Flashbacks || The Glee Club + Gabe
Quinn Quinn walked into the bedroom and jumped on the bed. "Hi." She kissed Gabe's cheek and giggled.
Gabe "Hey babe," he looked over at her. "How are you, gorgeous?"
Quinn "Fabulous," She smiled. "And you, handsome?" She put her head on his chest, and held his hand.
Gabe "Lost in thought," he admitted. "It was nice to get away to Lima for a weekend."
Quinn "All the girls loved you." She laughed.
Gabe "That was the nice part," he joked.
Quinn "Oh hush." She laughed.
Gabe "I'm serious. The first reaction was the best though," he nodded, somewhat sarcastic.
Quinn Quinn walked in with Gabe. "Do I look okay?"
Gabe "Yes, as beautiful as you were two minutes ago. Calm down, Q. You look great." Gabe promised, letting the door close after them.
Quinn "I just want to look pretty when I'm introducing my new boyfriend." She smiled at all of her friends.
Puck "There he is..." He mumbled to Sam. "He took my girl..."
Sam: "Bro, give him a chance." Sam tried. "Maybe he's good for her?"
Puck "I'm freaking good for her." He tried not to pout.
Brittany "Quinny!" She ran up and hugged her other best friend. "Who's this?" She asked, smirking at the guy with dancing hips.
Santana "Don't be a fucking girl, Puckerman," Santana rolled her eyes, turning to examine Quinn's new beau when her eyes nearly popped from her skull. "Woah!"
Gabe "You do," Gabe said quietly. He raised his brows at the bouncing blonde who seemed to be smiling at him. "I'm Gabe."
Emma "Oh my gosh..." Emma smiled. She was slightly taken aback at how cute Quinn's new boyfriend was.
Brittany "I'm Brittany S. Pierce. I'm a dancer."
Will: Will raised his brows. "Who is that?" He asked the table.
Rachel "It seems Quinn has a new man in her life," Rachel commented, although Noah had been complaining nonstop about it.
Quinn "Hi everyone." Quinn smiled. "This is Gabe. He's my boyfriend."
Puck: "Whoopdie freakin' doo." He rolled his eyes.
Gabe Gabe nodded to Brittany with a smile before looking to the crowd. "Hey."
Sam: "Hey man. I'm Sam." Sam stood, shaking his hand and nodding at Quinn.
Rachel "I'm Rachel Berry," the brunette popped out of her seat and smiled at Gabe in greeting.
Quinn Quinn smiled at Sam. At least he was being a good sport.
Santana Santana turned to Gabe and smirked. "Santana Lopez," she held out a hand for Gabe to take. "The pleasure is all yours, I'm sure."
Will: Will looked around the table and smiled at Gabe. "Any friend of Quinn's is a friend of ours. Welcome. It's nice to meet you, Gabe."
Brittany "Santana's my girlfriend." Brittany smiled.
Emma "Emma Pillsbury..." She waved a little. "Sorry... Germs." She smiled.
Santana Santana nodded, still looking at Gabe. "Yep."
Gabe "It's nice to meet all..." He shot a glance at Puckerman. "Almost all of you."
Quinn Quinn bit her lip and led Gabe to sit down. She took a seat between Puck and Gabe so they wouldn't kill each other.
Emma: "So... Quinn, Brittany, Sam... How's NYU?"
Sam "Confusing," Sam grimaced.
Brittany: "Same as Sam. I'm having a nerd tutor me." She nodded.
Quinn "Easy..." Quinn smiled. "Oh.. That's awkward."
Sam "Can I come, Britt?" Sam asked.
Gabe "Nah. I agree with these two. Way difficult," Gabe nodded.
Will: "Oh, you go to NYU as well?" Will asked.
Gabe Gabe nodded.
Brittany "Duh." She nodded. "We can put the forces of our heads together and explode with smart."
Puck "Maybe even I could get into NYU since Gabe is goin' there."
Emma "Well I'm glad you're seeking tutoring Brittany." She smiled.
Gabe "Probably not," Gabe raised his brows at Puck.
Quinn Quinn stepped on both of their feet.
Rachel "Noah," Rachel reprimanded her fellow Jew, who was sitting to her left.
Puck "Just sayin..." He stuck his tongue out at Rachel.
Will: "Never hurts to try.." Will offered, trying to ease the atmosphere back into a casual setting.
Rachel "Put your tongue back in your mouth or I'll tell your mother you were rude to me," Rachel smirked.
Puck "Shit..." He frowned with his tongue back in his mouth.
Quinn "How's the glee club doing this year Mr. Schue?"
Will: "Great, just great. We have a good pick," he nodded. "I'm glad we have some of our veterans though. It's not the same without you guys."
Puck "Well of course you need my badassness."
Quinn Quinn nodded. "That's good. I miss it."
Brittany Brittany winked at Gabe.
Will: "Lan-" Will shook his head, stopping himself from chastising the younger man about his language. "We're all adults now."
Gabe Gabe smiled at Brittany.
Puck: "I'm the ambadassador of glee, Schue." He shrugged.
Brittany Brittany waved at Gabe. "Hi." She mouthed.
Rachel "Says the man who refused to be co-captain with me, even after I spoke with his mother." Rachel murmured.
Sam "I wasn't there for the captain thing, but I totally would have done it," Sam offered. "Therefore, I'm the ambassador."
Santana "Do you even know what that is, Puckerman?" Santana smirked.
Gabe Gabe nodded at the blonde, a little confused.
Puck "Rach. We all know that glee club was social suicide back then. It's hard to get slushie out my mohawk."
Rachel "Mhmm," Rachel flipped her hair over her shoulder. "So, how's Ohio?" She asked Will and Emma.
Will: Will smiled at the group. "It's great. Home sweet home. You should all visit more, though!"
Quinn "I want to." Quinn smiled sadly. "I won't be in New York forever though."
Emma "Where do you want to live, Quinn?" Emma asked.
Quinn "I think Lima would be great." Quinn smiled. "I miss it here."
Gabe "You want to come back to Lima?" Gabe asked, surprised.
Rachel "You want to come back to Lima?" Rachel repeated, confused.
Quinn "After college." Quinn shrugged. "Maybe." She looked at Gabe.
Rachel "Sorry Mr. Shue...Will," Rachel corrected herself. "I don't think I'll ever find a home in Lima."
Will: "Be where you need to be," Shue said wisely.
Santana "I'm not coming back," Santana shook her head.
Sam "I wouldn't write it off, but it's probably not my first choice." Sam shrugged.
Puck "I'm probably stuck here forever so..." He frowned.
Brittany "I'm going to Happyville... The land where math doesn't exist."
Rachel "Don't say that Noah," Rachel nudged him.
Puck "It's true."
Santana "Britt - if you get rid of math, you get rid of shapes."
Sam "Come on, man," Sam said.
Rachel Rachel shook her head. "It is not. You're in the army!"
Quinn Quinn put her hand on Puck's. "You can go anywhere you want."
Brittany: "I don't get it..." Brittany looked at Santana.
Gabe Gabe ignored the hand, and looked to Brittany. "I totally agree. I'll be your neighbor in Happyville!"
Santana "Nevermind. Happyville doesn't sound so bad," Santana sighed.
Puck: "I quit. I'm here right? I shot myself in my foot with Quinn."
Emma "Oh my." Emma put her hand over her mouth.
Quinn "What?" Quinn asked.
Puck "I shot myself with my gun. I named it Quinn, okay?" He sighed. "I was cleaning it and POW!"
Gabe "You named a gun after your ex-girlfriend? Brilliant. Really," Gabe rolled his eyes.
Will: Will shook his head. Still the same drama. "No bullet can stop the ambassador of glee."
Puck: "Yeah. I named it after Quinn because when I got back I was gonna ask her to marry me!" He got up and left.
Quinn: Quinn looked down. Wow.
Brittany: Brittany's eyes went wide.
Gabe Gabe looked at Quinn, brows raised.
Rachel Rachel sighed and stood up to follow him.
Will: Will looked around the table, not sure what he should say.
Quinn "It's lovely to be back..." Quinn sighed.
Santana Santana rolled her eyes. "Puckerman wouldn't have the guts to do it anyways."
Quinn: "Santana." Quinn snapped.
-flashback ends-
Quinn: "I almost died." Quinn shook her head.
Gabe "You died? I was the new guy that no one liked or knew yet!"
Quinn "Well... When you broke up with your baby's father because he wouldn't marry you and he was gonna ask you to marry him with your new boyfriend there... you kind of die!"
Gabe "Well, I was the new boyfriend. No one was rooting for me to win," he frowned.
Quinn: "I was." She smiled.
Gabe Gabe leaned over and gave her a quick kiss. "I was too," he winked.
Quinn "Why am I so irresistible?" She shook her head laughing.
Gabe "Because everyone is trying to get to you..so that they can get to your boyfriend." He winked.
Quinn: "No!" She frowned. "I'm pretty sure everyone loves me."
Gabe "Oh yeah? Don't you remember dancing at the wedding?" He laughed.
Brittany Brittany came dancing toward Gabe and Quinn. "Dancing hips!" She sang.
Quinn "She needs to stop talking about your hips."
Gabe Gabe laughed. "Why? I'm making friends!" He exclaimed. "Back at cha, blondie!"
Quinn: "They're my dancing hips. And your lips. Those are mine too." She nodded. "And your butt. Cause its cute when you wear jeans."
Gabe Gabe grinned. "I'm in a tux, though."
Santana Santana swung by them, dancing with Mike. "It suits you," she winked.
Gabe After the two flew by, Gabe chuckled. "Suits...puns."
Quinn Quinn rolled her eyes. "I look pretty tonight too. I curled my hair and everything."
Puck Puck was dancing with a random friend of Emma's."You look hot Q." He winked.
Quinn: "Thanks, Puckerman!" She winked back.
Gabe Gabe rolled his eyes. "You look gorgeous. As usual," he smiled.
Quinn "Sure I do!" She stuck her tongue out.
Gabe "You do!"
Rachel Rachel, who was dancing with Sam, nodded. "You do, Quinn." She giggled as he twirled her.
Quinn: "Thanks Rachie Poo!" She smiled. "I look super gorgeous." She corrected Gabe.
Gabe "Oh, excuse me," he smirked.
Santana "Switch time!" Santana called randomly, grabbing Gabe's hand, and switching dance partners swiftly.
Quinn Quinn frowned and went to dance with Mr. Schue. "My boyfriend is having fun with Santana soo... Hey Mr. Married man." She smiled.
Will: Will laughed and danced with Quinn. "I hope you're not worried. Santana went through far too much her junior year to decide that she's going to grab your boyfriend."
Quinn "Sure." She laughed. "I'm so happy for you Mr. Schue."
Will: "Thank you, Quinn. I'm happy for you as well." He nodded.
Brittany "Hey." Brittany smiled at Sam. "Dance with me?"
Santana "So, how serious are you and Quinn?" Santana asked Gabe.
Sam Sam grinned. "I'd love to. See ya Rach."
Rachel Rachel smiled and took a seat, pushing around the wedding cake on her plate.
Quinn "Gabe's really nice." She smiled. "I like him. A lot actually... He has a son and I might love him like he's my own child already." She laughed.
Will He grinned. "That's great. He's good to you, right?"
Puck: "Hey, fellow hot Jew." He smirked and sat down by Rachel.
Quinn: "Really, really good." She smiled.
Rachel Rachel looked up and grinned. "Hey Noah."
Gabe "Uh...well we just got together, but I think we're getting there.."
Santana "Hm," Santana nodded. "Interesting. So, tell me about yourself," she smiled.
Sam Sam grinned at Brittany. "You look great," he complimented her.
Puck "This wedding is cool." He smiled.
Rachel "You think so? You don't seem like the wedding type," Rachel admitted.
Brittany: "It happens sometimes. Ya know... when I'm lucky." She smiled.
Puck: "I'm not, but Schue and Ms. P really love each other."
Sam "You must be a very lucky person," Sam smiled at her.
Rachel Rachel raised her brows at Noah. "You aren't doing that whole 'chicks dig sentimental' thing, are you?"
Brittany "Aw. That's sweet." Brittany smiled.
Puck: "Nah..." He smirked at her.
Rachel "Liar," she smiled at him. She stood and held out a hand. "Dance with me, Noah."
Puck "Fine." He rolled his eyes, then smiled.
Rachel She grabbed his hand and led him out to the dance floor.
Sam "I'm a sweet guy," he said, not a bit modest.
Gabe "I want to be a cop-"
Santana "Cops are sexy," Santana nodded.
Will: Will smiled. "Good." A slow song came on and he looked to Quinn. "You mind if I go steal my wife?"
Quinn: "Go dance with your wife. I'm gonna go find Bethy." She smiled. "Thanks for letting her be the flower girl. She loved throwing flowers."
Brittany: Brittany smiled. "If I weren't with Santana, I would be so attracted to you."
Sam: "Thanks Britt," the song slowed down. "Do you want to dance with Santana?"
Will: "It was a pleasure. I'll talk to you in a bit," he smiled, walking away to dance with his bride.
Brittany: "No." She smiled. "You're a good dancer."
Emma Emma giggled as Will grabbed her to dance.
Sam "So is Santana," Sam cast a glance towards Santana and Gabe and moved the two from Brittany's vision casually.
Gabe "I like to think so," Gabe laughed. "It was cool meeting you."
Santana "I know. I'm the lively one of the group."
Quinn Quinn found Beth and started dancing with her.
Brittany: Brittany looked down a bit. "Yeah."
Sam "You're way better, though."
Brittany: "Thanks, Sam." She sighed. "She doesn't look at me the same anymore..."
Gabe "It was nice dancing with you, but.." He looked to Quinn. "I'm getting tired."
Sam "Why not?" He asked.
Brittany: "I don't know... She left, then I left..." She shrugged.
Sam He brushed a strand of fallen hair behind her ear. "It'll be fine."
Santana "Fine," Santana shrugged, walking away.
Brittany "Thanks." She smiled at him shyly.
Rachel "We haven't danced together since your fifteenth birthday," she smiled.
Santana Santana walked up to Brittany. "Let's dance."
Puck "I was a sucky dancer back then." He laughed.
Brittany: "I'm dancing with Sam... One more song."
Rachel "Teenage boys are never very good dancers," she remarked. When Mike shot her a look as he spun Tina around, she giggled. "Okay...almost all of them."
Puck: "Glee helped." He nodded.
Quinn: "Hey." She smiled at Gabe. "Someone's been wanting you." She gave Beth to him.
Gabe He picked Beth up with a smile. "Hey sweet thang."
Rachel "I remember watching you guys in Acafella rehearsals," she reminisced.
Quinn: "So... What did you and Santana talk about?" She asked.
Puck: "That was the best thing ever." He laughed. "So many milfs."
Rachel She wrinkled her nose. "Really, Noah?"
Gabe "Us," Gabe shrugged, swaying with Beth.
Puck: "Schue's mom is hot." He nodded.
Quinn: "Us?" Quinn smiled.
Rachel "That's...disturbing," Rachel said, pulling away slightly.
Gabe "You and me." He nodded.
Puck "I'm joking." He laughed.
Quinn: "Oh." She nodded.
Gabe "What?"
Rachel "Are you?" Rachel asked suspiciously, hands lingering an inch away from his shoulders.
Quinn "I like the words 'You and me'. Especially when it has to do with...well, you and me."
Puck: "Yeah!" He laughed.
Gabe He smiled, hugging Beth and kissing Quinn softly.
Rachel She interlaced her fingers and sighed. "Okay."
Quinn: "I love weddings." She smiled.
Will was timed out
Puck: "You talked to Finn?" He asked.
Rachel Rachel made a face that she tried to hide. "Yeah."
Puck: "How'd that go?" He asked.
Rachel "Well, when I say I spoke to Finn...It was more of a one sided conversation." She muttered.
Puck "Tell me... Do I need to kick his ass?"
Rachel "While the gesture is thoughtful, I'd rather you not," she sighed softly and watched their feet. "Let's just say it wasn't the conversation I was hoping for."
Puck "Tell me about it." He led her to a table.
Gabe Gabe smiled at her. "You look way too beautiful for me tonight."
Rachel Rachel took a seat and sat quietly, trying to think of how to word it.
Quinn: "Thanks." She blushed.
Puck Puck waited patiently, while eying Finn.
Gabe "Dance with us?" Gabe smiled.
Quinn: "Oh, why not." She laughed and started dancing with them.
Rachel "Well, you know how he called and said he wasn't going into the army anymore," she began the story the whole glee club knew. He hadn't enlisted and he'd decided not to. "Well, I called him to talk to him about that and..us." She bit her lip. "I got his voicemail. Then I called continuously for a month...and then one day his number changed." She frowned.
Puck "And then?" He asked.
Rachel "And I sort of haven't spoken to him since." She said quietly.
Puck "So he talked to you?"
Rachel "No, but I became very familiar with the 'I'm sorry-the number you are calling has been disconnected. Please hang up and try again' voice," she said glumly.
Puck: "I'll kick his ass..."
Rachel "Noah, don't," she put a hand over his. "Really. I'm fine."
Puck "I gotta look out for you."
Rachel "You do," she laid her head on his shoulder and held back tears that she'd been holding in for a while now. "You really do. Thank you."
Puck "I love you Rach." He smiled. "You're like my other little sister."
Rachel "Your other little sister who you have made out with on multiple occasions," she sat up straight. "Let's just not use the sister title," she laughed.
Puck "You know what I mean." He nudged her.
Rachel "Yes. I know. You're in love with me, but you use the sister title as your cover. It's okay, Noah. I love you too," she giggled.
Puck Puck put his arm around Rachel.
Rachel "Do me a favor?" Rachel looked at him.
Puck "Sure." He nodded.
Rachel "Keep your arm there because the look on Finn's face is well deserved," Rachel said.
Puck "Sure thing." He smirked.
Rachel She laid her head back on his shoulders and hurried to wipe away a tear before he saw it. "Thanks."
Puck "Welcome. You look really pretty tonight."
Rachel "And you look as handsome as ever," she smiled.
Sam When the song finished, Sam sighed. "Sorry about stealing you from your girlfriend."
Puck "I know I know." He laughed. "I shaved the Hawk off. I miss it."
Rachel Her laugh was breathy as she nodded. "You look good, with or without it." Quickly she added, "That's what she said." She made a face. "Sorry, my roommate..constantly says it."
Brittany "I didn't mind." Brittany said quietly, and stepped away from Sam. She grabbed Santana's hand. She didn't feel a spark.
Puck "Puckzilla needs to meet this roommate of yours."
Rachel "As long as you don't sleep with her," Rachel sighed. "I don't want to know what you sound like when you fornicate."
Puck Puck snorted. "Fornicate. That's a funny word."
Rachel "When you have sex," she rolled her eyes.
Puck "I know that Rach." He laughed.
Rachel She nudged him in the side, eyes glancing to her right before she tilted her head up to whisper in his ear. "Okay, now you have to do that smirk you do when you're looking at a really pretty girl or thinking of something you shouldn't be because he's looking. Do it. Do it now."
Puck Puck smirked at Rachel and went to whisper in her ear. "I know how to make a guy jealous, Rachel."
Rachel "Just figured I could give you cues," she said, pretending to giggle at something he said.
Puck "I can't believe I'm doing this to my best friend."
Rachel "Your best friend changed his number and didn't have the decency to tell his sort-of ex-girlfriend. Now he has the audacity to be jealous." She whispered.
Puck "Yeah..." He sighed.
Rachel "It's fine. You don't have to do it," Rachel moved a curl from her face. "Sorry." She said, leaning away.
Puck "I'll do it for you..." He sighed. "Finn's my boy though."
Rachel "No, I understand. Sorry." She traced the tablecloth with her finger, watching her perfectly manicured fingernail make patterns.
Puck Puck put his arm around Rachel.
Rachel "Puck..." Rachel said, looking at him. "I'm fine. It was...stupid, anyways."
Puck "Okay." He nodded and got up. He went to the stage, stole the guitar from the guitar player, and stepped up to the mic. "This is for three very special girls: Beth Puckerman, Rachel Berry, and Emma Schuester." He smirked and started playing 'Sweet Caroline'.
Rachel Rachel, who was still sitting down, looked up when Noah's voice rang out from the microphone. She giggled, standing up and moving to the dance floor, chiming in with the 'bah bah bah's.
Quinn Quinn looked around confused.
Gabe Gabe danced with Beth, a little confused at what Puckerman was up to.
Quinn Quinn glared at Puck and crossed her arms.
Gabe "You okay?" Gabe asked.
Puck Puck gave Quinn a Don't-give-me-that-look look.
Quinn "Yup." She stood there looking at Puck.
Rachel Rachel twirled around by herself on the dance floor, closing her eyes as she danced to the familiar melody that she'd spent her freshman year listening to.
Puck After Puck finished the song, he walked off stage and hugged Rachel.
Quinn "Keep an eye on Beth." She told Gabe. And motioned for Santana and Brittany to come on the stage.
Gabe "Okay," Gabe muttered, confused.
Santana Santana walked with Brittany to the stage, hand in hand.
Quinn: "Say A Little Prayer." She whispered to them. "Well," She said to the audience. "Since we're confessing our love for people tonight, I think I should too." She smirked. "Gabe, this is for you."
Rachel Rachel pecked Noah on the cheek and glanced at the stage. "What's...going on?"
Santana Santana shrugged. Mr. Shue did say something about having the kids perform.
Puck: "Jealous Quinn... Scary Quinn..." He muttered.
Rachel "Why is she jealous? She's dating Gabe." She shook her head.
Puck "Because you're Rachel..." He shrugged. "I don't understand her brain."
Rachel "Yes, because I'm such competition..." She murmured.
Puck "You're hot." He nodded.
Rachel Rachel looked up, a slight pink tint to her cheeks. "Oh... thank you, Noah."
Puck "Just telling the truth, Berry." He smiled down at her.
Santana Santana looked at Brittany, nodding at her.
Rachel Rachel smiled and brushed a strand of hair behind her ear as she looked at the stage
Brittany Brittany winked at Santana. They hadn't rehearsed, but they were the Unholy Trinity. They knew each other better than anyone.
Quinn The music started, and Santana, Quinn, and Brittany started dancing to their song.
Santana While Santana and Brittany did movements in the back- what seemed to be a mix of cheerio and glee motions, Quinn sang and they did back up vocals.
Puck Puck grabbed Rachel's hand. "Let's go see if we can find someone to buy us drinks."
Rachel "Okay..you aren't going to watch?" She said, following him, her hand in his.
Brittany Brittany couldn't help, but smile at Sam while her and her best friends were performing.
Gabe Gabe smiled at Quinn, watching her perform onstage.
Sam Sam smiled at Brittany, trying not to distract her too much by waving.
Quinn Quinn winked at Gabe, while she was singing.
Puck: "Nah. It's dumb."
Rachel "Um, okay." She nodded. "Wait, buy us drinks? I'm not drinking, Noah."
Puck "Why not?"
Rachel "Because I'm-" She turned her head slightly to see Finn blatantly flirting with one of Emma's bridesmaids.
Puck "Alright." He said when he saw Finn flirting with the blonde whore with boobs up to her eyelids. He stormed over to him. "Dude. Your ex girlfriend is right here. You didn't give her any explanation, and she might be fine with that, but I'm not. Man up and face the music."
Rachel "Noah, really, you don't have to. Let's just go. I could really use that drink right now..." Rachel frowned at Finn, attempting to pull Puck away.
Puck "I'm not busting your face in tonight cause that would ruin Schue's wedding, but tomorrow get ready for a beating." He put his arm around Rachel and started to walk away.
Rachel She looked at Noah and wrapped an arm around his waist. "Please don't beat him up."
Puck "I'm not." He shook his head. "Just wanted to scare him."
Rachel "Job well done," she nodded.
Puck "I am pretty awesome."He smirked.
Quinn Quinn jumped off the stage, and ran over to Gabe.
Gabe Gabe set down Beth and lifted up Quinn when she reached him. "Hey babe."
Quinn "Did you like it?" She asked.
Gabe "Loved it," he grinned.
Rachel "I can concede to that." She smiled.
Quinn "Good." She smiled.
Puck "That means you agree right?"
Rachel She nodded, giggling slightly.
Puck: "Cool." He smiled.
Rachel "Thank you, by the way." She pretended to admire her shoes.
Puck: "For what?"
Rachel "For sticking up for me," she smiled.
Gabe "Sweet thang over here liked it too," he said, putting Quinn down to pick up Beth.
Quinn Quinn kissed Beth on the cheek. "I'm glad."
Gabe Gabe nodded. "So that's the kind of thing you did in your glee club?"
Puck "No big deal." He shrugged. "You're my favorite jew."
Rachel "It was. To me. Thank you," she repeated herself, squeezing him with the arm she had around his waist in a side hug."You're my favorite Jew, too, Noah." She laughed.
Puck Puck went for a full on hug. "Love you Berry."
Quinn "Mmm hmm. I didn't get many solos though."
Rachel Rachel nodded, hugging him tightly. "Love you too, Noah."
Gabe "Why not? Your voice is awesome." Gabe frowned.
Puck "Really?"
Quinn "It's okay..." She shook her head.
Gabe "No way. I'm going to make you sing...every day." He grinned.
Rachel "What do you mean?" Rachel looked at him. "Of course I love you."
Quinn "What if I have a cold?"
Gabe "Then I'll sing for you," he smiled.
Puck "Out of everyone that I've been with... I kinda wanna be with you the most."
Quinn Quinn giggled. "That'll be interesting."
Gabe "Hey!" He grinned. "That's not nice...but if you prefer...little Beth could sing to us!"
Rachel Rachel's brows furrowed. "I don't...think I understand."
Quinn "Bethy's a good singer."She smiled.
Puck "I... I'm over Quinn... I wanna be with you."
Gabe "I bet she gets it from her mom," he smiled.
Rachel "Noah, I..." she looked down, pulling away slightly. "You are so wonderful, but I just... got out of a serious relationship with Finn and I... I don't know if.. " She looked back up at him. "I don't think that's the best idea."
Quinn "It runs in the family." She smiled, and glanced at Puck.
Puck "I understand." He nodded. "I gotta go..."
Gabe "Can your mom sing?" Gabe asked curiously.
Rachel "Noah, please," she grabbed his arm. "I do love you. I just... it's not the time. Please. I would hate losing you."
Quinn Quinn shook her head. "Nope. Puck can sing."
Gabe Gabe nodded. "Right.." He looked at Beth yawning. "We should probably get out of here."
Puck "I just have to leave. I'll talk to you later."
Quinn "Probably. Let's go congratulate Mr. Schue and Emma again."
Rachel She nodded. "Okay...bye." Waving, she frowned as he left. He didn't even hug her good bye.
Gabe Gabe nodded. "Sounds good. Come on." He said, leading the trio over to the dessert table, grabbing Connor, and then walking them over to the happy couple.
Quinn "We've gotta go, but it was a beautiful wedding. I'm really happy for you guys. I promise I won't make any deals with Emma to adopt my child like I did with Terri." She winked.
Will: Will grinned at Quinn. "Thanks for coming guys," he said, hugging Quinn and Beth. He looked at Gabe and held out a hand. "It was great to meet you. Keep 'em safe, kay?"
Gabe "Same here," he nodded, shaking Will's hand. "And I will."
Emma "Come here." Emma hugged Quinn. She bent down, and hugged Beth. "You were the prettiest flower girl ever, little miss Beth!"
Quinn "I'll come back soon!" She smiled.
Will: "Please do! We'll miss you!" Shue smiled.
Gabe "Bye!" Gabe waved as they walked away, Beth holding both of their hands.
Quinn: "This was fun." She smiled.
Gabe He nodded. "I agree. We'll have to come back and visit."
Quinn "Christmas?"
Gabe He nodded. "Sure."
0 notes
PM: Quinn. I'm serious. It's fine. I don't even need a tutor that badly.
Why has everyone seen this outfit?
PM: We could do it every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday after they go to bed.
17 notes · View notes
PM: Because then I'd have to get Ayla to babysit and babysitting isn't cheap.
Why has everyone seen this outfit?
PM: You have one that sleeps with you every night… Why not just use her?
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PM: I know loads of tutors.
Why has everyone seen this outfit?
PM: I want you to do well.
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PM: What?
Why has everyone seen this outfit?
PM: Gabe…
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PM: It's fine, really. Besides, no one can watch the kids if you're teaching and I'm studying.
Why has everyone seen this outfit?
PM: I’ll wear a sweater and khakis. I want to help you.  
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PM: Well if this outfit is that good, I can’t afford to be distracted.
Why has everyone seen this outfit?
PM:Wait… Why?
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PM: I think I'll get a different tutor. Maybe some other time, babe.
Why has everyone seen this outfit?
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Why has everyone seen this outfit?
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Yeah, I might need a different tutor.
College is confusing
I’d make  you.
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I don't know if I could concentrate.
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College is confusing
Need help? 
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College is confusing
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Text || Gabe
Quinn: Promise me it won't jump on me... or like... eat me?
Gabe: Quinn, I can't make promises I can't keep.
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Text || Gabe
Quinn: Ugh. Gabe. You're so mean.
Gabe: You're the one denying a puppy a home.
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Text || Gabe
Quinn: Do you want me to die?!
Gabe: Fine. Say no to a puppy.
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Text || Gabe
Quinn: No... Oh God no. I'll die.
Gabe: We have to. You can't let your fear transfer to Beth.
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Text || Gabe
Quinn: They were fine, but Beth saw a dog later and started crying.
Gabe: Now we have to get a puppy.
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