fandombandomgurl · 6 years
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“I just want a hug…”
“You… Okay. Okay come here. But please just… Stop crying, I promise you that I recorded the episode. You didn’t miss it.”
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fandombandomgurl · 6 years
How to go on with your life after Rogue One (Part 1):
 Rewatch Dirty Dancing - Havana Nights AT LEAST a thousand times because of Diego Luna (and imagine this being a young Cassian with Jyn).
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fandombandomgurl · 6 years
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fandombandomgurl · 6 years
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fandombandomgurl · 6 years
Egotistical Drunk Men - Spencer Reid
Spencer’s P.O.V
“Hey! Pretty boy!” Morgan snapped his fingers, pulling me out of my trance, “Are you listening to me?”
“Sorry,” I mumbled, glancing over my shoulder one last time at the girl who had captured my attention earlier, and who I had not-so-subtly been staring at for the past half hour.
Her nose was burried in a hard cover copy of “The Dark Tower” by Stephen King. Three completely full glasses were placed in front of her from the multiple men that had tried to hit on her but failed.
She was more captivated by the book in her hands than the music that filled the room, and even when her stumbling drunk friends tried to coax her to the dance floor, she denied them.
“Reid!” Morgan called, it had seemed my short gazed lasted a bit longer than I expected. “Sorry,” I mumbled again, causing the team to share odd looks between one another.
“Oh I see,” Emily said with an evil smirk, her eyes traveling to the girl. “Pretty boy has a crush,” Morgan sang, catching on.
I knew better than to pretend like I didn’t when I was surrounded by profilers, “I just… Think she’s cute, that’s all.”
Morgan chuckled, “Alright pretty boy, why don’t you go talk to her then.” I shook my head, “I couldn’t, I mean look at her.”
“Oh come on, Spence,” JJ said, rolling her eyes. “She looks like your type.”
“She’s got a point kid,” Rossi coaxed, soon even Garcia and Hotch joined in. Everyone began giving me tips on how to approach the girl, what to say, what to do, and even what pickup line to use.
“Everyone settle down and let the master handle this,” Morgan said, causing a few scoffs to arise.
“All you gotta do, is walk over there, give her a wink, then flash that FBI badge, and boom, you’re golden,” He said, leaning back in his chair with a smile.
“Oh oh, and say ‘You’re under arrest for being too sexy’,” Garcia said, earning a laugh of approval from everyone.
“I don’t know,” I said.
“If you don’t, then I’m gonna go over there and get those digets because damn that girl is fine,” Morgan said with a smirk. I sent a glare in Morgan’s direction before hesitantly standing up, causing my team to start cheering, I quickly hushed them.
As I walked away they all leaned in my direction, they were close enough to hear everything.
I took a deep breath before hesitantly walking over to the girl. “Um, hi,” I said quietly.
The girl turned to me with an annoyed expression on her face, but as soon as she saw me, her expression softened and morphed into a smile that took my breath away. “Hi,” she said back quietly.
I glanced back at Morgan who winked and flashed his badge, hinting for me to do the same.
I nervously turned back to the girl, giving her an awkward wink, and pulling out my badge, “Y-You’re under arrest… For being too sexy,” I stuttered out.
The girl raised her eyebrows, “If you don’t mind, I’d just like to finish my book,” she said, the annoyed look returning to her face. I didn’t have a chance to respond before she turned her attention back to her book.
I let out a sad sigh, mumbling a ‘sorry’ to her before walking away.
“Well that didn’t go so well,” Emily said, stating the obvious. I nodded, “I thought she liked me, she smiled, but as soon as I started talking- it was as if she was disgusted by me.”
Morgan suddenly stood up, “What are you doing?” Garcia asked. “Seeing what this girl’s problem is.”
Morgan walked up to the girl and we all listened closely to what he was saying.
“Excuse me, babygirl?” He greeted. The girl rolled her eyes and look at Derek, she however didn’t smile like she did when she looked at me. Derek held up his badge, “My friend just came to talk to you, and-” the girl cut him off.
“And you decided that since I turned him down that you’d give it a shot to see if you could get laid tonight, sounds like a pretty shitty friend to me, babyboy.” The girl fired, causing JJ to choke on her drink.
“Damn, that was brutal, you think that’s ever happened to ’The Derek Morgan’ before?” She said with a slight laugh.
Morgan however looked deeply offended, but the girl spoke before he could, “I’m sorry to be rude, but I’m kind of over having a bunch of overly confident, egotistical drunk men, hit on me tonight, so if you could please leave me alone, I’d really appreciate it.”
And with that Derek raised his eyebrows, almost saying something, before deciding against it and walking away.
Everyone tried to conceal their laughs as Derek sat back down, his bruised ego very visible.
“Maybe she’s a lesbian,” Emily said with a shrug, causing Derek to roll his eyes, “Or a stuck up-”
JJ didn’t let him finish, “Woah there buddy, maybe she’s just tired of being hit on by jerks like she said. I mean, she smiled at Spence and seemed into him before he started using your 'tips’.”
“She has a point,” Rossi said before turning to me, “Why don’t you give it one more shot kid.”
“But this time, just be your usual m self,” Hotch added in. I shook my head, “She’s already mad.”
“Then go cheer her up,” Rossi said, before getting up and putting his hands under my armpits, pulling me up so I was standing. “Rossi-” I tried, but he stopped me, “Trust me kid, you won’t regret it.”
Before I knew it, my feet had carried me back to the girl, my heart pounding in my chest. She must have heard me come up, because she let out a sigh, however I stopped her before she could say anything.
“I’m sorry,” I said quickly, “I was a jerk earlier, it’s just, I saw you reading earlier and I know this is gonna sound creepy, but I couldn’t take my eyes off of you. I wanted to talk to you, but I was too shy, so my friends-” I pointed to where the team was sitting, they all smile and waved awkwardly.
“They gave me advice on how to talk to you, and I was stupid enough to take it, that guy you met earlier, that wasn’t me, and I would really appreciate it if you gave me a second chance, but I’d understand if you never wanted to see me agan.”
I looked down at my feet, preparing for the worst, but instead of rejecting, I heard a giggle. “Why didn’t you just start with that?” She said, causing my head to snap up in shock.
“I thought you were cute, but then you started acting like a Jerk, and I’d already dealt with too many of those tonight, I’m sorry I was so rude,” she said, her voice filled with guilt at the last statement.
I shook my head, “Don’t be, I shouldn’t have tried to be someone I’m not.”
“Well then who are you?” She asked with a smile.
I returned the smile, “I’m Spencer, Spencer Reid. I have three PhD’s, I can read 20,000 words a minute, have an eidetic memory, and believe it or not, I actually do work at the FBI.” The girl let out a laugh, “I’m sorry, was that too much?”
She laughed again, “No, no, that was good,” she said still laughing. “I’m Y/N, Y/N Y/L/N. I’m going to Med school, I can write a six page essay in the two hours before it’s due, nap all day, and believe it or not, I don’t drink.” She said, shooting a look at the three full glasses that still sat in front of her.
“Why don’t I buy you a coffee sometime then?” I asked, not knowing where all this confidence came from.
“I’d like that.”
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fandombandomgurl · 6 years
You're Actually Pregnant?
Pairings: Science Bros Bruce X Reader Tony X Pepper
Summary: Tony and Bruce discover a pregnancy test and they need to figure out who it belongs too.
“Have you noticed Pep and Y/N have been spending a lot of time together recently?”
Bruce looked up from his work, quirking a brow at his friend. “They are friends Tony, that’s not exactly anything new.”
“Okay but hear me out big man. What if they are cheating on us.”
With each other!”
“You can’t tell me that wouldn’t be hot!”
“Be serious!”
Tony rolled his eyes at Bruce, put his screwdriver down and stood up.
“You know how I got to where I am today. I trusted my gut feelings. Something is going on with those two and I’m going to get to the bottom of it!” He announced dramatically as he made his way to the door.
“I want no part in this!” Bruce managed to call out before Tony left hearing range. The last thing he wanted was to be on the bad side of two of the most amazing women he ever had the pleasure of meeting.
Bruce scrolled down some schematics on his Starkpad relishing in the peace and quiet. He loved Tony, he did, but it was so rare that he could just have a moment to himself with no interup-
Bruce sighed and took of his glasses to rub at his eyes as Tony came swaggering in proudly.
“Something WAS going on.”
��Alright Tony, you were right. You going to tell me what I was wrong about?”
Tony stood in silence for a few moments, grinning smugly and basking in his own ray of right before his hand slammed down a wad of tissue paper onto the bench, wrapped inside it he saw the + on the side of a pregnancy stick.
Bruce blinked as he looked down at the stick in mild disgust and then up at Tony.
“So Pepper is pregnant? Congratulations.”
“Correction, ONE of them is pregnant!”
“Tony we both know I can’t have children.”
“But do you REALLY know that or did you just assume?”
Bruce stayed quiet as Tony continued his speech.
“Did you run any tests? Sure it should be impossible with your radiation but the same could be said about you being alive.”
“I see what you’re trying to say but the chances of that happening are-”
“What if Y/N has some physiology that bypasses the radiation!? You already tested to see if she could be with you without getting poisoned, so why can’t this be a possibility?”
“Do you really just not want Pepper to be pregnant that much…?” Bruce mumbled out. Y/N being pregnant? Impossible. No reason to get his hopes up for nothing.
“What if you have xenomorph babies!?” Tony slammed his hands on the desk as his face dropped, imagining the weaponry he could create to fight off a gamma radiated xenomorph Queen. He would definitely look good in a power loader.
“I’m just going to ask her when she gets home.”
“About having xenomorph babies?” Tony questioned, he had slipped his hand under his tank top and pretended to have it try to burst from his chest.
“About if she’s pregnant!” Bruce frowned, huffing at Tony’s antics.
“What if Pep is pregnant?” Tony asked in a small voice, all his previous enthusiasm gone. “I’d be a terrible father…”
“No you wouldn’t Tony.”
“My dad was. I can’t imagine the apple falls far from the tree.”
“You aren’t going to turn into your father Tony.”
“How can you know that?”
“Because if Y/N is pregnant I’m not going to turn into mine.” Bruce gritted his teeth as he spoke, clenching his fist tightly. Tony saw this and immediately changed the subject.
“I bet if it’s mine he’s going to be a genius. Just like me. A little future genius ladies man.” Tony smirked, imagining a mini Stark running around. “He wouldn’t be stupid like me either, he’d have Pepper’s genes to take care of that.”
“What if you have a daughter?”
Tony’s face drained of all colour. “Then I would have to eradicate the male population.”
Bruce was a little worried at how serious Tony sounded before letting his own thoughts take over.
“I wouldn’t mind having a daughter.”
Bruce and Tony spent the next few hours sitting in the lab, any work long abandoned in favour of discussing their hypothetical children and their hypothetical accomplishments.
“All I’m saying is Mini Iron Man and Lil Hulkette could become the greatest superhero duo known to earth.
“Ideally it would turn out like Jen and even if it changes it’ll keep its personality.”
“Hey boys!” Y/N called out smiling as she and Pepper entered the lab.
Tony scrambled to his feet and rushed to grip onto Pepper’s shoulders tightly, startling both the women.
“I can’t take it anymore! Which one of you is pregnant?!”
Pepper and Y/N looked at each other in shock. Pepper’s face quickly scrunched into an annoyed expression, leave it to Tony to go through the bin in the bathroom. Y/N smiled shyly as she placed her hands delicately on her stomach.
Everything was silent. It seemed as if everyone was waiting on somebody else’s reaction. No one seemed to know what to do.
“Br-Bruce?!” Y/N ran over to Bruce who had fainted while Pepper lightly slapped Tony who had started chuckling to himself.
“Bruce are you okay?” Y/N gently shook him, lightly slapping his cheek.
“You-you’re actually pregnant?”
She nodded slowly, she didn’t anticipate this reaction, honestly she hardly anticipated any particular reaction so she didn’t exactly know how to handle this.
Her fears melted away when Bruce smiled, he leaned forward, cupping her cheek and gently kissed her.
“You’re actually pregnant.”
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fandombandomgurl · 6 years
Prompt: Spencer Reid is not a very touchy person but when he’s sleeping he is Literally On Top of You. Awkwardness and so much fluff ohmyg od 
Warnings: The amount of fluff in this is actually fatal 
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fandombandomgurl · 6 years
Prompt: Spencer Reid is not a very touchy person but when he’s sleeping he is Literally On Top of You. Awkwardness and so much fluff ohmyg od 
Warnings: The amount of fluff in this is actually fatal 
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fandombandomgurl · 6 years
Imagine helping Orlando practice his scripts/lines.
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fandombandomgurl · 6 years
Imagine(Request) shooting a movie together with Orlando and the two of you becoming close... very close.
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fandombandomgurl · 6 years
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Imagine your husband Bill Skarsgard is happy about your pregnancy.
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fandombandomgurl · 6 years
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I hope you like it ;)
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fandombandomgurl · 6 years
Celebrity Preferences: How They React When You Tell Them You’re Pregnant With Their Baby
{Dedicated to: @werewolfgirl1995, @sylviebell, @mrsdavidspade}
Sebastian Stan
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Jeremy Renner
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Chris Evans
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Tom Hiddleston
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Jake Gyllenhaal
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Leonardo DiCaprio
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Jai Courtney
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Jared Leto
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Robert Downey Jr.
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Mark Ruffalo
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Chris Hemsworth
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Anthony Mackie
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fandombandomgurl · 6 years
Clint showing up to infinty war
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fandombandomgurl · 6 years
Reblog if you too write fanfictions in your head but can't put them on paper because your brain is way too far in advance for your hands to ever catch up.
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fandombandomgurl · 6 years
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Because I don’t think I can mentally or physically take anymore!
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fandombandomgurl · 6 years
Reblog if you too write fanfictions in your head but can't put them on paper because your brain is way too far in advance for your hands to ever catch up.
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