frogsister87 · 11 months
When someone sneezes, do you say “Bless you,” or “God Bless you?”
“Bless you” 

Do you ever look at someone cute, and automatically make a move?
No, I cannot talk to an attractive boy 

How many times have you been to Wal-Mart/K-Mart in the past week?
I have not been to one this week 

What are two things you are excited to do in the near future?
Nothing right now

Have you ever seen the movie A Walk to Remember? Cliche’ or worth watching?
It’s pretty good
Do you ever put condoms in old people’s buggies at the store?
Name one reason you go to a pharmacy regularly for?
I don’t 

What radio station could you not resist turning it to in the vehicle?
I hate listening to the radio

Do you live in a house, apartment, or another type of arrangement?

Do you wear sweaters in the Winter or hoodies, more often?
I wear both 

Are you kind of a loner? Do you like being alone?

Are you one of those people who like to spell out numbers?

Is there an animal in the room with you right now? What kind?

Did you or do you still have a Furby? Was/is it annoying?
I think I had one but didn’t do much with it

Are any of your siblings married? What are their spouse’s names?

Do you hate nosy people who ask too many personal questions?
It all just depends

Name one lyric from the song you’re listening to/the last one you listened?
I don’t remember what that was 

Do you have a fax machine? Do you ever use it anyways?
Nope and nope 

Does your kitchen table have placemats? If so, what colors are on them?

Do you know how to sew? Whats your favorite thing to sew?
I do not 

Have you ever owned a turtle? Did it ever bite you when you owned it?
I have not 

Does your father have any creepy or scary friends you dont like?
He doesn’t have any “creepy” friends but he has one friend that is a big alcoholic who I don’t usually like to run into

Who was the last person (if anyone) you said Happy Birthday to?

Do you have Photoshop? If so, how often a day do you use it?

What color are the walls in the room you’re in right now?

Has your school ever had a lockdown? If so, for what reason exactly?
Not a real one just a practice one 

Do you enjoy it when your school has drills? (ex/fire or tornado drill?)
I don’t go to school anymore so I don’t really care what schools do lol 

Do you watch any shows that you know your parents wouldn’t approve of?
My parents don’t care what I do I’m an adult 

Do you have any siblings who still believe in Santa, and are over age ten?

What color were the last pair of headphones/earphones you bought?

Do people call you a big mouth sometimes? Or more than sometimes?
I don’t think so
Did the last type of shoes you wore have laces?

How much money did you spend yesterday?
I’m not sure 

Are you CPR certified?
Not anymore

Are you texting anybody right now?
Who was the last person you were in a car with?
Illa I think 

Do you like the picture on your license/I.D. card?
It’s okay I guess 

What’s your favorite thing to snack on while watching a movie?
I’m not much of a snacky person 

When was the last time somebody hit on you?
I don’t know

Was the last person you met a male or female?

Which one of your friends do you feel most comfortable around?
I don’t know I feel comfortable around all of them that’s why they’re my friends 

Do you own a map of the world?

What brand is your underwear?
Victoria’s secret 

What’s your favorite Thanksgiving food?
Turkey, stuffing, cranberries
Is the light on in the room you’re in?

Who did you last spoon with?

Are you currently watching TV?

Have you ever had surgery or stitches?

Do you own any clothing that has animal print?
Does your family eat dinner together?

Are you in high school?
Lol no 

Do you have a TV in your room?

Are any of your electronics charging right now?
my watch is
What was the last video game you played?
Mario kart
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frogsister87 · 1 year
Is it currently raining where you are?
No but it might be snowing
What's something that you have been wanting to say to someone?
A lot but it’s probably best I don’t say anymore
What's your favorite thing to do at the end of the day?
I don’t know
When did you last use a lighter or matches?
I’m not sure
Do you or anyone you know have covid or the flu?
I had Covid and I know a lot of other people that did too. And obviously the same goes for the flu.
Do you have a hard time letting things go?
If I really care, yes
What did you last have to eat?
Chicken fried rice
Are you allergic to anything that is unusual?
When did you last feel fear?
Uhhhh I don’t know
What did you last drop?
No idea
Have you ever been to a Halloween themed amusement park?
Yes, I wish that still came to town
What's something about your health that you would like to change?
When did you last look on the mirror?
Like an hour ago
When did you last have to go to the doctor?
What color is your favorite shirt?
I don’t think I have a favorite
What last made you smile?
A text message
Have you ever walked through a sunflower field?
How often do you listen to music?
Are you a fan of Taylor Swift? What's your favorite song from her?
Yes and I can’t pick a favorite
Would you be happy if you got a lifetime supply of the last thing you purchased?
I mean, you can always use batteries I suppose
What's something great that has happened to you recently?
Nothing, thanks
How old were you when you had your first best friend?
I was a baby
What did you last order from a fast food restaurant?
A cheesy Gordita crunch and a crunchwrap supreme
How often do you have to purchase shampoo and conditioner?
Not very often
What was the last pain you've had on your body?
My back
Is there anything currently bothering you?
Would you ever paint your bedroom bright blue?
What's your favorite way to eat rice?
I don’t know
Are you currently wearing something green?Nope
Have you recently lost something?
My mind
What's something that has really impacted your life?
Lord of stuff
What scents can you currently smell?
What did you last have as a snack?
Honey bbq chips
Are you currently listening to music?
Would you say you're a strong person?
What's something you miss from the past?
Some of my friends
When did you last rush for something?
I don’t know
Do you require a lot of personal space or do you enjoy being around people often?
Yes to both
Have you drank enough water today?
Definitely not
Do you like lima beans?
What was the last lie you told?
I’m fine
What did you last plug into an outlet?
Charger probably
Do you have anything due soon?
How many bottles do you see from where you're sitting?
What was the last thing you took a picture of?
Myself for Snapchat
4 notes · View notes
frogsister87 · 1 year
Are you attracted to the last person that kissed you?
Not so much right now
What did you do yesterday?
Worked and hung out with Alicia
Something you really want right now?
If you could seek revenge on someone would you?
How long have you liked the person you like?
If we wanna get really deep, on and off since I was about 12
Are you happy with the way things are going?
Would you ever get a tattoo?
I already have tattoos
Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 months from now?
What plans do you have for tomorrow?
Laundry and crafting
Has a friendship ended recently that you wish had not?
Things might be heading that way right now
What are you listening to right now?
Do you and your last ex hate each other?
I don’t think so
What are you afraid of?
Lots of stuff
When was the last time you were sick?
Around Christmas time
Do you tend to waste a lot of money?
Do you have trust issues?
Not really
Do you think this year will be better than last?
Who knows
Have you ever regretted kissing someone?
Are you a jealous person?
When was the last time you got a haircut?
Just after Halloween
Do you know anyone that smokes weed?
Who is the last person you rode in a car with?
Do you look more like your mom or your dad?
My mom probably
Are there any stressful situations in your life?
If you were caught cheating would you fess up?
The last time you honestly felt broken?
Right now
Best thing about the last person you chatted on facebook?
I can’t pick just one thing
Best thing about the last person you talked to in person?
She’s always supportive of me
When was the last time you shaved your legs?
I don’t know like a week ago
Is there someone you wish you were closer to?
Not really
Have any addictions?
Not really
Are you anything like your siblings?
I hope not
Have you ever had a stalker?
Kind of
Have you ever received an injury from a hook up?
Yes lol
What did you last eat?
Who is the last person you hugged?
Ummm… Ruth?
Do you have any good friends of the opposite sex?
Are you keeping anything from your best friend(s) now?
Where do you get your clothes?
Shein usually
Do you have a secret you’ve never told anyone?
Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?
Would you rather sleep alone or with someone?
Have you ever lived with a girlfriend/boyfriend?
When was the last time something bothered you?
Today and everyday since February
Who was the first male you talked to today?
I don’t know
Are you completely over your past relationships?
Do you get attached to people easily?
Are you currently looking forward to anything?
Do you believe in love?
Not really
Let’s be honest, have you ever been played by someone?
Have you ever played someone?
What is currently on your mind?
My back hurts
Would it hurt seeing the last person you kissed, kissing someone else?
At this point in time yes
How many piercings have you had in your life?
Who else is in the room with you?
No one
Have you ever been beside someone while they were throwing up?
Did you eat breakfast today?
When was the last time you cried?
Do you like tea?
When was the last time you took a nap?
I don’t know
What song is stuck in your head?
Do you have a TV in your room?
Have you ever broken a bone?
Have you ever had stitches?
Are you wearing a sweatshirt?
Have you taken a shower in the last 24 hours?
Are there things in your life that you’ll never be able to get over?
Can you remember who you liked this time last year?
What’s one physical flaw you’d like to fix about yourself?
My nose is crooked
What do you do when you’re feeling extremely nervous?
Do you have a hard time letting go?
If I really care, yes
Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?
What do you plan on doing now?
Sleep hopefully
0 notes
frogsister87 · 1 year
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Her (2013)
193K notes · View notes
frogsister87 · 1 year
Tumblr media
Daily quote,lol
108K notes · View notes
frogsister87 · 1 year
What is in the back seat of your car right now?
Garbage mostly
Menthol or regular cigarettes?
I’ve never smoked cigarettes so I don’t know
What is your favorite episode of Friends?
I really like the one with the rumor
Does anyone have any blackmail on you?
Not that I know of
Have you been to a strip club?
Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
Are you wearing socks right now?
What was the last thing you had to drink?
What are you wearing right now?
Sweatshirt and sweatpants
Last food you ate?
Pizza rolls
Have you bought any clothing items in the last week?
When is the last time you ran?
I don’t run
What’s the last sporting event you watched?
Last person’s house you were in?
Last movie you saw?
I just got done watching cars
Who is the last person you sent a message to on Facebook?
My mom
Ever go to camp?
Were you an honor roll student in school?
Not even close
Do you like sushi?
Do you have a tan?
How old do you want to be when you have kids?
That’s a touchy subject
Have you ever drank your soda from a straw?
What is your age?
Are you someone’s best friend?
I hope so
Where is your dad right now?
At home probably 

What was the last thing you said?
Bye probably
What color is your watch?
What do you think of when you think of Australia?
Ever ridden on a roller coaster?
Do you go in at a fast food place or just hit the drive thru?
Do you have a roommate?

Do you have any bad habits?
What is your favorite number?
Do you know anyone named Lori?
What color is your mom’s hair?
Do you have a dog?
What happened to you in 1993?
I was not born yet
Does your first memory involve your dad?
I don’t know what my first memory is
Do you remember singing any songs as kids?
When was the last time you went swimming?
July I think
Has your luggage ever gotten lost?
Thankfully not
Biggest annoyance in your life right this minute?
Have you ever thought it would be cool to smash a guitar?
Do you like watching a bonfire?
Are you allergic to anything?
What is one thing you miss about your past?
Do you ever get flu shots?
Not usually
Favorite shoes that you wear all the time?
What is one thing you’ve learned about life recently?
Better off alone
Are you jealous of anyone?
Is anyone jealous of you?
I don’t know
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frogsister87 · 1 year
Will you answer these questions as personally as you can?
Why are you happy?
Not really all that happy
Who’s the last person you hugged?
No idea
Would you pay someone to kill the person who hurt you a lot?
Do you like the song ‘Sick Little Games’ by All Time Low?
Haven’t heard that one
Last night you felt?
Pretty content
How are you feeling right now?
Are you drifting away from someone you were close with?
Is there someone you’d like to fix things with?
Have you ever liked someone that treated you like crap?
What are you listening to?
Jessie Murph
Have you ever stayed in a hotel?
What is in your pocket?
No pockets
What was the worst feeling you last felt?
Have a best friend?
A couple
Does it bother you when your best friend does stuff without you?
Do you keep any secrets from your best friend?
Everyone has secrets
What were you doing 60 minutes ago?
Driving home
Is there a secret you’ve never told your parents?
Yep, there’s a secret I’ve never told anyone
What’s something that can always make you feel better?
I wish I knew
What do you want right now?
To talk to someone
What would you name your future son?
I’ll probably never have children but I like Jackson
If you had to eat 1 thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
I have no idea
How’s your life lately?
Last person to send you a text?
My grandma
What were you doing at 8:00 this morning?
Sitting in a hot tub
Did you have a good birthday this year?
Haven’t had my birthday yet
Have you done anything embarrassing lately?
I don’t think so
Do you trust easily?
I just don’t really care
Do you like cookies n’ cream ice cream?
Not my favorite
Ever been mistaken for someone else, and took it as an insult?
What color shirt are you wearing?
Is there a boy that would do absolutely everything for you?
I have no idea
Did you ever think you had the Swine flu?
I doubt it
Who was the last person to smoke a cigarette in your presence?
I don’t know
Who was the last person you talked to before you went to bed last night?
Are you a mean person?
No not really
Does anyone hate you?
Probably, they shouldn’t waste their energy
Do you usually tell people when you’re mad at them?
This time last year, can you remember who you liked?
Will this weekend be a good one?
Have you ever liked someone older than you?
Yeah, it’s a rare occurrence tho
Are you mad at someone right now?
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frogsister87 · 1 year
Why aren’t you texting the last person you kissed?
Because we’re snap chatting
Has someone ever called you at midnight on your birthday?
Not called
Have you ever slept in the same bed as your friend?
Who was the first person you talked to today?
Will this week be a good one?
What was the last movie you watched and with who?
Emperors new groove with Courtney
Anything happen to you within the past month that made you really happy?
I received a $110 gift card, that was pretty cool
What are you wearing right now?
A sweatshirt and leggings
Do you want to see somebody right now?
When’s the last time you cried?
Tuesday I think
Will you regret your next kiss?
It’s very possible lol
Are you a forgiving person?
I’d say so
Do you currently have feelings for anybody?
“Feelings” is a strong word
When was the last time you changed in front of someone?
I don’t know
Are you the youngest person living in your house?
I’m the only person living in my home
Have you ever liked someone older than you?
Who did you last fall asleep with?
Uhhhh… Ryan or Illa
Would you hug the last person you hugged again?
Now your cell phone, what color is it?
Who were you last in a car with?
Courtney and Nate
Who did you text most today?
Text would be my grandma. Most of my friends Snapchat over text
Do you have a reason to smile right now?
Did a boy or a girl text you last?
Think back to the last person you held hands with, would you kiss them?
When was the last time something bothered you?
All the time
Would you rather love one person, or have many short relationships?
I don’t know
Would you prefer to date someone taller, shorter, or the same height as you:
Can you be your complete self around the person you like?
Like is a strong word
Are you wearing makeup?
What color was the last vehicle you were in?
Is there a person of the opposite gender on your mind?
When was the last time you got high?
Uhhh it was before Christmas I think
What’s a word that starts with the third letter of your first name?
Have you ever kissed the last person you texted?
Do you always answer your phone?
If I know it’s ringing yeah
Does anyone ever spell your name wrong?
Will you be up before 7AM tomorrow?
I hope not
In the past week have you cried?
Do you get along with your parents?
What was the last thing you looked up on YouTube?
Masked singer video
Any upcoming vacations?
Well a four day weekend, woot woot
What’s the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
Hair usually
Do you have alcohol in your house?
What’s the closest pink object to you?
What makes you the happiest right now?
I don’t know
Are you mad at someone right now?
Are you ticklish?
Kind of
Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?
Not always
Would your life be the same without alcohol?
I rarely drink so I suppose so
Have you had “the best night of your life?
I hope not
What was the first thing you thought this morning?
Why do I still have a headache
What were you doing at 2AM last night?
The shirt you’re wearing, does anyone else have it?
I mean probably? No one I know tho
If you were offered to smoke some weed right now, would you accept?
Could you go a month without cursing?
Probably not
Ever been out of your state?
Do you plan on getting drunk or high tonight?
I thought about it but decided to be responsible
Toilet papered someones house?
Do you prefer to take showers at night or in the morning?
Have you been to New York City?
Can you go a day without laughing?
Yeah if nothing makes me laugh
Is there anybody you wish you would be spending time with right now?
Are you tired?
How many tattoos would you get?
There’s isn’t a limit
Do you get drunk every weekend?
Have you held hands with someone in the past 24 hours?
I don’t think so
Who was the last person you high fived?
I don’t know
How many bracelets do you have on your wrists right now?
Do you know how to drive?
Uh yeah
Will next Friday be a good one?
No idea
Who was the last person to wink at you?
Probably spencer lol
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frogsister87 · 1 year
You’ve had sex with over 12 people, haven’t you?
:x :x :x
Would you rather have your nose or tongue pierced?
Who’s the last person you talked to through a text?
If you were in the hospital, who would come see you?
My parents and grandparents. Probably Illa and a few of my other friends too depending on how long I was in there I guess
If you were in the hospital on life support, would the last person you kissed visit you?
I honestly don’t know
How many months until your birthday?
Does anyone hate you?
Probably, they shouldn’t waste their energy
What are you currently looking forward to?
Does anyone disgust you?
Is there something about you not a lot of people know?
I don’t think so 

Where was the last place you went besides your house?
How often is your smile fake?
Every day of my life
Are you lying to yourself about anything?
No I don’t think so
Do you think relationships are hard?
They can be I suppose
Can money buy happiness?
Did you know alcohol is worse than weed?
I’ve heard these things
Have you ever felt like you weren’t good enough?
Have you ever felt like you literally needed someone?
What’s the last thing to make you upset?
I was being ignored
Ever been friends with someone you didn’t expect?
What is your eye color?
How do you feel right now?
Do you like your hair?
I do but not as much as I used to
Does it make you uncomfortable when you receive a compliment?

Could you date someone taller than you?
How many hours of sleep did you get last night?
I kept waking up every hour so
Are you legal to drink?
Do you curl your hair?
No my hair is naturally curly
Let me guess; Justin Bieber is your celebrity crush?
Lol no
Do you have anything you couldn’t go a day without?
Have you ever gotten caught doing something illegal?
What’s your favorite flavor of Vitamin Water?
I don’t like vitamin water
When was the last time you were really happy?
I have no idea
What’s your favorite season?
Why do you like the person you like?
Because I’m an idiot
Would you rather date someone younger or older?
I’m usually more attracted to younger men
What do you currently hear right now?
The tv
Do you like Lady GaGa?
Do you currently have feelings for anyone?
Sort of
Are you addicted to anything?
Do you have a funny laugh?
Are you a nice person?
I try to be
Do you want the last person you kissed to ask you out?
That is a complicated question
Who was the last person you hugged and why?
Illa because we were talking about how much I hate to be hugged lol
Did you want to kiss the last person you kissed?
Do you forgive easily?
Was this weekend a good one?
It’s just starting
Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 months from now?
Do you miss the way things used to be?

What woke you up this morning?
I don’t know
Does anyone know your Facebook password?
Do you know anyone who has been arrested?
Who was the last person you had a face to face conversation with?
What were you doing at 12 am last night?
Trying to sleep
Have you ever walked away from someone who was yelling at you?
Do you ignore people when you’re mad/upset with them?
Did you kiss  anyone in the last 48 hours?
When you say you don’t care do you mean it?
Do you plan on sleeping in tomorrow?

Did your last kiss take place in/on a bed?
Have you ever cried cause you were so mad?
What’s your favorite color?
What color is your shirt?
Cream and brown
Last person of the opposite sex you gave a hug to?
0 notes
frogsister87 · 1 year
Do you know where the last person you kissed is?
Yeah, he’s at the gym
Who did you last call?
My gamma
Who was the last person you danced with?
Like slow danced? Ryan I think
Why did you kiss the last person you kissed?
I was leaving his house so he kissed me goodbye
When was the last time you ate a cupcake?
Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today?
Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush?
Do you tan in the nude?
I don't tan
If you could, would you take back your last kiss?
Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night?
Who was the last person to call you?
My grandma
Do you sing in the shower?
Not usually
Do you dance in the car?
Ever used a bow and arrow?
Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?
Over the summer
Do you think musicals are cheesy?
Is Christmas stressful?
Ever eat a pierogi?
I don’t know what that is
Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
Teacher or author
Do you believe in ghosts?
I don’t really know
Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?
Wear slippers?
Wear a bath robe?
Every morning
What do you wear to bed?
Pajamas usually
Have you ever been enrolled in private school? 
What is the last thing you ate? 
Hot dish
Do you buy your lingerie at Victoria’s Secret? 
Who is your favorite person to spend time with? 
I don’t have a favorite
What brand of face wash do you use? 
Do you know how to grill a steak? 
What were you wearing the last time you were kissed? 
I don’t remember
Are you considered a “clingy girlfriend”? 
I’m not considered a “girlfriend” so
Have you ever been to a purse party? 
No? Lol
Would you ever use an online dating service? 
I have tinder but I don’t really… “use it”
Are you good at multitasking? 
When’s the last time you went to a nightclub? 
Do you have a large dog? 
If not, are you afraid of them? 
What is more annoying: A sore throat or a headache? 
Sore throat
Do you like walking places? 
I’d rather drive
What time is it right now? 
Have you ever been to Europe? 
Can you legally consume alcohol? If not, do you anyways? 
Of course I can
Do you like zebra print and would you wear it? 
It’s not really my favorite
Do you have friends in other states than your own? 
Have you ever fake tanned? (Spray or bed) 
Are you one to ditch set plans? 
Not really
Have you ever sent an X-Rated picture to someone? 
All the time
What bothers you the most about your town? 
Nothing really
Can you actually play an instrument or do you say it to be cool? 
I used to be able to.. I was never really great at reading music tho so I highly doubt I’d be able to do it now
Do you like breaded chicken sandwiches? 
What kind of vitamins did you take as a kid?
Did you get any compliments today?
I don’t think so
Have you ever gone to court?
When I got divorced
Are you friends with your neighbours?
Favorite color?
How long has it been since you’ve seen the Lion King?
No idea
When did you last hold hands with someone?
Who could that have been?
Lala, we were roller skating and holding hands while we did lol
Have you ever thrown up from drinking?
Have you ever smoked weed?
Well yeah
How good is your eyesight?
Would you ever want to swim with the sharks?
I don’t know
Who was the last person you took a picture with?
What’s the longest amount of time you’ve been on an airplane without changing flights?
Only a few hours
What’s the best wedding you’ve been to?
I don’t know
Would you rather eat all day or exercise all day?
What kind of cookie is your favorite?
Sugar or chocolate chip
What do you think of guys who ask girls out over via text message or internet?
I don’t really care
What time do you normally go to sleep on weekdays?
Like 10 or 11
Would you say you’re a nice person?
I can be
Would you rather hold hands or link arms with your significant other?
Hold hands
Have you ever had a churro?
How is/was your chemistry class in high school?
I didn’t take chemistry
What’s your zodiac sign?
Would you rather eat rice or bread?
Have you ever been completely alone with a guy in their bedroom?
Uh yeah?
Is your bed against more than one of your walls?
Are you there for your friends?
Are you currently looking forward to anything?
Not really
What were you doing at 12 AM last night?
Is there anything, any event, you wish you could remember more clearly?
I don’t know
Do you respond to the people that yell out their car windows at you?
No one really does that
What’s your biggest priority right now?
If you’ve stayed overnight in a hospital, how did you entertain yourself?
By sleeping I guess
What is a common sleeping position for you?
My side or back
Have you ever rubbed anyone’s feet?
I don’t think so
Is there a food that makes you sick just thinking about it?
Do you know anyone that’s kind of stuck in another generation?
I don’t think so
When was the last time you were on a swing set?
Have you ever had “perfect attendance” in school?
Lol no
Do you find extreme body builders’ bodies to be attractive?
Not even a little bit
What are your feelings regarding shopping?
I have to be in the mood
Are your hands unsteady?
Are you envious of anyone’s artistic abilities?
No one specific comes to mind but I def wish that I could draw
What age would you like to have children?
I think that age has passed
What game consoles do you have?
Do you like playing the Sims 3?
Do you have a Twitter?
Not anymore
Have you ever been the victim of an ingrown toenail?
Do you think you could handle a long-distance relationship?
Probably not
If I were to search under your bed, what would I find?
You’re afraid of needles: true or false?
Have you ever had a pregnancy or STD scare?
Are your boobs a good size?
Haven’t had any complaints
Has anyone ever made fun of your taste in music? 
What’s your favorite season of the year? 
Summer I guess
Do you have pop-tarts in your house right now? 
Is anyone’s birthday coming up? 
Alicia’s is sundays!
Who would you allow to read your thoughts for one day?
No one
Does someone owe you over twenty dollars? 
Yeah my brother does actually
Do you remember who you liked in grade eight?
What are the last three songs you listened to? 
I have no idea
Are you dressing up for Halloween this year? 
I always do. I’m not sure yet what I’ll be but I was thinking mrs potts
Have you ever called somebody doll face?
I don’t think so
Have you ever thrown food at a stranger in a movie theater? 
Are you up later than you should be? 
Not yet
Does/did either of your parents serve in the military? 
Are you somewhat of a perfectionist? 
Do you like sour candy? 
Is there anybody you’re not ashamed to tell anything to?
Do you see the value in education?
Do you use a full length mirror daily? 
No I don’t have one but I wish I did
Are you one to sneak food into movie theaters?
I have before
Do you have any ‘naughty’ photos on your phone?
In the past week, have you cried hysterically?
Sunday night I had a good cry actually
Have you ever gone out of your way to make someone happy?
What were you doing before you started this survey?
A diamond painting
Are you wearing anything blue?
Last person you talked to, and through what you talked to them.
Xayvion on snap
What email service do you use?
Last text in your inbox?
“Bahahaha good”
Does it annoy you when someone takes ages to text back?
Can you tie a cherry stem in a knot with your tongue?
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frogsister87 · 1 year
When did you get up today? 
6:50 am
Is there anyone that could make your day if they showed up at your house? 
Omg yes
How old was the last person you rode in a car with? 
How long have you lived at your current residence? 
Since November
When was the last time you were up at 5am? 
I don’t know
What was the last movie you saw in theaters and who did you go with? 
Bad boys for life with Sean, thanks for bringing it up
When was the last time you went bowling? 
Good question
Have you ever been to the Grand Canyon? 
The Eiffel Tower? 
The Great Wall of China? 
And nope
How old were you in 1999?
How many funerals have you been to this year? 
When was the last time you spent a night stargazing? 
Are you taller than 5’6”? 
Not even close
What were you doing last night at 10pm? 
Laying in bed trying to sleep and failing
Do you have a favorite pillow you always sleep with? 
When was the last time you slept in someone else’s bed? 
Are there any candles in the room you’re in? 
If you turn around, what is behind you? 
A wall
Would you dye your hair hot pink for $50? 
Do you know what you’d have been named had you been born the opposite sex? 
I do not
Where did you get the shirt you are wearing? 
Victoria’s Secret
Where was the last place you spent more than $50? 
The grocery store probably
Are there any buttons on the clothes you’re wearing? 
How about zippers? 
Are your fingernails painted? 
Unfortunately not
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frogsister87 · 1 year
Who was the last baby you held?

Would you ever dye your hair blue?

How many people do you know that have a great sense of fashion?
I don’t really pay close attention to other peoples clothes to be honest

What age did you start feeling grown up?
Well I felt grown up after I got married but then when I got divorced I went back to feeling less mature and put together. But now at age 28 I feel pretty grown up

Do you get annoyed easily?

Yellow or green?
Yellow is my fav 

Have you ever been on a cruise?
No thank you 

Are cats one of your favorite animals?
No but I do like them 

How much sleep do you normally get each night?
Too much 

Do you listen to heavy metal music?

What’s your favorite song that has come out here recently?
I don’t know 

If you were to get a piercing, which would you like? What piercings do you already have?
I have 3 holes in both my ears and I don’t want any more piercings 

How many pictures do you have in your camera roll?

Have you ever done an internet challenge?
I don’t know what that is 

Why did you last leave the house?
I went to work 

What is the last thing you purchased online?

When did you last get a hair cut?
Like November 

Do you have layers in your hair?

Do you have any half siblings?

What has recently annoyed you?
Work stuff, feelings 

Do you get along with your exes?
I don’t talk to any of my exes. But I would probably get a long just fine with them. 

How many pairs of jeans do you own?
Like 10 maybe 

What all have you done today?
I finished a diamond painting and went to work 

When did you last go to a theater?
Last year 

Who did you last compliment?

Have you ever been pulled over by the police?

Have you ever been banned from anywhere?

When did you last purchase a balloon? What was the occasion?
I don’t think I’ve ever purchase a balloon 

What is your typical weekend like?
Not all that exciting

Do you ever use self checkout in stores or do you prefer waiting in line for an employee?
Self checkout 

What is the last fruit you consumed?
I do not known

Are you a jealous person?

How do you unwind after a stressful day?
It really just depends 

What was your first kiss like?
I don’t remember too much of it except that it was on couch cushions and we were watching the notebook 

Have you ever done one of those inflatable obstacle courses?

How old will you be next year?

Have you ever had a buzzcut?

How long can you stand being in a car before you get bored?
I don’t know, I don’t get bored very easily so probably a long time 

What’s the last frozen thing you consumed?
Ice cream probably? 

What’s your favorite bird?
Woodpecker or bald eagle
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frogsister87 · 1 year
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frogsister87 · 1 year
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via vsco.co
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frogsister87 · 1 year
Do you like McDonald’s sprite?
What age did you start becoming more independent?
Probably 28 was when I really started being the MOST independent. Just because it’s when I started living alone with no roommate or anything.
How do you like your oatmeal?
I like the apple cinnamon oatmeal
Do you ever just dance around the house?
Yeah I guess
List 5 things you need to do soon.
Clean my bathroom, fold laundry, bring some stuff out to my garage, pick stuff up at my grandmas, make an appointment to get my dress altered, pay rent
What do you do when you start to feel sad?
Go for a drive
Have you ever been to a metal concert?
Do you like metal?
Not really
What’s your favorite Christmas movie?
Home alone
What about Halloween movie?
Hocus pocus probably
Do you like the taste of cilantro?
Have you ever busted a window accidentally?
I don’t think so
Do you remember those Bratz dolls? What were your favorite dolls?
Yeah, I don’t remember having a favorite
What was the last thing to bum you out?
I don’t know
Do you enjoy apples?
I do
Have you ever made apple butter? Do you like it?
I have not made it and I’ve never had it
Do you own any pocket knives?
On a scale of 1-10.. How happy are you and why?
I don’t know that’s complicated. I’m very worried about some stuff right now and a little irritated and angry at some people. But as long as everything turns out okay and the way I want it to I’m very happy so.
Do you think diamonds are overrated?
Kind of
How many languages can you greet somebody in?
Three probably
Do you have a favorite planet?
Do you know how to play the flute?
What do you enjoy putting in your smoothies?
I’m not big on smoothies
What’s a medication that has really helped you?
I don’t know
Do you forgive easily?
Have you ever broken up with somebody?
What was the biggest phase you went through when you were younger?
I don’t know
Is there something you’ve been hiding from someone?
Do you believe in demons?
I don’t really know
Have you ever seen a spider consume another spider?
Ew no
What’s your favorite fruit?
Strawberry’s or watermelon
Do you ever go clubbing?
Have you ever been to a church camp?
I went to bible school once
Have you ever accidentally swallowed something you shouldn’t have?
I don’t think so
Last book you remember enjoying?
Where the heart is
When was the last time you got scared?
I don’t know
Have you ever seen a boy band live?
When was the last time you drank water?
Like a half hour ago
Have you ever been dehydrated?
Have you ever shot a gun?
Do you use Facebook?
Would you say you’re well educated on religious topics?
What’s the longest you have walked at once?
Oh gosh I don’t know
Do you ever take those Buzzfeed quizzes?
Pretty much every night when I’m winding down.. just to preoccupy my mind
How long was your last phone call?
A few seconds, it was at work
Are there a box of tissues on your bedside table?
Have you cut your hair here recently?
It’s been a few months
Do you like skittles?
They’re okay
What is your favorite kind of cheeto? (spicy, regular, puffs.. etc.
Just regular crunch ones
Do you have a skin care routine?
When I take the time to do it I do, but usually I don’t
Do you know how to write in cursive?
I forgot
What’s the closest thing to you that is pink?
I don’t see anything
Have you ever watched a black and white film?
Did you used to read Dr. Seuss books as a kid?
What’s the longest you’ve had to wait in line for something?
A few hours
What’s the sickest you’ve ever been?
When I was younger I had influenza and was in the hospital
If you had to be named after an inanimate object, what would you choose?
Oh gosh I don’t know
What is one food you would not like to give up?
Taco Bell
Would you ever donate a kidney to a stranger if applicable?
Probably not
How many scars do you have?
Not sure
Do you have any unusual things wrong with your body? (I have different length arms and hands for example)
Not that I know of
What did you last have to eat?
I just had a chicken salad sandwich and Cheetos for lunch
When was the last time you visited a carnival?
Do you own a pair of those socks with toes?
What age did you stop trick or treating? that is if you celebrate Halloween at all..
I went a couple times in high school but not every year
What’s the best flavor of popsicle?
Cherry or orange
Are you caught up on laundry?
Does your car tend to get super messy like mine? 😅
Have you ever had a flat tire?
Do you know what ginseng looks like?
When is the next time you have to go grocery shopping?
I’ll probably go Tuesday
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frogsister87 · 1 year
What are your plans for the day ahead?

What was the last thing you cleaned?
I vacuumed my living room
When do you go to your soonest appointment? 
I don’t have anything scheduled at the moment
What did you last order online? 
Can you see any bottles from where you’re sitting?

What time do you usually try to wind down in the evening?
What’s something you have been putting off?
Ending things with X
What restaurants do you frequently eat at? 
Do you like banana pudding with a lot of bananas or more vanilla wafers?
I don’t like pudding
How many books would you guess you’ve read in the last 5 years? 
Not that many unfortunately
What was the last message you sent? 
“confused” to lala
Have you ate anything green today? What’s your favorite way to add greens to your diet? 
There were some peas in my tuna helper that I ate. And I don’t know, I don’t really think about it I guess
When did you last light a candle or incense? 
I don’t know
Is it currently warm where you are?
Have you ever fallen out of bed? 
What do you like on your hot dogs or burgers? 
On my hot dogs I like ketchup and mustard. Sometimes onions. On my burgers I like ketchup and onions. Sometimes Mayo and pickles. It really just depends where the burger is from.
Are you currently listening to anything? 
I’m watching bring it
What did you last put in storage? 
I don’t have a storage 

Are there any celebrities that you are a big fan of?
Queen Dolly
Do you ever watch award shows? 
Do you usually run out of shampoo or conditioner first?

Do you have any LED lights in your home?
What is your biggest challenge?
What was the last sweet thing you’ve eaten? 
Ice cream
Do you prefer buying new clothes or thrift shopping for clothes?
New clothes
What is something you need right now? 
What’s something you like that is blue? 
The sky
Have you treated yourself today? 
In a way
Have you ever traveled alone? 
What color is your most worn jacket/hoodie? 
Who is someone you would like to get to know more? 
No one
What toy do you miss the most from your childhood? 
My dollhouses except I still have them. A toy that I don’t have still that I miss would probably be my polly pockets or maybe my Disneyland
Have you ever lost something valuable to you? 
Yes, I lost a ring once. But my mom gifted me the same exact one for Christmas that year and I cried.
What or who has impacted your life the most? 
Probably my divorce and my suicide attempt that followed
Would you say you are toxic in any way? 
What’s one of your favorite memories from the past year? 
Maybe when I went to go visit alyssa
How often do you use a straw? 
Whenever I’m out to eat
What’s your current favorite song?
Danger zone
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frogsister87 · 1 year
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