firstpersongame · 2 years
Call of duty zombies
Call of duty zombies is a survival fps where the players try to survive rounds of zombies that get increasingly harder as the player progresses. this player is able to buy guns and get perks to get stronger and defeat these waves. the zombies can drop power ups that help the player to defeat them. 
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firstpersongame · 2 years
Plants VS Zombies
Plants VS Zombies is a wave tower defence game where the player plants different plants to defend against the hordes of zombies that are trying to break into the house. The waves have consistent zombies but at amount of zombie kills there will be checkpoints where the zombies will unleash a mega attack.
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firstpersongame · 2 years
Shotgun farmers - horde mode
Shotgun farmers - horde mode is a fps zombie infinite survival game where the player fights waves of zombies where when they defeat enough zombies you’ll move onto the next round of zombies where they are stronger. The aim of the game is to survive and to get as high as a round as possible without dying.
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firstpersongame · 2 years
Killing floor Z
Killing floor z is a zombie horde story survival game where the player must defeat the hordes of zombies and survive. the player is given objectives as they progress through the game.
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firstpersongame · 2 years
Power ups
Super Mario:
The power ups in super Mario are basic and used to give the player an edge and help the player to complete the level and make it a bit easier. These power ups include: more health, fire powers, extra life
Mega man:
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Mega man power ups are designed to give mega man ammo for his weapons and to give him health back.
Crash bandicoot 3:
The powerups in crash bandicoot 3 are to give crash mobility and a spin attack. this helps crash be able to defeat enemies and to platform his way through the level.
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firstpersongame · 2 years
Pick up and play
My game is very pick up and play. This means that is very easy to just start and understand what to do. This means that the skill gap between players is very low and makes it very casual and fun to play and less competitive. 
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firstpersongame · 2 years
Level creation
I’m designing my level off of my old high school. I thought it would be funny to play zombies at my old school.
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firstpersongame · 2 years
Game aesthetic
Mr Krabs overdoses on ketamine
I looked at the aesthetic of this game because is wasn't sure what kind of style I wanted my game to be. I think having a goofy style for my game would be an okay idea but I think a realistic style would be more fitting and overall more immersive and cooler for the player.
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Games like Black Ops zombies would fit here very well.
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firstpersongame · 2 years
adding progression using power ups
The way I want the player to progress in my game is to survive, but as the zombies keep getting stronger the player needs to be able to also get stronger.
This is why using the points system the player will be able to upgrade their gun’s damage.
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firstpersongame · 2 years
Gray boxing
To get a rough idea of what my level is going to look like I'm going to use a method called gray boxing. This means getting a rough layout of the level using only gray boxes. This means I can have a functional level without having to go through the process of making it look fancy and adding textures. 
This is good because it allows you to play test your level and see if its actually fun and playable without having to go through the effort of creating all the textures and complex level features just for it to be a bad designed level that isn’t fun.
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firstpersongame · 2 years
2nd Feedback
The feedback i got showed that by making the zombie spawn count lower and health lower made the game more enjoyable.
It’s clear to me that the map isn’t big enough and I will improve on this.
Also adding a controls menu or 3D widget to show the player the controls.
Adding a gun upgrade so that the player can progress.
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firstpersongame · 2 years
Changes using feedback
From the feedback that I was given I understand that my game was too hard. I’m going to reduce the health per round and zombies per round  of the zombies to make it easier for the player.
I made interactable things red so that its clear you need to do something with them.
I’m also going to add on hot effects to the zombies so the player knows they’re doing damage.
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firstpersongame · 2 years
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This is helpful because it lets me understand the difficulty of my game.
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This isn’t very helpful
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This is helpful because it tells me that my game is too hard.
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This lets me know that most people know what to do. I need to add more indications of where to go and how to progress through the map.
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Just some ideas that they would think fit well in my game. interesting because there are already ammo pickups. I will add hit effects so the player knows they're doing damage to zombies.
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This shows me that it wasn’t clear were to go. I’m going to add hints to the player to help it be more obvious were to go.
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firstpersongame · 2 years
Changing camera
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When i walk into the collision box it switches camera.
and when i walk out it switches back.
I can change the blend time to get a more cinematic shot.
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I made it so when I start the game it sets the camera for a cut scene then switches back.
It also disables input so the player can’t move while the cutscene is playing.
This can all be used to sign post and guide the player and to help them understand what to do.
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firstpersongame · 2 years
Giving the player information
giving the player information is important because what's the point in having a game if the player doesn’t know how to play it.
You can add details to guide the player into understanding what to do. This could be lighting or a coloured object and so on.
You can also hold the hand of the player and physically tell them what to do and how to play. This can be done through text and sign posting.
This will be done in my game by the player exploration. because the goal of the game is to survive, the player doesn’t need to actually accomplish anything other than survive. But by the player exploring the map it’ll lead to getting guns and power ups.
I can use 3D widgets to do this. 
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firstpersongame · 2 years
Making insta kill power up
When the player collides with the power up it makes the variable instakill true. When this variable is true the damage dealt to zombies is 999
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then It moves the position of the power up to the middle of now ware so that the rest of the code can run with a delay. There is a delay then insta kill is set to false and the power up is destroyed.
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firstpersongame · 2 years
Making Max ammo power up
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On collision with the player it’ll fill ammo back up to the max ammo.
Also rotates the model of the max ammo 
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