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KELSEA BALLERINI performing an alternate version of Blindsided on SNL (March 2023)
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fl0wersbackasthorns · 2 years
"this fandom loves taylor too much" "this fandom hates taylor too much" can we all just shut the fuck up and listen to you belong with me
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fl0wersbackasthorns · 3 years
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Asian Pacific American Heritage Month ∟Day 7: Jason Mendoza in The Good Place
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fl0wersbackasthorns · 3 years
shoutout to the survivors who are not forgiving, who do not believe that what happened to them was ‘for a reason’, who know they did not deserve it, who are angry at what happened to them, and who do not show the typical ‘good victim’ trope. You all get so much shit from people about how you should act from your trauma because only ‘good victims’ are deserving of empathy and support. You deserve so much more than that.
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fl0wersbackasthorns · 3 years
do you have any thoughts on long story short? it's not one of my favourites, but "no more keeping score / now i just keep you warm" is just so ????AJFOIFJAIOFJAOJ!!!!! you know what i mean?
anon to be 100% honest with you I have so many thoughts about long story short that every single time I listen to it I have to pause to Think about lyrics. because I never shut up, I’m going to talk about my general thoughts on the song then under the cut I’ll talk about specific lyrics.
I think it is the most fascinating thing that Taylor will tell the same story in so many different ways. evermore’s title track, reputation, long story short — all the same girl! but obviously in very different ways: in evermore, she dwells on every single moment and even that last hint of light is just that minute when she realizes maybe she’ll be okay one day, whereas long story short is a lot bouncier and more focused on her relationship’s aftermath, not just her own. I think every single lyric in this song is incredible and some are glossed over a lot and it has a lot of my favorite technique — changing up words to reflect growth. I’m going to talk about my favorite lyrics and because I’ve spoken about this song before I’m going to link old posts of mine :)
fatefully, I tried to pick my battles till the battle picked me: this sums it all up huh? This is the best description of Taylor’s choices up to 2016 she could have written. so many times she let things slide, didn’t cause a feud, apologized when she did, etc...until that one event which to her felt like fate in the way it so completely rearranged her life.
and I fell from the pedestal, right down the rabbit hole: I think about this lyric all the time because she’s acknowledging that as a famous and loved celebrity in 2014, she was put on a pedestal, something she could easily be knocked off of, and the rabbit hole is all those other bad consequences. it reminds me of “barefoot in the wildest winter”, how sometimes one dark thought can lead to a whole dark mindset.
pushed from the precipice, clung to the nearest lips, long story short it was the wrong guy: I love songs that make a little fun of Tom Hiddleston (as a treat) and I LOVE the imagery of falling off a cliff and catching onto whatever you can. the fact that it’s lips is funny but it’s also accurate for where she was.
actually, I always felt I must look better in the rear view, missing me at the golden gates they once held the keys to
when I dropped my sword, I threw it in the bushes and knocked on your door, and we live in peace but if someone comes at us this time I’m ready: these lines are talked about a LOT in the fandom but I really love the parallels to daylight and description of the moment when she decides the fighting and pettiness isn’t worth it: he is and she’ll do anything to protect them.
no more keeping score, now I just keep you warm, no more tug of war, now I just know there’s more: yes I LOVE this. there’s like eight songs where she’s like And Then We Stopped Playing Games. those last few words are super underrated: one of the reasons she’s okay stopping the friction and the tug of war is the confidence that this will last.
and my waves meet your shore ever and evermore : not going to lie this is one of my posts I love the most! and obsessed with the concept that love is when two people change together (“our coming of age has come and gone”)
past me verse: AKSNDJSSKJSWJSKSK!!!! AKSJDJDKSKSKSKWOWJSJSKSJSJSJSJ!!!!!!! I hope this is a helpful analysis ♥️
and you passed right by, I was in the alley surrounded on all sides -> and he’s passing by, rare as the glimmer of a comet in the sky: again, this concept that she was so busy fighting she missed him the first time around, but realized it the second time around.
if the shoe fits, walk in it till your high heels break -> walk in it everywhere you go: linked post and what it all comes down to is a symbol of feminine attractiveness that is extremely uncomfortable vs a shoe that you can walk in ALL the time and if it breaks you don’t fall straight to the ground. “if the shoe fits” is also important because that 1989 lifestyle DID “fit” her at the time, it wasn’t 100% horrible and there were aspects of being that much on top that she loved.
pushed from the precipice, climbed right back up the cliff: this is so crucial because she’s acknowledging that in getting back to the top again she could fall down, that she’s still on a cliff
long story short I survived
If you made it to the end of this I love you!!!! Idk if when you asked for thoughts you wanted uh this or “I think it’s neat” but I hope anything you were looking for is here!
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fl0wersbackasthorns · 4 years
merry christmas
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fl0wersbackasthorns · 4 years
vote for joe biden vote for joe biden vote for joe biden vote for joe biden vote for joe biden vote for joe biden vote for joe biden vote for joe biden vote for joe biden vote for joe biden vote for joe biden vote for joe biden vote for joe biden vote for joe biden vote for joe biden vote for joe biden vote for joe biden vote for joe biden vote for joe biden vote for joe biden vote for joe biden vote for joe biden vote for joe biden vote for joe biden vote for joe biden vote for joe biden vote for joe biden vote for joe biden vote for joe biden vote for joe biden vote for joe biden vote for joe biden vote for joe biden vote for joe biden vote for joe biden vote for joe biden vote for joe biden vote for joe biden vote for joe biden vote for joe biden vote for joe biden vote for joe biden vote for joe biden vote for joe biden vote for joe biden vote for joe biden vote for joe biden vote for joe biden vote for joe biden vote for joe biden vote for joe biden vote for joe biden vote for joe biden vote for joe biden vote for joe biden vote for joe biden vote for joe biden vote for joe biden vote for joe biden vote for joe biden
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fl0wersbackasthorns · 4 years
Men with feelings. Men who communicate. Men who are great friends. Men who care. Men who cry. >>>>>
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fl0wersbackasthorns · 4 years
Hey so friendly reminder about voting and elections that I haven’t seen going around yet but is SUPER IMPORTANT.
Watch what you wear and say while you’re waiting in line for the voting booth/at the polls. It is against federal law to do anything that might be considered campaigning once you’re there, and since we know that voter suppression is the name of the game this election, there will be people looking for ANY reason to remove you from the polling place. And they will nitpick. You have a shirt with a artistic picture of donkey on it? You’re visibly supporting the Democrats, you’re disqualified from voting. Want to wear a Black Lives Matter shirt? Not there you don’t. They’ll call it intimidation and kick you out. Pins, buttons, stickers, none of it. Wear the most bland, plain clothes you can imagine. 
And then keep your mouth shut. Even the slightest hint of discussion about which candidate you’re voting for can get used against you. Don’t assume the people around you are safe to discuss it with. You might be overheard. There WILL people watching for these things, hoping to get rid of anyone they can. Voter suppression isn’t just about making registration impossible. It happens at the polling stations too. Be smart, be bland, be quiet, and make sure your vote gets in. 
Also- and I have seen this mentioned but it bears repeating- DO NOT TAKE A PICTURE OF YOUR BALLOT. EVER. It’ll also disqualify your vote. Take a selfie when you’re out of their with your fun little sticker. 
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fl0wersbackasthorns · 4 years
.*・。゚ love you to the moon and to saturn .*・。゚
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fl0wersbackasthorns · 4 years
i read that "peter losing wendy" doesn't just mean parting ways but the way they did so. peter chose to never grow up so wendy left, whereas james used immaturity at 17 to justify himself so betty grew up without him
the way the cogs in her mind turn.. wow
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fl0wersbackasthorns · 4 years
Pass the happiness 💘! When you receive this, reply with 5 things that make you happy and send this to the last 10 people in your notifications.
Oooh thank you!
1: Cats!
2: Sunflowers 🌻
3: Cristina Yang
4: Coffee !!!
5: and bright flowers!!
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fl0wersbackasthorns · 4 years
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it’s nice to have a friend.
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fl0wersbackasthorns · 4 years
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fl0wersbackasthorns · 4 years
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fl0wersbackasthorns · 4 years
"the trauma made you kind" fuck that. no. i am kind because i cannot allow anyone to go through what i did. i am soft because i chose to be.
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fl0wersbackasthorns · 4 years
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Little Women (2019) dir. Greta Gerwig
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