Your a fucing piece of SHIT! Lying Criminal Obama spent 8 years Bullshitting and lying to America along the Attorney general, all of them under Obama- and black- engaged in illegal acts- there are so many HONEST people of color and he picks the criminals! DIRTBAGS! Not a fucking peep out of you! you should wipe shit off your face after you dig your head out of your mommies ass and get in reality punk ASS MOTHERFxxKER!  yOU ARE A POISION!
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Suck a DXXk Brian! Your a fuXken brainwashed troll piece of Shit zombie, how do you even get yourself dressed? Did you ever do an article on fast and furious? Fuck no you didn't! Troll! I hope u burn in hell you Piece of propaganda shit! I hope you get hit by a bus on your way home! CNN is for IQ's under 12! Did you ever listen to CNN robots talk? Retards! 
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good morning ameirca - your a bunch Dummocrat FXXtard worshippers that couldn't problemsolve your way out of a wet paper bag! Real America doesnt give a shit about your lying fake news and deception! soon you will be out of business!
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Scarlett is  white trash!
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You are insult to journalism you pig! Obamacare is a FXXking Failure at every level! you are an absolute moron. I cant believe you are paid for your bullshit lies and deception to America-
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Hey Yahoo- while you had you head up your ass for past 8 years fXXktard was running guns into mexico leaving an agent Dead! fast and furious! Piece of shit!
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Schumer your FcXing Lying hypocrite piece of GoVt Shit!!b All of a sudden you have moralS! Where were your questions n fast and furious dirt bag!!!!!  
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Go FXCK yourself good morning America!~
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The FuXktard Demmie Dumbies, pure class and intellect!
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Come on over so we can lock you up! FXXktard!  
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This is obviously Donald Trumps fault, i can already hear on the fake news!
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Go FuXk yourself AND your bullshit news! 
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FXking lying ass MF'er, keep peddling your fake shit news, soon you will be out of a job! Not everyone drinks your KoolAID bitch asX MFer!
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FXCJ you Retard, i hope they don't pay you for your BullshXt!
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Like Morgellons poisoning around the world?
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You lying troll! you are what is wrong with this country! Evidence is almost 18,000 in Texas alone. Where do you get youyr ingnorance from, your mother?
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Shallow comedy! Grow-up Saturday Night Live! Bunch of has beens.
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