fangsgender · 18 minutes
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In 1994, the Zionists occupied our land, and it was a catastrophe for the Palestinian people, a catastrophe for our ancestors. Now they have created another catastrophe for us and made us flee from our homes, and they want to kill us against the will of everyone, and you say that there is no one in the world except them, they only want killing and destruction. 2024 Another Nakba🥲💔
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fangsgender · 34 minutes
Biden administration: I swear to god on my life on every thing that pier we built in Gaza is to bring in humanitarian aid only because Israel has shut off every alternative, conventional route to do so and the idea that you would think it would be used for anything else but aid is insulting and lowkey bigoted
*IOF uses that peer to stage an assault on the Nuseirat camp where hundreds of people were killed*
Biden administration:…anyway
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fangsgender · 35 minutes
Who can do this? ♥️🙏
Your support to help us surpass the €9000 ✓ barrier.
Elegant Tumblr community, you are heroes.
I have found all the support and help from you.
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♥️ 🕊️🇵🇸✌️
We can
change someone’s life by
sharing this
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fangsgender · 6 hours
Our fundraiser is created from 10 of March and until now we can’t reach 1% of our goal 😞😭
Our goal is to raise 25.000€ until now we just reach 1.490€
If you can donate help us so we can collect our evacuation funds nearly 😔
If you can’t please share with us as much as you can 🙏🏻🥺
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fangsgender · 21 hours
A family lives inside a worn-out tent, in a place not suitable for living. The family suffers from a lack of food for its children.
The children of this family were infected with hepatitis
This family needs help to afford food and medicine
Even if the donation value is $10. It will make this family happier
You can contribute to this family through the link
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fangsgender · 24 hours
i don't like making these types of posts, but my mom asked me to this time, so things are rough.
anyway, hi, my name is lestat, if you don't know me. my mom and i live together, and she recently got covid and missed six days of work. she's the breadwinner of the house at present, and as i mentioned a while back some of our assistance stuff like food stamps and rent got cut because she makes a tiny bit more, so we have nothing to really fall back on.
if you could help out or spread this post i would appreciate it immensely. i have a ko-fi, and if you prefer i also have some music up on bandcamp for purchase. thank you for reading!
ko-fi // bandcamp
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fangsgender · 1 day
last post fell off but i really need help before the 8th paying my credit card minimum. i was supposed to hear back today about my interview yesterday but haven’t heard anything yet, and have like $12 in my bank account. i know it’s a terrible time to ask for money from anyone but i’m really stressing out rn. anything is appreciated, thank you.
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pypl: slimeman311 ca/vmo: charzinn
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fangsgender · 1 day
June 7th update. Please don't skip.I don't want to lose my sister to the foster care system. share please. (Black lives matter)
I am taking care of my 7 year old sister. I don't want to lose her again in the foster system. Due to her parents being in jail and doing drugs. I really need help keeping her housed and making I have transportation for her. I have the rest of this month to come up with the rent out I will be kicked out. I need help getting car parts as well. please if you have anything to spare please donate. please do it for my little sister. I'm mentally drained by how stress I am. I'm not sure if i can throw her a birthday party this month due to everything being so high in prices.
Goal: 255/1550
Venmo Queenloki89
Cash app $Queenloki89
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fangsgender · 1 day
This child was sitting enjoying watching the sunset, and she did not expect a house to explode in front of her
The little girl felt very afraid
I got up and ran away from the intensity of the explosion
The war on Gaza is still ongoing
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fangsgender · 1 day
Guys donations for Eman and her family have slowed down considerably but they are still in danger. The fighting in Sudan has intensified and the RSF is killing civilians with impunity.
Please help them rebuild their lives.
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fangsgender · 1 day
Caring for a baby on a daily basis is challenging enough even when you live in the comfort of your home with all basic necessities available and adequate healthcare at your disposal whenever you need it. Imagine being responsible for the safety and well-being of three newborns (and four other children) while a brutal relentless war is raging around you, displacing you from one hell to another that keeps getting worse each time. This is my family's struggle everyday since the beginning of this cruel onslaught on Gaza. The situation was already unbearably harsh when they were in the camp in Rafah. Now, that they have been displaced again to Khan Yunis,my family's suffering has only been intensified. Food, water and other basic needs are almost impossible to come by. In the sweltering heat, Our babies are surrounded by rubble, disease, garbage, insects and all sorts of dangers you can think of with no medical care whatsoever. The little baby formula they had has almost ran out and even if they were lucky to obtain more there is no water clean enough to prepare the bottles for three newborns. To say that these conditions are inhumane is an understatement but what's even more terrifying is that any promise of safety is nothing but a sham as the occupation keeps bombing supposedly "safe zones" since the beginning of this waking nightmare.
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My family have lost everything they held dear, their home which they built after years of hard work and patience,loved ones and neighbours, their jobs and livelihoods,their memories, their dreams and any semblance of a normal life. These three little angels and their siblings are the only glimmer of hope they have left amidst all the darkness and despair. Please help them so they don't lose them too.
Your support is now needed more than ever. It's what keeps us from completely giving up.Thanks to your love and generosity we have reached 27,774 € out of 70,000 € in a matter of days but we still have a long way to go.
Every contribution truly makes a difference and brings us closer to saving our babies lives.
Please donate if you can and share our story widely as you're able to.
We are forever grateful 🙏
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fangsgender · 1 day
Scammers pretending to be Palestinian & in Gaza are now opening their posts by saying they are "real & verified" in an effort to try get past the vetting situation that has been set up by actual Palestinian users & us Scam busters. So here's a reminder:
do not reblog any and every "donation" post you see by random users claiming to be Palestinian. Do not blindly trust every ask you get from random blogs claiming to be Palestinian begging you to give them money. Check their blog urls to see if they've been vetted by popular, well known Palestinian users like el-shab-hussein & Nabulsi
Don't inherently trust the blog just because they themselves claim they are "verified": the person confirming they are real can't be the blog in question "verifying" themselves lmfao.
Only reblog the donation posts of users that have been vetted by a well known Palestinian user on here, assume all others to be suspicious until they are vetted.
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fangsgender · 1 day
So... Are we just going to wait for another disaster for Palestine and Sudan to trend?
I understand people need breaks from politics and the horrors of the world. However, keep in mind that the people in these massacres don't get that same luxury to just tap out.
Please return to help support and share the fundraisers. You can reblog dungeon meshi posts as well as a gofundme.
Gazafunds- spotlight campaign
Sudanese fundraisers
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Sometimes, we have to stop chasing the little bits of serotonin and take the world more seriously.
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fangsgender · 1 day
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Have you ever experienced seeing your dream broken in front of your eyes and not being able to do anything about it? Have you ever thought about living in a tent in a cold and unclean ocean, sleeping on the sand, without a bathroom or water? Have you thought about living in a place where you can’t meet your family’s basic needs and feel helpless about it?
I am Shahd from the southern Gaza Strip. All my life, I have been building a life for me and my family. It persisted in a good future, when the war in Gaza began on October 7, 2023. We were in extreme fear during the displacement, and found ourselves in an insufficient small tent. Despite the lack of safety, food, clean water and the spread of diseases, we had to live this difficult life under bombardment, knowing that at any moment, my family and I could lose our lives
My whole life has been scattered, and I am extremely frustrated and sad by the ongoing genocide I witness every day
Do you understand what it means to be in a situation where you have been displaced over and over again, just to reach the only supposed safe area that I ordered you to go to by a much stronger force than you as an unarmed civilian, just to be told that you can’t be there anymore? After you lose everything, like your home, your memories, your friends, your family and loved ones, your job, and everything you have worked hard to achieve...
Amid these hardships, I see a glimmer of hope, because I haven’t given up yet.
If you know of any organizations, associations or entrepreneurs who support and fund projects, please do not hesitate to share my association with them.
They can also contact me directly.
I know that the path to success after destruction can be difficult, but with your help and support for me and my family
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fangsgender · 1 day
People now in gaza strip are facing the danger of hunger again and displaced since the occupation invaded rafah please can you help this family is for my cousin they need money to survive in gaza to buy food and water since everything is so expensive
And my cousin family are close to me if you can't donate share it
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fangsgender · 1 day
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fangsgender · 1 day
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This princess is my first granddaughter. She is now in Gaza, and in Rafah specifically, under bombardment and burning fire every day, displacement, humiliation, fear, disease, burning tents, mosquitoes, starvation.
This child was living as a princess, living her life like all the children in the world, but the war came and destroyed all her dreams. Her house was bombed while she was inside, and she was displaced in tents from one place to another. Today, she is living the worst days of her life. Between life, death, and fighting for survival, I fear losing her and my family members. My tears are falling as I write to you about their meaning. Please, you kind-hearted people, help me evacuate them. Something simple, but it proves that you are saving a child. I ask you to donate to complete my campaign as quickly as possible. You are helping to save the soul by supporting and spreading, you will save my family.
Click here for the direct help link
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And here the suffering, displacement and hunger began. Do you know how they live in a tent? Do you know what it means when your house is demolished above your head? No one knows what hunger and thirst mean. You get sick and remain blind. There is no medicine or any necessities of life. No one lives even a simple thing of what they live in. The people of Rafah and Gaza. It is difficult, so I ask you for help, and I hope for your help because your kind hearts do not stingy in doing good. Remember, whatever your donation or contribution to the publication is, it saves a human soul👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
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Click here for the direct help link👇🏻
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