gemion · 4 years
Hey guys,  I am asking for help getting through this month and I desperately need your help to get groceries and keep my water and electricity on. My son and I haven’t been able to get enough formula we were declined WIC and I’ve been rationing milk and rice so I really could use help getting food for kahlil.
I’ve been struggling a lot these past few months and I have regularly skipped on eating (often for several days in a row) to try and make ends meet due to losing my job at the salon, I have struggled with bill payments and getting groceries/household supplies with absolutely no income, I could use anyone and everyone’s help in boosting/donating to my post so that I won’t lose him to social services. I have to have food in the house and utilities turned on by the end of this week or my parental status will be revoked.
If anyone could spare any amount to help me, even if it’s just $1, it would literally save my life and sharing definitely helps just as much a donations and nobody has to donate if they can’t or don’t want to, thank you.💖
                                  PayPal or CashApp
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gemion · 4 years
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I don’t think “8 Can’t Wait” is the answer to our police problem.
I think it is time to defund the police.
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gemion · 4 years
I’m a cis-gender man which basically means that, when I was born, the doctor went “It’s a boy!” and when I was old enough to understand I agreed with him.
The thing is, I don’t know why I feel like a man.  I was teased and bullied for it a lot when I was little.  I’ve never had stereotypically American male interests.  I never cared about sports or cars or guns.  I was more interested in music and cooking and the arts.  I’ve always been emotionally in tune and sensitive, even when I did my best to suppress my emotions to survive a childhood of abuse from other children.
It’s not physical either.  I don’t feel like a man because I have a penis or a beard.  If you put my brain in a robot body or any other body, my essence would still feel male (I assume).  I literally can’t imagine what being any other gender would feel like, since I feel so acutely male.
I think that’s why the concept of being transgender always made sense to me.  I’m a man.  I don’t have any bloody clue why I feel like a man, but I don’t feel that it’s tied to my body or my interests or the way that I’ve been treated.  I feel like a man because of something beyond that.  Something ephemeral.  So, why couldn’t others feel the same?  Why couldn’t a person who’s been misidentified as a girl feel like a boy for the exact same nebulous reasons that I do?
And, since gender really doesn’t make any sense to me anyway, why couldn’t there also be people who feel as if they don’t have one?  Or who flow across genders like a ship on a map?
Are there people out there whose sense of their own gender is inseparable from their physical form?  If you put those people into robot bodies or, simply, other physically different bodies, would their gender identity also swap?  If so, why?  Are they actually more lost in their gender identity than I am and they need to hone in on the physical in order to anchor themselves?
Why do people feel like they are the gender that they are?
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gemion · 4 years
Really specifically: “all men are disgusting abusive sex-crazed monsters” was a belief used to bolster heteropatriarchy in my old church by positioning women as a necessary gatekeeping & moderating force. Women could aid men in the struggle to keep their Beastly Instincts under control by dressing modestly and eventually entering into a marriage where their love and support and constant sexual availability (and I use that term extremely deliberately here) would help keep that man a productive member of society. This kept men blameless (any abuse or sexual misconduct is just in their nature as men!) while allowing the church to constantly victim-blame women - because if you got hurt, it’s because you obviously weren’t doing Enough to keep whatever man hurt you reigned in.
This system dehumanized everyone in it, but it most specifically used the idea that men are inherently Bad to prop up patriarchy, and that’s why I can’t fucking stand to see the same base ideas crop up in supposedly feminist spaces.
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gemion · 4 years
Archive.org is facing a lawsuit
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tldr: the Internet Archive/WayBack Machine is super important in term of archived content, billions of stuff are on there, and with the current event happening in the world like stated above,without this tool, it will be hard to properly document what took place. It will be easy for certain people to rewrite history. Dont let them.
DONATE HERE (post dont get much exposure with working links sorry)
On twitter,tumblr,facebook,heck,anywhere you want,this needs to be talked about !
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gemion · 4 years
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gemion · 4 years
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Please reblog this.
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gemion · 4 years
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How I draw skin Part 2: DON”T DRAW NATIVE PEOPLE WITH RED SKIN!!!! A tutorial
For the first tutorial on how I draw skin, see the post here.
But seriously, I’ve seen too many drawings of Native characters with literal red/pink skin to count so just in case some of you are having troubles with drawing Native people, I’ve provided a guide for you. Please take my swatches if it helps!! and no more red skinned people, please <0<
Disclaimer: this tutorial is mainly about the artistic depictions of Indigenous Peoples in North America, where the slur and redskin caricature originated, but it would still be racist to draw other non-North/Central/South American Indigenous groups like this so…..don’t.
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gemion · 4 years
Commissions 2020
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Hey guys, so I just hit a really rough spot and I’m about $100 short on rent thanks to getting sick and not being allowed to come back to work because of it. I held off making this post because I thought I would be able to make up the hours in time, I was wrong.
I’m opening 4 to 5 commission slots for $20-$25 - full lined and colored, with a simple bg, we can work out more details in messages - to try and make up my rent. If you also don’t want art, but would like to send in funds, my Paypal is Paypal.me/JeannaL27. As is true with all these posts, every cent counts for something.
1. Open
2. Open
3. Open
4. Open
5. Open
Ya’ll know I don’t play this game and I hate posting these because I don’t like asking for help. Ever. But if you can, I could definitely use it. It anything, reblog this please? Thank you.
Please bear with me, I’ll be reblogging this a few times. I know it’s no one’s favorite, but I’d like the be out of this position as soon as I can be. I also understand these times are very hard on everyone else as well. Stay safe, and regardless, I love y'all.
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gemion · 4 years
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gemion · 4 years
I feel like sometimes the ATLA fandom forgets that Zuko isn’t like the “bad boy” stereotype in relationships. He may not know how to get his emotions or words out in the way he wants all the time, but that doesn’t make him the bad boy type. Not even before he joined the gaang. The boy’s edgy and sometimes high key angry but he doesn’t fit the “bad boy” label in my opinion.
Example A. Jin:
He could have denied going on a date with her, he could have yelled at her for even suggesting going on a date, he could have done so many things that would play into the “bad boy” stereotype but he didn’t. He went on a date with her and tried his best to make sure she had fun. Yeah he was awkward but this was also (assumably) his first date ever. When Jin was sad about the lanterns he didn’t scoff at her or doing anything like it. Instead he took less than a moment to decide that he was willing to literally risk it all and use his bending to light the lanterns just to make Jin happy. (Also I wanna give Jin so much love because she DEFINITELY knew he used fire bending and didn’t do anything about it. Tbh I always hoped she would have been the endgame) Throughout the entire date he was trying his absolute best.
Example B. Mai:
Now I will say Zuko’s relationship with Mai always felt forced and awkward to me due to there being almost no build up to it outside of the one scene when they are kids and Mai blushes. 10/10 would have definitely been rooting for Mai had she gotten time to develop a relationship with Zuko on screen so it felt less sudden. They aren’t exactly bad together, but the communication is definitely lacking. Despite this, it still does not point to Zuko being a stereotypical “bad boy”. During his relationship with Mai, as awkward as it was in some scenes, he still tried to do things for her. He would give her things, whether it was through just himself (the shell during The Beach) or the occasions he would ask for specific items to be brought to her by the staff. They had their rough patches, but he was still always trying.
Throughout both of his on screen relationships Zuko chooses to give to his s/o’s and try’s to make the relationships work, even when they are doomed to fail due to the environment he is in or from the lack of communication. Zuko doesn’t really display typical “bad boy” attributes in either of these relationships, so it always kinda surprises me when he’s portrayed that way in art, fanfics, etc. Now I haven’t read the comics so maybe something changed within them, but I don’t get the vibe that the writers would change this aspect of him. Also this post isn’t here to tell you you CANT ever portray him that way because it’s your choice and your content, you can do whatever you want. That’s why it’s called fanart and fanfiction. This is more or less a post voicing my confusion about why people see him this way than telling people they can’t view him this way. Anyway, if you made it this far thanks for reading my dumb word vomit on a topic no one other than me probably cares about lmao
ALSO no ship hating is welcome here!!! If someone likes a pairing that you don’t, just move on.
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gemion · 4 years
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Prince Zuko + Screenshots of Despair
inspired by this post!
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gemion · 4 years
an important thing about Aang and Zuko’s character arcs is that they are deuteragonists of the same larger story, with Zuko learning to accept that his nation is wrong and must be brought to balance and to atone for the crimes of his forebears, while Aang grows into a more proactive, decisive figure. 
from the beginning, they have this dynamic; Zuko has the resources, the skills and the sheer obsessive determination to go straight for what he wants without anything holding him back. However, Zuko spends much his arc learning that he is wrong. That his entire nation is corrupt; that his family is horrendously guilty of unspeakable evil against the entire world, and that everything he wants is pointless. His character arc is him suffering so that he intimately understands this.
Zuko is decisive, but he is always wrong.
Aang is perhaps the wisest and most spiritually keen person outside of the White Lotus. He is the moral and ethical center of the series, as well as a comedic relief in a world of constant war trying to force itself to be Serious and Grim all the dang time. Aang knows the right thing to do, and he is principled enough that he refuses to simply do the pragmatic thing, as he notes repeatedly that pragmatism won’t actually help anyone long term. And he is correct; the quick solutions advocated by other characters would ultimately be counterproductive. When Aang commits to a decision, it invariably winds up being the correct one. And yet, him actually commiting is a problem, as much of his life problems is him being incredibly avoidant and passive.
Aang lacks decisiveness, but he is always right.
Their respective character arcs center on two things:
1. Zuko internalizing Aang’s own goals and working with him, in defiance of what his ancestors have done.
2. Them gaining traits from the other one, perhaps in a sense learning from each other’s traditions; Zuko learns the freedom of Air, while Aang gains the sense of resolve that seems to be a Fire trait. Seperation is an illusion, and so they learn from one another as they bring about peace and understanding.
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gemion · 4 years
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170K notes · View notes
gemion · 4 years
why would u even want iroh to always be good? to show that some people are inherently good and others inherently evil? that change isnt possible unless you are one of the Good ones? that certain people are destined to be evil forever and others good? like why is that better then showing that anyone can change? that people can choose to become better people, that no matter the mistakes of your past you can always become a kind and healing person . why is enforcing the idea that some people are born inherently Good and others are born inherently Bad better then showing that there is always a choice to do good? and yeah not everyone will make that choice, not denying that, but its still a choice .
its important to tell people that just because theyve caused harm in the past doesnt mean theyre stuck as that , they absolutely can choose to do better . they can choose to work on themselves and learn how to not do those things . and they can become wonderful people and that doesnt erase what theyve done, but they can still do good
i just. i fully dont get why you would want to erase this just to enforce the harmful “Good and Bad” shit . like . its okay to accept that iroh did awful things in his past , that is the point . taking that away just ruins the impact of his character
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gemion · 4 years
In a previous post, I’d remarked in passing that it doesn’t make sense to talk about combat and roleplaying as separate activities in tabletop roleplaying games, because a battle can be a story. “Olaf hits the dragon with his sword” is a narrative; it’s not a deep narrative, but they don’t all have to be!
@the-mountain-archives replied that they’d like to see a tabletop RPG called “Olaf Hits The Dragon With His Sword”.
I want to you understand that this is entirely your fault.
A microgame for one or two players
OLAF HITS THE DRAGON WITH HIS SWORD is a game for one or two players. If there are two players, one of you is OLAF, and one of you is THE DRAGON. If you are alone, play both parts.
Gather up at least four dice in each of six colours:
Red dice of BLOOD
Black dice of IRON
Gold dice of AMBITION
Blue dice of SORROW
Green dice of ENVY
White dice of DEATH
Your dice pool starts empty. Answer the following questions, each after your part:
OLAF, why have you come?
You come in wrath. Add one red die of BLOOD to the pool.
You come bringing justice. Add one black die of IRON to the pool.
You come seeking glory. Add one gold die of AMBITION to the pool.
You come for revenge. Add one blue die of SORROW to the pool.
You come coveting riches. Add one green die of ENVY to the pool.
You come to die. Add one white die of DEATH to the pool.
As for THE DRAGON, what is your nature?
You are War. Add one red die of BLOOD to the pool.
You are Tyranny. Add one black die of IRON to the pool.
You are Pride. Add one gold die of AMBITION to the pool.
You are Loss. Add one blue die of SORROW to the pool.
You are Greed. Add one green die of ENVY to the pool.
You are the End. Add one white die of DEATH to the pool.
Once these questions have been answered, OLAF approaches THE DRAGON’s lair. A brief conversation precedes the fatal blow. In each exchange, OLAF speaks first, and THE DRAGON responds.
OLAF, on your turn, choose one of the following:
Threaten THE DRAGON with terrible punishments. Add one red die of BLOOD to the pool.
Denounce THE DRAGON’s crimes against your people. Add one black die of IRON to the pool.
Boast of your own greatness. Add one gold die of AMBITION to the pool.
Express regret that it’s come to this. Add one blue die of SORROW to the pool.
Demand what you believe THE DRAGON owes you. Add one green die of ENVY to the pool.
Muse on how you hope to be remembered. Add one white die of DEATH to the pool.
Act your part, and add the indicated die to the pool. You cannot choose the same option more than once.
As for THE DRAGON, choose one of the following:
Proclaim your strength and majesty. Add one red die of BLOOD to the pool.
Mock OLAF’s frailty and foolishness. Add one black die of IRON to the pool.
Offer OLAF back-handed praise. Add one gold die of AMBITION to the pool.
Bemoan the weight of your endless years. Add one blue die of SORROW to the pool.
Tempt OLAF with your shining riches. Add one green die of ENVY to the pool.
Speak prophesies of OLAF’s inevitable doom. Add one white die of DEATH to the pool.
Act your part, and add the indicated die to the pool. You cannot choose the same option more than once.
After three exchanges, after each party has had three opportunities to speak, OLAF HITS THE DRAGON WITH HIS SWORD. Roll all of the dice in your pool together, and find the colour with the single highest result. If there is a tie, discard all dice showing the highest result and repeat until a single colour emerges victorious.
If BLOOD dominates, OLAF becomes a greater monster than ever THE DRAGON was. OLAF, speak of the horror you’ve become. DRAGON, speak of the lesson his story teaches.
If IRON dominates, OLAF prevails, but victory tastes like ashes. OLAF, speak of the work that remains. DRAGON, speak of why it will never be complete.
If AMBITION dominates, OLAF subjugates THE DRAGON to his will. OLAF, speak of the great things you go on to achieve. DRAGON, speak of the atrocities committed along the way.
If SORROW dominates, OLAF is left broken by his trials. OLAF, speak of your wretchedness. DRAGON, speak of what comfort remains.
If ENVY dominates, OLAF takes THE DRAGON’s place, lording over a mouldering hoard. OLAF, speak of the gifts you bring to your people. DRAGON, speak of why these gifts are hollow.
If DEATH dominates, neither OLAF nor THE DRAGON are ever heard from again. OLAF, speak of how you’re remembered. DRAGON, speak of how those remembrances are wrong.
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gemion · 4 years
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