feelfear · 4 years
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hello! i’m chelsea. i’m 28, lgbt+ and struggle with mental illness. my roommate and i will be getting our own place very soon, along with another friend of ours, and i could really use some extra money for down payment, rent, etc. your purchases would be directly supporting three neurodivergent lgbt+ people and any little bit would be a huge help. 
i can use content from movies, tv, music videos, cartoons, video games, interviews, photoshoots, etc. as long as i have access to it online, i can use it, with the exception of fanart.
ICONS - $4 for 50, $6 for 100. $3 for every additional 50. or dash icons $1.50 for 1, $1 for each additional
BANNERS - $6 (this includes mobile headers, post banners, and images for google docs. if you buy in bulk, i will give you a discount, varying depending on complexity and how many you get.)
PROMOS - $7-$10 depending on detail and complexity
CUSTOM PSDS - $4 (if you’re getting something else done and you want a custom psd to go along with it, it will be only $2)
UNEDITED SCREENCAPS - $5 for a full episode or movie. +$1 if you want screencaps of just one particular person. i can also make screencaps from youtube videos for $.50 per 5 minutes.
examples found here.
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feelfear · 4 years
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hello! i’m chelsea. i’m 28, lgbt+ and struggle with mental illness. my roommate and i will be getting our own place very soon, along with another friend of ours, and i could really use some extra money for down payment, rent, etc. your purchases would be directly supporting three neurodivergent lgbt+ people and any little bit would be a huge help. 
i can use content from movies, tv, music videos, cartoons, video games, interviews, photoshoots, etc. as long as i have access to it online, i can use it, with the exception of fanart.
ICONS - $4 for 50, $6 for 100. $3 for every additional 50. or dash icons $1.50 for 1, $1 for each additional
BANNERS - $6 (this includes mobile headers, post banners, and images for google docs. if you buy in bulk, i will give you a discount, varying depending on complexity and how many you get.)
PROMOS - $7-$10 depending on detail and complexity
CUSTOM PSDS - $4 (if you’re getting something else done and you want a custom psd to go along with it, it will be only $2)
UNEDITED SCREENCAPS - $5 for a full episode or movie. +$1 if you want screencaps of just one particular person. i can also make screencaps from youtube videos for $.50 per 5 minutes.
examples found here.
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feelfear · 4 years
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feelfear · 4 years
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finley & eve       /       @feelfear.
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feelfear · 4 years
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@feelfear / fin & eve.
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feelfear · 4 years
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pen scribbles against paper to catch eve’s quotes. it seemed to be the general consensus that elsa found the performers. ‘i’ve heard the same sort of thing from some of the others,’ it’s interesting that a woman like her would start something like this. if he was lucky, elsa would answer some of his questions, as well. for now, finley gladly focused on the woman sitting across from him. ‘a women’s shelter- were you there for long?’ he questions with a glance in her direction. ‘i could see you in the movies. those schmucks don’t know anything about talent.’
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eve couldn’t help a smile at the reporter’s compliment, her tongue coming out to wet her lips before she answered his question.  ‘i was in the shelter longer than i would’ve liked, but in the grand scheme of things, it wasn’t long. several months. i had gotten out of a relationship that ended badly and i had nowhere else to go, so that’s where i ended up.’ there was a short pause as she tilted her end. ‘it’s not a time i look back on fondly.’      -   @museaic·
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feelfear · 4 years
hey guys, here’s a link to my starter calls. i want to get some new stuff going (plotted stuff primarily) so feel free to like any of those! i also think i’m gonna make an interest tracker for this blog in a bit.
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feelfear · 4 years
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hello! i’m chelsea. i’m 27, lgbt+ and struggle with mental illness. thanks to the current state of our world, i am currently without a job. my mom and my roommate have both been so helpful in the money department, but i don’t want to have to rely on them. thankfully, i should be starting work soon, but in the meantime (and even when i do have a job) it would be a huge help to have a little extra cash in my pocket, and making these kinds of things for people is a lot of fun for me.
i can use content from movies, tv, music videos, cartoons, video games, interviews, photoshoots, etc. as long as i have access to it online, i can use it, with the exception of fanart.
ICONS - $4 for 50, $6 for 100. $3 for every additional 50. or dash icons $1.50 for 1, $1 for each additional
BANNERS - $6 (this includes mobile headers, post banners, and images for google docs. if you buy in bulk, i will give you a discount, varying depending on complexity and how many you get.)
PROMOS - $7-$10 depending on detail and complexity
CUSTOM PSDS - $4 (if you’re getting something else done and you want a custom psd to go along with it, it will be only $2)
UNEDITED SCREENCAPS - $5 for a full episode or movie. +$1 if you want screencaps of just one particular person. I can also make screencaps from youtube videos for $.50 per 5 minutes.
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feelfear · 4 years
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Made my skin crawl. That girl didn’t lead us there as a trap. Mm-mm. She wanted us to find that camera. What we didn’t know was why. What was on that tape that she wanted us to see?
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feelfear · 4 years
i had a really rough night last night and i can already tell i’m gonna have another one and it’s not even 4pm
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feelfear · 4 years
yo, if you guys like @noblecide‘s dash icon, blog header, ask/starter call/etc banners, promo (or honestly any of their recent promos) then you should commission me @whatnotcomms  👀
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feelfear · 4 years
Despite the tackiness and cramped feeling of his hotel room, Kai was settling in to the Cortez faster than he thought. The police were still searching everywhere for him, but he weirdly seemed at ease regardless of that looming fact. After a quick wash under the shower and more sleep than he ever got when sleeping in an uncomfortable prison cell bed, he decided to take a look around. The bar was always a good place to start.
When asked for a light by the redhead behind the counter, the criminal patted his jacket pocket, pulling out a lighter and igniting it with the flick of his thumb. The charming smile she displays is returned as he takes a seat, “ Hard to think this place is still kicking, “ Kai glances at their surroundings, “ I’ve wanted to visit here since my senior year of high school. All the history behind it—pretty fucked up stuff. “ The smile on his lips only widens when he alludes to the bloodshed that these walls and floors have witnessed. 
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Lavinia held the cigarette between her lips, inhaling gently as the stranger lit it for her. She exhaled a cloud of smoke from the corner of her mouth as she stepped further behind the bar, listening to the man while he spoke. At this point, Lavinia knew all about the hotel’s grisly past and present (in fact, she was part of it) but she wanted to have some fun and play along.
“Oh?” She leaned forward against the counter in front of him and lifted the cigarette to her red lips to take another short puff, letting the smoke spill out as she responded. “Why don’t you regale me with some stories while I make you something to drink? Pick your poison.”
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feelfear · 4 years
i just sang ‘there are worse things i could do’ from grease with an italian mobster accent and @noblecide couldn’t stop laughing about it and they said “you bring me so much joy” 😂💕
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feelfear · 4 years
yo, if you guys like @noblecide‘s dash icon, blog header, ask/starter call/etc banners, promo (or honestly any of their recent promos) then you should commission me @whatnotcomms  👀
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feelfear · 4 years
new dash icon and header!
i should change my blog theme to match and get a pretty layout for my google doc, but am i going to? probably not. i’m  l a z y
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feelfear · 4 years
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like for a starter from lavinia. mutuals only. i might come chat with you to plot.
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feelfear · 4 years
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hello! i’m chelsea. i’m 27, lgbt+ and struggle with mental illness. thanks to the current state of our world, i am currently without a job. my mom and my roommate have both been so helpful in the money department, but i don’t want to have to rely on them. thankfully, i should be starting work soon, but in the meantime (and even when i do have a job) it would be a huge help to have a little extra cash in my pocket, and making these kinds of things for people is a lot of fun for me.
i can use content from movies, tv, music videos, cartoons, video games, interviews, photoshoots, etc. as long as i have access to it online, i can use it, with the exception of fanart.
ICONS - $4 for 50, $6 for 100. $3 for every additional 50. or dash icons $1.50 for 1, $1 for each additional
BANNERS - $6 (this includes mobile headers, post banners, and images for google docs. if you buy in bulk, i will give you a discount, varying depending on complexity and how many you get.)
PROMOS - $7-$10 depending on detail and complexity
CUSTOM PSDS - $4 (if you’re getting something else done and you want a custom psd to go along with it, it will be only $2)
UNEDITED SCREENCAPS - $5 for a full episode or movie. +$1 if you want screencaps of just one particular person. I can also make screencaps from youtube videos for $.50 per 5 minutes.
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