fhcompetition-blog · 7 years
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fhcompetition-blog · 7 years
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Two outcomes for the advertisements, my favourite is the top one, as I think the tone of voice works really nicely to get the message of what the platform is all about, as well as be relatable for the audience. 
The second is a more general advertisement, which wouldn't be limited to train stations or bus stations. But also brings the purpose of the platform to the forefront of the advertisement. 
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fhcompetition-blog · 7 years
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A few quick sketches for possible outcomes but I think I pretty much have the copy element down, I just need to work on piecing together elements for the posters.
The design, will use the same photographic light back ground from the website, across the entire poster as this will work to integrate the posters with the digital platforms, then the typography will be white helvetica, because that it what the BBC guidelines state as their typography choice. This will match nicely with the more playful BBC Edinburgh Festivals logo which will also sit on the poster, and finally the app will need to feature on the poster, as this is pretty much a ‘hey look at this cool app, now download it’ message. 
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fhcompetition-blog · 7 years
Revisiting D&AD Submission
So for my final hand in I want to create some promotional content for the App/Website platform I created for the competition. 
My idea is to create some environmental advertising that works as a call to action for commuters to download the app for their journey. 
The adverts will mirror the tone of voice from the platform and as it is the BBC include their logos in a style that matches the platform. 
Definitely wanting to go with a copy led campaign for the promotional content. 
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fhcompetition-blog · 7 years
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fhcompetition-blog · 7 years
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fhcompetition-blog · 7 years
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fhcompetition-blog · 7 years
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Concept sketches for further poster dev
Please excuse my dreadful sketches but I just want to get these done on screen now. And seeing as the posters are copy led i think as long as I have a basic idea of the visuals its acceptable. 
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fhcompetition-blog · 7 years
Developing the Copy of my posters to fit in with the ‘Find your summer smile’ campaign idea
So I’m creating posters to fit into reactive billboards which would change depending on the weather, or time of day. 
I need to come up with text for these posters which is relevant to the weather/time and also links to ‘find your summer smile’ 
So prepare for a blog post full of weird, boring and maybe some possible options for these different posters. 
You’re sure to find your summer smile
at the top of this roller coaster!
Not a morning person, have a coffee and give us a smile
Make your morning, find that summer smile in
Morning are always better in the summer, make the most of it
Among a bed of roses, thats where your summer smile is
If he takes you here for a date, be sure to share that summer smile
(download the app now)
I found my summer smile right here with you
Summer nights with smiles are always unforgettable
She’ll want a second date if you wow her
Some Summer Nights are unforgettable, they’ll leave you smiling at the memory.
Dodge the rain,
Smiles guaranteed, forget the weather
Forget about the rain, under the sea
an underwater world of smiles
Rain, what rain? 2 for 1 on loads of indoor London fun
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fhcompetition-blog · 7 years
Revisiting B-Hive C2C Competition
After presenting, which went really well, and being offered 2 placements. I received some advice from the panel about my work. I got a lot of positive feedback on one of my initial design ideas for the brief, and they really seemed excited about the idea behind having reactive posters which would adapt based on the time of day or weather. I remember one person said they were a little confused as to how they linked in with my campaign idea, so I explained that the campaign idea was my more developed outcome and that the posters were an initial thought. 
So to bring my piece full circle I want to create some posters using my initial reactive poster idea, with more suitable posters which relate to the theme of my summer campaign.
For this I need to work on the copy writing more, to work in use of the wording ‘Summer Smile’ and create some visuals which fit in with the colourful, childlike style I was going for.
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fhcompetition-blog · 7 years
So I took on this competition brief because I thought it would be a good challenge to answer quite an open brief which simply asked me to use the power of technology to bring the atmosphere of the edinburgh festivals to people who can’t be there in person. A combination of liking the BBC as a brand and wanting to create work for them, and being able to do some form of primary research led me to this decision and I’m glad I stuck with this one. 
The primary research was very insightful for me and gave me a angle for the project which I wouldn’t have otherwise had. Defining the best bits of the edinburgh festivals through asking people who live in edinburgh all year round gave an insight that helps the tourists and visitors. This insight allowed me to work on creating final outcomes that relate to the specific festival highlights which would in the real world get the word out to a wider audience of the real good bits of the whole experience. 
I had a lot of concept ideas involving pop up spaces and the treasure hunt was one that I was stuck on from the beginning. But I felt that this idea was getting more and more complicated the more I researched and thought about it. And in addition to this, not a particularly intelligent response to the brief, as the problem with the app was that it would have had many contributing factors to the reason why it wouldn’t be used often by people. Due to video content being streamed over mobile data, and having to download the app especially for the duration of the festivals. I rethought my idea and discussed with various people to come to the decision that I would create something much more simple that brings the festival as it happens to a wider audience. 
The website would be the way that this was done, but the main idea was in the fact that this would all be done on user generated content with a small amount of input from the BBC which would feature journalist articles, other footage, but mainly leave it to the visitors to the festivals to create content for the pages. 
Once I had defined the idea and how it would operate only for the duration of the festival and plan out the before and after pages. The final idea seemed a lot more clear. And I just had to source all the content from previous years to create a final outcome that looked realistic. 
I really enjoyed working on all the details that made the website special, like the video clips, and voting page for the fish and chips shop. 
The idea was overall pretty simple and therefore easy for users to get there head around, very unlike the treasurehunt app would have been. 
During production of the concept video I had to overcome my hesitations in using AfterEffects, and after many hours working out how to do the simplest things I now feel a lot more comfortable using this part of the Adobe suite. 
Overall I think there are a few little things that I should have gone back and tidied up for the final submission, and I’m a bit unsure about the voice over being my own, I think I would have prefered for someone else to do it. But the competition deadline was looming, and so overall I am pleased with the idea and the scripted video that I created. 
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fhcompetition-blog · 7 years
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fhcompetition-blog · 7 years
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Creating a quick little visual to represent the presence of the BBC Edinburgh Festivals website at the festivals themselves! 
The visual again is nothing fancy, simply created for a couple of seconds worth of clip for the concept video. Which voices the fact that this will be available for people to see on big screens at the festival, and see their own posts. 
This idea came to me from an experience I had in New York at a diner, where you could tweet about how cool it was there and it would show up on screens around the diner so that people could see all the praise and good reviews that the diner was getting.
Since then (2012) I’ve not seen social media being used in the public eye so instantly, It is easy to filter for bad posts so it seems like it could be used a lot more, and this purpose seems perfect for it. 
It was on a smaller scale to what I have in mind now, but the same principles apply and its that instant gratification feeling you get when you see a photograph that you took on a huge screen in front of lots of people, its kind of a way of getting your name out there and a challenge to be extra creative!
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fhcompetition-blog · 7 years
Countdown timer until the festival starts, to give the user the information they need.
And a link to social media so that the user can keep updated and informed from official festival social media posts before the festival begins.
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fhcompetition-blog · 7 years
Refinement of the Voice overs
I just needed to re record the start and finish of the audio that I did, improving the pronunciation and tone of some of the words to make it sound more interesting
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fhcompetition-blog · 7 years
Refinement of the Voice overs
I just needed to re record the start and finish of the audio that I did, improving the pronunciation and tone of some of the words to make it sound more interesting
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fhcompetition-blog · 7 years
The only problem with this is that the room was too echoey so her voice sounds a little bit distant and tinny if that makes sense.
I’ve decided I’m gonna give it a go in my own voice and see what I think, but I think because I have in my head how it sounds, I know how I want the tempo and tone of the script and can record it in that way. If I can get it right I don’t think I will have to listen to my voice too much, or I could always try editing it so that it doesn’t sound like me! But that’s probably only if I have the time to mess around with things like that. I think I will just have to deal with it:
Here is my version anyway.
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