extraordinaria2021 · 3 years
COVID-19 Vaccination Rollout
Endless Enhanced Community Quarantine and General Community Quarantine across the country. Since the pandemic has exploded last March 15, 2020 the cases everyday are escalating day by day. Affecting the economy, agriculture, micro and macro business and the most vulnerable one our very own front liners or health workers. According to the Department of Health, the health system in the Philippines is at its critical condition. From the decaying cases of COVID-19 every day our front liners are also in its critical point. The Philippine Nurses Association is barking at the government, asking for the right and just compensation benefits and the laws in accordance with the front liners.
The Presidential Secretary Harry Roque then replied, “the government and the president is doing its job to find ways on this matter, because this pandemic has brought so much burden in the country and in the industry.” Now that Philippines is one of the most vulnerable country in this pandemic, the people are suffering from hunger, poverty, and this invisible virus. The metro manila with its neighboring region across Luzon has extended the enhanced community quarantine but still the change wasn’t visible. Still the cases of COVID-19 virus are arising day by day.  
In my own perception, how can we fight this pandemic as one? From my own observation Filipinos have been battling these issues including poverty, hunger, insufficient support from the government in connection with the different organizations helping our health workers and front liners. By observing and following health measures and medical precautions we can foster change and it can be a better way to unite as one fighting this pandemic. The World Health Organization is focusing on giving advantages to those countries who are most vulnerable in the COVID-19 virus. From AstraZeneca, Pfizer and Sinovac the government is prioritizing the most vulnerable people in the curve to secure the heard immunity.
COVID-19 has brought pain and burden in the lives of Filipino, affecting our emotional, physical, and mental capacity. But now is not the time to kill our hopes and dreams, nevertheless this is the perfect time which we can unite as one and lend a helping hand to uplift each other’s arm. The COVID-19 has brought many lessons, and one thing I learned from it is to become more independent and secured. I believe that, if you consider saving up for the bad days you can get through it. Still, I never forget to give if I have the capacity to give. The willingness of one’s heart can save a life and a family, and I am a believer of that. Let us also not forget to pray, pray for someone’s health, someone’s life, someone’s desire and for our country. Praying we may survive this difficulty; I know that these are just mere challenges that is used to test us, but we may not also to forgive one another. In this time, all we share is to fight the invisible, and win our greatest battle not just a family but a country.
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extraordinaria2021 · 3 years
Letter to my 10-year-old self
What will I become? What does tomorrow bring for me? Can I survive to live my life the way I want it to be? These are just random questions I have when I was a young girl. I was born to be a breadwinner, I know my ways, I know how to get through things, and I need to find ways to support myself and of course my family. As a 10-year-old kid, I would dream to have my own car, my own house, buy things I that I love and spend my own hard-earned cash. Nevertheless, all I though was getting those and not thinking how I could get them. Honestly, it was not easy to be a breadwinner you cannot think of yourself if you are a breadwinner, you need to think the ways to provide to your own family and it was not pure easy.
If I would ask and write a letter to my 10-year-old self, all I can say is how did you overcome all of those and why did you handle things so differently? I would gladly write; things are more difficult to handle that’s why I play my own games and knew how to master it. If I sacrifice the opportunities, I don’t know where I can find myself? All I did was right and just. Right for myself as a breadwinner and just for my family to see me how I change the game and master how to play it. I have been more practical when it comes to serious matters, I become more self-reliant person and I’m happy that I become someone who brought change to myself physically, mentally, and emotionally. Nevertheless, I was grateful and thankful for the opportunities who knocked on my door, I’m happy that I never, ever regret grabbing each one of those. It made me stronger, confident, and empowered.
I also want to emphasize that you need to rely on yourself at all cost. Stop stressing your mind and doubting your strengths. You can be whatever you wanted to be if it makes you happy, well and stable. Moreover, you also need to seek advices and wisdom from your parents. In all people that you might know, your parents are the ones who’s willing to catch you whatever difficulties might happened. I also thank to god, that I was born in a family where I can freely share what are my plans, thoughts, and dreams and their always near to support me at all cost. Their words and advices change my insight in achieving my goals and I can tell that I was one of the luckiest daughters in the world. All in all, I can say that I succeed in life, and I can prove it to the people who never believe in me in my journey. I can say that I am living a happy life and I am contented as well. To wrap it up, live your life on how you want it to be and continue to strive harder for the things you’ve always been praying then you can say that it’s all worth it. I am a believer of “my life, my rules” but also with limitations and consideration.
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extraordinaria2021 · 3 years
What I'd Do Differently (Life Choices)
Life is about making choices, but with that choices you must be ready and embrace different consequences. It is about being yourself more than anything else. Choosing your happiness despite anything is a must for you to grow in susceptible environment. But how can I be happy knowing sometimes my life choices isn’t right? As I grow older, I become wiser and more practical I knew how others think towards me and that fact doesn’t affect me at all.
I strive harder for myself, for my dreams and for my family. Life is not all about impressing other people, life is all about prioritizing your choices and embracing the consequences whatever they may be. When I was a kid, I can still remember that my mom would always tell me that “you can be whatever you wanted to be, as long as your happy and you are not stepping on anyone.” I still live that words from my mom, it tells me everyday that’s okay to be different, you are born to standout and no one should tell you that you will stay in that way forever since you are different. As a proud member of my community, all I can say is that we are living the life which god gave us. No human being can tell us, why we should not live it that way.
If I would have asked, if you would be given chance to be born again should you live your life differently or should you stay where you are standing? I would say that I would live it the way it makes me happy, this is myself and no one should dictate me on how to live my life. I was born to unique and wonderful, then why should I settle on something less, right? It is not always the physical, mental, emotional and all other earthly things, but it is more on showing you as yourself. You’re not blind on realities that is happening right in your eyes and that’s a way of life you should have live.
I am capable of my choices and I should accept wholeheartedly whatever the consequences may be. This is me and I am loud and proud that I live my life the way I want it to be, I never step or downgrade anyone just to be here. Embrace your flaws, focus on your goals, and most importantly know your worth as a person to live a happy life despite burdens and hurdles. This Nizzan, and I am proud to say that I live my life happily, contented, and fruitful.
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extraordinaria2021 · 3 years
You have the right to vote, and it is your right to chose who to vote. It’s the time of the year again, next year 2022 is the national election. Get registered and get marked to vote. Voting is one of the basic rights of every Filipinos.  We need to unite as one, to elect the right and just leader who will care for the people and the country. As a Filipino, I have the right to vote and my vote matters at all cost.
Anyways, why do I need to vote? You need to vote for your rights, for your family and for yourself. Voting or casting a vote is not just a mere basic right but it is a way to look for the marginalize people. People who are fisherfolks, farmer, businessman, people in your community and people including your family. Voting is not just pure politics; voting is a way of life and liberty. We got the chance to support a leader who will stand for the people and for the country, elaborating his plans and advocacies. In short voting is a form of liberty which people need to possess to keep a life in a society.
I can sell my vote. Ops, that is a big no, no. Did you hear what have you just said? Selling of votes or vote buying is highly unethical in the period of election. In short way, you are selling your rights to compose a mere change that would happen. Selling of vote, vote buying, and more is what politicians doing to blindfold people on what should liberty means and what right is violated when doing so. It is a deed of someone who is desperate to win using a filthy game. Follow what is right, get engage and do your research. Before the day of judgement, you must have you’re a listers or officials who’s on top of giving performance and showcasing change across the society. Choose someone who’s willing to “walk the talk” not just someone blabbing edited plans and fury to be elected.
If you want to brought change in this country, chose and vote wisely. The power is in your hands and you have the chance to break the chain of equality. Moreover, voting is a liberal right every one of us should possess to free our country from corrupt and self-centered politicians. Keep the fire burning, allow yourself to expose in what reality means and do your smart research before election day. Ignite the change and be one of the reasons in it. A clean election is what a country and people need. Always remember the change is waiting for you to cast your vote in, always be smart, wise and do it pure clean to save someone from your family, neighbor, citizen, and your future. The power is in your hands a start of something new is waiting, think of the change that might would have happen if you cast and vote wisely in the election day.
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extraordinaria2021 · 3 years
How I chose my major? (TCM)
Ever since as a kid, I wanted to be someone who speaks and foster change. Never in my life I think twice on choosing my path. I learn to speak myself out in becoming of who I am and unselfishly showing it to the world. I live for what is right and just. Standing firmly on my dreams and I’m happy to say that it’s happening one at a time. I was an Interior Designing student before, I can say that I enjoy so much working on my plates, custom designing, playing with colors and such but there’s this innate calling I’m hiding for a very long time. 
I spend months or years thinking what might would happen if I took this opportunity to pursue what my calling is. One day I wake up with a very heavy feeling, countless burdens have in me. I started to cry and asks signs on what path should I take. As I turn on the Television, I saw someone reporting, headlines moving and without any hesitation I stop my moment to look further on what’s in the news.  
After a very long tiring day, my friend from Cagayan de Oro texted me to pay a visit and I didn’t hesitate to go. I booked a ticket from Cebu to CDO and guess what I found, the University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines is offering a degree course in Telecommunications and Management. After the fulfilled chitchats, I inquire some information about the course, and I apply directly to the Admission on Scholarships Office. On that same day, I got my examination schedule, and I came back a day after. Wondering where it would bring me, I take the risk to take the examination and the interview. I was quite nervous as I step into university, but I remember I had a dream, where I knew I can fulfill with this step I’m making.  After I took the exam, I went directly to the Nazareno church to pray and help me with my exam results. After weeks and months of waiting, the results are already here. As I carefully scroll down each pdf slides, I was in awe when I see my name listed as one of the passers in the TCM curriculum. Without a do, I scheduled a flight to Cebu and packed my things and I decided to live in Cagayan de Oro City. 
Step by step, all I can say is that I live with my decisions in life and I’m happy fulfilling it. I am learning and at the same time. It takes courage and hesitation to try new things, but if your’e praying and living it trust me it would be all worth it. I’m living the dream that I prayed years ago. Honestly, it’s not that easy to get there, but trust me with compassion and perseverance nothing is impossible. Here I am, writing my own story proving that you can be a dreamer and a doer at the same time. Keep on chasing that dream. 
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