“You’re funny, Prewett,”  Lily grinned.  “It may feel like a dream, but I’m glad it isn’t one, that after this I get to go live with James instead of just waking up to another normal day.”
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Fabian wondered what that felt like, or if he would ever have the chance to know. It helped to rekindle the flame of hope that had shrunk with Robert’s death, and with Dawn’s kidnapping. It was worth fighting for, and it was real, the simplicity of a life built on love and hope.
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“I’m happy for you, the both of you. Really, you two deserve all the happiness in the world.”
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“I worry about you. I can’t help it. And all of this… It makes me think that the worrying isn’t in my head—that it’s real, and terrifying.” 
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Fabian worried for a moment that Charity knew what they were up to---that he and Gideon were knee deep in the war in ways that anyone outside of the Order couldn’t imagine. But that passed quickly; anyone could be taken in a moment, and there was no need to worry about any one person more than any other---or so he told himself. And so he told Charity, too.
“I’m worried about you, too,” Fabian admitted. “Hell, I’m worried about everybody. New names in the paper every other day. Curses. Hexes. Deaths. But--- But it’s gonna pass, Charity.” That, he believed, and he hoped Charity would, too. “It’s going to pass. The more of this shit they pull, the closer they get to being caught. It’ll end, and soon. It’s got to.”
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Fabian jumped at the spark of fire and ash against the tip of his finger. He dropped the dead butt of his cigarette and ground it into the brick beneath his toes. “Should, er--- Should prob’ly get back,” Fabian sniffed, scratching the back of his neck. “Gotta get this stuff set up and figured out and all, with the house.”
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Dawn frowned slightly, she’d been hearing that a lot. And though she understood, she wished people would just treat her the same, even if she wasn’t. But it would be rude to say no, so Dawn nodded. “Water would be great,” she answered. 
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Fabian nodded dutifully. “Water I can do.” After giving Dawn a gentle pat on the shoulder, he excused himself silently, and only returned once he had a glass in hand for both of them. “Water, as promised,” he told Dawn, and then took his station beside her, not saying a word, hoping that she would if she needed to.
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“That sounds like a good idea.”
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Fabian doctored his own drink, took a sip, and then added another splash of booze. “Here ya go,” he told Charity as he exited the kitchen, his voice a little higher in pitch than it was normally. He started to hand her the bottle, but set it down in front of her instead. “Help yourself.”
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For the first time since hearing the news, Charity felt safe. She clung onto the sensation as if it was the only source of light in a cold, dark world. 
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“I dunno what I’d do without you.”
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Fabian sat still in his confusion, unsure of how else to react. He knew that Charity’s emotions were high, that the moment was tense and unsettled with the anxiety and grief that Robert’s death had brought---
But he never could have prepared for this.
“Er---” Fabian blinked steadily, and then, as he felt himself blushing from the neck up, he came to his senses, clearing his throat until he coughed. “Sorry---” he began, drowning his unfinished thoughts out with a much needed gulp of tea, and then another, and then another. “Maybe we do need to make these a little stronger,” he said, leaping up from the couch and hurrying into the kitchen.
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Kingsley breathed in before replying, “I’m… okay.” Right afterwards, however, he shook his head. “No, I’m not really okay. It’s wrong.” He glanced all around before looking back at Fabian. “You?”
Fabian knew exactly what he meant, even if he couldn’t put it into words. “Exactly the same,” he said dully. “It’s---”
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“Wrong isn’t the right word, is it? It’s not big enough.”
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“How’re you fairing?”
The sight of Dawn was almost upsetting. Fabian was almost angry about it. She should have been in the hospital. She should have been kept safe. She shouldn’t have to worry about a funeral on top of everything else.
But, Merlin, at least she was alive.
“Shouldn’t I be asking you that?”
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In all of his years of knowing Charity -- of knowing anyone, really -- Fabian had never truly learned the art of comforting. One thing he did know, though, was that sometimes, it was better not to speak. He tried to remember this as he sat beside Charity and wrapped a comforting arm around her, hoping it would be enough, at least for the moment.
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“Has there been any news?” Alice asked, with hope. She’d searched Tuthill. She’d attempted to ask Moody for permission to see their flats, and had been denied. Told she needed to be at her station doing her job. It wouldn’t do the country any good if Frank needed her there to protect the Prime Minister and she was off on a pointless hunt on no clues at all. It left her hoping someone else would be able to find her, and angered her that she distrusted the DMLE so much to be the ones to do it. Perhaps distrust wasn’t the right word, but each hour they came up blank, her anger grew and her hope began to shrink. But she knew, she knew Fabian would be using his brilliant mind and love of numbers. 
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There was a speck of ash for every number Fabian had written in the overflowing glass tray on the table. He put out another cigarette, adding to the growing pile, which finally spilled like an avalanche onto the table. “Christ,” Fabian mumbled to himself, wiping them away from his parchment. But what was the point? It was just another failed equation, the coordinates of which had landed him in some kind of water near Turkey.
It was at least closer than Texas, but still not close enough. Perhaps if he carried the two before the---
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Knock, knock.
“Got it,” Gideon said unnecessarily, as was already pulling on his cloak to venture out into the night for takeaway. Fabian ignored him, and the door, and the unnaturally pleasant greeting in the wake of everything happening around them---
“Alice.” Fabian looked up the sound of her voice, surprised. The shock wore off quickly and the question registered. “Nothing,” he all but spat, rubbing at his temples with the dead butt of his last cigarette still in his hand. “Bloody fucking nothing.”
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Benjy grit his teeth, starting to walk again. “I was never her keeper, Prewett. Going on a few dates doesn’t mean–” Benjy choked on the words. The false bravado he wanted to keep up, to keep himself sane, it couldn’t hold. “I hadn’t seen her, okay? I can’t help. If I could, I would have already told Moody every thing I would have told every bloody person in the country every single thing I knew, but I don’t. I know nothing.” 
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Probably it wasn’t smart to follow Benjy. If anyone was keeping an eye on the Kings, they’d surely be seen together. That didn’t stop Fabian, though. He caught up with Benjy quickly and offered him a biscuit.
“Might’ve been in something she said, though, yeah? Or if she was going somewhere? You’ve probably seen her since I have, or Gid. We’ve been wracking our brains trying to figure this one out. Can’t help but think if---” Fabian cut himself off and swallowed hard. “Sorry. Just kinda fishy, how it all happened at once, innit?”
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“It doesn’t matter,” Benjy bit out, refusing to look at Fabian, his feet itching to break out into a run. To get to the nearest apparition point and go home. “You’d be better off asking Alice, or Bertha, or Janet.” How absolutely mad that he’d spoken to Janet last of them all, before Dawn disappeared. 
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Fabian’s face contorted into a shape he wasn’t familiar with. “Well excuse the hell out of me,” he snapped back. He retrieved the abandoned biscuit and took another bite. “Least they’d be more pleasant about it.”
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Sturgis responded wordlessly with a nod. The aroma of cigarettes permeated the surrounding space, and the inexplicable hole Sturgis imagine inside himself felt soothed, albeit not healed, from inhaling smoke. Truthfully, there weren’t any words, sentences, or even speeches to remedy their reality. There was nothing Sturgis could say to change the past, and he knew better than to meaninglessly add talk for the mere sake of avoiding silence. 
And so Sturgis remained silent, falling into the tranquil motions of bringing the cigarette to his lips, inhaling the intoxicating smoke, and exhaling into the thick summer air. 
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“Makes you wonder, dunnit?” Fabian asked. His mind had been numbly racing since the news had been delivered to them that morning. He hadn’t dwelt on anything in particular. How could he narrow the scope when all of life and death and existence had been brought to his attention so directly? “Makes you think--- I dunno.”
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“Is it true?”
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“Is what true?” Fabian asked, forgetting almost instantaneously the scraps of the Prophet that he had just abandoned on the kitchen table after yet another search. The pad of parchment littered with numbers that made no sense, that gave no coordinates to speak of where Dawn might actually be. Of the clandestine reminder to meet Benjy tomorrow night at the Kings’ written in code and charmed to the door of the fridge.
And then he remembered.
“Yeah, it’s all true.” He stepped back to let Charity inside. “C’mon, I’ll put the kettle on.”
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“Good round, or whatever,” Benjy mumbled as he tucked away his wand, the next pair of guards having come already to look over the Kings and their home. Benjy had done everything he could to stay outside, as far from the parents of the man he’d spent the past year more or less hating. It was too much. With Dawn missing, and a nagging feeling in his stomach, he couldn’t deal with it all. “See you for the next go around?” 
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Fabian all but choked on the bite of biscuit in his mouth as he tried to swallow it quickly enough to answer. He tossed the rest of it into the bag full of baked goods Mrs. King had insisted they take, a small thanks for the sacrifice of their time. He held up a finger and wagged his head back and forth impatiently until he swallowed. And once he had, he realized that he had no intention of letting Benjy get away so easily.
“When’s the last you heard from her?”
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Lori considered all the aspects, and realized it was an impossible choice to make. “I’m not so sure,” she shrugged. “I can’t imagine life without my daughter, but there’s something about being a teenager that… I don’t think we’ll ever experience again. That carefree, wild, the world is our oyster mindset. Adulthood sort of sucks it out of you over time, doesn’t it?” She knew most of it was due to the war, how could it not be? But it did nothing to mention as much.
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“Well, ‘course you won’t,” Fabian agreed, “but that doesn’t mean it has to be bad, what you move onto. There’s plenty about being a teenager I don’t miss, I know that. And I never let those things suck the life outta me. So maybe adulthood only sucks the life outta you if you let it.”
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“Purebloods?” Lucius threw the paper aside with a sneer. “You certainly wouldn’t know from the company they keep.”
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Fabian had enough weighing on him already, and quite literally. Marlene’s garment bag was awfully heavy for as skimpy a dress as he knew was inside, and the bags holding his and Gideon’s tuxedos were heavier still. It was as the barista handed him a cup holder laden with six cups of coffee and a bag of lemon muffins that he overheard the offensive statement, and suddenly, enough was enough. A glare wouldn’t satisfy the cranky itch that would put him in a bad mood for the rest of the day if he didn’t scratch it now.
Marching over to the man’s table, he slammed the coffee and muffins down for effect. “You want to talk about pure blood, do you?”
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