foxy485 · 2 days
hi!! so cool that you’re open to textpost requests :3 would it be possible for you to do a farcille compilation?
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HAPPY LESBIAN VISIBILITY WEEK TO THEM!!! here’s dungeon meshi textposts pt21 :) for anyone who has asked for specific textposts i promise i will get to them! i've gotten a handful of requests and if i haven't responded yet it's probably b/c i'm waiting for more of the anime to come out so i can use those screencaps
pt1 | pt2 | pt3 | pt4 | pt5 | pt6 | pt7 | pt8 | pt9 | pt10 
pt11 | pt12 | pt13 | pt14 | pt15 | pt16 | pt17 | pt18 | pt19 | pt20
pt21 | pt22 | pt23 | pt24 | pt25 | pt26 |  pt27 | pt28 | pt29 | pt30 
pt31 | pt32 | pt33 | pt34 |
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foxy485 · 2 days
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Dungeon Meshi Text Posts:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
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foxy485 · 2 days
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you can't breathe without me
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foxy485 · 2 days
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Slay the Princess text posts
[part 2]
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foxy485 · 2 days
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what if we saw shapeshifter versions of izutsumi?
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Explanations under the cut
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#1 is Laios' Izutsumi:
extra detail on her cat parts
more monster-y traits present
outfit mistake
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#2 is Marcille's Izutsumi:
influenced by their time in the Golden Country
a little more chill than the others
softer hair
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#3 is Senshi's Izutsumi:
details of puffed up fur
this izutsumi is skinnier than the others (ribs showing)
^^ senshi must take care of the child
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#4 is Chilchuck's Izutsumi:
rounded ears like marcille's
eyes kinda look like his kids puckpatti and flertom
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foxy485 · 3 days
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I think this line more than any other underlines why the Thorn route strikes a chord with so many people. It's so much more than just the chance for a smooch. It's the one route where the balance of power is more or less evenly split (you have freedom of movement, she has the knife), and both of you have the option to choose trust and growth.
Even in the Spectre route, which is more about atonement and forgiveness than trust, the power balance is decidedly skewed in the princess' favor. When you meet Thorn, the music and dialogue gives the feeling that both of you are equally exhausted from fighting each other, and both want to try to make things better, but neither is sure whether it's possible.
To me at least, the Thorn is special because it feels the most hopeful of all the routes. With patience and trust and understanding, things actually do get better for both of you.
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foxy485 · 3 days
Someone's probably already pointed this out by now but I love how the game exercises the concept of the princess being "whatever you percieve her to be" before the game even begins.
After following one of the dialogue trees while questioning the Narrator you get the ability to ask why the Shifting Mound is, specifically, a princess. She is transformation, she is whatever she is perceived to be, the concept of change itself, death itself, etc. but why is she a princess? And the Narrator says that he does not know, just that there must be some reason why she appeared as a princess to you.
But the reason why she is a princess is because that's what was promised to you when you bought the game. If you take the blade, the princess will be just as suspicious and cautious as you are of her, something unsettling but not explicitly a threat yet. If you don't, she will trust you as you trust her not to be dangerous, and she will not display any indication that she can do you any harm. Her personality and mannerisms are variable based on how you play, however, she is, no matter what, a princess. Whether she is a vague idea of a princess (The Stranger, because you have not met her yet), a cold and only dubiously trustworthy princess, or a helpless and friendly princess, she is still a Princess, just because that's what you are going to believe she is just from the title of the game. The Shifting Mound is already taking form of what you are believing her to be, before you even meet her, and once she becomes known As the Shifting Mound, she becomes a shifting mound of, well, princesses. Because that is your first, "base" impression of her.
Idk I just think the entire concept of a character only taking form of what you Think they are is really cool and it was pulled off so well and this game makes me insane. (I can't find the specific dialogue but one of the potential ways you could've asked this question to the Narrator goes something like "Okay but why a princess? Why couldn't she have been a slice of bread or something?" (it wasn't that exactly but it was Something about bread). Slay the Bread Slice, and she would've been. A bread slice. Slay the Shifting Mound and she would've been an incomprehensible mound of, not princesses, but whatever the hell you believe that vague mound could've been made out of. I don't know I just think it's really cool and neat and this game is amazing. The Shifting Mound lives rent-free in my head
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foxy485 · 3 days
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touden siblings being ride or die for each other even in the most ridiculous of circumstances is my favorite genre of dungeon meshi panels
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foxy485 · 3 days
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another one :3
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foxy485 · 3 days
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Today’s Thistle is: hanging with his pet chicken 🐓
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foxy485 · 3 days
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palestine, 2012
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foxy485 · 3 days
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Love and light to marcille but she has the worst fucking opinions on God's good earth
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foxy485 · 3 days
People headcanoning Ragatha as an age regressor is so real for that... Her being more child-like in private rather than the motherly friend is so vibes.
I would actually cry if I saw her cower and started talking like a lost child cuz her trauma response forced her in a child-like mindset. A seemingly responsible grown woman being so vulnerable is so wild i love it.
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foxy485 · 3 days
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kabru & his mother
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foxy485 · 3 days
Do not forget about West Papua.
Do not forget about the colonial genocide being committed against the indigenous West Papuans.
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foxy485 · 3 days
so far dungeon meshi has been really good about not showing anything spoilery in all their episode previews.
For Dumplings, there’s only one page in the chapter before they wake up transformed. so for the preview, they have to either show:
A. the transformations, and spoil it I guess.
B. That One Panel Of Laios
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foxy485 · 3 days
"Gojo should've gotten to live as a person-" THAT’S THE POINT. That is the ENTIRE point of JJK. Every single character who died was someone who "should've gotten to" do a lot of things. Riko should've gotten to live for herself, Geto should've had the chance to be a teenage boy given support and safety, Junpei should've gotten to live without fear, Nobara should've had the chance to let people in without fear, Nanami, Yuki, Mai, Higurama, EVERYONE.
Here's the thing, Gojo is on this list. Gojo isn't the exception because JJK at its core is a story about how overarching systems destroy people; bullying, capitalism, sexism, etc. And this system does not need people to run it. Which is why killing Kenjaku didn't stop shit because yeah he started this mess but its grown beyond him. Fuck, it was there before him.
This is also why despite Sukuna & Uraume being the only ones who are actual threats, nothing is better. The cast got rid of the higher-ups, jujutsu tech as it is, is no more. The major families are dismantled. This should be a victory. This is what the Sashisu gen pointed out as the problem but things have never looked more bleak.
Why? Because the problem isn't Kenjaku, Sukuna, curses, sorcerers or curse users. It's the existence of Cursed Energy itself. This has been pointed out multiple times by Yuki. Its the system and Gojo has been complicit to the system for a long, long time. He's also it's victim. Gojo says he's the exception a lot, but as everyone has rightfully pointed out, he was nothing more than a weapon to jujutsu society.
JJK has followed a very clear pattern to every character right from Geto to Junpei to Riko; characters are representatives of systems of suppression, and they will not escape it. I can't recall a single character that's escaped unscathed, much less alive.
Is it disrespectful? Yes. Is it demeaning? YES. There has not been a single character death that's been dignified in JJK. It's all on a scale of bearable to absolutely horrifying. It is genuinely wild seeing people resort to threatening the author AGAIN. Calm the fuck down. You are entitled to feeling upset about how Gojo has been treated but Yuta stans are being calm despite Yuta arguably suffering the "he is a weapon" thing WORSE. It's still a fictional character and JJK's narratives never treated Gojo with any exceptions despite the character saying otherwise.
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