fururutos · 5 years
Food Writing
Being Bikolana my favorite food is spicy like Bikol express. And the desert is native meryenda like cassava suman.
But one of the korean food is going interesting for me in last year. One of the famous food is called Bibimbap the ingredients of the food. After Im watching one of the famous tv show and see the bibimbap I will promise my self one day I am eat the food.
And the day will come for me on January 1 2019. I went to SM Nort to eat a bibimbap and one of the most memorable day for me. The taste of the food suit for me the food is spicy and the vegatable is fresh and the beef is very tender. During my first bite this food is like a see of my favorite place in my hometown the spicy is like of the heat in the beach and the vegatable is very fresh and sweet and also the meet is very tender.
Im not regret to taste this food and I will come back in SM North to eat again this food.
Written by:Angelica Avellano
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fururutos · 5 years
Mahabang Buhangin
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Mahabang buhangin fund in Mangcawayan Calaguas Island Vinzons Camarines Norte. The beach is breathtaking if you see the long white sand of the beach.
Every year I am going back to my hometown and Im not forget to visit in Mahabang Buhangin Beach. The name of beach is symbol of the very long white sand
The water of the
beach is very clear like of the mirror you can see of the deep part of the sea. but for me that is not of the best beach that Island. Even the characteristics of the sea did not cpmpare to my favorite Island
My favorite island called Shopang Malaki. The Beauty of that Isaland is very unique compare to Mahabang Buhangin the scenery is unbelievable to my eyes. When ever I'm there my feelings that Island is not the same of the other beautiful island in my hometown. There's no one living there because of the folk story about that Island
One of my dreams is settle down if you are there in the top of the mountain you can see all the little island and the ocean is unbelievable because of the color.
Shopang Malaki is my favorite place and even my family that island is part of my teenage life and favorite picnik place of my whole family.
Written by: Angelica Avellano
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fururutos · 5 years
Alot of the people have a good and bad memory but the most important what is the lesson to get of your experience and what is the best way to find of your self.
For me I have suffer alot of the problem this year and I am experience a depression cause of this problem. Even my studies is affected
I need to choose my family or my dreams and during that time i dont know what to do this problem. But one in the morning when I woke up and stair my self and see of my self in the mirror. Im talking my self in the mirror and told hey wake up your adult now and you need to decide of your self. Follow your heart and do not be coward of your decision.What is your choice your dreams or your family
Afer that I need to decide and I choosing of my family. But it's very hurt for me to give up my dreams. For my family I need to be strong and become positive person and good influence to my brothers and sisters.
Written by:Angelica Avellano
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fururutos · 5 years
Fire Noodles 🔥🔥
I want to share my experience in eating the fire noodles. This noodles became really popular worldwide on internet because its super really hot! A lot of youtubers have shared videos of eating this noodles.
What kind of sorcery is this— nope what really is this noodles?
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This noodles oroginated from Korea. This product is named 불닭붂음면 (buldak-bukkeummyeon) or Hot Chicken Flavored Ramen. This is known as fire noodles from all over countries.
I remember when me and my cousin have bought this noodles, we actually bought four packs. But at the time that we are going to cook it, we only saw two of them. We look for it only to find out that our grandma have cooked it and ate for herself. We laughed as she said that she only endured to eat it because it will be a waste. Lucky for her, she didn't put all the sauce; but it still is hot.
I took part in cooking the noodles. As I put all the sauce, I could finally feel its spiciness as it sticks into my nose. It itched a lot a that time. It took me a lot of effort to have my guts to take a bite. As it looks much more red than this:
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(Photo source: www.iisjong.com)
I have no photo of it when its finally done. This picture his deceiving! The noodles is much more red in person. It looks really hot.
Me and my cousin took a bite. At first, you will taste its sweetness, but as time goes by, you will feel how spicy it is. After a few bites, I gave up and stood. I kept thinking: how could my Kuya D.A. could finish this even out of hunger?!
I looked for a liquid to surpress the spiciness and finished a lot of bottled water. Yet, it isn't enough. My other cousin gave me milk but after finishing, it still didn't work. My eyes were swollen and was about to cry. I just grabbed a cup to drink but to my surprise, I felt much more hotter! It is a coke!
I love spicy foods to be honest. But this noodles have leveled up to how spicy I could take. It really is fire. All in all, I would still say that this noodles is tasty since there is sweetness in it. The reputation of this noodles is unchanged in my experience. It has proven its promise.
Written By: Kyla Tiangco
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fururutos · 5 years
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(Photo credits to google)
"Butter Garlic Shrimp"
Since when I was a child, everytime that San Lorenzo Ruiz Parochial Church fiesta came along here in our barangay (NBBS) , we had a tradition to have a banquet open for our all neighbors who are also celebrating the fiesta. There were so many foods and dishes cooked and prepared by my titas with the help of my older cousins. But there is one dish that is always be my favorite and the signature dish of my tita Weng and that is "Butter Garlic Shrimp".
The ingredients and procedures are melt the 3 tablespoon butter in a skillet then put the 3 minced garlic, cook in medium heat until the garlic starts to brown a little. Immediately throw-in 3 lbs shrimp on a skillet and cook over medium high heat while stirring occasionally, then top with chopped fresh parsley and serve. Easy and perfect!
Butter garlic shrimp is my favorite because everytime that my tita Weng cooking it, the smell was so fragrant and the shrimps are so savory and delicious. I love it because it is easy to make and prepare. Garlic and butter for me are the two greatest pleasure ingredients in life and when these two combine in a glorious shrimp skillet, it's nothing but a perfection!
Written By: Mariz Suficiencia
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fururutos · 5 years
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Bohol’s Pride🌌
By: Mariz C. Suficiencia
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My grandmother Narcisa P. Suficiencia ages 87 years old now had a tradition every last week of the month of march to go home where she was born and raised to celebrate their family reunion and death anniversary of their loving parents in Bohol Island located in Visayas. Last 2016 because of her age she decided to go there with me as her hand to help and watch over her. It results as one of my memorable vacation because I enjoyed a lot. I experienced my first ride in airplane and ship. I also knew and met my relatives there.
But the highlights of my vacation was to seen and encountered how ablazing their pride there the “chocolate hills”, those are rare geological formation and cone-shaped hills, they are covered in green grass that turns brown during the dry season. It is one of the Philippine’s top tourist attraction. Chocolate hills are located in Carmen bohol and said to be equivalent to 1, 268 wonderful hills. On our way there we stop and took some pictures in “man made forest” located in Loboc, these forest features are 2 kilometer stretch of mahogany trees.
The scenery was enough to take my breath away and one word to describe it, is wonderful! I wonder how really best artist our God is. He never fail to amaze His children in His masterpieces!
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fururutos · 5 years
Nature Writing
The first time that I was brought to Sasmuan, Pampanga is when we got to find a mechanic shop that could fix our oldie car that was stuck in the middle of the road near Lubao, Pampanga. I could remember how fixated the green grass were as I see them from outside the L300 that we are riding. I could see the sun rise from above thus we are going back home to Manila in the morning and yet there we are, stucked in the middle of the road.
We rode a L300 car to Lubao to find a mechanic shop to fix the car. But then, as we got there, my aunt asked us to stay in their house in Sasmuan, Pampanga while waiting for the our ride to be fixed.
It was a long journey. Not because of the miles that we took as we arrive the house but the scenery that we've gone through while we're on the road.
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(Photo: Google Maps)
So this is the map of these three municipalities of Pampanga. From Lubao, we took a road turning right from the Municipal hall, heading to a church and from turning to its left, then turning right again, you will arrive to the very long bridge that connect to Sasmuan, Pampanga.
But that doesn't sum it all up. Because what amazes us is the scenery you will see from there! The long road did not bore us as we could see the whole fish farm and a lot of birds. From there also, you could see the skies clearer and a lot more beautiful than I have ever seen. The morning routine in the bridge did not just amaze me but also energized me as a lot pf people were there to take a walk and jog.
There were a lot of birds that flies through and they are in groups. It might be not good for the fishermens because their fishes were targeted by these birds so I could almost not see that thin net that protects it from those birds. In the side of the whole scene is a nipa hut that is almost at the edge of the land near the fish farm.
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The sun shone brightly at me when I took the picture. It was an amazing discovery that I found in between two civilization. This experience gave me peace as I enter the municipal of Sasmuan, thinking that everything will be fine in the future.
Written by: Kyla Tiangco
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