farazberjis · 7 hours
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Our gut and brain work together. The gut microbiome influences our neurological and emotional well-being. Recent research suggests there is a clear link between our microbiome and neurological disorders. The less processed and more plant based foods we eat, the more robust or diverse our microbiome will be which in turn leads to a healthier brain. #microbiome #healthygut #plantbaseddiet #processedfood #mindbodyconnection #neurologicalhealth #gutinstinct #gutfeeling #intuition #guthealth #digestivehealth #guthealing #nutrition #awareness #consciousness #farazberjis #coredigestive #curiosity #coreintegrativedigestivewellness #holistichealth #functionalmedicine #gutbrainaxis #healing #disease #wellbeing #wellness #stress #health #food #mentalhealth
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farazberjis · 1 day
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Did you know that our mood or how we feel can influence what we eat? We are more likely to eat certain foods that support the mood or emotions we are experiencing. For instance, if you feel angry, you are more likely to reach for foods that further increase anger such as chocolate, caffeine, alcohol and meat. Imbalance between our body and mind can affect our well-being. Certain foods have a grounding effect on our body and help stabilize our mood/emotions. These foods come from nature ( from the ground). These include root vegetables, legumes, greens, red fruits and vegetables. The various vitamins and minerals in these grounding foods help maintain our physical and mental well-being. Awareness is key in healing by allowing us to identify all our emotions, sit with them, explore them and eventually let go of them. #anger #moodandfood #foodandmood #emotionaleating #farazberjis #guthealth #coredigestive #wellness #health #mindbodyspirit #digestivewellness #emotionalwellbeing #stressrelief #stressmanagement #groundingfoods #antiinflammatory #immunesystem #immunityboost #coreintegrativedigestivewellness #chronicdisease #mentalhealth #digestion #digestivesymptoms #personalgrowth #processedfoods #refinedcarbohydrates #chocolate #caffeine #alcohol #fattymeat #awareness #wellbeing
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farazberjis · 2 days
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Did you know that our mood or how we feel can influence what we eat? We are more likely to eat certain foods that support the mood or emotions we are experiencing. For instance, if you feel melancholy, you are more likely to reach for foods that further increase this mood such as sweets , alcohol , chocolate or other comfort foods and low protein foods. Imbalance between our body and mind can affect our well-being. Certain foods have a grounding effect on our body and help stabilize our mood/emotions. These foods come from nature ( from the ground). These include root vegetables, legumes, greens, red fruits and vegetables. The various vitamins and minerals in these grounding foods help maintain our physical and mental well-being. Awareness is key in healing by allowing us to identify all our emotions, sit with, explore and eventually let go of them. #melancholy #sadness #moodandfood #foodandmood #emotionaleating #farazberjis #guthealth #coredigestive #wellness #health #mindbodyspirit #digestivewellness #emotionalwellbeing #stressrelief #stressmanagement #groundingfoods #antiinflammatory #immunesystem #immunityboost #coreintegrativedigestivewellness #chronicdisease #mentalhealth #digestion #digestivesymptoms #personalgrowth #processedfoods #chocolate #sugar #sweets #alcohol #comfortfoods #awareness #wellbeing
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farazberjis · 3 days
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Chronic dieting could be harmful and a source of stress to our body. Underfeeding leads to both macronutrient ( protein, fat and carbohydrates) and micronutrients ( vitamins and minerals) which disrupts the overall metabolism in our body. Due to decreased caloric intake, we may experience fatigue. The chronic feeling of hunger may lead to emotional imbalance. #chronicdieting #foodandmood #emotionaleating #farazberjis #guthealth #coredigestive #wellness #health #mindbodyspirit #digestivewellness #emotionalwellbeing #stressrelief #stressmanagement #groundingfoods #antiinflammatory #immunesystem #immunityboost #coreintegrativedigestivewellness #chronicdisease #mentalhealth #digestion #digestivesymptoms #personalgrowth #processedfoods #stress#hunger #macronutrientimbalance #micronutrientimbalance #underfeeding #proteindeficiency #fatdeficiency #vitamin #minerals #metabolism #emotionalimbalance #coping #depression #anxiety #mentaldisorder
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farazberjis · 4 days
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We are more likely to eat certain foods that support the mood or emotions we are experiencing. For instance, if you feel anxious, you are more likely to reach for foods that further increase nervousness such as sugar, caffeine and refined carbohydrates or processed foods and less grounding foods. Imbalance between our body and mind can affect our well-being. Certain foods have a grounding effect on our body and help stabilize our mood/emotions. These foods come from nature ( from the ground). These include root vegetables, legumes, greens, red fruits and vegetables. The various vitamins and minerals in these grounding foods help maintain our physical and mental well-being. Awareness is key in healing by allowing us to identify all our emotions, sit with, explore and eventually let go of them. #anxiety #moodandfood #foodandmood #emotionaleating #farazberjis #guthealth #coredigestive #wellness #health #mindbodyspirit #digestivewellness #emotionalwellbeing #stressrelief #stressmanagement #groundingfoods #antiinflammatory #immunesystem #immunityboost #coreintegrativedigestivewellness #chronicdisease #mentalhealth #digestion #digestivesymptoms #personalgrowth #processedfoods #refinedcarbohydrates #sugar #caffeine #awareness #wellbeing
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farazberjis · 5 days
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There are many health benefits associated with grounding or earthing through the healing power of earth's electrical charges-by physically touching the ground or conducting a practice that simulates this connection. There is an anti-inflammatory effect on the body which leads to overall well-being by boosting the immune system and reducing the risk of chronic disease. Other benefits include improved sleep, reduced stress, improved circulation, reduced pain, increased energy level and improved mental status. Grounding can be as simple as walking barefoot on wet sand, dewy ( wet) grass, soil or other natural surfaces. So, treat (or heal )yourself to 20 minutes of grounding each day! #farazberjis #guthealth #coredigestive #wellness #health #mindbodyspirit #grounding #earthing #digestivewellness #emotionalwellbeing #inflammationreduction #inflammation #stressrelief #stressmanagement #painrelief #antiinflammatory #immunesystem #immunityboost #coreintegrativedigestivewellness #chronicdisease #love #digestion #digestivesymptoms #personalgrowth #mentalhealth #anxiety #depression #gratitude #grateful #cardiovascularhealth #emotionaljourney #fatigue #energylevel
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farazberjis · 5 days
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Did you know that our mood or how we feel can influence what we eat? We are more likely to eat certain foods that support the mood or emotions we are experiencing. For instance, if you feel stuck or “frozen in place,” you know the things you should be doing but you just can’t. We are more likely to reach for foods that further “block” us such as fried foods, dairy, low fiber foods and refined carbohydrates or processed foods. Awareness is key in healing by allowing us to identify why we are stuck and sit with, explore and eventually let go of the emotion. #moodandfood #foodandmood #emotionaleating #farazberjis #guthealth #coredigestive #wellness #health #mindbodyspirit #digestivewellness #emotionalwellbeing #stressrelief #stressmanagement #painrelief #antiinflammatory #immunesystem #immunityboost #coreintegrativedigestivewellness #chronicdisease #mentalhealth #digestion #digestivesymptoms #personalgrowth #processedfoods #refinedcarbohydrates #friedfood #dairy #awareness #wellbeing
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farazberjis · 7 days
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Did you know that for some people who eat a carbohydrate-rich breakfast, they are more likely to crave sweets and carbs, have a lower energy level (fatigue) and experience more mood swings. So, eating a protein-rich, healthy fat diet earlier in the day may significantly improve our overall well-being. #carbohydrate #breakfast #moodswings #psychologicalwellbeing #emotionalhealth #unhealthyfoods #farazberjis #coredigestive #coreintegrativedigestivewellness #inflammation #chronicdisease #love #digestion #digestivesymptoms #personalgrowth #mentalhealth #anxiety #depression #gratitude #grateful #digestemotions #emotionaljourney #fatigue #energylevel
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farazberjis · 7 days
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Oftentimes our digestive challenges are not due to the food we are eating. Many people with digestive issues can be helped by creating a physiology of relaxation and a lifestyle of gratitude, de-stressed and aware eating. #farazberjis #coredigestive #coreintegrativedigestivewellness #suffering #endurance #lifetests #lifechallenges #lifedifficulties #emotions #emotionaltrauma #trauma #selflove #selfcompassion #judgment #guilt #shame #fear #inflammation #chronicdisease #love #digestion #digestivesymptoms #personalgrowth #mentalhealth #anxiety #depression #gratitude #grateful #digestemotions #emotionaljourney #selfhonesty #selfacceptance
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farazberjis · 8 days
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If we lacked nurturing as a child, perhaps being more conscious and present everyday with mindfulness will help. We need to reconnect with our inner child and talk to our younger selves to see how those childhood experiences affected our feelings, thoughts, and behaviors. We need to be better parents to ourselves than our parents were to us. Self nurturing requires self-love, self-acceptance and self-compassion. #nurture #innerchild #selfnurturing #farazberjis #coredigestive #coreintegrativedigestivewellness #suffering #endurance #lifetests #lifechallenges #lifedifficulties #emotions #emotionaltrauma #trauma #selflove #selfcompassion #judgment #guilt #shame #fear #inflammation #chronicdisease #love #digestion #digestivesymptoms #personalgrowth #meaningoflife #mentalhealth #anxiety #depression #gratitude #grateful #digestemotions #emotionaljourney #selfhonesty #selfacceptance
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farazberjis · 10 days
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Nature has some of the most powerful immune system boosters. You can use these herbs and spices in meals or as supplements. #immunesystem #inflammation #chronicdisease #processedfoods #organicfoods #microbiome #ginger #appetite #guthealth #digestivehealth #guthealing #nutrition #wellness #holistichealth #functionalmedicine #farazberjis #coredigestive #astragulus #coreintegrativedigestivewellness #overweight #obesity #rhodiola #processedfoods #nutrition #ginseng #mushrooms # cayenne pepper #garlic
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farazberjis · 10 days
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We can honor all our emotions by listening to them, sitting with them and most importantly not suppressing them. With curiosity we ask what are they teaching us and what is the hidden message or wisdom behind those emotions? Suppressed emotions undoubtedly lead to unwanted physical symptoms especially digestive in nature. #emotions #emotionaltrauma #trauma #selflove #selfcompassion #judgment #guilt #shame #fear #inflammation #chronicdisease #love #digestion #digestivesymptoms #mentalhealth #anxiety #depression #rumiguesthouse #appetite #guthealth #digestivehealth #guthealing #nutrition #wellness #holistichealth #functionalmedicine #farazberjis #coredigestive #suppressedemotions #expressionvsdepression
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farazberjis · 13 days
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Eating earlier in the day helps align meals with the body’s circadian rhythm. This allows the optimal metabolism of a meal with overall health benefits. Between 12-1:30 PM the body has the strongest metabolism. Therefore, your largest meal { organic, whole foods ( not processed) and mostly plant-based} should be consumed at midday. Dinner should be the lightest meal of the day. #guthealth #digestivehealth #guthealing #nutrition #wellness #holistichealth #functionalmedicine #farazberjis #coredigestive #mealtime #processedfoods #organicfoods #healing #disease #wellbeing #circadianrhythm #overweight #obesity #metabolicsyndrome # #health #food #glucosemetabolism #prediabetes
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farazberjis · 14 days
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Love is the most powerful energy in the universe. Love heals. Love is the soul’s life. Most importantly, we should love ourselves in order to change and create healthier habits towards well-being. #love #soul #soullesson #wisdom #selflove #selfcompassion #habits #loveenergy #healing #healingenergy #coreintegrativedigestivewellness #wellbeing #nutrition #wellness #farazberjis #digestion #chronicdisease #digestivehealth #guthealth #coredigestive #vegan #vegetarian #happiness #joy #lovehate #selfjudgment #judgment #healthygut #curiosity #growthmindset #healthyhabits #lifestyle
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farazberjis · 14 days
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Borage ( AKA “starflower” herb) has many health benefits. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, it may help treat asthma, arthritis and dermatitis. #borageoil #antiinflammatory #skinhealth #dermatitis #asthma #arthritis #woundhealing #farazberjis #coredigestive
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farazberjis · 14 days
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Sometimes our digestive challenges or symptoms have nothing to do with food. In other words the symptoms have nothing to do with the actual digestion. Digestion is telling us that something needs to change in our lives. Digestion is attuned to our emotions and stress response. Any stress in our life, whether real or imagined, will shut down our digestion causing heartburn, bloating, stomach pain, irregular bowel habits and heartburn among other gastrointestinal symptoms. Digestive symptoms could be the result of undigested life events causing anxiety and negative emotions such as fear, sadness, guilt, shame and grief. The more we are aware and present in everyday life with a life purpose and practicing foregiveness, the more we will learn to assimilate or digest life events and the more empowered and effective our digestion can be. Also mindfulness practices such as breathing techniques and meditation will help us digest difficult life experiences. #digestivechallenges #forgiveness #gratitude #lettinggo #coreintegrativedigestivewellness #wellbeing #nutrition #wellness #farazberjis #digestion #meditation #digestivehealth #guthealth #coredigestive #releasedemotions #emotionalrelief #happiness #empowerment #selfjudgment #judgment #healthygut #curiosity #growthmindset #healthyhabits #lifestyle #stress #relaxation #assimilation #breathwork #breathingtechnique
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farazberjis · 16 days
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Probiotics are best taken for a short period. It is best to take prebiotics ( vegetables/ fruits) that feed and maintain the probiotics. Probiotic foods include sauerkraut, kimchi, fermented foods, kefir, tempeh and yogurt. It is best to take a reputable multistrain brand preferably refrigerated. Probiotics are helpful when on antibiotics, traveling and when under stress. I #probiotics #prebiotics #microbiome #scfa #coreintegrativedigestivewellness #wellbeing #nutrition #wellness #farazberjis #digestion #chronicdisease #digestivehealth #guthealth #coredigestive #vegan #vegetarian #chronicdisease #digestivehealth #healthygut #caffeine #indigestion #heartburn #ibs #gerd #bloating #designsforhealth #ibd #diarrhea #constipation
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