GG Orientations
I figured since it’s “Pride Month”, I’d address the issue of Headcanons and what people think about characters in Guilty Gear.
For the record, not much is discussed in the realm of sexual orientation as far as GG characters go, but there are hints here and there as the story has progressed, so let’s address them:
Sol (He loved Aria, and is also quite close to Axl, so Bisexual, despite a hooker once accusing him of being gay once )
Ky (He loves Dizzy, Straight, but supportive of those society fails since she’s a GEAR)
May (She sees Johnny is less of a romantic light than you *MAY* think at first glance, likely bisexual or a lesbian)
Millia (Relationship with Zato was after extensive grooming in her younger years, now has only shown romantic interest during Magnum Wedding, so Lesbian)
Johnny (he loves ALL, so Bisexual)
Axl (He misses Megumi his girlfriend, but gives up the chance to see her again for the man who he’s grown close to to cope with being away from her, so Bisexual)
Zato (Grooms Gay people, likely Straight)
Testament (Gay (See: Johnny))
Kliff (being a hero, he had no time for romance, he chastised Millia for showing her legs though, so he’s pretty old fashioned. Daisuke whispers in my ear that he’s Bisexual, but doesn’t know what that means.)
Dr. Baldhead/Faust (Gay (See: Slayer), otherwise, not very interested with interacting with others in such a way)
Potemkin (he was on a friends-only basis with Dizzy at one point, but otherwise he keeps to himself)
Justice (despite Gears being sometimes considered gender-neutral, Justice was a “Girl Boss”, so Lesbian)
Jam Kuradoberi (she has eyes on Male Rockstar celebrities, but only has meaningful romantic dialogue during Magnum Wedding and her XRD Arcade Mode (See: Jack-O’))
Venom (Venom is both Gay and Black)
Anji Mito (Gay (See: Anji Mito))
Dizzy (she developed feelings for Ky, but her physiology as a Gear is a lot more complex than we know, so it’s hard to determine, Bisexual for NOW)
Robo-Ky (he’s a robot… who likes women, but also Venom? Bisexual)
Bridget (Bridget deserves time to discover himself)
Zappa (he wants to get married to a beautiful woman, but also has Randy openly lampshade their Gay overtones. Bisexual)
Slayer (He’s married to Sharon, and boyfriends with Faust (See: X2 stories and XRD Arcade Modes). Bisexual and Dandy)
I-No (she’s a Sadist and has a twisted sense of interests, not above teasing both genders, but never serious in either, Bisexual anyways)
Asuka R. Kreutz (“That Man” aka the Gearmaker… does everything for the sake of his dream polycule. Bisexual)
A.B.A. (Loves Flament Nagel and wants to give her husband a body, Straight?  I guess?)
Leopaldon (no idea?)
Gig (bad Asexual representation)
Judgement (specifically Homophobic, if his dialogue with the Gay characters are of any indication)
Raven (no longer cares who his pleasure is administered by, but has a Homoromantic relationship with Asuka R. Kruetz. Undetermined, Gay or Bisexual.)
Izuna (he has a girlfriend: Nekomata, so possibly Bisexual rather than what his appearance implies)
Valentine (she’s based on Aria, who was comfortable with Frederick’s Bisexualness, so at least Supportive, if not Bisexual)
Dr. Paradigm (he’s not interested in ANY of this nonsense!! Humans multiply like rabbits and eat up all possibilities! Gay)
Sin Kiske (seems to treat the Valentines in a very friendly and non-romantic way, so Gay)
Ramlethal (she seems to harbor secret feelings, so unknown at the moment)
Elphelt (she’s happy fantasizing about marrying all genders, so Bisexual)
Leo Whitefang (he’s jealous of Ky’s relationship with Dizzy, but also very homoerotic, so Bisexual)
Jack-O’ (Bisexual or Lesbian due to involvement with Jam)
Happy Chaos (based on Aria, but ???)
Baiken (he is openly not interested in being perceived as a traditional woman, similar to the experiences of many Lesbians. It is not explicit, however, so Ambiguous)
Answer (implied to have deep history with and love for Chipp Zanuff. Gay)
Kum Haehyun (Haehyun, like Bridget, should be allowed to take time to become comfortable with herself before we answer these questions)
Bedman (is not shown being Romantic in any value, I would say he needs time to become comfortable with himself as well, but that might be a problem!)
Ariels (hates Humans in general, so nix)
If you don’t like ANY of these conclusions, don’t kill the messenger (namely ME), this is all based on info I’ve gleaned on Guilty Gear over the years.  If things change, the STORY will let us know!
I hope this helps clear things up as far as headcanons go…
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You're awful at staying on topic, huh. And you still have the audacity to call out your anons for asking irrelevant questions?
Don’t act innocent.
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I won’t let any of it stand!
I draw a line here...
I will discuss GG topics and I *will* demand respect of them.
That’s it.
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