gardengalactic · 10 years
Jade thought about it, tapping her chin and looking around. "Oh! What if we make it dance? What if we can make the legs do a jump kick and land without falling???"
Dirk sighed. It was gonna be a long week. The professor had given their class a project. Build a self-acclimating set of legs. In a week. With someone you had never worked with before. She had said it was…
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gardengalactic · 10 years
"Yep! I wish I wasn't, though. These first year classes are a total breeze. I mean, god, we're still learning about how to get a system to respond to input commands. Who doesn't know how to do that??"
Shoot Things (Jade/Eridan)
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gardengalactic · 10 years
"So, I'm guessing you go to Skaia U too? What's your major? I'm studying astronomy and robotics!" She shook his hand firmly before letting go.
Shoot Things (Jade/Eridan)
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gardengalactic · 10 years
She laughs. "Ungodly hour? I'm always up way before this. I've been up for hours!" Of course, Jade took a lot of naps throughout the day, but... she was a huge fan of mornings. "I'm okay though, how are you?" She was so peppy and excitable for such an 'ungodly hour,' and readily took a seat to start looking over the math.
She scrolled around the framework, hmming and squinting. She'd look up. "I think I found an error. I think you have the legs moving at a fractionally different speed." She'd point to the screen. "Super minor, like, in the hundredths, but, it'll be enough to mess it up and put it moving in a very huge circle eventually. Or just make it fall over. Right?" She squints. "Or am I looking in the wrong place?"
Dirk sighed. It was gonna be a long week. The professor had given their class a project. Build a self-acclimating set of legs. In a week. With someone you had never worked with before. She had said it was “workplace training”. Dirk thought it was more just a lazy midterm. Oh...
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gardengalactic · 10 years
"Thanks! You're pretty good too!" She'd beam his way and set down her rifle before holding out a hand. "Jade. And you are?"
Shoot Things (Jade/Eridan)
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gardengalactic · 10 years
Jade Harley was ready for robots. A week to make legs was absurd, but she could do it, she was certain. Especially with a partner. Who was it again, Dirk something. She was in an old shirt and a pair of jeans, ridiculous amount of hair pulled back in a ponytail. Her clothes were perfect for a workshop, something most people wouldn't mind messing up. It was just Jade's normal clothing though. She did want to get there early and scope out the workspace. And it looked like Dirk had the same idea. She gave an excited wave, "Hey!"
==> Dirk: Get a massive robotics assignment
Dirk sighed. It was gonna be a long week. The professor had given their class a project. Build a self-acclimating set of legs. In a week. With someone you had never worked with before. She had said it was “workplace training”. Dirk thought it was more just a lazy midterm. Oh well. He had emailed his partner to meet him in the robotics garage at two, and it was currently five-minutes-till, Dirk had a cup of coffee, starting to create blueprints on a computer in the corner, the keys clacking away meticulously in the shop.
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gardengalactic · 10 years
Jade rolls her eyes and grins. "Well, it's not like I plan on shooting your penis off! I mean, should I? Is there a reason that should be a concern? Is there a bounty on your crotch?" Jade laughed, "Have we even met?"
Shoot Things (Jade/Eridan)
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gardengalactic · 10 years
Jade grinned as her roommate drummed on everything and anything, letting the music carry her. She'd put a foot up on the amp and get a very determined rocking-out expression on her face, playing a bit heavier and faster. This was the best. She'd never played with anyone either, and it was absolutely totally amazing.
MEULIN: ==> Find your new room!
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gardengalactic · 10 years
"Scared? What were you scared by? A hole in a piece of paper?? I hope I'm not out of line here or anything, but this might not be the place for you, because that kind of thing happens a lot!" Jade gives a big, friendly grin.
Shoot Things (Jade/Eridan)
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gardengalactic · 10 years
Jade called out loudly to get past the ear protection. "Was there a fly on his shoulder?? Should I be wowed by an astounding shot, or did you miss?" She grinned playfully, a small competitive streak showing.
Shoot Things (Jade/Eridan)
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gardengalactic · 10 years
Jade'd plug her bass in and get ready, jumping in to a sick bass riff at the end of the countdown, grinning at Meulin's cat-covered sticks, helping make sure every other room on the floor would hate them and their loudness.
MEULIN: ==> Find your new room!
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gardengalactic · 10 years
"Oh, drums, cool!" She handed the bass to Meulin readily and jumped back to her closet, grabbing a small amp and plugging it into the wall socket. "I'm kind of out of practice but I guess I can goof around on it a little! Are you ready to rooooock?!"
MEULIN: ==> Find your new room!
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gardengalactic · 10 years
"Do you play anything?" Jade went to her closet to get her bass, just to show it off. She wasn't even really thinking, half her closet containing several rifles standing up against the back wall.
She grabs a case and pops it open, pulling out a vintage Fender, redone in bright green. "Check it, Meulin!"
MEULIN: ==> Find your new room!
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gardengalactic · 10 years
That wasn't very convincing. Luckily Bec was doing pretty well roaming around in the woodsy areas on and around campus. She'd nod, then look at her computer, then back at Meulin. "A band? Really? Cool! Ummm, I do play bass! Ummm... and flute." She'd grin. "But I'm not very good at it."
MEULIN: ==> Find your new room!
Meulin grinned at the sight of a familiar face. “Yeah!” She nodded enthusiastically. She watched as Jade’s eyes moved past her to her pile of stuff and raised her eyebrows. “Um…” Suddenly she felt a bit nervous. Did she have the wrong room? She dug the slip of paper the RA had given her out of her pocket and squinted at it. Yep, that definitely said 314. “I’m your roommate now.” She said, adopting a cheerful attitude. “Did… did you not know?”
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gardengalactic · 10 years
Jade laughed, opening the door fully. "I had no idea. Pardon the mess!" To her credit, the empty side of the room was very clean, but clothes littered her side of the floor, not to mention plush Squiddles and various books and papers. She had a small garden on the windowsill and her computer was playing loud electronic music. "Yesss! I've been hoping for a roomie. Do you mind dogs?"
MEULIN: ==> Find your new room!
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gardengalactic · 10 years
Jade was not psyched to have a roommate. Mostly because Jade had no idea. She had gotten an e-mail notice from her RA and assumed it was something like 'YOUR NEW ROOMMATE: FIRE SAFETY' or 'I HOPE YOU GET ALONG WELL WITH THIS HELPFUL GUIDE ON HAVING FUN WITHOUT ALCOHOL.'
So, Jade was pretty oblivious. She was doing her usual Jade Harley thing, which was hanging out in her room, listening to music. There was a knock at the door, and she hurried to answer it, opening it enough to see through and gasping in surprise. "Hey! I know you! From the dining hall!" She grinned, opening the door more. Jade's hair was a shaggy mess and she was, from the looks of it, only wearing a huge t-shirt. It was one-person dance party time. Then she spotted the stuff and her grin turned into a look of befuddlement, head tilting a bit, dog-style.
MEULIN: ==> Find your new room!
Meulin lugged her suitcase down the hall for the second time in as many weeks, growling softly. Admittedly she was pretty psyched to finally have a roommate, but she wished there were some magic spell that could send all her newly unpacked and now re packed stuff across to her new room without her having to toil under its considerable weight. This wasn’t even all of it, she was going to have to make a second trip (maybe her roomie could help, she thought wistfully) and the RA had said she needed everything out of there by tonight.
Her eyes wandered across doors, finally finding room 314. She dumped her stuff on the floor in the hall and knocked on the door in what she hoped was a quiet and polite manner (it wasn’t), then waited expectantly for it to open.
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gardengalactic · 10 years
Jade looked over at him and grinned cheekily from around the divider, reloading and aiming down lower. She wasn't going to get a headshot, or anywhere close, but that was fine. She squeezed the trigger and snickered to herself as she had shot the silhouette target right in its shadowy crotch.
Shoot Things (Jade/Eridan)
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