hola reina te puedo pedir uno de matias recalt en donde haya consumo de marihuana?? si no queres esta todo bien pero me haria ilusion, me encantan tus escritos
HOLA HERMOSA !! Perdón por haber tardado tanto pero aca esta!! Gracias por la request, me super insipiraste jajsj.
𝜗𝜚⊹ ‧₊˚ slow down
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synopsis: Matias pasa a buscarte para ir a fumar en pos de celebrar buenas noticias, sin embargo no es lo unico por lo que va a terminar celebrando.
pairings: Matias Recalt x reader
content: SMUT! car sex, uso de drogas, marihuana, alcohol,breeding, fingering, blowjob, sobre estimulacion, dirty talk
word count: 7,2k jeje
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Esto ya se habia convertido una costumbre; donde Matías te pasaba a buscar a horas intempestivas para ir hasta la reserva natural de la costanera en su auto, siempre estacionando donde la vista es mejor para pasar un par de horas ahí y compartir un porro mientras esperan para ver el amanecer. No suena como un gran plan, pero son las noches que más esperas. Y esta es una de esas noches.
Estabas en la cama, el ventilador girando arriba tuyo intentando apaciguar las grandes oleadas de calor del mes de enero. El verano en la ciudad de buenos aires era el infierno en tierra. Te estabas revolviendo en la cama contra las sábanas delgadas que causaban mas calor del que creias posible que podia existir luchando contra el insomnio veraniego en donde los dias siempre terminaban en noches calurosas y pegajosas; las peores en tu opinion.
Podias sentir la ligera capa de sudor cubriendote, haciéndote sentir sucia, el ventilador haciendo poco para aliviar la pesadez del clima. -miraste el reloj despertador junto a tu cama por lo que se sentia como la centésima vez, y viste cómo pasaba de la 1:43 a la 1:44. Gracias a Dios es viernes; no estás de humor para levantarte en las próximas 4 horas y prepararte para ir a trabajar con una o dos horas de sueño. Tu horario de sueño ya estaba completamente desordenado y planeabas aprovechar ese fin de semana para intentar arreglarlo. Es justo ahí cuando escuchaste el "ping" de tu teléfono, iluminando el pequeño rincón de tu habitación con el mensaje de texto de Matías.
Holis consegui el papel, ¿venis a celebrar?
Te tapaste la boca con una sonrisa antes de abrir el chat.
Obviamente él sabia que estabas despierta, despues de todo era el quien se ocupo de arruinar tu horario de sueño llevándote a estas escapaditas a altas horas de la noche.
Sin embargo agradeciste internamente la invitación de Matías, hubieras estado dispuesta a inventar cualquier excusa para salir de tu calurosa casa. Tu respuesta fue rápida, y esperabas que no pareciera demasiado desesperada.
"obvio que si, ¿me pasas a buscar?"
Matias tardo un poco más en responder; probablemente estaba preparando sus cosas, llenando sus bolsillos de papelillos y de marihuana. No te sorprendería si se olvidara de traer un encendedor. Podrías contar con los dedos de las manos todas las veces que Matías te había invitado a fumar y se había olvidado de llevar uno. La última vez que se habian juntado, su encendedor se rompió y no habia traido uno de repuesto. Por lo que creiste conveniente recordárselo, porque seguramente ya habia fumado y su memoria no era la mejor cuando estaba drogado.
"acordate de llevar dos encendedores"
"que no nos vaya a pasar lo de la otra vez !!"
"(que no TE vaya a pasar)"
Y no pudiste evitar sentir una pequeña emoción cuando viste el texto debajo de su foto de perfil que te indicaba que estaba escribiendo.
"Jajsjsa, andate a cagar"
"te aviso cuando esté abajo."
Sonreíste ante su respuesta. Estabas segura de que se habia olvidado por completo.
Sin mas preambulos te levantaste de la cama, caminaste hacia el espejo que estaba colgado atras de tu puerta y te observaste. Las ojeras alrededor de tus ojos, y tu pelo desordenado definitivamente delataban tu lucha por conciliar el sueño. Tras ver eso corriste a darte una ducha rápida para refrescarte y al menos estar presentable antes de que él llegara. Te pusiste una musculosa blanca y un par de shorts que ni siquiera recordabas haber comprado. Todavía hacía calor afuera, así que no llevaste una campera ya que estos encuentros generalmente solian durar un par de horas y era cuando comenzaba a refrescar, pero no lo suficiente como para llevar un abrigo, ¿verdad? El auto de Matías llegó antes de que pudieras decidirte.
El claxon te hizo correr escaleras abajo, casi tropezandote al bajar. No pudiste evitar sentirte emocionada, podias sentir que había una gran y estúpida sonrisa en tu rostro. Aun así, no encontraste razones para borrarla, estaban por verse para salir a festejar que matias habia conseguido el papel, era razon suficiente para estar sonriendl. Justo antes de abrir la puerta, te revisaste una vez más: llaves, billetera, teléfono y encendedor. Por las dudas.
Con tus zapatos apenas puestos, cerraste la puerta atras tuyo y corriste por el patio delantero. El aire nocturno se sintió maravilloso y lo recibiste mientras golpeaba tu pelo todavia mojado. Lo sentiste refrescandote y de repente estuviste contenta de haber decidido no traer un abrigo, despues de tantos días de calor este aire fresco se sentia fenomenal.
Pudiste ver el perfil de Matías a través de la ventana del pasajero y casi jadeaste. Su cabello estaba tirado descuidadamente hacia atrás, algunos mechones sueltos enmarcando ligeramente su cara. La luz de los faroles hacian un buen trabajo iluminando su mandíbula, y te preguntaste si realmente era el aire frío lo que causaba los escalofríos.
Esperabas que el color rojo en tus mejillas desapareciera antes de subirte al auto, querias ahorrarte las burlas de parte de tu amigo.
"Hola" dijiste alargando la "a" al entrar al auto, tu sonrisa de oreja a oreja mientras te acomodabas en el asiento para depositar un suave beso en la mejilla del castaño.
Él se inclinó hacia adelante y agarró el abrigo que estaba sobre el asiento del pasajero, tirandolo hacia atrás antes de que subieras. "Hola nena!!" te dijo con una sonrisa ladeada "mira que día festivo te clave ehh." Su habla salió un poco arrastrada; si no te habías dado cuenta ya por el olor en el auto, te dabas cuenta por su voz que ya estaba drogado, o al menos contentito. Te preguntabas qué pensarían tus padres si te hubieran visto ahi, en el auto del porrero de la facu yendo a fumar y a beber alcohol barato. Pero si no se enteran no les va a molestar.
"No es un día festivo, Matías. Deja de buscar excusas para fumar." dijiste riendote "Quiero que me cuentes TODO, como te llamaron que te dijeron que tenes que hacer." empezaste a hablar mientras te abrochabas el cinturon.
Conocías a Matías desde hacia ya bastante tiempo. Estuvieron en la misma secundaria sin embargo sus interacciones no comenzaron hasta que empezaron la universidad. Él se te acercó cuando mientras estudiabas para un examen. No era algo tan importante, pero siempre te estresabas y te ponias frenética dos semanas antes de cualquier examen. Matías no era tonto y habia notado eso, porque te ofrecio algunos consejos para tranquilizarte, por así decirlo.
Una cosa llevó a la otra, y de repente estabas en su habitación, con un bong en una mano y un encendedor en la otra. Empezaste a visitarlo más y más, quedándote por períodos cada vez más largos, hasta el punto en que habian dias que te quedabas a dormir, no siempre consumias porque tampoco te encantaba fumar, pero si disfrutabas de su presencia.
Cabe aclarar, desaprobaste el examen.
"Bueno che pero me estoy portando bien! Ahora decidí que solo voy a fumar en días festivos". Qué mentiroso. Hubieras apostado todo tu sueldo a que esa regla no le iba a durar mucho.
"Matías, si solo fumaras en días festivos, eso significaria que todos los dias de tu vida son festivos". Se metió entre los dos y subió el volumen de la música, chase atlantic sonaba dentro del auto.
"Y bueno, hay que festejar que estamos vivos" Se rió a tu lado, quitando una mano del volante para pasarte una cajita, empujándola contra tu hombro.
"Deja de reclamarme y abrí tu regalo".
Con una mirada confundida en tu rostro, la tomaste. Era larga pero pequeña, y estaba envuelta en una cinta que él había atado en un pequeño moño en la parte superior.
"¿Qué es esto?" Él estaba sonriendo como un nene chiquito.
"Si te fuera a decir entonces no lo hubiera envuelto, tarada", te dijo con un tono burlesco, y una amplia sonrisa en su rostro, "Dale, abrilo"
Y así desataste el pequeño lazo, la cinta se deslizó fácilmente de la caja. Levantaste la tapa y adentro había un porro enrollado de manera desordenada reposando sobre un pequeño almohadoncito de terciopelo. Rodaste los ojos.
"¿Posta envolviste un porro en papel de regalo?" dijiste burlandote.
Matias te miró, los ojos alternando entre tu rostro y la caja. "Ves que sos una forra, ni un gracias me decis..." dijo fingiendo estar ofendido. "Si sos tan desagradecida me lo quedo yo." Intentó agarrar el porro de tus manos, pero fuiste más rápida.
"Menos mal que no te dedicas a robar porque te cagas de hambre, no me podes ni sacar un porro de la mano." El castaño fingió estar herido antes de volver su atención a la carretera.
"Es culpa de la marihuana, hace que mis reacciones sean mas lentas."
"No me digas eso cuando estás manejando el auto, boludo", exclamaste.
"Ay nena. Vos sabes que manejé mucho mas drogado y nunca choqué."
Eso era mentira. ¿Se olvidó que estabas en el auto con él cuando chocó contra el auto de adelante? Tu mama no habia estado muy contenta cuando se entero, pero eras grande ahora; y no podía prohibirte verlo.
"Matias yo estaba con vos esa vez que chocaste contra el auto de un tipo que después te quería cagar a trompadas ¿O te olvidaste de eso?" Le recordaste.
"Bueno pero eso no cuenta. El flaco estaba frenando de golpe, se la buscó. Tuvo suerte de que yo no estaba con ganas de pelear."
"¿No estabas con ganas de pelear? Más bien estabas cagado." Te burlabas de Matías todo el tiempo por eso, pero para ser honesta siempre te sentías segura cuando él manejaba.
Bueno, sí, manejaba cuando estaba fumado, pero había fumado tanto a lo largo de su vida que parecía 100 veces más capaz que cuando estaba sobrio. Confiabas en él con tu vida, para la desgracia de tus papás.
"Y si boluda, ¿vos te acordas del tipo ese? ¡Era alto y estaba armado como si fuera un patovica! Nunca empiezo una pelea que sé que voy a perder. Soy más inteligente, no más fuerte, así sobreviví hasta ahora." Te reías, una sonrisa se te dibujaba en los labios cada vez que lo escuchabas hablar "Bueno, segui así y mira a la ruta cuando manejas."
Medio porro, tres birras cada uno y media hora de viaje en auto después, llegaron a la costanera. Eran poco más de las 3 am y el horizonte tenía un ligero tinte azul claro, una señal de que el sol pronto traería un nuevo día.
El aire era refrescante y llenaba tus pulmones mientras comenzabas a sentir como todos tus musculos empezaban a relajarse producto de la marihuana haciendo efecto en tu sistema nervioso. El calor parecía haberse ido y ahora el frío se instalaba en tus huesos haciéndote pensar en subir la ventana y en por qué no te habias traido ese abrigo. Matías debió haber notado cómo temblabas porque subió la ventanilla desde los controles en su lado.
"Gracias. ¿Estás pendiente de mí?" dijiste mirandolo a los ojos con una suave sonrisa.
"Siempre". Era verdad, siempre lo estaba.
Debía ser tarde, porque desde la última vez que escucharon al locutor en la radio habian pasado al menos cinco canciones. Ahora los débiles sonidos de clásicos de los 90 se filtraban por los parlantes uno tras otro. Un ruido de fondo perfecto para fumar a esas horas de la noche. Apoyaste tu cabeza contra el asiento y cerraste los ojos disfrutando la sensación de tus músculos volviéndose ligeros.
"Ya son casi las 4:20, ¿cómo vamos a celebrar?"
Matías preguntó sobre el sonido de la radio.
"No sé, ¿como siempre? Fumamos, tomamos, hablamos boludeces y despues vamos a comprar una happy meal." Giraste la cabeza hacia él. "¿Qué podría ser mejor que eso?"
Cogerte en el asiento trasero de su auto mientras fumaban un porro. Eso definitivamente superaría cualquier happy meal de McDonald's. Pensó, pero no lo dijo.
"Me parece perfecto." Dijo Matías aunque preferiria tenerte a su merced en el asiento de atras.
Te pasó el porro que había fumado hasta la mitad y observó como te lamiste los labios antes de deslizarlo entre ellos y tomar una profunda bocanada.
Matías siempre pensó que lucías mejor cuando estabas drogada. La hierba parecía hacer brillar tu piel, creando un cierto aspecto rosado en tus mejillas. Tus ojos siempre lucían más brillantes también, húmedos y un poco vidriosos. Se imaginaba que así era exactamente como te veías cuando estabas caliente, y no estaba equivocado.
Desde que empezaste a fumar, te habias dado cuenta que te ponía un poco más cachonda de lo habitual. No sabías qué te pasaba; era como si encendiera un interruptor adentro tuyo y tus sentidos se agudizaban. Te volvías un poco necesitada y un poco cariñosa, y definitivamente te mojabas mas que cuando estabas sobria. Y cuando estás con Matías fumando? Dios... Apenas dos porros y todo lo que ese hombre tenía que hacer era mirarte para ponerte como una perra en celo.
Tenías la sensación de que Matías sentia lo mismo, pero en todo este tiempo que habias estado haciendo esto con él, nunca habia dado el primer paso. Empezabas a pensar que tal vez no sentia lo mismo, ¿o estaba esperando a que seas vos la que daba el primer paso?
Bueno, apenas habías fumado medio porro y tomado tres cervezas. Pero capaz que otro porro y medio y dos cervezas más te iban a dar la valentia para encararlo.
El tiempo parecía volar. Matías te estaba contando una historia sobre una chica a la que le vendía marihuana en la universidad y cómo ella se ofreció a hacerle una mamada para pagarsela. Él le dijo que no era por ser desagradecido, pero que necesitaba el dinero. Una mamada hubiera sido genial y todo, explicó el castaño, pero no era lo que estaba buscando. En algún momento entre mencionar una mamada y algo sobre ser abofeteado por la chica mencionada anteriormente, dejaste de prestar atención. La cerveza y el porro ya te habian afectado, pero se mezclaban con algo más peligroso. No podías evitar que tus ojos se desviaran hacia sus labios, viéndolos formar palabras a las que no estabas prestando atención y preguntándote qué tan suaves se sentirían entre los tuyos. Luego tu mirada comenzó a bajar y ahora recién te diste cuenta de que estaba usando pantalones de jogging grises; por lo que podias ver contorno de su pene desde tu posición en el auto, haciendo que tus pensamientos se aceleraran.
"¿Me estas escuchando?" dijo matias cuando se dio cuenta que habias dejado de prestar atención.
No sabías por qué lo decías, pero no hubo forma de evitar que la pregunta saliera de tus labios.
"¿Te puedo chupar la pija?" Solo te diste cuenta de lo que habías dicho cuando volviste a mirar a Matías. Sus ojos estaban abiertos de par en par y parecía confundido.
Él simplemente se quedó allí, con la boca ligeramente abierta mientras procesaba lo que acababas de decirle. ¿Te había escuchado bien? No, seguro habia sido el efecto de la hierba jugandole una mala pasada. Aun así, tenía esperanzas y continuó, "¿Qué?"
Mierda, realmente acababas de decir eso. Pensaste en formas de recuperarte de esto, pero no había forma de que tu cerebro pudiera inventar algo que tuviera sentido. No habia vuelta atras, asi que continuaste, "La oferta no va a durar mucho más." Un nudo comenzó a formarse en tu garganta y tu boca se secó.
Matías empujó su asiento hacia atrás y dejó que sus ojos ligeramente enrojecidos te miraran fijamente, pasando su lengua por su labio inferior mientras su mirada recorría tu cuerpo antes de posarse en tus ojos. Pensabas que no se habia dado cuenta de cómo tus muslos se tensaron cuando el borde de su camiseta se levanto un poco con el movimiento, pero sí lo habia notado, y estaba disfrutando de la forma en que estabas retorciéndote a su lado. Se preguntaba si ya estabas mojada y si esa humedad estaba comenzando a manchar todo el asiento abajo tuyo.
Se preguntaba cuánto tiempo habías querido hacerle esa pregunta. ¿Fue desde que estacionó en la costanera, o mientras estaban en camino? Tal vez incluso antes de eso. ¿Podría haber comenzado cuando te envió un mensaje de texto? ¿O quizás habias tenido este sentimiento durante mucho tiempo, desde cuando solían pasar tiempo juntos en su habitación compartiendo un porro y jugando juegos de mesa? Tal vez, solo tal vez...
Mientras Matías pensaba, definitivamente disfrutaba de verte entrar en pánico. Se aseguró de que estuvieras mirando cuando llevó el porro a sus labios, humedeciéndolos antes de tomar una calada. Respiró profundamente, dejando que el humo llenara sus pulmones. Pudiste ver el extremo del porro brillar, ardiendo en un ámbar profundo.
Cuando Matías exhaló, estuvo velado por el humo; parecía un poco intimidante, sus ojos nunca se apartaron de los tuyos, y podías darte cuenta que estaba pensando en decir algo.
¿Dale? ¿Eso era todo lo que iba a decir? ¿No iba a cuestionarlo? Bueno. Ambos podían jugar ese juego.
Sin apartar la mirada de él, tus dedos fríos se deslizaron por el borde de su pantalón, él respiro entre dientes por el contacto repentino. Fue entonces cuando te diste cuenta de que no llevaba ropa interior, obvio que no, era Matías. Sacaste su miembro de sus pantalones viendo como ya estaba erecto, retorciendose ante tu fresco contacto. Casi jadeaste al verlo y tus muslos se tensaron. Sentiste como una vena prominente a lo largo de la parte inferior se hinchaba bajo tus dedos.
Delicadamente envolviste tus dedos alrededor de su eje y lo llevaste hacia tu boca, tu lengua rozando su punta y dejando que tu cálido aliento lo acaricie. Matías sabia que lo estabas provocando e hizo todo lo posible para no levantar la pelvis y follarte la boca, manteniendo sus ojos en los tuyos. No te iba a dejar ganar.
Sentiste cómo tu compostura comenzaba a flaquear cuando viste la punta goteante de Matías, y no pudiste evitar lamerla con lentitud. Él inhaló una bocanada entre dientes cuando sintio tu lengua, y cuando levantaste la vista, te encontraste con su mirada fija, incitándote con sus ojos.
Cuando saboreaste a Matías en tu lengua, no pudiste evitar succionarlo ligeramente hacia tu boca. Tenia un sabor un poco dulce, sin duda por la hierba que corria por sus venas. Cediste ante su miembro bastante fácilmente, ansiosa por sentir su pene llenando tu garganta. Tu boca se hundio en él lentamente mientras ahuecabas tus mejillas. Pudiste sentir como la saliva se acumulaba en tu boca y cubria su pene dandole un leve brillo. Matias gimió ante la sensacion e inclinó la cabeza hacia atrás, sus manos se hicieron puños a los costados del asiento. Sus gemidos y jadeos fueron los que te incentivaron a moverte y antes de que pudieras darte cuenta estabas subiendo y bajando tu cabeza con un buen ritmo.
Su pene era fino y largo, su punta golpeaba el fondo de tu garganta, cosa que hizo que tuvieras que separarte para retomar el aliento viendo como un jilo de saliva unia tus labios con su bombeante pene. Sus dedos se entrelazaron rapidamente al rededor de tu pelo, guiando tu boca de regreso a su pene.
"Dios nena, no me dejes asi, seguí por favor."
Sentiste tus rodillas temblar ante sus palabras y sin mas dilacion lo tomaste de nuevo dentro de tu boca.
Gemidos salian de tu boca y matias no podia creer que todo esto estuviera pasando, no entraba en su cabeza como podia tenerte wntre sus piernas chupandole la pija en su auto, por un momento pensó que estaba soñando. Sus caderas comenzaron a moverse hacia arriba, penetrando tu boca y haciendote tener algunas arcadas que no detuvieron tu labor. Sus dedos apretaban cada vez mas fuerte tu cabello hasta que en un momento, decidio tirar de ellos apartandote de su pene.
"Ah, mierda- si no te sacaba me iba a correr." dijo jadeando
Tratasgw de recuperar el aliento, ya sabias que posiblemente estabas hecha un desastre, sentias tu cabello pegado en tu rostro cubierto de saliva, la piel enrojecida y las lágrimas en tus pestañas. Pero él todavía te miraba como si estuvieras hecha de polvo de hadas.
"Vení para aca." musitó
Antes de que tu cerebro tenga tiempo de enviar ordenes a tu cuerpo, Matías se inclinó hacia adelante atrayendote hacia él, sus brazos rodeando tu pequeña espalda mientras te acercaba imposiblemente mas a su cuerpo, pecho contra pecho. Su boca se poso sobre la tuya inmediatamente, su lengua pasando por tus labios y metiéndose en tu boca. Podias sentir la tensión de su mandíbula contra la tuya y sus palpitaciones apresuradas contra tus manos sobre su pecho.
El momento era embriagador; podias saborear el dulce sabor de Matías en tu boca y su miembro presionando contra tu intimidad dejandote deseando mas. Simplemente no era suficiente.
Casi como si él hubiera leido tu mente, sentiste el leve roce de los dedos de Matías mientras jugando con el borde de tu musculosa. Sus dedos siempre habian sido fríos y gemiste ante la repentina sensación, gimiendo en su boca mientras sus dedos se deslizaban debajo de la tela, recorriendo la piel cálida de tu torso. Su toque provocó un escalofrío que provoco que tu piel se erizara.
Mierda, te sentías como una colegiala a punto de tener su primera vez. Ya lo habías hecho antes, pero nunca con Matías. Las mariposas revoloteaban en tu estómago por la forma en que te tocaba, y había algo en la forma en que te hablaba que te llenaba de nervios.
Sus dedos acariciando la suave carne de tus pechos te sacaron de tus pensamientos. Sentiste que la respiración de Matías se detenía, y ahí fue cuando recordaste que no estabas usando sostén. Abajo tuyo, tu amigo se rió para sí mismo por su pequeño descubrimiento. Sus pulgares pasaron sobre tus pezones endurecidos y, mierda, ¿habías estado sin sostén todo este tiempo? ¿Sentada junto a él, con los pechos desnudos rozando la tela de tu remera? Matias no pudo evitar preguntarse si tu coño estaba igual de desnudo y su corazón se aceleró ante la idea. Su sistema lleno de sustancias simplemente no podía con ello, y empezó a moverse hacia vos para averiguarlo.
"¿Sin sostén?" Matías susurró contra tu cuello, pudiste sentir el roce de sus labios contra tu piel, una sonrisa traviesa se extendio por su rostro. "¿Lo hiciste a propósito?"
Matías se rió contra tu cuello cuando tus muslos se contrajeron alrededor de él ante sus palabras. Por supuesto que era para él. Todo lo que hacías lo era.
Observaste cómo sus ojos, enrojecidos y vidriosos, caían sobre tus manos mientras tus dedos recorrian su piel hundiéndose ligeramente en esta y definitivamente notó tus escalofríos cuando tus manos encontraron su abdomen duro y, si ya de por si su ego no era lo suficientemente grande, definitivamente lo era ahora. ¿Lo habías deseado tanto como él te había deseado?
Fue entonces cuando Matías te miró, llevando el porro a sus labios resecos y tomando una larga calada, sosteniéndo el humo en su boca mientras se expandia en su garganta y pulmones. Desearías poder ver sus pensamientos en este momento; matarías por saber qué estaba pasando en esa mente nublada suya.
Después de lo que pareció una eternidad, finalmente soltó el humo y lo sopló sobre tu figura medio desnuda, envolviéndote en un suave halo de humo, con los ojos aún clavados en los tuyos como si estuviera esperando tu próximo movimiento.
El silencio de Matías te puso ansiosa. No podías decir si estaba disfrutando de la vista o pensando en cambiar de opinión. La mezcla de la marihuana corriendo por tus venas y los nervios que creaba la mirada de Matías te hizo sentir un poco mareada y nerviosa, así que le preguntaste.
"¿Me das una pitada?" Tenías una sonrisa coqueta en el rostro, un destello travieso en tus ojos mientras tu mano se aventuraba un poco más abajo. ¿Cómo podría decir que no?
Con una sonrisa ladeada, las palabras de Matías salieron lentas y un poco arrastradas mientras raspaban al pasar por sus labios. Siempre te había encantado lo ronca y áspera que se ponía su voz cuando estaba fumado. Nunca dejaba de hacer que tu conchita se mojara.
"Obvio hermosa." Sus manos apretaron más fuerte tus muslos antes de que llevara el porro a tus labios.
Recordó la primera vez que habian fumado juntos.
Nunca esperó que dijeras que sí, pero estaba muy, muy contento de que lo hicieras.
Fue cuando eras bastante inexperta. Ambos estaban en su habitacion, tu mente nebulosa por el consumo de marihuana. Era adorable lo exaltada que te ponías, riendote por cualquier cosa que él dijera o hiciera y haciendo chistes malos que solamente vos encontrarías absolutamente hilarantes. Pero tambien empezaste a volverte audaz, tus manos agarrando su mandíbula para acercarlo para pedir otro porro. Matias recordaba muy bien como tus labios se acercaban hasta que estuvieron casi rozando los suyos, prácticamente suplicando ser besados; pero nunca lo hizo, mas que nada porque no sabia si estabas en tus cabales. Pero se lo pusiste difícil.
La marihuana te ponia mas cariñosa y necesitada a medida que pasaba la noche. Agarrabas el cuello de Matías para acercarlo y susurrarle cosas al oído. Tan cerca que podía sentir tu aliento caliente contra su piel, tus labios presionando ligeramente contra su oreja. Matías apostaba a que tus labios sabrían deliciosos con tu brillo labial de cereza mezclado con el dulce sabor de la marihuana.
Sabia que iba a ser difícil para él detenerse, así que nunca comenzó. Pero con el pasar del tiempo, ibas cada vez más a su casa, y pronto ya no eras tan inexperta.
Dejaste de estar tan exaltada y necesitada a medida que desarrollabas tu tolerancia, incluso eras capaz de manejar un porro entero vos sola. Matías casi estaba orgulloso de lo lejos que habías llegado, pero eso significaba no más mimitos y no más trenzas en el cabello. Estaría mintiendo si dijera que no lo iba a extrañar.
Así que podías imaginarte lo emocionado que estaba en ese momento mientras te restregabas contra él, tan necesitada como las primeras veces que habias fumado, tu coño cubierto frotándose contra su miembro desnudo y palpitante haciendo un desastre en tus shorts.
Los dedos de Matías rodearon tu mandíbula, el pulgar pasando por tus labios incitandolos a abrirse. Lo unico que tuvo que hacer fue meter la punta de su dedo dentro para ver cómo tu boca lo recibia, tu lengua girando alrededor de su dígito. Te acercó un poco más, lo suficiente para mantenerte queriendo más mientras exhalaba, envolviéndote en una nube de humo.
Lo inhalaste y lo sentiste ir directo a tu cabeza, mareandote y haciéndote sentir tan ligera como el aire.
Joder, lo habías extrañado. No pudiste evitar la forma en que tus caderas se movieron hacia él mientras lo hacía de nuevo con su lengua sumergiéndose en tu boca esta vez.
"Mirate. Tan desesperada por tenerme adentro, ¿eh?" Dios, Matías sabia que te morías por él, y nada podía calmar tu hambre excepto su pene llenándote por completo. Cada vez estabas mas impaciente, pero antes de que tuvieras tiempo de tonar cartas en el asunto, sentiste los dedos errantes del castaño rozando tu entrepierna cubierta. La tela de tus shorts y de tus panties formando una especie de barrera y sentiste la necesidad de sentir esos largos dedos profundamente dentro tuyo, sentias que si pasabas un minuto mas sin ser follada ibas a estallar.
Sus dedos frotaron circulos sobre la tela por encima de tu clitoris y sentiste como tu ropa interior se empapaba bajo sus dedos.
"Matías, necesito tus dedos adentro." El simplemente se burló de lo desesperada que estabas y le encantó el hecho de tenerte suplicando encima suyo.
"¿No vas a decir por favor?" Matías podía ser un tarado a veces, pero hoy no estabas en condiciones de responder con algo inteligente, tu cerebro era un lío confuso y todo en lo que podías pensar era en Matías y sus dedos y su pene y cuánto lo necesitabas. Así que simplemente te rendiste, ni siquiera intentaste ser un poco sutil al respecto.
"Ugh, por favor, por favor. Cogeme con tus dedos, por favor." gemiste retorciéndote bajo el su toque, el cual simplemente no era suficiente.
"No puedo si tenes esos shorts puestos."
Obedeciendo a sus deseos, te sacaste los shorts sin rechistar, deseando que esa fastidiosa capa de tela ya no estuviera ahí. El castaño gimio debajo tuyo al ver lo que tenía adelante.
Tenías puesta ropa interior gris, y el color hacía que tu humedad fuera visible para Matías, quien no pudo evitar pasar su dedo índice a lo largo de tu entrepierna y hasta tu clítoris. La acción te sacó un gemido delicioso, y él tuvo que apartar la mirada de tu entrepierna para mirarte.
Observabas connatencion y anhelo cada movimiento de Matías, viendo como su dedo dibujaba circulos alrededor de tu clítoris, tu ropa interior oscureciéndose a medida que la humedad crecía. Tus caderas empezaron a moverse hacia adelante, desesperada por sentir esa presión que tanto deseabas.
Si Matías hubiera tenido la mente clara y no estuviera tan drogado, te hubiera hecho rogar por ello, te habría hecho esperar hasta que estuvieras al borde de las lágrimas antes de darte lo que querías. Pero él estaba tan desesperado como vos, y su compostura estaba al límite.
Entonces, con una mano, apartó tus panties hacia un lado, y un gemido gutural se te escapó cuando sentiste las yemas de los dedos del chico deslizarse entre tus pliegues. Sus dedos esparcieron tu humedad hasta tu clítoris, y despues, tal como había prometido, metio uno dentro de tu coño. Jadeaste mientras sentias como su dedo se colaba entre tus paredes, y soltaste un gemido de alivio que no sabias que estabas conteniendo.
"Mirate bebé. ¿Estas tan mojadita por mí?" Sí. Todo era para él. Siempre lo había sido y siempre lo sería. Tus interiores succionaban su dedo profundamente, apretandose contra sus nudillos, enviando olas de excitacion directamente a su polla palpitante. No podias esperar para que reemplazara sus dedos con su pene. El simple pensamiento de matias cogiendote duro hizo que tus rodillas temblaran con anticipacion.
Su dedo medio se unió a su dedo anular dentro tuyo, y movió su muñeca para posicionarse mejor para poder mover sus dedos a un ritmo más rápido. No tardo mucho en establecer un ritmo que te huzo temblar hasta el alma, y tuviste que extender las manos contra la -ya empañada- ventana. Con cada embestida tus yemas golpeaban ese punto dentro tuyo y justo cuando creias que era demasiado subio su otra mano a tu intimidad para frotar tu clitoris.
Sentiste la conocida sensacion de placer acumulandose en tu centro y antes de que tu cerebro pudiera procesarlo, te estabas corriendo contra sus dedos, tus piernas temblando y tus labios soltando gemidos con su nombre contra su cuello.
"¡D-dios, Matías!" exclamaste, tus uñas clavandose en su antebrazo.
"Shhh. Tranquila, aca estoy." Matías sintió cómo te apretabas alrededor de sus dedos después de haberte corrido, sin embargo retiro sus dedos de tu interior y se los llevo a la boca, gimiendo al rededor de ellos. "No puedo esperar más, bebé. Necesito estar adentro tuyo."
Antes de que tuvieras tiempo de calmarte de tu clímax volviona apartar tu rompa interior hacia un lado y alineó su polla con tu entrada. Lentamente, te hundiste en él.
Gimieron juntos mientras lo tomaste lentamente en tu coño, centímetro a centímetro. Podías sentir esa vena prominente sobresaliendo contra tus paredes, y tus interiores se apretaron ante la sensación.
Una vez que Matías estuvo completamente dentro tuyo, tu cuerpo comenzó a moverse por sí solo, desesperada por sentirlo. Empezaste a moverte hacia abajo, pero él agarró tus caderas para detener tus movimientos, manteniendote quieta encima suyo. Sus ojos estaban cerrados y su ceño fruncido, por lo que te preocupaste. "Mati? Estas bien?" dijiste pasando tus manos por su rostro, quitando el cabello que cubria sus hermosas facciones.
"Si gorda... pero si te moves tan enseguida me voy a correr... Deja, deja que me concentre."
Te reiste por lo bajo y empezaste a dejar un camino de besos desde la comisura de sus labios hasta su cuello, de vez en cuando algunos gemidos ahogados salian de tu boca, necesitabas moverte pero entendias que tenias que darle su tiempo, despues de todo sabias que la marihuana agudizaba todos los sentidos y esto no era excepcion.
"Matías, por favor, no sé cuánto más puedo aguantar.". rogaste en un jadeo que hicieron tido lo ckntrario a ayudarlo a que se concentre. La marihuana tampoco ayudó; lo volvió aún más sensible a las tus cálidas y húmedas paredes apretandolo.
Estabas arriba de él, con su polla bien dentro tuyo durante lo que pareció una eternidad. Te estabas impacientando un poco y casi comenzás a moverte hasta que lo escuchaste debajo de vos.
"Dale, bebé, movete". Y eso fue todo lo que necesitaste escuchar. Comenzaste a mover tus caderas sobre las suyas, la punta de su polla tocando ese punto tan placentero dentro tuyo. Soltaste un pequeño grito cuando sentiste como sus caderas subian para embestirte un poco.
Una de sus grandes manos estaba en tu cadera, balanceándose de un lado a otro con tus movimientos, mientras la otra sostenía el porro entre sus dedos, ofreciéndotelo después de darle una pitada y soplar el humo sobre tu cuerpo, envolviéndote en una neblina de humo. Mientras tanto, la luz naranja de las farolas afuera te bañaban en un resplandor celestial, suavizando tu piel. Matías se inclino a darte un tierno beso. Carajo, te veías etérea y el sabia que iba a recordar esta imagen para siempre, deseaba poder tatuarselanoara revivirla cuando quisiera.
La forma en que tu cuerpo se movía sobre él lo tenía mirándote con asombro. Juraba que eras un puto ángel enviado a la Tierra solo para él. Parecías estar bañada en una luz que lo rodeaba a el también. Todavía no podía creer que esto estuviera pasando realmente.
Parte de Matías quería darte vuelta y tenerte abajo suyo. Quería levantarte la pierna sobre su hombro y llegar un poco más profundo, la punta rozando ese punto dulce dentro tuyo... pero ¿por qué habría de hacerlo cuando lo estabas haciendo tan bien vos misma? Y él tenía la vista más perfecta desde abajo; podía ver todo, desde tu coño hasta los hilos de tu previo orgasmo acumulandose en la base de su polla, hasta tus tetas perfectas rebotando tan perfectamente frente a él. Ni hablar de tu hermosa cara. Si pudiera personificar la euforia, estaba seguro de que eras vos, con las cejas fruncidas, los ojos cerrados y la boca abierta, todos tus sentidos concentrados en todo lo que era él.
Matías no pudo evitar hablar. Tal vez era la marihuana hablando a traves de él o tal vez eran simplemente sus pensamientos sobrios, pero carajo, no podía mantener la boca cerrada y te volvía loca.
"¿Qué diría tu vieja si te viera ahora, ¿eh? ¿Su perfecta hija fumando porro y montandome en el auto?" Los ojos de Matías estaban oscuros, y te hacían sentir como si estuvieras haciendo algo que no deberías. Te daba mariposas en el estómago y sentías una ola de deseo ir directo a tu coño.
Matías se volvía tan charlatan cuando estaba drogado, y definitivamente había fumado demasiado, así que no había forma de detener las palabras que salían de su boca. Pero Dios, sonaba tan malditamente: su voz se escuchaba ligeramente ronca y quejumbrosa mientras te elogiaba, diciéndote lo bien que lo estabas haciendo, cómo estabas tomando su polla tan bien y montandolo como una puta diosa. Mientras tanto, la punta de su pene latía y se retorcía y golpeaba tan profundo desde este ángulo. El placer era casi insoportable pero se sentia tan bien que deseabas que el momento no se acabara jamas.
El ritmo era crudo, duro y tan jodidamente bueno. Era todo lo que podrías haberte imaginado y sabias que estabas al borde de correrte encima suyo. Ningún pensamiento coherente pasaba por tu mente y sentias que no podías formar palabras, pero Matías entendió. Podía notarlo por la forma en que tus movimientos se volvieron bruscos y por la forma en la que tus caderas titubeaban con cada embestida y tu respiración se volvía rápida, casi erratica. Por lo que comenzo a mover sus caderas, parando las tuyas connun fuerte agarre, empujando adentro tuyo con tanto vigor que sentiste que podrias desmayarte en ese momento.
"Muy bien, nena. Correte para mí dale, correte encima mio." Sus palabras de elogio, cargadas de deseo y teñidas de dulzura, fueron las que te llevaron al borde. Habías tenido muchos orgasmos en tu vida, pero ninguno habia sido como este, no cuando estabas tan drogada y encima de Matías. Se sintió glorioso, sentiste que tocabas las estrellas con las yemas de tus dedos. El orgasmo comenzó desde tu centro, extendiéndose a cada centímetro de ti de adentro hacia afuera. Te sentías sin peso y era como si estuvieras flotando, lo unico que te traia a tierra eran los suaves besos que el castaño estaba presionando sobre tu hombro y el fuerte agarre en tus caderas.
Matías no estaba muy lejos; de hecho, el pulsar de tus paredes lo hizo derramar todo lo que tenía dentro tuyo sin darle tiempo de sacar su polla. Era la marihuana la que lo hacía así, adormecía sus sentidos y hacía que sus músculos se sintieran pesados. Aunque en realidad no era eso en absoluto. Simplemente estaba demasiado atrapado en el momento como para detenerse sacar y correrse en tu panza. ¿Y por qué lo haría cuando estabas tomando pastillas anticonceptivas y te sentías tan bien? Sería un loco si no se corria dentro.
Guturales gemidos lastimeros pasaron por sus labios con cada carga que salía disparada. Tuvo que agarrarse de tus caderas como si ellas fueran a salvarlo mientras su orgasmo parecía arrastrarlo hasta el cielo.
Cuando Matías regresó a la Tierra de golpe, fue como si estuviera envuelto en una manta cálida y acogedora. Sus ojos finalmente parpadearon abiertos, y juró que se encontró con un ángel.
Realmente creyó que había muerto y había ido al cielo.
Ya eran las 5:17 am y ambos estaban de nuevo vestidos, la ligera campera que matias habia tirado anteriormente al asiento trasero -en el cual se encontraban recostados ahora.- te cubria los hombros, protegiendote de la fria brisa matutina. El sol ya comenzaba a asomarse lentamente sobre el horizonte, y Matías apenas comenzaba a sentir cómo la sobriedad lo alcanzaba. Percibió el peso reconfortante de tu cabeza sobre su pecho, tus pestañas y tu respiración suave le hacian cosquillas en la piel.
No puede evitar mirar a su alrededor y recordar con cariño. Las huellas de manos adornan las ventanas, y decide dejarlas allí, como un dulce recordatorio de lo ocurrido en las primeras horas del día. Una sonrisa tierna se dibuja en sus labios al rememorar, recuerdos tenues llenando su mente. Esa noche no solo había conseguido el papel de su vida, sino que también había compartido momentos íntimos con la chica de sus sueños. La vida parecía ser hermosa.
Tus respiracion pacífica lo reconforto mentrias sentia cómo sus párpados se volvian pesados. Antes de ceder al sueño observó con ternura hacia abajo, donde te encontrabas acurrucada junto a él, un ligero rayo de sol iluminando tu piel, y no pudo evitar desear que esta no fuera la última vez.
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Headcanons de Mati Recalt como novio ♡
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౨ৎ MATÍAS RECALT como novio
warnings: ninguno, solo fluff ♡
n/a: gracias por dejar tu request! me ha encantado esa idea. espero que te guste.
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𖦹 le encanta abrazarte por detrás y esconder su cara en tu cuello para dejar pequeños besitos, sobretodo cuando estás haciendo algo como fregar los platos.
𖦹 su pasatiempo favorito es dormir en tu estomago, le encanta tumbarse entre tus piernas y apoyar su cabeza en tu barriga mientras acaricias su pelo.
𖦹 matías no es bueno cocinando, aún así lo intenta por ti, aunque a veces le salgan las cosas quemadas y al final tengáis que pedir comida a domicilio.
𖦹 siempre tratará que te sientes en su regazo, ya sea en público o en privado, le encanta tenerte cerca y sentirte junto a él.
𖦹 tal y como he dicho en lo anterior, no le importa demostrar su amor por ti en público. le da igual lo que los demás piensen y quiere que todo el mundo sepa que eres suya.
𖦹 besos en el cuello, en la frente y en los labios cada vez que quiera demostrarte que te quiere.
𖦹 se pone nervioso cada vez que vais a ver a tus padres, da igual las veces que los haya visto porque siempre va a intentar causar buena impresión como si fuera la primera vez.
𖦹 no puede caminar tranquilo si no va de tu mano, eso tenlo por seguro.
𖦹 llámenme loca pero para mí que mati tiene un gran mommy kink, nada demasiado raro solo que en secreto le gusta que lo trates como a un niño de vez en cuando.
𖦹 te dedicaría canciones de cuco y tocaría canciones de soda stereo para ti con su guitarra.
𖦹 estaría encantado de adoptar un gatito contigo, e incluso te dejaría elegir a ti el nombre.
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a lover’s pinch | masterlist
professor!joel miller x f!reader
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pairing: professor!joel miller x f!reader rating: explicit, 18+ minors dni series summary: a one-night stand with a charming texan turns into something much more thrilling when you discover he is your new college professor. joel miller is entirely off limits. but now that you’ve had a taste, will you be able to keep your hands to yourselves? series warnings/tags: au, university professor joel, age gap [20 something years diff], alcohol consumption, ethically dubious relationship due to inherent power imbalance, explicit smut, angst, secret relationship, joel has both his daughters, joel's profession is very ooc but the core of his personality [grumpy], lore [dilf], mannerisms [being a secret softy] etc etc are all as true to character as my two humble hands can manage. explicit warnings included in each part. main masterlist ziggy's moodboard sil's moodboard
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one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine
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39K notes · View notes
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JOSEPH QUINN as EDDIE MUNSON “papa” 4.08 • stranger things
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“The worst part of writing fiction is the fear of wasting your life behind a keyboard. The idea that, dying, you’ll realize you only lived on paper.”
— Chuck Palahniuk
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'the way we were' masterlist
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18+, minors please do not interact, warnings/tags included for each chapter
I am just using this as a creative outlet, if you happen upon my work and enjoy it, please let me know, that would make my day! Otherwise I am just writing to get ideas out of my head.
If anyone does find this, thank you for checking this out, please cut me some slack, I am in my mid 30s and just figuring out how to use this. Any tips are welcome!
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Paring: Joel x F!Reader, pre-outbreak and post outbreak (no Y/N)
Fic Summary: AU (the only thing I kept was the outbreak, Joel, and Tommy's characters. Joel's backstory is different, and the way he finds Jackson is different. I may include Ellie one day, I just haven't planned that far)
You worked for Joel and Tommy a few months before the outbreak. The outbreak happens, and you and Joel get stuck traveling the country and keeping each other safe. Neither of you spoke about the feelings you had for one another pre-outbreak, and in a post-apocalyptic world, it seems like survival should be your only focus. But feelings can't be ignored forever.
Fic tags: Explicit Smut (18+ MDNI), Smut, Language, Themes of death/depression that can be graphic at times, Canon-Typical Violence, Alcohol Use, Age Difference (Reader is 10 years younger than Joel), slow burn, mutual pining, angst, trauma, SA referencing later but I will put a big warning on those chapters
Status: complete
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Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
* Chapter Eighteen - Extra Scene
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
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Moving Day
credit to @cafekitsune for the dividers
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come over- more twd request for you, daryl and sunshine!reader braiding his hair and him forgetting to take it out before getting to work in the morning
word count: 1k
warnings: soft daryl my beloved, age gap, alexandria era, little suggestive at the end- not exactly as requested, also added some dbf!daryl, quickly proofread
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You giggled as Daryl grunted for at least the hundredth time since he was very cruelly persuaded to take a shower with you, you being there the only thing that was convincing enough to let you wash his hair for him, a deep conditioning only allowed after the promise of letting him kiss you all over while you worked. His hair was longer than it was in the prison, very much so, and with the aid of the hair dryer his hair looked prepped for some fancy advertisement you’d have seen posted on a wall somewhere before.
“Stop that,” you cooed, the cigarette he flicked out the window long forgotten as soon as his eyes landed on you, you were sprawled out on the bed they’d assigned him, all clean and perfect in a shirt that should’ve been his, but he didn’t mind seeing it on you instead. He had half the mind to check if the door was locked again, knowing you shouldn’t be in here, shouldn’t have been in there with him either, but hell what a sight, he’d face whatever reprimand his selfish feelings would earn him for savoring the delicacy that you were. He fiddled again, trying to tuck his hair behind his ear but the softness was unfamiliar, slipping right back and earning another little huff and puff from him. “Come here,” you beckoned, sitting back against the wall, unfolding your legs so he could settle between them.
He was slow in his descent, hesitant, careful as always knowing who you were, who you belonged to, his best friend, your father, fast asleep in the room next door. But he moved still, on his knees in front of you, raking his eyes over your features as the most delicately hopeful smile rested on your lips. You were much less hesitant, gentle hands reaching out to smooth out his hair, the fuzziness from the conditioner making his grunting more understandable.
“Can I braid it for you,” you breathed though you knew he wouldn’t mind, ever the stubborn man that he is, he could never say no to you, never fuss as much as he is used to doing, not with you, it felt wrong to be anything but perfectly agreeable to your every wish and desire. “It’ll be less frizzy,” you had one of those smiles on your face again, like the one that coerced him into the shower, into his room, into his heart.
Now he wasn’t all that excited for the concept of it all, he’d briefly considered an issue coming up in the middle of the night and he’d have to face the dead or the enemy while sporting a braid but selfishly it would mean he’d get to feel your fingers digging through his hair, scraping at his scalp, cooing him in a way he’d only allow from you.
“Alright,” he gave in and he was putty in your hands in an instant, melting down onto his elbows to let you work, eyes full of disbelieved wonder as he watched you and he couldn’t fight himself placing a kiss onto your bare thigh, humming as he stole a few more, looking up at you through his lashes.
“Is this better, baby?” you sighed, performing some sort of magic with the end of his braid to tie it off and make it stay in place, fingers gripping his shoulder to guide him up, bring him closer, humming just the same as he gripped onto your waist. He kissed at your neck, trailed his lips up your jaw, your cheek, pausing as he hovered by your ear as he whispered inaudible praises- you fought a giggle at the softness of him, so unfamiliar yet so natural. “Dar,” you wanted to see him, unhappy with him hiding even as he was so close to you. He kissed the hair above your ear, grunting differently this time, a smug little sound as his hands drifted up your shirt, rough flesh scraping against your silky skin.  
“Yes, sunshine?” he shifted to look at you, not surprised when you cupped his cheeks, brushed your nose against his, and scrunched said nose when he pinched at your sides.
“I love you,” you knew you weren’t allowed to say that out loud, whisper it maybe, draw it in small hearts on his hand when he reached for you in secret, write it on notes to sneak into the pocket of his leather vest but never out loud- it was a dangerous thing to say, to admit, loving him shouldn’t be something you were bold about. “You love me too,” you added, and his brows dipped, he wanted to disagree, remind you that this wasn’t the plan, wasn’t what either of you signed up for but he couldn’t find the words to lie to you. So, he kissed you again, harder, forceful with the softest, gentlest reminder of love. You held onto him tightly, scared he’d leave if you didn’t, brave as you felt him guide you down into the pillows pulling lightly at the material of your shirt.
“Say it again,” he whispered into your mouth and you smiled when he pulled away, looked you over, the heat creeping over your skin, burning against his own and you knew it was crazy to be so caught up in him in the midst of it all. “Again, say it again.”
“You love me,” you dared him he had that smug smile again, tilting his head to demand more. “And I love you,” he hummed, pleased with himself, with you obliging him. “You going to show me how much?” how you managed to say that with such an innocent little expression was beyond him, but he wouldn’t stop giving you what you want now, and never would.
“Let’s hope this braid of yours holds.”
And it did hold, right up to the morning when he'd forgotten he had it in the first place, the night before having much more memorable moments that took root in his head. You were the last one up, making sure to sneak into your room to get some real clothes before going downstairs where you found a blushing Daryl eating a piece of toast. He was the center of attention, jokes coming from all around even from your dad, and your little hairstyle was to blame. His frustration eased ever so slightly when you ever nonchalantly stilled next to them.
"I'm sorry," you whispered and he knew you were, knew you felt extremely silly for making people laugh at him over what was supposed to be an act of love. He handed you the plate with his other piece of toast, shrugging as he licked his fingers clean.
"Don't be," he whispered right back just in time for Rick to come through with another joke that had you biting back a smile of your own as the kitchen filled with laughter. "Something funny, sunshine?" he dared loud enough for the room to hear and you were the one to shrug, hiding the fondness in your eyes by taking a bite of the toast, humming at the taste, content as he accidentally rested his shoulder against yours.
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Soft & Sweet | Joel Miller x Reader
Pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader
Summary: You share your first kiss with the last man you ever expected: your older, grouchy, overly protective patrol partner, Joel Miller.
Warnings/tags: Jackson era. So much tension. Fluff. Some angst. Foul language. Suggestive material. Grumpy Joel. Anxious reader. Soft Joel. Insecure Joel. Somewhat innocent reader; not clueless, just inexperienced. Implied age gap, but numbers are not specified. No mentions of body type or race.
Word Count: 4.2k
SEQUEL. | soft!joel collection masterlist.
a/n: honest to god this started as one thing, and turned into something completely different but i’m not…upset about it? also, thank you to @cupofjoel who literally listened to me talk about this so much for some reason ?? & for reading bits and giving me feed back ?? such a wonderful human
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Joel Miller was easily your least preferred choice of a patrol partner.
There was no doubting the feeling was mutual, either, but the fact of the matter was that you two were a perfect match. You were shorter, faster, and easier to hide; he was stronger, wiser, and knew the patterns of raiders and infected alike. A constant push and pull that gave the quaint city of Jackson a semblance of peace.
In the beginning of your time together, that was what you had to remind yourself. That your time beyond the gates was a representation of how deeply you felt for the people of Jackson, and how important it was for you to keep them and yourself safe.
Regardless of how annoyingly grumpy and disengaging your partner was.
At first, it offended you. How could a man cut from the same cloth as the warm hearted Tommy Miller be such an ass? You had been promised he was like that with everyone, and that you were no special target of his distaste. Over the first few weeks he had occupied Jackson, you observed this, and were pleased to find out he was, in fact, like that with everyone. Well, everyone except the foul mouthed girl he arrived with who you took a liking to.
Ellie was fun. Ellie knew how to relax. You often thought what a good team you two would make if she wasn't a kid, strictly forbade from participating in patrol.
So, you got stuck with Joel.
What once felt offensive turned into pure annoyance at his unwillingness to entertain you. The first few times you two rode together passed the walls of Jackson, you thought he may actually strangle you for your nonstop questions and chatter.
"You really do have a stick up your ass, old man." You had told him when he ignored every attempt you made at getting to know him.
Eventually, your annoyance turned into understanding. He had no obligation to you, other than watching your back and keeping you both safe, both of which were promises - despite his sour attitude - you never doubted he would maintain. And with that understanding, you found opportunity.
Just because Joel didn't want to talk didn't mean you couldn't. And whether he liked it or not, he had no choice but to listen.
That was how it started. Utilizing the stoic man as your very own personal diary. Your rides were underwhelming for the most part, and the tellings of your personal life and worries seemed far more entertaining than feeding into his brooding silence.
You told him about anything and everything. Your distaste for the messy habits of your housemate, who despite being a few years older than you, did not keep the space as neat as you would have liked. Your discontent for the choice of dinner options. How excited you were for the new movie screenings, as some of the other patrolmen had found new tapes during their scavenging.
How much you missed your parents.
How hard of a time you were having making real friends.
Some days, you had even forgotten he was there. Always trotting a few paces behind you, silent, observing. Eventually, you got the impression he wasn't retaining anything you even said, but you didn't stop. The routine was too engrained in you. You met at the stables, he asked the same three questions - Did'ya pick up your gun? Did'ya double check the post assignment? Do you have your flashlight? (you forgot it once, and he wouldn't let you live it down) - then you mounted your horses, said goodbye to the men at the gate, and once you were a good mile away from Jackson, you released the flood gates.
What you didn't know, however, was that you couldn't have been more wrong. Joel was listening. Retaining every word, in fact. Calculating everything to memory, even deducing his own conclusions and opinions about the matters you held near and dear to your heart. He had gotten use to the one sided therapy sessions you had every week, and perhaps a small part of him, as subconscious as it may have been, even enjoyed it.
So when you showed up to this mornings patrol quieter than the dead, Joel knew something was off.
He was watching you. You rode ahead of him, as you always did, shoulders slightly slumped and eyes forward, a large contrast from the way they usually flitted about to take in the sights around you. Your animated nature reduced to tame compliance to the silence he had once begged for between the two of you.
Now, he couldn't help the gnawing sensation of missing the sound of your voice, a pain in his gut telling him this wasn't just any old fluke.
About forty-five minutes into your ride towards he nearest rest stop, you heard him expel a great sigh before the sound of his stallions hooves picked up, and suddenly, he was riding beside you. When you didn't acknowledge him, Joel rolled his eyes.
"Alright, what's wrong?" he grumbled. That earned him a side eye, noting the unusual droop to your normally bright features.
You furrowed your brows. "What do you mean what's wrong?
"Somethin's wrong," he pressed.
"Why do you say that?" you challenged, a lilt of annoyance in your voice as you shot him a scowl.
He tried to bite back the edge in his voice, but it came unprompted. "Because you ain't said a damn word in almost an hour, and I'm pretty sure that's an all time record."
You huffed out an incredulous laugh, your breath painting soft patterns of smoke in the cold air, shaking your head rapidly. "You know," you started, returning your bleak gaze to the path ahead of you. "For someone who bitched about how much I talk, you gotta weird way of appreciating me shutting up for once."
He was quiet, then, and you were instantly filled with a wave of regret at how quickly your sharp tongue attacked him.
Joel wasn't too offended. He had been ripped on a lot worse by people who were substantially nastier than you. He was, however, concerned. He knew what it was liked to feel cornered in a moment of uncertainty, so instead of pressing you further in the moment, he took a calculated breath, tearing his eyes off of of you and nodding his head towards the structure approaching in the distance.
"Let's rest for a bit, yeah? Winds pickin' up more than I'd like to be dealin' with."
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The safe house was cozy, quaint. Quiet. A one story studio format, likely an old vacation home. They had gotten the fire place cleared a few months prior, making it the perfect place to dwell during long patrols. Joel crouched in front of it now, lighting the wood while you went through the procedure of barricading the door. You had yet to have any issues this far out from the perimeter, but you didn’t like taking any chances. That was something you and Joel agreed on.
Better safe than sorry.
As soon as the flames were lit, warmth instantly overcame the small room, and you felt a weight lifted off you in more ways than one when you shimmied out of your bulky winter coat and boots. Your toes cracked against the hardwood floors as you padded over to the fireplace, settling down criss cross beside Joel as he prodded at the wood.
You could feel him eyeing you, and it took every bit of willpower you had to keep your gaze focused on the flames, hands outstretched slightly to soothe your chilled fingertips.
He cleared his throat, setting the prong back into its holder. “I never said I wanted’ya to shut up,” he grumbled, and your stomach instantly fell at the sadness laced in his tone.
You sighed, finally allowing yourself to look over at him. His features remained hard as they always were, but his eyes spoke a different story. Soft. Apologetic. He may have driven you absolutely crazy, but you knew Joel Miller was a decent man. Decent enough for you to confide in, and certainly decent enough to at least give some sort of shit about you.
“I know,” you said quietly, swallowing the unexpected lump in your throat. You were clearly feeling sensitive today. “I’m sorry I snapped at you.”
Joel shook his head, settling down to sit beside you. You both looked into the flames, seemingly lost in their allure. This was usually how stopping at the safe house went; dawdling around the fireplace, taking turns napping, the occasional reluctance on Joel’s end when you begged and thoroughly convinced him to join you in one of the few board games or puzzles scattered about.
But the energy was different today. You both knew that.
“I got asked on a date,” you blurted out, immediately regretting the words as soon as they passed your lips.
Joel’s eyebrows shot up to his forehead. That certainly was not what he had expected you to say. In all your time as partners, relationships had never come up as a topic of conversation. Friendships, sure. But Joel was more than confident that there was an unspoken rule about anything beyond that: you didn’t pry into his love life - as so many others in his small circle thought they had the right to do - therefore, he had no right asking about yours.
He waited a moment, carefully collecting his thoughts. “That…sounds like it should be a good thing, ain’t it?” he asked, cocking his head over his shoulder to study you. You still had your eyes on the flames, arms wrapped around your knees that were cradled against your chest.
You shrugged, nodding a few times. He couldn’t help but blow a soft chuckle through his nose. “Then why d’ya look like it’s the worst news you’ve gotten all year?”
You covered your face with your hands, groaning. “Because-!” you heaved, the frustration you had worked tirelessly to shove down that morning returning instantly upon his questioning. You felt helpless. You felt ridiculous. Being able to shake off boughs of otherwise meaningless emotions was a strength of yours. It was one of the very few reasons you thought Joel may have put up with you: you didn’t take any shit, and neither did he.
To be dancing with the idea of letting those walls fall too far down…it was a vulnerability you didn’t like entertaining.
You took a slow breath in through your nose, out through your mouth, gradually bringing your hands down from your face. Joel watched the way your jaw tightened as you appeared to wrestle your thoughts into words. Your lips parted once, but you shut them instantly. Rolling your eyes to yourself, you began picking at the edges of your nails. Maybe that would distract you from the embarrassment that was to follow.
“Because I’ve never really…done that before,” you mumbled, and when he didn’t speak at first, you thought he may have not heard you.
Cautiously, you dragged your eyes towards Joel. He was still looking at you, but now, there was a soft sort of inquisition to his eyes.
“What do’ya mean never done that before?” he questioned, an arch to his brow.
You felt your cheeks filling with heat, chewing on the inside of your lip to keep yourself from becoming a blabbering mess. An anxiety filled the pit of your stomach, one that suggested you weren’t all too thrilled to be having this conversation.
Having this conversation with Joel.
You knew he wouldn’t make fun of you, he never had in any of your endless ramblings. But that didn’t stop you from feeling the affects of the intimate nature of the topic.
You shrugged again, slower this time. “I don’t know…dated. Gone on a date. Been that close to a guy, I mean, hell, I haven’t even had my first kiss yet-”
“Wait,” Joel cut you off, a deep crease forming between his brows. “You ain’t even had your first kiss?”
When you looked at him then, he could have crumbled under the weight of your somber eyes. Filled with a disappointment and shame he knew all too well.
“Didn’t have much time, what with the world ending and all,” you muttered. It reminded Joel just how young you were. How much you had missed. How much you had yet to see, learn, experience. He would never pity you — he respected you far too much for that. He did, however, feel for you. He knew you. Knew what you had to offer the world, and you were given no chance to do so. Something so basic, so pure, robbed from you.
He sighed softly, returning his eyes back to the flames. How desperately he wished he could burn away his worries in them. He was sure you felt the same way, too. “S’not somethin’ you should overthink. If it’s gonna happen, it’ll happen.” Never did Joel Miller think he would be giving relationship advice. At least not to someone other than Ellie, and even then, he hoped it was a good long while before he even had to entertain the idea. He certainly didn’t feel qualified.
“But what if—” you stopped yourself again, the same discomfort invading your stomach at the thought of revealing such sensitive insight. Maybe it was the warmth of the fire, or the security of the safe house. Or maybe it was just Joel, but you realized then that there was no other time, place, or person you would rather let your guard down for.
“What if I’m no good at it?” It was hardly a whisper.
“That ain’t possible.” He said it so quickly. Too quickly. So much so that you were both exchanging looks at each other at the same time, the panic seizing his features in a faint blush, the heat rising in your own cheeks at…what? You couldn’t pinpoint at first the reason why his assurance made you react in such a way, until the heat of his eyes on you was more intense than the fire.
There was no denying that Joel Miller was one of the most handsome men in Jackson. You had acknowledged that, realized the idea was far too preposterous to entertain, and stored it away the moment you met him. And now here the thought was, rushing back in and invading your brain with a sick sense of desire.
Joel cleared his throat heartily, immediately reverting his gaze back to the fire. “Maybe you could–”
Again, the words came before you knew what you wanted to say. How much you wanted to say. This was not your usual dynamic. You were use to a free tongue around him, and now, you were second guessing every word you spoke. This was why you didn’t foster those ideas. This was why you treaded carefully with every man in Jackson: your sense of self slowly started to feel stripped from you the moment you caught whiff of being roped in, and that terrified you.
Of course he had thought about it. How could he have not? You were beautiful, spritely, and confident. Not in a pompous fashion, but in a way that demanded you were sure of yourself. It was a rare trait for most of the women he had met thus far in Jackson.
And yet, he had never seen you more indecisive than in this very moment.
Your lingering words penetrated him with an unforeseen force, and he held his breath, suddenly vividly aware of the topic of conversation and what you may have been insinuating.
Beautiful, spritely, confident. And way too young for him.
“Listen, I don’t-” He tried to start, wondering if he was working towards talking you out of your line of thought or talking himself out of considering it. But you were already sitting up onto your knees, facing him with a dire look in your eyes.
“No one would know.” Your voice was a rushed whisper, contradicting the very words it spoke, as if you were shielding the idea from the universe. That way, it couldn’t get its grasp on it, chew it up and spit it out before it even had the chance to breathe into life.
You couldn’t believe yourself, a new sort of desperation you hadn’t experienced bubbling to the surface. You blinked at him rapidly while you spoke. “I mean I wouldn’t - I wouldn’t tell, it would only be one time. You’d be doing me a favor, it’s not like it actually means — I mean it’s not that it doesn’t mean anything, I just—”
Joel reached out for you then, his hand coming up to grip you by the cheeks, squishing your lips into a pout and shushing your terribly embarrassing ramble. The first time he was able to shut you up. This was the chatter he was use to.
You felt your stomach drop. You weren’t sure if it was due to the impending rejection, or because the burn of his hand on your skin left you in a daze. Either way, you were silent. Wide eyes on him, attempting to read his ever indecipherable expression.
“Listen darlin’,” he said, his even tone giving you equal parts comfort and unease. You thought you could swim in the darkness of his eyes, save for the flames that glossed off of them. Intentional, focused. “Don’t think for a moment that the thought of kissin’ you is somethin’ I wouldn’t enjoy, I just…I don’t think it’s a good idea.”
He released your cheeks then. You shouldn’t be offended. Rationally, you knew that. But you couldn’t ignore the festering anger. You pushed up to your feet, staring down at him with furrowed brows and crossed arms.
“Why not?” you challenged, the bite to your tone making no effort to cover up your flustered offense to his denial.
Joel looked up at you with a tilted head and frown, not expecting such an outburst. You had always had a bit of a temper, sure. But perhaps he had gotten so use to it directed towards other people and things he had no relation to that its presence now was unsettling.
He let out a heavy sigh before groaning to his feet, both of you facing each other in a stand off of ambivalence, desire, and caution.
“Because,” he started, raising his brows at you. “You’re – we aren’t—” he struggled with his words, displaying a frustrated countenance at the inability to find them. You waited, your nails digging into your biceps where they were crossed. He looked around, his hands waving reflexively in the air as he explained. “We’re all’lone out here, and you’re…you’re clearly feelin’ upset. Tommy trusted me to look out for’ya. Last thing I need is to go on disrespectin’ or - or takin’ advantage of you like that while you’re on my watch.”
You sneered a chuckle, shaking your head at him. “Take advantage of me? I asked you to do it! Do you really think I’m that fucking naive?” There was a foreign agitation to your voice. “Besides, it’s just a stupid little kiss!”
“If it’s so goddamn stupid, why’re you askin’ me to do it?” he snapped back, a flustered blush rushing up through his neck and into his cheeks.
“Because you’re the only one I trust with this kinda stuff, you jerk!”
Heat. Heat was rising and flowing through the room, through both of you.
“Fine!” he shouted, running out of words to combat you with.
How you came to be where you were, standing chest to chest, the tension morphing the space between you, heaving frantic breaths into each others faces, neither of you knew. Neither of you seemed to mind, either.
Your hands fell to your sides then, craning your neck up to look at Joel. His nostrils were flared wide, the familiar etch between his brows prominent. A shiver ran down your spine then when he damped his lips, slowly. The emotion that had built over the minutes slowly dissipated just by the sight of his eyes on you. Your own lips parted in a soft breath, and you caught him glance down at them.
He swallowed hard. “Fine.” This time, when he spoke the word, it was soft. Definitive. Expression slowly shifting back to the unreadable neutrality. He didn’t keep you guessing long, though. His hands reached out then, taking a final step to close the distance fully between you two, carefully lifting his palms to cradle either side of your face. You were frozen, eyes permanently glued to him, fingers twitching at your sides.
His hands were rough, calloused, but delicate in the way they held you. You felt an overwhelming warmth begin in your stomach and spread out over the rest of you while he studied you like this, searching your eyes for something.
Uncertainty, regret. Anything that would stop him from moving forward with what he was about to do. But there was none, just wide eyes and plush, parted lips that peered up at him with anticipation. And he just couldn’t help himself.
Slowly, one of his thumbs dragged across your bottom lip, watching as it bobbed in place before he was leaning forward, and you were washed in the scent of him. His nose nudged yours, eyes falling half shut, but yours were still gawking, waiting. The anticipation almost too much to bare that your hands abandoned your sides, coming up to grip him at the elbows. It must have been all he needed, as the next moment was consumed by the feeling of his lips molding against yours.
For the second time that day, Joel Miller discovered a way to shut you up.
He was hesitant at first; barely there, the coarse hair that coated his upper lip tickling your skin. Hardly grazing the supple petals against you. Instinctively, your fingers dug into the bend of his arms when he applied pressure, fully allowing the weight of himself to kiss you. Your eyes finally fell shut, the loss of sense permitting you to be fully encapsulated by him.
Him. Joel. His strong hands that held you, the familiar scent of him, wood and earth mixed with something sweet, his broad body that pressed into yours, claiming the moment for just the two of you. You’re not sure how it happened, between a breath, a brief moment for you two to recollect yourselves, before you dove back in head first. His hands abandoned your face, finding their way to wrap around your waist, bringing you to your toes and flushed against his chest. Your own reacted on instinct and weaved around his neck, and your fingers found refuge in his silver dusted curls.
Nerves were nonexistent. You just felt him, shocked by how easily it was to bend into his will. How much time you had spent over analyzing this moment for it to be reduced to such simplicity. Whether that was because it really was this simple, or because Joel made it so, you didn’t know.
The tip of his tongue just barely grazed your bottom lip, but never pushed for access. The contact alone ignited you, and you couldn’t help the soft moan that lodged in the back of your throat, a flutter traveling below your stomach. Joel’s hands squeezed your hips in response to the sound, and just as quickly as it started, it ended.
He compelled himself to let go, pulling you away from him, the space between you uncomfortably vast. You didn’t even have the chance to think before he reached up for your hands around his neck and gradually pulled them away, too. He stepped back from you, leaving you in a concrete daze of exasperation, newfound lust, and worst of all, a residue of heartbreak from how short the moment was cut.
“We oughta get goin’,” he grumbled, already turning to retrieve his backpack and put the fire out.
You didn’t move a muscle, frozen in the spot where Joel Miller kissed you. Where he changed everything you ever felt inside in an instant. You could see his skin still painted in pink, cheeks flushed, and lips glistening. The emotional whiplash his sudden change incited made you feel like you wanted to disappear, a lump forming in your throat. One you refused to give in to, swallowing it down as you slowly willed yourself to breathe again.
“Yeah. Y-yeah, okay.” And then, you were grabbing your own pack, silently helping him tear down the barricade you had built, and mounting the horses.
The entire rest of the patrol was silent. A rarity. And while words were never spoke aloud, there was an unspoken energy in the air that wailed for attention. You would acknowledge it, if only in your mind for the time being. You would spend the rest of the ride thinking about Joel’s lips, the alluring look in his eyes right before he kissed you. You would recount the tender nature of his touch, and how it gifted your skin with such delicacy. You would think of his breath, the way it quickened and hitched, desperate in between each touch of your lips. You would think about him.
And as soon as you got back into Jackson, you would be finding any and every excuse to cancel your date.
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tag list: @casa-boiardi @dinsdjrn @scarletsloveletter @subconsciouscollapse @thetriumphantpanda @mommasnakesss @cupofjoel @tightjeansjavi @sinsofsummers @morning-star-joy @whichwitchwanda @prettyangelsthings @nostalxgic @aphterthoughtt @drewharrisonwriter (if you asked to be on the tag list, and aren’t on here, it’s because tumblr will not allow me to tag you for some reason! pls feel free to comment about it so I can double check if you’re on the list or if it’s a tagging issue).
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camgirl ➛ joel miller
summary -  joel had always been attracted to his daughter’s best friend, but the last thing he was expecting was to see her on a porn website.
pairing - fem!reader x best friends dad!joel miller
contains - no outbreak, age gap, reader is late college age and joel is in his 50s, blank slate reader in terms of looks (minus brief mention of breast size), porn with plot, lil bit of mean joel but in a way where it makes you horny, m masturbation, dirty talk, possessive!joel, edging, fingering, spanking, oral (f & m receiving), multiple orgasms, unprotected piv, creampie, aftercare
notes - all acts are consensual. characters are of age. this is my first post after awhile, i’m returning to this blog full time! reblogs, replies and any interaction is very appreciated. my inbox is always open so feel free to share some joel thoughts
word count - 5.5 k
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bloom : one | joel miller
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-> pairing: no outbreak!joel miller x f!reader
-> wc: 2494
-> warnings: meet cute vibes, reader is single mom, small injury at work, Joel to the rescue using nontraditional techniques to help (I don’t want to give it away), daughter is a teen and bleeds sarcasm, fluff and more fluff, mention of divorce and adoption.
-> a/n: this is series is a TLOU AU, so I’ve fudged all timelines and relationships to make it work for me. I hope you like it, I am very nervous to share it with you all.
series masterlist | main masterlist
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You’re staring.
It would feel less awkward if it were somewhere else, anywhere but where you are right now. Like sitting a table away at a packed restaurant, enough people crowded around to lessen your obvious ogling of a handsome stranger, eyes locked on his profile as you hide behind the empty glass you’re pretending to sip from. The crossing of paths in a grocery store would also feel less awkward, a quick glance back over your shoulder after your carts squeeze through the nearly claustrophobic aisle, your gaze on him as he stares at the shelves filled with sugary snacks— he most definitely would have a wicked sweet tooth you think.
Unfortunately for you, or fortunately depending on how you look at it, it’s just you and him, alone in the store front of the floral shop— your floral shop.
He’d walked by the front window, stopping instantly to read the shop’s name in gold letters above the entrance, then hands cupped over his eyes and face pressed close to the glass contemplating the shop’s worthiness of his time.
It’s a corner spot, sitting at the crossroads of two of the town’s busiest shopping streets— prime location. Bold was a chance you took with painting the exterior black, even with the apprehension of the city council deeming it too “gothic” for the town's rather conservative appeal. The dark exterior paired with black and white striped awning over the door was the perfect balance of moody and romantic.
It was worthy enough, pushing the front door open he stepped inside, the automated bell signaling through the shop. The heaviness of his boots scuff across the wood floor a few steps, his broad body stopping in front of one of the cold displays that held an array of dramatic arrangements. His hands tucked securely into his pockets as he looks around aimlessly, it’s evident this isn’t a regular occurrence for him.
“Welcome to Wilder Floral. Is there anything I can help you with today?” You greet him from your workbench.
Your hands busily work to trim the ends and dethorn the stems of a bundle of antique mauve roses, one of your best sellers, then trimming off the lower leaves before placing them in a bucket of water.
“Not really sure at the moment. Just browsin’ for now.” His deep voice sounds through the small space, the raspy tone sending a tingle down your spine.
“Okay. Well, if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask.” He nods to you, catching the way his gaze doesn’t immediately break from you, he gives you a half smile then continues to look over everything again.
You’re staring.
Your mind is filled with thoughts of only this handsome stranger, quietly watching him over the now full bucket of cleaned roses.
You note the way his hip cocks out to the side as he stands with his large hands secure against his small waist. His eyebrows pinch together briefly, a look of deep thought painted over his face accentuating the little crinkles around his eyes. After a moment, his beautiful face relaxes into a calmer expression.
You can make out every muscle that runs the length of his arms, the weight of the arrangement he’s now holding provoking the defined musculature. His arms lifting and turning the vase with ease, examining every detail of the floral design you created.
You’re still staring. You can’t help it though. Actually, you can, but your brain convinces you that you are just admiring, so that makes it more than okay— right?
“You know, if you take a picture it lasts longer!” A hushed voice pops up from behind you.
“Ouch!! God dammit, Ellie! Why do you do that?!” You yelp, tossing the rose stem you were holding onto the table.
“It’s too easy! You were lost in la la land over some grumpy guy looking at flowers. I saw an opportunity, so I took it.” She laughs, pushing your buttons brings her a weird satisfaction.
There’s a throbbing pain coming from your hand. Looking down you see part of a thorn had broken off and was now embedded deep into the pad of your finger— a rookie mistake at this point in your career. You wrap your other hand around the base of your fingers, hoping some pressure will elevate the pain.
“I’m glad you enjoyed this. Can you just go grab the first aid kit in the back, please!”
“Yeah, yeah. Try not to fall for him too hard while I’m gone— don’t think you have enough bandages to fix that mess.” She sulks away into the back room.
“Shit!” You hiss, the pain getting more intense and now radiating through your entire finger.
“You okay ma’am?” The handsome customer asks you, stealthy in his approach to where you’re standing, still clutching your hand.
He places the floral arrangement he was holding down on your work table, his feet still moving in an urgent manner until he is standing in front of you.
“Yeah— actually, no… The thorn broke off and it’s in there real good. It hurts and I’m trying really hard to not be a baby about it. Someone’s getting a first aid kit out of the back for me.” You hold your pained finger up to him.
“Do you want me to take a look at it?” His hands slowly reach out, your lips parted and ready to speak but words fail you, only managing to nod a response.
Your mind briefly wonders what Ellie is up to, but the thought vanishes instantly once his hands wrap around your wrist and he brings your injured finger closer to his face.
“My name is Joel.” He looks over to you, heat pricks over your cheeks as he holds your gaze. It’s a cosmic thing, his touch activating warmth you’ve longed for. A corner of his mouth lifts, you can’t help but fixate on the dimple that forms resulting in a barrage of flutters erupting in your chest.
“Hi Joel.” Giving him yours in return, his smile growing louder as he repeats it back to you softly, like he couldn’t wait to say it out loud.
He refocuses back on your injury. A pinched expression, similar to the one he wore earlier, is even more adorable up close— zeroing in on the small wound that was tormenting you.
Joel’s movements are dizzying, an unbridled enthusiasm that elicits a sudden burst of desire you hadn’t experienced in ages, but he senses you trust him at your willingness to let him take control of the situation. Bringing your finger to his mouth, he wraps his pillowy lips around the tip of your finger and sucks with a gentle pressure. You watch him unabashedly, completely mesmerized by the way he jumped into action, how his cheeks draw in from the suction.
Your eyes lock when he looks up from your hand, sensing your eyes already on him, his thumbs drawing circles over your wrist, soothing over your racing pulse, as he continues to suck at the fleshy pad of your finger. It feels nearly overwhelming, the fierceness of his warm brown eyes has an inebriating feeling blooming inside you.
A gasp shoots through your throat at the feeling of his tongue slightly flicks over the part of your finger that is in his mouth, pressing the back of your other hand against your lips, embarrassed by your reaction to the erogenous sensation.
The whole thing is over as quickly as it began. Joel is pulling your finger from his lips, his grip still holding on to your wrist as he lowers your arm down to your side. You watch as the tip of his tongue breaches his lips, his pointer finger and thumb picking at the small little thorn that was once lodged into your skin, now resting on his tongue. He rubs his lips together almost nervously, the weight of the whole situation kind of sinking in.
“Got it!” He rasps, holding the annoying culprit up between his fingers.
“How did you know that would work? I usually have to dig those out with tweezers. That was— wow, thank you.”
“I get splinters regularly— I’m a carpenter. Sometimes when I’m out on the job, gotta use what you have. I hope I didn’t make you feel uncomfortable, just knew it needed to come out— the last thing you want is an infected finger.” He rubs nervously at the back of his neck, hoping he didn’t over step in anyway.
“No! Not uncomfortable in the slightest!! Thank you, seriously. Rose thorns can cause a mean infection too. I appreciate it—“
“I leave for two minutes and you’ve already moved onto second base with the guy?!” Ellie announces her reemergence, holding the first aid kit in her hands and a grossed out look on her face.
“Ellie!” Your body runs cold, completely mortified, ready to crawl into the nearest hole.
“He had your finger in his mouth— probably more like rounding to third if I’m being honest.”
You grab the kit from her hands, setting it on the counter, turning to see Joel still rooted in the same spot with his hands tucked into his front pockets and a tinge of red across his cheeks.
“I’m so sorry! Sometimes I think my daughter forgets she has a filter and that she can actively choose to use it before she speaks.” You try to make sure he isn’t the one who feels uncomfortable now.
“Adopted daughter, actually.” You roll your eyes at her need for technicalities. Adopted, yes, but daughter nonetheless. “Also, in case you were wondering, cause I’m sure you are, she’s single.”
“Ellie!” You look back at her with a sternness in your voice, eyes blown wide in hopes she picks up that she can stop at any point in time. Turning back to Joel, you mouth an ‘I’m sorry’, your shoulders dropping in defeat.
There’s an awkward silence that settles over the three of you. Joel looks like he doesn’t really seem to know how to diffuse the awkwardness at hand, Ellie has a shit eating grin she wears proudly when she knows she’s embarrassed you just enough, and you simply would like to evaporate into thin air.
“So, this is the part where you give your relationship status to her— makes this whole ‘her finger in your mouth’ thing feel a little less weird for all of us.” She has a point. You had been wondering that very thing, but how were you supposed to bring it up when he’s sucking a thorn out of your finger with his gorgeous mouth.
“Single— very much single.” He laughs at how forward she is, knowing she’s just looking out for you. “I do have a daughter, probably about your age too.”
“What, your wife die or something?” Ellie asks with zero hesitation.
“No. Just an ole fashion divorce. Anythin’ else you wanna to know?” He looks to Ellie, ready for whatever comes next.
She studies Joel for a beat, “Nope, that’s all.”
You release the breath you hadn’t realized you were holding, grateful to what ever greater power decided to switch Ellie’s filter back on.
Ellie turns to head to the back room, where she had previously been working on her homework, but turns on her heels in the process to look back at Joel and you.
“One last thing, she needs to be wined and dined before you even think about kissing her.” Then she's gone before you can say anything else.
The awkwardness creeps back into the room, you’re not really sure how to come back from all of that. You open the first aid box, rifling through the contents for a cleaning pad and small bandage.
“She seems like a fun kid.” Joel decides to take the lead, watching you swipe the alcohol pad over your finger.
“She is— she definitely keeps me on my toes at all times. But, she’s got a big heart under all her sarcasm.” You tell him. You grab for the bandage, but Joel beats you to it, snagging it off the table and ripping it open before you get the chance.
You hold your finger out in front of you, ready for him to wrap it up properly for you, but instead of sticking gauze, your wounded finger is met with his plush lips for a few seconds.
“Obviously, a kiss to make it better.” He smiles again and you melt, biting at your lower lip as he wraps the dressing around your finger.
“Thank you, Joel.”
“Speaking of daughters— mine is the reason I came here in the first place. I was wanting to get this arrangement for her. She passed a test she’d been stressin’ about. Thought I’d get her a little something to celebrate her.” Joel points to the flowers on the cash stand that he had been holding earlier, grabbing his wallet out of his back pocket and pulling out his credit card ready to pay.
“They’re on the house today.” You tell him as you walk up to your computer, imputing the information to zero out the sale.
“No— no, I can’t let you do that. Lemme pay for them please. Least I can do for all your time and talent you put in.” Holding his card out to you, insisting he pay in full.
“You practically saved my life,” A slight exaggeration, but he laughs anyway. “How about you come here for all your flowers in the future, instead of my competitors, and we’ll call it even.”
“I can do that. I might just have a need for flowers soon then, I’m sure I can find an excuse to come back for more— you think you can handle that?”
“Yeah— I can handle that.” Handing him the vase of flowers, hoping he does find an excuse to come back and tell you how much his daughter enjoyed them.
Joel walks a few feet in the direction of the door then stops, turning back to see you’re already busily back to work with a handful of flowers. He says your name, falling from his lips like sweet honey, and you don’t think you could ever get tired of him saying it the way he does. “I’ll be seein’ you around. Try to be safe until then, m’kay?”
“See you around Joel. I’ll keep the injuries to a minimum until then.”
“I’d prefer no injuries at all, actually.”
“I’ll do my best.”
You exchange goodbyes, watching him cross the street and get settled into his truck from the store front window. You’re not sure why you miss him, having only just met, but there’s a longing that’s started to burn inside your heart.
Joel’s truck merges onto the road, he takes one last glance in your direction, his hand thrown out the window waving at you as he drives off, planning his next visit so he can see you again.
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i keep collecting middle aged men as if they’re infinity stones
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I know eddie isnt a bassist sshh
Eddie picture packs
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Me rereading my old fics like
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