CAS Final Reflection
My CAS experience throughout the last 18 months was great. Despite some problems encountered during the first year like working systematically or mismanagement of time in regard to the CAS Project, I managed to complete the programme in time and with success. One of the most enjoyable aspects of CAS was that it provided me with multitude of opportunities regarding my personal growth, mainly various Service activities. Thanks to CAS I was able to involve in much higher number of activities than I would have on my own, and I am grateful for that, as it brought me closer to various people and organisations,  giving me the opportunity to help those in need, for example refugees coming from Ukraine as a result of Russian invasion.
Thanks to CAS I have also developed and improved some of my skills. I got into photography on classical, pre-digital equipment, and learned a lot during those months. Now I have better understanding of photographic theory as well as situational skills needed to adjust variables in order to take good photos consistently. Apart from photography, I have also experienced some new challenges in planning and management, both of my time and in context of trips.
Overall, I really enjoyed CAS despite the fact that sometimes fulfilling all necessary activities was difficult or inconvenient. I believe that my perseverance in completing CAS paid off, as I believe it has significantly contributed to my overall growth as a person and a member of society.
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CAS Evidence post
CAS Project:
Winter Holidays Photo Contest
Planning: https://at.tumblr.com/franciszek-niecz-cas/cas-project-planning/lfn1jfovkxf1
Taking action: https://at.tumblr.com/franciszek-niecz-cas/cas-project-taking-action/1l6dq9hartj6
Reflection: https://at.tumblr.com/franciszek-niecz-cas/cas-project-reflection/uix8st4y9hqa
Evidence of identification of strengths and areas for personal growth (LO1).
Evidence of undertaking new challenges and developing new skills in the process (LO2).
Evidence of initiating and planning a CAS experience (LO3).
Evidence of commitment and perseverance in CAS experiences (LO4).
Evidence of demonstrating the skills and recognizing the benefits of working collaboratively (LO5).
Evidence of engagement with issues of global significance (LO6).
Evidence of recognizing and considering the ethics of choices and actions (LO7).
Evidence of reflection on significant CAS experiences.
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CAS Project - reflection
I believe our CAS Project, although carried out a bit late - was still a success. The planning stage went rather swiftly, as we have managed to plan everything accordingly to our availability and overall school schedule. During the second stage we have encountered some problems, especially with meeting a few deadlines connected to the project, but in the end everything took place as it should have.
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CAS Project - taking action
making a poster
making an announcement regarding the contest
setting up an email address
collecting and reviewing photos
choosing the winners
delivering prizes
The first step we took in making our project come to life was a poster promoting the contest. It was closely tied to the next stage, which was making an announcement regarding the photo contest. It outlined the course of our project, its purpose and the necessary steps that one needed to take in order to participate.
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We have also created an email address to which the contestants could send their most interesting photos taken during the winter break. We have received messages from our colleagues and between the 25th and 27th of February we have chosen 5 most interesting photos. The last step after selecting the winners was the delivery of prizes, which we had carried out on the 28th of February.
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CAS Project - planning
Near the end of January my group and I got together to plan everything regarding our CAS Project. At first we were not sure how to approach this topic, but after giving it some thought we have decided on organising a photo contest for our school's community. The main theme would be the winter break, therefore we planned everything so that our colleagues could send their photos up to the 25th of February. Then the winners were to be chosen and prizes distributed.
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February Creativity
On the 26th of February I made a pizza and later helped my mom in making a cheesecake.
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February Service
On the 21st of February my friends and I took part in Habitat For Humanity's activity in their Empty Spaces programme through our school's HFH group. We were tasked with helping in a few fields, such as wall painting or laying panels on the floor. As a matter of fact, it was my first time laying panels, and after a few mistakes I began to understand the process and continued with no further obstacles. We have spent around 6-7 hours on the job, and I feel great about putting my piece into creating affordable and accessible living spaces.
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February Activity
During the first week of winter holidays I went for a trip to Slovakia with my family. There, on the 13-15 of February I have skied on the slopes of Chopok.
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February Activity
On the 11-12.02 weekend together with my scout group we went on a weekend camping in Silesian Beskids to take part in Zimowa Watra Wędrownicza. It is a yearly scouting event that has been taking place for the last 20 years, and this year it attracted almost 300 people. In order to reach the meeting place we had to hike from a bus stop in Wapienica to Błatnia (roughly 12 GOT points). We have also decided to climb the peak itself while there, went sledging, slept in our tents after a few hours by the campfire, and came back the next day using the same way, bringing our overall trip to over 22 GOT points.
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February Creativity
As I have planned in late November, during the second weekend of February I began shooting my second roll of film. I took my Zenit camera on a weekend camping trip with my scout group and later on winter holidays to Slovakia. I have finished the whole roll in just under two weeks after a Service activity in Warsaw, and took both of my rolls to get them developed. Most of the photos came out great, with the exception of two rushed ones, and I am happy that my skills are good enough to consistently take nice photos.
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January Service Extra
On the 27th of January I took part in Habitat For Humanity's Empty Spaces initiative. As a part of their programme, HFH receives vacant, neglected flats, renovates them and redistributes them to people in need, who would not be able to get a flat on regular market prices. In order to finalise the renovated flat my group was tasked with assembling furniture and doing some painting touch-ups around the flat. We've spent a few hours there, doing our work while being accompanied by music. I am a big supporter of this initiative, as providing affordable living spaces is crucial, and I know I helped and contributed towards this goal.
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January Creativity
In January I did a bit of detailing on a few models including the wz.34 armoured car - I made missing grab handles from copper wire, improved some details on the tools and accessories, and finished the assembly of smaller parts like rims and tires. I also spent some time collecting reference photos for the painting stage, mainly the camouflage pattern.
I have also tried to recreate rust buildups on spare tracks on one of my older models to get a better understanding of pigments and their mechanics.
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January Service
On the 23rd of January my Scout group and I helped in organising and assisting throughout the celebrations of 160 Anniversary of the January Uprising of 1863-1864 held in Warsaw's Citadel. We were responsible for maintaining the parking spaces, assisting visitors and guiding them to the site of celebrations through a side-gate.
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January Activity
On the 16th of January I went for a walk to a nearby forest
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January Service
On the 7th of January me and a few other members of my scout group took place in an initiative called Paczka dla Powstańca, which focuses on the Warsaw Uprising. It is organised every year by the Warsaw Uprising Museum in cooperation with different charities, agencies, and companies in Warsaw, and revolves around creating care packages and delivering them to survivors and participants of the Warsaw Uprising in the few days preceding Christmas. Last year unfortunately it got delayed and it had to be postponed to early January, but it did finally take place. We were assigned to deliver six packages to different places in Warsaw, and we managed to complete our task in just 2.5 hours.
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January Creativity
On the 7th of January I baked an apple pie.
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