faultinvs-blog · 5 years
Faint blush is almost rampant, unsure if the exposure is anything but heart accelerating. Fame is and has never been Jessica’s aspiration, to not step into the limelight has been her preference and it’s why she has abandoned her singing passion to something that’s a lot less perciptible. Her smile is bashful when she regards the stranger. She’s very beautiful, is the first thing her mind thinks of and realises how stupified she must look right now. “Oh … it isn’t rude at all. It was nothing. Just a simple exercise.” She chuckles, taking her cup and pressing it against lips as a cover. “I post rapid-fire short stories on the net to loosen my writing as often as I could. It’s the best method for me to avoid getting rusty.” 
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she wasn’t sure how to respond to her friendliness. soohyun had closed herself off for such a long time, any interaction that didn’t revolve around dirty demands made her feel bemused. she had become a complete cynic after all the things pieterse and the company had put her through. she didn’t know how to put up a smile without looking uptight. “i have not... written anything in a long time.” she spent her days around the motel. washing dishes, cleaning rooms, and then sharing meals with the owner before returning to bed. she had not touched her notes in forever. “but that’s clever, i’m sure it’ll help. are you a freelance writer of sorts, or an author?” 
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faultinvs-blog · 5 years
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faultinvs-blog · 5 years
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faultinvs-blog · 5 years
Location: A coffee shop, can be anywhere. 
Her favourite latte in hand, Jessica begins to hum a tune idly while her fingertips work on her laptop’s keys to establish yet another page of her upcoming short story. It isn’t anything too paramount as it is an exercise the author takes every day to edge on her writing inspiration she will later post on her blog. For a short-lived satisfaction as well. Clicking on the publish button, Jess then leans backward in her seat and bites her lip when she sees a pair of eyes on her. Oh no, she does harbor the habit to not pay attention to her surroundings when she’s knee-deep in her book. She may’ve had hummed outloud or typed too furiously. “Can-Can I help you?” She asks, keeping her timidness astray. “Was I being too loud?” 
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lips pursed into a reserved smile, soohyun denied her growing interest in watching the woman type as if her life depended on it. she was young and clearly dedicated. it was a reminder of whom she had been before pieterse corrupted her with his empty care and promises. how she wished she hadn’t been so foolish and it would have been easy to have the spark in her eyes again. “it’s nothing, i didn’t mean to stare.” soohyun placed her mug on the table. “would it be rude of me to ask what you were working on?” 
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faultinvs-blog · 5 years
Avery was standing with Rhea at the end of the coffee bar, her hands on her daughter’s shoulders. For whatever reason, whether they were at home or otherwise, her daughter loved delivering her mother’s coffee to her–for safety reasons, though, Avery only let her do it when it was iced coffee, just in case she spilled. The barista called out an order and placed it on the counter. “Is that yours, Mommy?” She shook her head and said “No, not yet.” The barista called out yet another drink and set it on the counter and again, Rhea asked “Is it that one?” Chuckling, she said “No, it’s not up yet.” Finally, the barista called out “Large iced latté with an extra shot for Avery!” Taking her hands off of Rhea’s shoulders, Avery said “That one is mine. Be careful, make sure to hold it straight up.” The little girl pranced forward and carefully taking the coffee in her hands, said to the barista “This is my Mommy’s coffee.” Rhea was in the middle of a stranger’s path to the coffee bar, taking her time to make sure she didn’t spill, when the barista called out the next order. Looking over at the person who was inevitably waiting for Rhea to pass, she gave them a smile and said “Sorry, we’ll be out of your way in just a second.” Taking the coffee from her daughter, she gave her a big smile and said “Thank you so much!”
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soohyun glanced at the child, keeping her head lowered as she usually did. the former singing sensation wasn’t shy, only preferring to put up a guard. “it’s okay.” she replied and sounded timid. the child was adorable though she had to admit, she barely interacted with children even if she was quite fond of them. they represented innocence, something she had lost a long time ago. “what did the two of you order? i’m not sure what i should pick for mine yet.” 
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faultinvs-blog · 5 years
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irene for damiani 
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faultinvs-blog · 5 years
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❀ *゚ bae joohyun. female. she/her. ⇝ hey, isn’t that soohyun bahk? i think that the twenty eight year old from incheon, sk works as a musician, but outside of that they spend a lot of time at local gigs. i hear they are demanding + reserved, but they are also known to be ambitious + loyal. consider giving them a visit at their home in el patio inn and get to know why they’re called the rising star.
doop-a-loop ! what’s up everyone, the name is sofie and this is lil babygirl soohyun and altho she’s a work in progress and this is my first time playing her i would love to have her blossom in this wonderful place. i’m still working on her bg tbh but here are a few li’l tidbits of my pintsized singer !
born in incheon south korea to ae-jung and jae-bong bahk, soohyun was an only child whose early life was run by mundane things. her father was a construction worker while her mother a stay-at-home. they were highly conducted and tied to the norms of the country meaning that soohyunn barely had a room to breathe when she was developing as a child. she was conditioned to be just like her mum, a loving obedient wife who could not say no to her husband and followed his orders.
soohyun had no choice to but to live that life until she met a foreign exchange student from america, pieterse, who taught her there was so much more in life out there than just being a docile daughter. pieterse was a young man with a mysterious past but he and soohyun developed a deep bond. 
eventually pieterse managed to convince soohyun to get out of the country after he promised he would give her the life she had always wanted, her wish to become a famous singer fulfilled. the two packed their bags and left when they were nineteen with soohyun and pieterse finally succumbing into a romantic relationship.
soohyun’s life in america started fine for the first few years. she took a job as a gig performer and performed in clubs around las vegas. unfortunately she became one of those unlucky ones who never got picked by the higher ups with the reasoning that she was too boring for them. soohyun told pieterse about this and pieterse suggested a drastic change for her image.
this was when everything started to collapse. soohyun tore off her innocence to meet their standards and became lost during the ride. under the alias of ‘scarlett hwang’ she began her rise as a performer but with a hefty cost. she lost her virginity and was introduced to the darker sides of life, drugs, constant sex, and violence at night. she was objectified and passed around as a sex object with pieterse no longer giving enough care for her mental stability. she gained her five minute of fame and then when she was twenty five people started forgetting and paying her dust. she was left a broken shell, breaking her relationship with pieterse and stopping activities altogether. 
by the time she hit twenty seven, the supposed life-changing age, soohyun lost the majority of her temporary wealth and packed her things again. she relocated to the el patio inn and the owner was kind enough to take her in as long as she was willing to work on the dishes, and occasionally perform when a special event is about to be held. that’s the life she’s to live ever since. 
when it comes to personality soohyun can be distant and distrustful due to her experience. she keeps a high guard and coils from everyone except for the el patio’s staff though she can be sociable and polite if someone approaches her with kindness. although her dreams have been shot deep down she still wants to have another go so secretly, in her room, she spends time to write songs and has even written some for some of the most popular singers out there. 
she performs at small diners and clubs still though not as frequent. some people ig can still remember her as scarlett?? but that was like eight years ago so the chances are p slim
she’s bisexual and needs anything and everything connection wise ! come hmu and i’ll slide into your dms !
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faultinvs-blog · 5 years
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Irene for @primirene
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