares for lactation and breastfeeding, your nipples will most likely darken in color, and you may detect some of these elevated areas on your breasts. This is perfectly normal and should not be a cause for concern. In reaction to hormonal changes, the glands naturally increase during pregnancy. Their duties include the following:
Increased moisture: Your tubercles will naturally begin to release more oil to keep the nipple moist and supple to protect it from damage or soreness during nursing.
Antibacterial properties: The oils released have antibacterial characteristics that protect the breasts' nipples and surrounding skin from infection.
The secretions of the tubercles, as well as the early production of colostrum and milk, include volatile molecules that produce a scent that helps guide a newborn baby to the nipple, the source of food. Schedule your IVF treatment appointment with an IVF doctor in Hyderabad.
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eshalakkireddi · 3 years
Why should couples opt for IVF? Infertility has a tremendous impact on today's generation. Thankfully, modern technology has given us treatments like IVF and ICSI to help couples overcome infertility, allowing them to have a kid with a high chance of success. We have the best infertility treatment in Hyderabad at Dr. Chandana’s clinic. However, not everyone is aware of the effectiveness of such procedures at this time. As a result, couples may be hesitant to choose them while searching for options to assist them to deal with infertility. This article explains why couples should choose in vitro fertilisation (IVF) for their pregnancy and infertility problems.
What is IVF? In vitro fertilisation is the process of combining an egg with sperm outside of the body. The procedure entails monitoring and stimulating a woman's ovulatory process, taking an ovum or ova from her ovaries, and fertilising them in a laboratory using sperm.
Who can opt for IVF? In vitro fertilisation (IVF) is a treatment for infertility patients who have failed to conceive despite using standard methods of therapy, including severe male factor, tubal factor, uterine reasons, single parents, and sexuality.
What issues does IVF address? IVF has traditionally been used to assist both men and women with pregnancy and infertility issues. In reality, several of the earliest patients to have successful IVF procedures had fallopian tubes that were absent, damaged, or clogged. Many men with infertility concerns, both known and unknown, have benefited from this technique, especially when paired with intracytoplasmic sperm injection. For best fertilisation rates, the ICSI procedure isolates and separates a single sperm from a sample before injecting it into the cytoplasm of the egg. In many circumstances, IVF plus ICSI is the only way for men with low sperm counts to biologically father a child. The only other option is to donate sperm or adopt a child.
What are the chances of conceiving a child via IVF?
The chances of a baby being conceived with IVF are estimated to be between 30 and 45 per cent globally, depending on the patient's factors.
In the event that spouses travel after completing health care, IVF/ICSI therapy provides a lot of flexibility in terms of pregnancy timing. Get infertility treatment in Hyderabad at any top clinic and see successful results.
How does laparoscopy help in infertility? The technique or process by which surgical treatments reach bodily cavities without creating significant cuts in the body is referred to as laparoscopy. The procedure is a type of limited access surgery that has become increasingly popular in recent years for most thoracic and abdominal procedures. This technique is increasingly being used in a variety of different surgical operations and medical issues. Infertility is one such medical ailment, and laparoscopy plays an important part in a variety of instances and circumstances.
Let's take a look at four scenarios or instances where laparoscopy can be used to treat infertility:
Lysis of Adhesions Scar tissue in the uterus can be a problem for women trying to conceive. Lysis of adhesions is a procedure in which scar tissue in the uterus or outside the uterus in the abdominal cavity is removed. This procedure is done best with minimally invasive techniques such as laparoscopic surgery or hysteroscopy. Carrying out laparoscopy helps reduce the risk of additional adhesions that will form after the resection. It will also help increase the chances of fertility in the future and prevent any more complications from uterine adhesions. Endometriosis Treatment Endometriosis is a condition where the endometrial tissue (inner lining of the uterus grows outside of the uterus. This abnormal growth can cause severe pain, heavy periods, and at times can also lead to infertility. This Extra tissue can cause scarring and swelling, creating a hostile environment for both eggs and sperm to survive. This tissue can destroy ovaries, cause adhesions tubal damage. Minimally invasive laparoscopy for infertility can help in a situation like this by cauterising, lasering, or removing the lesions caused by endometriosis. Ovarian Cystectomy A cystectomy is a process that removes cysts from one or both of a woman’s ovaries. It is a minimally invasive laparoscopy procedure. Ovarian cysts can disturb ovulation cause mechanical compressor to tubes. A doctor may suggest removing the cysts that are growing too large. In some cases, the doctor may also suggest an ultrasound-guided needle procedure to drain the cyst. Unlike other treatments, the minimally invasive laparoscopy surgery is a much better option as it requires only a small incision, less pain, and removes cysts while keeping ovaries and surrounding muscles intact. Myomectomy This procedure helps in the removal of fibroids from the uterus. The uterine fibroids are non-cancerous growths that form during a woman’s childbirth years. Because of the fibroids, one experiences intense pelvic pain, and irregular periods. Also, the fibroids can cause blockage in the uterus, which can cause more complications while conceiving. In such conditions, it may be difficult for an embryo to implant itself in the uterus. The procedure of myomectomy can be done with minimally invasive laparoscopy surgery for infertility. This can reduce the risk of scar tissue, heavy blood loss, and other complications with childbirth that usually occur in open surgeries. The above four cases are excellent examples of how minimally invasive procedures can assist in medical conditions. Laparoscopic surgery is an excellent option for women who are having issues in conceiving and want to avoid further complications from major surgeries.
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eshalakkireddi · 3 years
Tackle PCOS with the help of your weight!
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common hormonal endocrine illnesses in women. One-tenth women of reproductive age are affected. Because the symptoms differ from woman to woman, it's difficult to detect with a single test. We are known for the best ivf treatment in Hyderabad and PCOS treatment. Nonetheless, for PCOS therapy, an early diagnosis is critical. PCOS can lead to additional chronic medical diseases and health difficulties, such as high cholesterol, insulin resistance, Type 2 Diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease if diagnosed early.
What is the relationship between PCOS, insulin sensitivity, and weight gain? Insulin is a hormone that promotes growth. Its function in the body is to encourage the accumulation of fat or weight gain. There is a strong link between insulin and PCOS. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas' beta cells that aids in the transfer of sugar from the bloodstream to the muscles. The sugar is then either consumed as energy immediately away or stored as fats for later use. High amounts of insulin can cause chaos in the body, resulting in PCO symptoms. Insulin resistance is common in women with PCO, which hinders their bodies from reacting effectively to high glucose levels. As a result, the given amount of sugar will not be metabolised properly, resulting in fast weight gain.
Can keeping a healthy body weight aid in the treatment of polycystic ovarian syndrome?
PCOS affects about one out of every ten women and young girls. As a result, it's critical for women to understand that the majority of the clinical indications of PCOS may be treated by keeping a healthy body weight. Many women continue to suffer from the effects of PCOS without realising that the majority of these problems may be avoided by keeping a healthy body weight. According to studies published in the Lancet, losing weight can assist with the issues associated with PCOS. As a result, weight control is suggested as the first line of treatment for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, in addition to lifestyle improvements. Many women continue to suffer from the effects of PCOS without realising that the majority of these problems may be avoided by keeping a healthy body weight. According to studies published in the Lancet, losing weight can assist with the issues associated with PCOS. As a result, weight control is suggested as the first line of treatment for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, in addition to lifestyle improvements.
What sort of food can assist in PCOS treatment? A diet that aids in insulin production and resistance is beneficial in the treatment of PCOS. It is not difficult to follow such a diet, which also aids in weight management. It is recommended that you eat a high-fiber, low-fat diet that includes MUFA (Monounsaturated Fatty Acids), Omega-3 fatty acids, and antioxidants in the form of fruits and vegetables.Refined carbs should be avoided, such as maida, sooji, and sugar. Physical activity lik exercising and maintaining a healthy lifestyle are also essential. As a result, specialists urge young girls to use caution when attempting to reduce weight for PCOS and to avoid fashionable diets.
What exactly is ovulation? Ovulating occurs when a woman's body releases one or more eggs from one of her ovaries. It usually occurs in the midst of the menstruation cycle. Conception happens when a fertile man's sperm cell travels up through the vaginal canal into the uterus and into a woman's fallopian tube. As it travels through one of the fallopian tubes, it combines with the woman's egg cell. The fertilised egg continues to move down the fallopian tube, dividing into two followed by four cells, and on and on as the division process continues. The fertilised egg reaches the uterus approximately a week after fertilisation and develops into a developing cluster of around 100 cells known as a blastocyst. As a result, if a woman does not get a period during that month, it might be the first sign that she is pregnant. The presence of these hormones aids the accuracy of ovulation testing.
How does PCOD affect Ovulation?
On the surface of the ovary, small fluid-filled cysts known as follicles form every month in women of reproductive age. One of the follicles produces a mature egg as a result of female sex hormones, including oestrogen. The egg is subsequently released from the ovary and breaks free from the follicle. Are you looking for the best ivf specialist in Hyderabad? Contact us at Dr. Chandana’s as we are known for the best infertility treatment in Hyderabad.
Female sex hormones are out of balance in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome, or PCOS. The imbalance might prevent mature eggs from developing and being released. Ovulation and pregnancy are impossible without a developed egg.
An abnormal rise in testosterone, which is largely a male sex hormone, might be part of the hormone imbalance. Women in a lot of cases also produce testosterone, although it is usually in small amounts.
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eshalakkireddi · 3 years
IVF Questions That Almost Every Patient Has In Mind!
When you initially begin IVF treatment, you may have a lot of questions. To answer them, Dr. Chandana is the greatest infertility doctor in Hyderabad! Your concerns might range from the stimulation's adverse effects to when you can administer the drug to yourself, as well as how to deal with the tension you're feeling and which supplements to take. Our infertility treatment in Hyderabad will guide you through the procedure and always point you in the proper route.
Furthermore, we provide you with important information such as IVF treatment recommendations, practice with estrogen patches during stimulation, and, if appropriate, an ultrasound of the endometrium prior to embryo transfer. There are far too many questions that patients have about IVF.
Commonly asked questions regarding IVF:
When is the best time to begin in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment?
Following the initial appointment, assessment, and blood tests, the doctor will explain the best time to begin treatment. Your treatment may begin on the second or third day of your term, depending on your clinician's discretion.
What is the cost of IVF treatment?
The cost of IVF in India, or anywhere else in the world, is initially determined by the couple's infertility workup. As a result, it varies from person to person and usually ranges from 1,25,000 to 1,50,000 per period. This is one of the most commonly asked questions about IVF.
Since we live in a remote place, can we get our tests performed at a nearby clinic?
It is possible as long as we maintain constant contact with the clinician performing your tests at a clinic near you. We also have colleagues in a number of cities as well as our own 94 IVF clinics. This is yet another often asked question about IVF.
Can we try IVF several times?
A couple can try as many times as they want, as long as they can afford the treatment. The procedure is easier and more affordable for you.
What makes IVF such a costly procedure?
This approach necessitates highly trained staff and cutting-edge equipment. An IVF lab's equipment and supplies are all imported and costly. Furthermore, the majority of the materials used are disposable and single-use.
How long does it take to collect/pick up the eggs?
The duration of this procedure is entirely dependent on the number of follicles that must be aspirated. It usually takes 5 to 10 minutes.
Is it true that the process of collecting eggs is painful?
Although the procedure is painless, it can cause some minor discomfort. At our clinic, we use a mild anaesthetic that is delivered via IV and relieves pain. This IVF FAQ is often asked by stressed patients.
After the embryo transfer treatment, how long do I need to rest?
After the switch, 15-20 minutes of rest is normally necessary. We recommend avoiding strenuous exercise and long-distance walking during this period. Women who work in offices will return to work the next day to resume their normal routine.
Is it possible to have children without sperm?
For men who do not have sperm in their sperm, there are treatments available. Depending on the condition, these procedures can involve taking tissue samples directly from the testes in a variety of ways. ICSI may be used to inseminate the eggs if sperm is present in these tissue samples.
How effective is IVF treatment?
If someone has been trying for a year and hasn't been able to conceive, it implies they are diagnosed with infertility.
Infertility is also common in women who can conceive but cannot bring a pregnancy to term.
A lady who has never been able to conceive is diagnosed with primary infertility.
When a woman has had at least one healthy pregnancy in the past, she is diagnosed with secondary infertility.
Infertility is a problem that both men and women face. Men can be sterile as well. In actuality, infertility affects both men and women in equal amounts. There are various infertility treatments available for people facing issues; here, we shall discuss some of them.
Most infertility treatments aim to increase the chances of becoming pregnant dramatically. Hormone therapy, fertility medications, and surgery are among them. Assisted reproduction also uses a variety of medical techniques to fertilize an egg. IVF stands for in vitro fertilisation. Assisted reproductive technology (ART) refers to any fertility procedure that manipulates the egg and sperm. ART comes in a variety of forms. The most popular ART method is in vitro fertilization (IVF). IVF entails stimulating and extracting several mature eggs, fertilizing them with sperm in a lab dish, and implanting the embryos several days later in the uterus. The age of the patient, their diagnosis, and the care used all have a significant impact on success rates. We have a performance rate of more than 75%. Every IVF patient is concerned about this IVF FAQ, but you are free to ask as many questions as you want and to clear your mind before beginning your infertility treatment which is the best infertility treatment in Hyderabad.
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eshalakkireddi · 3 years
Pregnancy and IVF
Many infertile couples are now able to realize their dream of having a child thanks to the advancement of in-vitro fertilization (IVF). Dr Richa Singh is the best ivf specialist in Hyderabad for this. For those females whose eggs have run out due to menopause, or whose egg quality is low, or who are unable to conceive with their own eggs, egg donation has proven to be a lifesaver for infertile couples. As a result, it's critical to comprehend the egg donation process and how it can be beneficial...!
In 1984, the first pregnancy resulting from egg donation was announced. Since then, egg donation has become increasingly important in reproductive medicine. When the cause of infertility in a couple is determined to be due to insufficient egg production or poor egg quality in the female, egg donation is needed. Obtaining eggs from another woman is known as egg donation (donor). IVF [in vitro fertilization] is used to fertilize these donor eggs with the sperm of the recipient's husband (male counterpart of the infertile couple) in a laboratory environment. Finally, the embryo produced during fertilization is transferred to the uterus of the infertile couple's female counterpart. Dr Chandana is the best ivf specialist in Hyderabad and is an expert in this field.
WHAT ARE THE REQUIREMENTS FOR EGG DONATION? The various reasons for egg donation can be roughly categorized into two groups, which are as follows:-
1. Non-functional ovaries: • Premature ovarian failure—Menopause begins earlier than normal, usually before the age of 40. • Menopause is a term used to describe a period of • Ovarian agenesis (absence of ovaries) • Oophorectomy on both sides
2. Ovaries that function:
• Inherited disorders that are passed on over the generations • Eggs of poor quality • Inability to conceive with IVF using self-eggs on a regular basis (recurrent IVF failure) • Ovaries that are inaccessible
DONORS OF EGG: Donors of eggs are anonymous, in the sense that the recipient is never informed of the donor's identity (s). Egg donation programs or specific organizations are used to find potential donors. Donor eggs can be obtained in a variety of ways in an egg donation IVF program, including:
1) Eggs from egg banks, frozen (stored eggs). 2) Egg sharing with young IVF patients who are currently undergoing treatment at the same IVF unit. 3) Obtaining fresh eggs from a medically fit young donor (best choice for success
Dr. Chandana's is the best ivf specialist in Hyderabad.
The success of an egg donation IVF cycle is determined by a variety of factors, some of which are as follows:
Donor age – For egg donation services, young and stable egg donors are favored. It's because it's been found that if the donor is young, the chances of pregnancy are almost equal in young and old recipients. As a result, we only use new donuts.
Egg quality – egg quality is a significant factor that influences embryo quality and, as a result, the IVF outcome (pregnancy and birth outcomes).
Endometrial preparation – The preparation of the endometrium, which is where the embryo would be inserted (soil preparation), as well as the endometrial receptivity when the embryos prepared by donor eggs are implanted, is the most significant factor deciding the effectiveness of an egg donation cycle. The process of fertilization of donor eggs by the husband's sperm is performed in CLOSED Working Chambers at an IVF clinic so that the eggs and sperms get the best atmosphere (similar to what they would have gotten in the womb) during fertilization and thus the embryos produced are better and the success is better.
Embryo transfer – the process of implanting embryos in the womb, which is done under sonographic guidance, is also significant. The use of donor eggs has many advantages, including a lower risk of miscarriage and chromosomal abnormalities, particularly in older recipients. This is because the older the parents are, the more likely they are to have a child with chromosomal anomalies. When a young donor's egg is used, the chances of having a child with chromosomal defects are reduced.
Multiple gestations are a concern in egg donation cases. As a result, limiting the number of embryos transferred to one or two is recommended to minimize the chances of multiple gestations. Elective Single Embryo Transfer (eSET), also known as single high-quality embryo transfer, helps to reduce the chance of multiple gestations to less than 1%. To summarise, egg donation can be a viable option for couples experiencing infertility due to a lack of eggs or poor egg quality in the female. Egg donation, on the other hand, should come from a young, stable donor. With carefully selected donor eggs, good success rates in terms of achieving pregnancy and achieving favorable pregnancy outcomes have been observed.
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eshalakkireddi · 3 years
Advantages And Disadvantages Of IUI:
Intrauterine Insemination, or IUI, is among a few of the first types of fertility intervention treatments, and it's frequently recommended for couples who can't conceive for no apparent reason. Dr. Chandana is known for the best IVF in Hyderabad.
Artificial insemination (AI) is one form of treatment. IUI is a fertility procedure that involves injecting sperm into a woman's uterus to aid fertilization. The main aim of IUI therapy is to improve the chances of fertilization by increasing the number of eggs in the uterus. The main aim of IUI therapy is to increase the amount of sperm that enter the fallopian tubes, which increases the chances of fertilization.
Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) is a less costly and invasive procedure than in-vitro fertilization. IUI is a less invasive fertility procedure that can be performed with or without the use of fertility medications. Artificial insemination (AI) was previously reserved for cases of psychological disorder and male infertility. Other signs, such as immunologic triggers and hostile cervical mucus, have been introduced as a result of the widespread use of post-coital examinations. IUI may be done with either the donor's sperm or the husband's sperm. In addition, the woman should be examined to rule out any hormonal imbalances. In addition, the woman should be examined for any hormonal imbalances, systemic issues, or infections. A blood test, a urine test kit, and an ultrasound can all be used to predict ovulation. As the best IVF doctor in Hyderabad, who also provides IUI treatment, Dr. Chandana will help you make your dream come true.
Indications for IUI:
In the following conditions, IUI may be recommended:
Infertility that isn't clarified
Ejaculatory Dysfunction | Mild Male Factor | Infertility | Subfertility, Decreased Sperm Count / Oligospermia
Cervical Factor Infertility | Hostile Cervical Mucus – A scar on the cervical wall from previous operations that prevents sperm from reaching the uterus.
If the use of fertility drugs alone does not work,
When using a sperm donor
When intercourse is impossible due to coitus discomfort (Dyspareunia)
Allergy to sperm
Aside from that, IUI is not advised for citizens in the following circumstances. –
Previous infection in the pelvis
Endometriosis with severe symptoms
Fallopian tubes that are blocked
Advantages of IUI: IUI is a method of inducing ovulation and the number of eggs available without the use of medication. The following are some of the advantages of IUI:
Natural Cycle IUI is a viable option: A natural cycle may be performed with low stimulation medication or with clomifene citrate to stimulate follicles. Multiple pregnancy rates after ovarian hypertrophy are unacceptably large. Because of the low dose and natural cycle IUI, the unacceptably high multiple gestation rates associated with ovarian hyperstimulation are avoided.
The washing process improves the consistency of the sperm: The washing process removes prostaglandins, infectious agents, antigenic proteins, non-motile spermatozoa, leucocytes, and immature germ cells, resulting in improved sperm production.
IUI is a less invasive and physiological treatment choice: IUI involves washing, concentrating, and injecting sperm into a woman's uterus via a catheter. Unlike IVF, there is no oocyte retrieval.
IUI is a less expensive method of conception: IUI is a less costly fertility treatment choice than IVF. IUI is a relatively inexpensive procedure. While the average cost of an IVF treatment period ranges from Rs. 5000 to Rs. 10000, IUI costs around Rs. 3000.
The treatment period is brief: The IUI procedure takes about 60 to 90 seconds, after which doctors recommend that the patient sits for a few minutes.
Intracervical Insemination (ICI) is less successful than IUI: In ICI, sperms are implanted into the cervix and then transferred to the uterus. They fertilize the oocyte using a natural fertilization method. In IUI, the sperms are inserted directly inside the uterus, eliminating the need for sperm to pass through the uterus. This also increases the chances of fertilization.
Disadvantages of IUI:
Even though IUI is a great choice for the majority of couples, it does not always solve all of their fertility issues. The following are some of the drawbacks of IUI treatments. If the following conditions are not met, a high level of intervention may be required:
Fallopian tubes that are clear and undamaged
When taking the pregnancy test, your partner should be ovulating.
A certain degree of motility is needed in sperm.
When compared to other treatments like IVF, the chances of getting pregnant with IUI are poor. The success rate can be as high as 20%.
Since there is no control about how many eggs mature and it is impossible to predict how many will fertilise, the possibility of developing multiples, such as twins, triplets, or more, is much greater.
Dr. Chandana is among the top ivf specialist in Hyderabad who offers all kind of infertility treatments to patients who are trying to conceive.
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eshalakkireddi · 3 years
IVF Treatment Offered In Hyderabad!
Dr. Chandana offers various infertility treatment and is the best infertility specialist in Hyderabad. The treatments offered include:
Ovulation Cycle Tracking - Ovulation Cycle Monitoring is a way for females to keep track of the days when they are most fertile and for couples to schedule sexual activities so that they have the best chance of conceiving. Many couples struggle to conceive naturally, and ovulation cycle monitoring is the most effective method for those who choose to conceive naturally. The best part of this procedure is that it is non-invasive. 
Hysteroscopy - It is a procedure that involves inserting a flexible telescope known as a hysteroscope through the vaginal canal to determine conditions that may cause infertility. A camera and light are housed in this thin tube, which produces a video picture of the cavity. It is a diagnostic and therapeutic tool for determining the cause of female infertility or recurrent infertility. It is a diagnostic and therapeutic tool for determining the cause of infertility in women or recurrent miscarriage. Dr Chandana is the best IVF doctor in Hyderabad.
Laparoscopy - It is among the few IUI Centres in Hyderabad offering this service. Dr. Chandana performs laparoscopy which is a medical technique that helps physicians to view the organs in the abdomen. Diagnostic laparoscopy is another name for this operation. This surgical procedure involves making small cuts, making it a less invasive and dangerous procedure. A laparoscope is a long, thin tube with a high-resolution camera and high-intensity light that is used for laparoscopy. This treatment allows the doctor to view the abdominal organs in real-time without having to open the abdomen. Laparoscopy is used to assess the cause of a patient's pelvic or abdominal pain. It is the most effective cure for tubal disease and also aids in the investigation and treatment of fertility problems. It is among the best infertility treatment in Hyderabad.
Myomectomy - Along with being the best hospital for IUI in Hyderabad, Esha Infertility is also known for its fertility surgeries. Dr. Chandana Lakkireddi of Hyderabad's Esha IVF Fertility Centre is a specialist. in uterine fibroids removal using the advanced Myomectomy procedure. The surgical removal of uterine fibroids is known as a myomectomy. Uterine fibroids are non-cancerous growths of the uterus that are not related to cancer production. Fibroids can grow at any time during a woman's reproductive years or during her childbearing years.
Oocyte Retrieval Treatment: This includes Oocyte Freezing and Oocyte Cryopreservation. Cryopreservation is a process that involves storing organelles, tissues, and cells at extremely low temperatures in order to preserve their viability. It's used to preserve sperm, eggs, and embryos for in-vitro fertilisation (IVF) and other infertility therapies. The oocyte cryopreservation method is used to save women's ability to get pregnant in the future. This helps to preserve eggs to ensure a healthy pregnancy. The preserved eggs and preserved sperms are thawed and combined in the labs and the embryo formed and then transplanted in the uterus during the IVF cycle. This advanced treatment makes Dr. Chandana a top specialist and Esha Infertility the best ivf hospital in Hyderabad.
What are the things that a gynaecologist should keep in mind?
Great Facilities and Services: It's critical to choose a doctor who can provide you with the services you need. Remember to review the services offered by your clinic, from fertility testing and diagnosis to IUI, IVF, and fertility preservation, to ensure that you'll be able to achieve your goals with the doctor you choose. Although there are innumerable infertility doctors in Hyderabad, Dr. Chandana’s always stands out.
Interaction and follow-up level with patients: Communication is the most important aspect of a successful fertility doctor. Dr Chandana is available to talk to patients about their concerns at all times; When they call the clinic, they get the runaround! This is why she is said to provide the best infertility specialist in Hyderabad! She keeps a patient follow up and maintains personal bonds with them. Also, when patients speak with her, she makes an effort to explain things to them.
Packages and options for pricing: There is no denying that fertility treatment is costly. Finding a reasonable doctor can mean the difference between access care and not being able to. When a doctor's top priority is making money rather than making babies, it becomes clear they are not the right choice. She is among the few infertility doctors in Hyderabad that actually cares about her patients. She goes out of her way to help some underprivileged too. Among the many IUI centres in Hyderabad, we are known to be the best.
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eshalakkireddi · 3 years
Infertility Treatment In Hyderabad!
Dr Chandana is known to be among the best IVF doctors in Hyderabad. She offers infertility treatment as well. Prior to infertility testing, your doctor or clinic will try to understand your sexual habits and give suggestions to help you get pregnant. There is no single cause for infertility in certain couples (unexplained infertility). Infertility testing may be costly, and it might often require unpleasant procedures. The expense of fertility therapy may not be covered by some health insurance policies. Finally, even after all of the testing and counselling, there's no assurance that you'll become pregnant.
Tests for men The testicles must create enough healthy sperm, and the sperm must be ejaculated efficiently into the vagina and go to the egg for male fertility. Male infertility tests aim to see if any of these systems are malfunctioning. You may be subjected to a general physical examination, which may include a genital examination. Tests for fertility may include:
Semen analysis: Analysis of sperm. One or more semen sample may be requested by your doctor. Masturbation or halting intercourse and ejaculating your semen into a clean container are the most common ways to get sperm. Your sperm sample is examined in a laboratory. Urine may be checked for the presence of sperm in several instances. Hormone testing: Hormone testing is a procedure that involves measuring hormone levels. A blood test may be performed to detect your testosterone and other male hormone levels. Genetic testing: Genetic testing is a method of determining a person' In order to identify whether infertility is caused by a hereditary abnormality, genetic testing may be performed.
Testicular biopsy:  A testicular biopsy may be conducted in some circumstances to uncover anomalies that contribute to infertility or to harvest sperm for assisted reproductive procedures like IVF. Imaging: Imaging procedures such as a brain MRI, transrectal or scrotal ultrasonography, or a test of the vas deferens (vasography) may be used in some instances. Other speciality testing: Other tests to check the quality of the sperm, such as examining a semen sample for DNA abnormalities, may be conducted in rare situations. Fertility for women relies on the ovaries releasing healthy eggs. The reproductive system must allow an egg to move via the fallopian tubes and fertilise with sperm.
Tests for women:
The fertilised egg must make its way to the uterus and embed itself in the lining. Female infertility tests look to see whether any of these mechanisms are malfunctioning. You may have a physical exam, including a regular gynaecological exam. Specific fertility tests may include:
Ovulation testing: A procedure for determining whether or not a woman A blood test determines whether you're ovulating by measuring hormone levels.
Hysterosalpingography: A procedure that examines your uterus and fallopian tubes for blockages or other issues. An X-ray is obtained after an X-ray contrast is injected into your uterus to evaluate if the cavity is normal and whether the fluid overflows out of your fallopian tubes.
Ovarian reserve testing: This test is used to figure out how many eggs are accessible for ovulation. Hormone testing early in the menstrual cycle is a common starting point for this strategy.
Another hormone testing: Ovulatory hormones, as well as pituitary hormones that influence reproductive processes, are checked in other hormone assays.
Imaging tests: Ultrasound of the pelvis searches for uterine or ovarian illness. A sonohysterogram, also known as a saline infusion sonogram, is sometimes used to view things inside the uterus that a standard ultrasound cannot.
Depending on your position, you may be subjected to the following tests:
Hysteroscopy is the examination of the uterus. Your doctor may order a hysteroscopy to check for uterine illness based on your symptoms. Your doctor will put a small, illuminated instrument through your cervix into your uterus to view any potential abnormalities throughout the operation. Laparoscopy is a procedure that is used to examine the inside of the abdomen Making a tiny incision underneath your navel and inserting thin viewing equipment to inspect your fallopian tubes, ovaries, and the uterus is all part of this minimally invasive procedure. Endometriosis, scarring, blockages or abnormalities of the fallopian tubes and abnormalities with the ovaries and uterus can all be detected during a laparoscopy.
Before the cause of infertility is discovered, not everyone needs to undergo all, or even many, of these tests. You and your doctor, Dr. Chandana who is the best IVF doctor in Hyderabad is a good choice will select which tests to have and when they should be done.
Treatment of Infertility:
Treatment for infertility is based on:
What is the source of infertility?
How long have you been unable to conceive?
Your age and the age of your spouse
Personal inclinations
Some reasons for infertility are irreversible.
Couples who are unable to conceive naturally can often produce a pregnancy via the use of assisted reproductive technologies by consulting an ivf doctor in hyderabad. Treatment for infertility can be costly, physically demanding, emotionally draining, and time-consuming.
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