gametanktv · 8 years
...was about to delete this blog! So I wrote this, to stop it going dormant. Best blog ever right!
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gametanktv · 10 years
As We Head Into The Future, A Little About Our Past...
On February 28th 1998 me and a couple of good mates got together and made a home video about gaming on my dad's camcorder. Nothing revolutionary, obviously - we were 14. But we were avid gamers, and it was good fun. Across the following months we made a couple more - reviewing the now classic Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy VII and Tomb Raider 2 in the process. And Cool Boarders 2. We were a bunch of kids sat in front of a TV screen playing the games we got for Christmas at the end of the day – but something about it worked (at least at the time – it came out much better than we’d hoped).
They were pretty easy to make and our ambitions were to make many more. The idea stemmed from a little fanzine we were putting together at the time called 'PlayStation Zone' - a title our video efforts shared - with the idea to basically cover-mount the VHS tapes with the fanzine to make it stand out a bit. A typically bold idea from me, considering we had no access to VHS duplication and the fanzine only had a circulation of about 6 anyway (8 in a good month)! But this was a time before YouTube, or DVD, and somehow our video making efforts shifted onto a comedy sketch show idea we’d been harbouring for a little while. It still makes me laugh. No, you can’t watch it!
As we grew into our teens and our tastes changed, 'PlayStation Zone' fanzine segued effortlessly into 'Satan's FishTank' rock and metal fanzine overnight. As our later teen years and early 20s bought the seemingly obligatory long-hair, gig-going, lager-drinking, festival-frequenting lifestyle upon us – we bucked the trend by actually working really bloody hard on our little fanzine. What started as a 20-page, black-and-white ‘bit of fun’ in June 2001 became, by mid 2006, a full-colour, professionally printed beast of a metal magazine that was available in every HMV and Virgin Megastore in the UK. We have many wonderful people to thank for that, but it cemented to me that hard work and great team make wonderful things happen. We got to meet some awesome bands and share some fantastic once-in-a-lifetime experiences too. Alas, for us, it wasn’t to be – we hit our stride as it was becoming clear that print media was declining. Each issue was costing more to print than we made back off it and, eventually – despite our best efforts – mathematics took care of the rest and ‘Satan’s FishTank’ was no more. But what a fond experience, and one I’ll always treasure.
Now you know where the ‘Tank’ part of our name came from.
Coming out of a project that hardcore, something that ticked most of the boxes that keep me going and one that exceeded most of our wildest expectations, was tough. I can’t speak for anyone else but it was like a bereavement for me. Not knowing what to do with so much spare time to fill I did the only sensible thing – bought a HD TV and an Xbox 360! Holding down a full-time job and doing a magazine in my spare time left little room for playing videogames, so I spent a reflective few months ‘catching-up’. I never did finish Perfect Dark: Zero...
Nostalgia is so powerful. Amidst a lull of creative boredom in February 2008, we ended up making a 10 year anniversary show for our original ‘PlayStation Zone’ video. This time it was Uncharted, Assassin’s Creed and Bioshock that filled the gaps between us trying to be funny, but again – it was a blast to make and it also scratched the creative itch. But, in all honesty, that was supposed to be that. Move on.
Me and the small team of creative types that came out of the music fanzine spent a lot of 2008 searching for the elusive ‘new project’. We briefly thought of doing a videogames magazine, writing a sitcom or a film of some sort (still things we aspire to do one day) or starting a website to hold reviews of all the random stuff we encountered. We never really got more than a couple of days into any of these ideas, despite our best intentions. The one that got the most attention was the videogaming fanzine – and a tonne of fresh ideas made their way into a very important document that today we call the ‘IdeaBang!’ More on that later. Printing costs probably killed this idea too, though. Boredom and frustration, mixed with a need to do something, ANYTHING creative, bought us full circle to the video game show idea.
Whilst we could have just stuck with our 10 year old formula of pointing a camcorder at a TV screen and rambling unscripted over the top of it, the most important development at this stage was that we suddenly decided we could make it a lot better. We started working on something that had the dreadful working title of ‘Games & Company’ – probably because one of the initial pitches would have been to include stuff other than games, such as music, film and TV, as well as general gaming culture. Once again, we got nowhere with it, but out of the ashes of that idea we did put a running order together for a new show that focussed just on games. Early development discussions took us back to the list of ideas we had for the ill-fated videogames fanzine – the IdeaBang! – and despite most of them having been intended for print features, a surprising amount of them transferred to the TV format. In that moment, what was basically a news and reviews show became something altogether much more exciting, with huge potential. Crucially, it became something new and fresh that wasn’t rooted in nostalgia, and the past. All it needed was a name.
On the 20th November 2008, the word Game met the word Tank for the first time, as a logo design that we’re basically still using was brought to life for the first time. The story of GameTankTV itself is for another day, but the point of this piece is that – frankly – GameTankTV is an idea that just Will Not Go Away! It’s not a flash-in-the-pan, “let’s give it a go” project that appeared fully formed to us one day – its roots stretch back to a time when Bandicoots were more famous than Birds. (Angry ones.)  
So why am I telling you all this – apart from the fact a few of you might find this quite interesting? I’ve written it because we had a major GameTankTV meeting last night which set our grand plan in motion. No more talking, no more false starts and year-long breaks - now it’s time to actually do it! We've had plenty of time to reflect, over the last couple of years, on what didn't work so well with previous iterations of this show and, importantly, we think we’ve absolutely nailed our format and future plans. Exciting times lay ahead as we toil to bring them to life – we can’t wait for you to see what we’ve been working on. It's huge!
As confident as we are, I'm sure we'll look back on this time in years to come and laugh at how we knew absolutely nothing. Surely, though, that's why it's so much fun? 
The first piece of work ever done on GameTankTV was this logo font and colour test on November 20th 2008. People spend millions on branding - why!? We just picked the first thing we typed, and splashed a bit of red on it! (The font was 'borrowed' from the Uncharted series logo.) The other colours eventually made it into the show on the graphics for our different themed segments.
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gametanktv · 10 years
Third Time Lucky!
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So, this is it - the official announcement that team GameTank are back on it and working away on a brand new version of our show!
I was thinking -  it's an odd thing how persistent this idea seems to be with me, Bren, Joss and the new gang. Of all the things we could be doing, this is what we keep coming back to. Of course it helps that we're all gamers to our very cores, but there's something else too. When we got together a couple of weeks ago (Wednesday 15th January, fact fans) and decided to have another shot at this, what became apparent is that we've had an amazing idea for a show about gaming for the last five years, and we've NEVER ACTUALLY MADE IT! Seriously, we have a 20 page long document full of funny, interesting and new ideas about what could go into this gaming show that we have barely touched. Somehow, we lost our way and ended up making quick YouTube videos with lots of jokes and information, but no real character or soul. I'm not saying I'm not proud of what we've done so far - I am. Of EVERYTHING. Even that video... But we set out to make a show for gamers that was different, silly and knowledgeable all at the same time. We set out to do that in 2009, and we failed. We set off again in January 2012, and we stopped again in December 2012. It's now 2014, and finally it feels like the right time has come to really nail this. So I guess it's not an odd thing at all that we keep coming back to it. We haven't actually made our show work yet!
You may be new to GameTankTV or might never have realised what it is we set out to do. So, who are we? At this moment, we're Dan (me!), Brendan and Joss, plus some new faces you'll be meeting in due course. We love videogames, we're all lifelong gamers and we're all old enough to remember that games used to be on the TV. Like, proper telly, and all the time. We thought we might try and put together a new TV show about games and then try and get it on the TV. And YouTube. And anywhere else that'll show it, frankly! We want it to be highly entertaining, cover all the games we love (not just AAA, but also introduce you to stuff you may have missed, especially on the indie scene) and also be quite silly and funny and full of daft asides. With a big retro dollop on top. We don't want it to be straight game footage with us yabbering over the top anymore, and we want to focus much, much more on the culture and lifestyle gaming brings with it. It's kind of a mix between a review show, a sketch show, and a sitcom - but entirely focussed on games. We want it to be personality driven and full of passion and enthusiasm too. Our buzz-phrase for the idea behind GameTankTV has always been "Top Gear for Gamers", although I'm pretty sure that's the first time I've said that online.
Sounds like an idea that should work. Right?
So, here we are, at the dawn of version 3.0 of our show. We haven't jumped straight back into making videos this time as we're putting a heck of a lot of work in to the foundations of this new imagining. A lot has to be created. New title sequence ideas are being worked on right now. The tank has had a major upgrade once more as you can see above, and will be revealed in its full colour glory in due course. Scripts are beginning to come together, games are being played, events are being planned, shows are forming. We have HUNDREDS of ideas we want to develop, THOUSANDS of contacts to make and MILLIONS of people who will, one day, if we get all this right, finally have the show we believe the gaming community deserves. It's worth spending a bit of time right now getting the basics right. And I sincerely hope none of this sounds arrogant. We're just a bunch of gamers who are passionate about making TV show for something we love, and we want us, and you, to have a lot of fun in the process.
That's why we keep coming back to it. I can't wait for you to see what we've got in store this time. It feel different this time, in a really exciting way.
I'm off to play Tomb Raider Definitive Edition. Catch you soon!
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Me, taking pictures for something cool.
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Brendan, looking genuinely scared of that lamp!
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Joss being... Joss...!
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That's GameTankTV happening - right there! Yes!
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gametanktv · 11 years
How Do You Make Something Work That Already Hasn't Worked? Twice.
I've been in search of a new project for months now. Pretty much my whole life I've had something creative to do in my spare time but I'm struggling to come up with anything at the moment. There are ideas, but I seem to run out of motivation for them really quickly. In the last few months, I've wanted to write a sitcom, sketch show, film, start a gaming fanzine, start a geek fanzine, and more...
Trouble is, my mind keeps pulling back to an idea I've already had. Something I've wanted to make work for a really long time - since 1998, truth told - is a show about videogames. It's not easy, the competition is excellent and I've already failed at it twice in recent years! But that just makes we want to keep trying. I'm passionate about games and love putting TV shows together, I've got an amazingly talented group of friends and acquaintances who I know could knock this out of the park if we got it right and ultimately it's the only thing I want to do.
Maybe I'll have a bigger think about it this week. Not next weekend though, The Last Of Us is out, so I'll probably just play that!
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gametanktv · 11 years
Grand Theft Auto V FIRST LOOK
A plane hitting a helicopter! A man swinging off the arm of a yacht while it's driven down a busy road on the back of a truck! Dogs! These are just 3 of the treats this latest Grand Theft Auto 5 trailer has on display. Made up entirely of GTA5 gameplay this latest trailer is an exciting look at what the masters at Rockstar have planned for what is likely to be the last GTA this console generation. But why are you reading this? There's plenty of facts in the video so hit play, which also has the added benefit of starting the trailer! Do it! // With: Dan & Brendan
Like this? SUBSCRIBE! And check out this video too: http://youtu.be/yzzHwVx5FSA
[Grand Theft Auto V gameplay footage taken from the latest trailer.]
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gametanktv · 11 years
Wii U ZombiU Edition UNBOXING
Wii got a we you... see what I did there? Yes the Wii U is here and we love it, so here is our unboxing vid. We splashed out on the 32gb ZombiU edition so there was plenty to take out of the box... Enjoy! Feel free to skim through to your favourite bits, I do tend to waffle! // With: Brendan, Dan & Joss
Like this? SUBSCRIBE! And check out this video too: http://youtu.be/yRDHGD_dgTk
Keep checking back, we upload new shows all the time - hit the SUBSCRIBE button and you'll know when!
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gametanktv · 11 years
Dishonored REVIEW
Within just a few minutes of starting Dishonored you'll know you're in Game Of The Year territory. Whether it's the design of the world, the amount of skills you have at your disposal, the excellent story or just the choices you have between playing stealthily of all guns blazing, something about this game just works. Brilliantly. Check our review out - featuring plenty of Dishonored gameplay footage - and then get yourself a copy as soon as you can if you haven't yet played this masterpiece. Can you tell we really like this?! // With: Dan & Brendan
Like this? SUBSCRIBE! And check out this video too: http://youtu.be/Rv9_0Jq6vAs
[Dishonored gameplay footage taken from Xbox 360 version.]
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gametanktv · 11 years
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Tomb Raider Community Event: Paris
Over the last few days I’ve been lucky enough to host a pair of TR community events in Paris, showing off the game to webmasters, cosplayers, fan artists, and more! The first event took place at the Musée de la chasse et de la Nature, in a similar vein to the press demo earlier that day. Attendees were treated to an extended gameplay session, some great grub, and exclusive souvenirs. The following day a second batch of fans visted the Square Enix France office and given a sneak peek of new gameplay followed by a nice Parisian lunch. We concluded the outing with an afternoon at The Guimet Museum, inspired to check out the ancient Japanese collection by ties to the upcoming Tomb Raider.
To the Tomb Raider community in France - thank you for such a lovely couple of days!
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gametanktv · 11 years
Remember Me FIRST LOOK
Thanks for the memories! Remember Me - coming May 2013 - places you in the role of Nilin in a 2084 surveillance state version of Paris called Neo-Paris. Nilin has had her memories wiped by her former employer Memoreyes, and is out to rediscover who she is and why she's was neutralised by her old paymasters. The game will start with Nilin in prison. Remember Me will intorduce the gameplay mechanic of 'memory remixing' and will allow you as the player to go into other peoples memories and alter them in order to change their perceptions and reactions to the situations around them. Through the Combo Lab portion of the game, you'll also be able to build and chain together your own combos for the fighting parts of the title. Sounds good, right? Check out our brief first look, featuring Remember Me gameplay footage, and keep it GameTank as we'll be following this up in the coming months! BANG! // With: Dan & Brendan
Like this? SUBSCRIBE! And check out this video too: http://youtu.be/0bIqxcgNpxQ
[Remember Me gameplay footage taken from announcement trailer.]
Keep checking back, we upload new shows all the time - hit the SUBSCRIBE button and you'll know when!
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gametanktv · 11 years
Need For Speed Most Wanted REVIEW
Do you have a Need For Speed? Maybe Criterion's latest racer is just the game you need to help cure your craving! Hit play to watch our review, featuring plenty of Need For Speed Most Wanted gameplay footage, and our honest opinion of the title. // With: Brendan & Dan
Like this? SUBSCRIBE! And check out this video too: http://youtu.be/rMXJpANlwYw
[Need For Speed Most Wanted gameplay footage taken from Xbox 360 version.]
Keep checking back, we upload new shows all the time - hit the SUBSCRIBE button and you'll know when!
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gametanktv · 11 years
Bioshock Infinite FIRST LOOK
We actually did a first look at this back in summer 2010 but it's come so far and slipped enough that we thought it was worth having another look! Bioshock Infinite is without a doubt one of our most anticipated games of all time and this latest gameplay trailer really shows off just how amazing the game is going to look! Playing as Booker DeWitt you're going to be exploring the floating city of Colombia on a dubious mission to find Elizabeth - with whom you're going to be able to joing forces and powers to fight yourself back out. We can't wait, we're sure you can't either, so check out our first look, with Bioshock Infinite gameplay footage, and count down the days to February 26th! // With: Dan & Brendan
Like this? SUBSCRIBE! And check out this video too: http://youtu.be/mu2wPyGbQc4
[Bioshock Infinite gameplay footage taken from Beast Of America trailer.]
Keep checking back, we upload new shows all the time - hit the SUBSCRIBE button and you'll know when!
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gametanktv · 11 years
F1 Race Stars PREVIEW
Crossing F1 racing with kart game mechanics? Oh, go on then! It surprising this has never been attempted before but no matter, Codemasters have done it and the game will be with us very soon! The world is full of fun and colourful courses, pick-ups, jumps and all the stars of real life F1! Check out our preview - featuring F1 Race Stars gameplay footage - to see what we made of the recently released demo, and get set for this addicitve title to land in just a few days time! // With: Brendan & Dan
Like this? SUBSCRIBE! And check out this video too: http://youtu.be/1tjScrx1x98
[F1 Race Stars gameplay footage taken from Xbox 360 demo version.]
Keep checking back, we upload new shows all the time - hit the SUBSCRIBE button and you'll know when!
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gametanktv · 11 years
This is it! The big one! After a very long wait Master Chief is back in action in Halo 4, and what a game it is too. Check out our review, featuring lots of Halo 4 gameplay, for our definitive verdict on the most anticipated game of the year. Have 343 Industries stayed loyal to the Halo universe or run off in a new direction? There's only one way to find out... Lock and load, Spartan, and watch the revoew! // With: Brendan & Dan
Like this? SUBSCRIBE! And check out this video too: http://youtu.be/zmugGej9g5I
[Halo 4 gameplay footage taken from Xbox 360. Obviously!]
Keep checking back, we upload new shows all the time - hit the SUBSCRIBE button and you'll know when!
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gametanktv · 12 years
Forza Horizon REVIEW
Forza Horizon is a race game that has it all! Set in a free-roaming Colorado USA you drive to your races through a beautifully realised world full of sights, secrets and speed cameras! With a huge world to explore and so much to do this will keep you happy for a very long time. Plus, hook up with your mates and beat their times. Check out the review, featuring plenty of Forza Horizon gameplay footage, for our full verdict! // With: Dan & Brendan
Like this? SUBSCRIBE! And check out this video too: http://youtu.be/zmugGej9g5I
[Forza Horizon gameplay footage taken from Xbox 360 version. Obviously.]
Keep checking back, we upload new shows all the time - hit the SUBSCRIBE button and you'll know when!
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gametanktv · 12 years
Dishonored / F1 Race Stars / Fable: The Journey EUROGAMER EXPO 2012
PART TWO - GameTankTV headed out to the annual Eurogamer Expo in The London to try out all the juicy new games we'll be playing this Christmas and beyond. It was an amazing show, we met some awesome people and the games are just amazing! Check out the second bit of our adventure here, with features on Dishonored, the forthcoming F1 Race Stars, don't miss Brendan flailing his arms around playing Fable: The Journey. Seriously! // With: Dan, Brendan & Joss
SHOW MENU: 02:01 - Dishonored 06:12 - F1 Race Stars 08:32 - Fable: The Journey
Like this? SUBSCRIBE! And check out this video too: http://youtu.be/XMUo9JZgaXo
[Dishonored gameplay footage taken from various trailers.] [F1 Race Stars gameplay footage taken from reveal trailer and show floor footage.] [Fable: The Journey gameplay footage taken from various trailers.]
Keep checking back, we upload new shows all the time - hit the SUBSCRIBE button and you'll know when!
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gametanktv · 12 years
DmC: Devil May Cry FIRST LOOK
DmC: Devil May Cry will be here in just three short months! Set in an alternate reality, you'll be hacking and slashing your way through Limbo City as a young Dante, using multiple weapons and combos. It's been developed by the guys who did Enslaved - which can only be a good thing - and is looking pretty darn smart already. Check out the video, which includes DmC: Devil May Cry gameplay footage, to see more! // With: Brendan & Dan
Like this? SUBSCRIBE! And check out this video too: http://youtu.be/ivMHTeBT4EE
Keep checking back, we upload new shows all the time - hit the SUBSCRIBE button and you'll know when!
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gametanktv · 12 years
Forza Horizon PREVIEW
Forza is known for its amazing cars, phenomenal graphics and spot on racing simulation. Well, they're bringing all that and more to an arcade stylre racer set in Colorado, USA. You're taking part in the Horizon Festival and it's time to prove your worth to the other drivers. Filled with awesome things to do like racing planes and setting off speed cameras, Forza Horizon is a very welcome new direction for the series. Check out our video for plenty of Forza Horizon gameplay footage and for what we thought of the demo that you can play for yourselves on Xbox Live. // With: Dan & Joss
Like this? SUBSCRIBE! And check out this video too: http://youtu.be/q4bofu6miyw  
[Forza Horizon gameplay footage taken from Xbox version. Obviously!]
Keep checking back, we upload new shows all the time - hit the SUBSCRIBE button and you'll know when!
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