fire-up-chips · 2 years
My name is Olivia and I am currently a senior here at CMU. I will be graduating with a degree in Human Resource Management this December. I started my college career as a bio major but quickly switched to business. I am hoping to go straight into the MBA program here at CMU starting in January. My goal after graduation is to get a full-time job at a company like Chrysler or GM and be in the recruiting department or the training and development department.
One company that has a great social media presence is GoPro. More specifically, their Instagram. GoPro’s Instagram currently has over 19 million followers and for good reasons. GoPro posts pictures and videos that normal people take in their everyday lives. They do not just hire people and take fake pictures but they show their market truly what the technology does by having pictures that their consumers take every day. I believe that this truly makes the company different and what makes them such a great presence on social media. I would consider GoPro’s Instagram to be a mass collaboration. They are using people who have no preexisting connections and using their common interests and talents to build an Instagram page (Bradley, McDondald 9) . I definitely recommend checking out their page!
Bradley, Anthony J., and Mark P. McDonald. The Social Organization: How to Use Social Media to Tap the Collective Genius of Your Customers and Employees. Harvard Business Review Press, 2011.
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