gildalilli · 2 hours
hey lads there is an art reposter in the fandom and while they are giving credit to for works they are reposting and the artists seem to be alright with it, I still encourage you to visit the artist's blog and reblog their original post.
Every little note in your inbox is a little pat of encouragement when you're an artist and they will see none of it if you're not reblogging their original post. Why give your love to someone who had no part in its creation when the artist is Right There?
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gildalilli · 4 hours
Your art made me realize that Zira probably loved the eras when fancy dresses were the norm, and that Zira was probably sad when elegant/elaborate dressed went out of style.
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I am sure that the thing that made him most sad was never having the chance to see Crowley with some 1890-1920 outfits because that demon was depression-napping
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gildalilli · 4 hours
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i can post this here now! this was done for a good omens fan exchange on twitter, hosted by @/ hastur_lavista . the prompt was ‘wedding’.
i think this probably took me around 12 hours………………………………………but i didn’t keep track tbh. that being said, i loved every second and i can’t wait to paint these two more
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gildalilli · 4 hours
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That one twister mat pride flag post that makes the rounds every June since around 2016 (you know the one) appeared on my timeline again today and for some reason it gave me real ✨them✨ vibes this year.
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gildalilli · 5 hours
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The Lovers.
Part VI of my Good Omens inspired Tarot series.
much love, as always, bella <3
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gildalilli · 12 hours
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Good Omens | 2.06 Every Day
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gildalilli · 12 hours
So I’m on AO3 and I see a lot of people who put “I do not own [insert fandom here]” before their story.
Like, I came on this site to read FAN fiction. This is a FAN fiction site. I’m fully aware that you don’t own the fandom or the characters. That’s why it’s called FAN FICTION.
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gildalilli · 23 hours
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gildalilli · 1 day
it's a rough night my loves. Really not feeling very fergalicious if im honest.
sorry to be depressed on fandom, just needed to throw this where my family or friends wont see because noone pays attention to my tumblr.
word vomit below
feeling kind of shit bc of my parents, both how much of a burden i am to them and other stuff. down about being broke and jobless constantly and how i have No Fucking Idea what to do about it because i have never once had a good job interview. I have no car because mine blew up like a week or two ago. I struggle to do my masters work, which, at this point why bother when it's another market i will struggle to break into. I'm not a great friend to have at the moment. I struggle to take care of myself beyond eating and showering. I've been sick for FOUR YEARS now and it's always just a matter of how sick; I have some kind of bronchial infection AGAIN at the moment.
I just... don't currently see a future in which im not just actively making everyones lives worse including my own. I know I'm just overtired and I need to take my antidepressants but God I wish that everything was easier than it is rn.
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gildalilli · 2 days
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Finally drew them together 🤍
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gildalilli · 2 days
Crowley and Aziraphale overseeing the first humans this, impartial observers that -----
Adam and Eve domesticated those two. I am a firm believer in the very human power of seeing something that could potentially rip you into two and saying oh can I pet it??
Angel of the Lord? His curious ass would be Right There watching Eve carve little animals with an obsidian blade. The Serpent of Eden has been recruited through the human power of being a social animal and is now playing peek-a-boo with Cain so Adam can weave his fishing net in fucking peace.
The first two humans may have been lonely but those two losers were loneliER
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gildalilli · 2 days
Am I the only one that actually agrees with Neil about season 2 being "quiet, gentle and romantic"? OBVIOUSLY not the final 15, but the rest was terribly sweet and so so so romantic.
The dancing? "I thought we carved it out for ourselves" "so did I"??? "Our car"????? Are you kiiiiidding me????
And- hear me out. What's more romantic than this:
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gildalilli · 2 days
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Doing some screencapping and oooo, Michael's microexpressions in this scene are something else.
Top image is when the Metatron is talking about him getting his job back. Bottom image is when the Metatron dares to take Crowley's name in his mouth. He knows it's a backhanded threat to Crowley, that Crowley is being used to leverage him.
Aziraphale goes from soft mode to the subtle rigidity of guardian mode. The mobility in his expressions shut down. His eyes fix on the Metatron, his lips purse, and he is absolutely still.
We've seen it before:
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And they very very specifically did not show Aziraphale's face when the Metatron said he could return Crowley to angel status. I feel this is a very important moment that we specifically didn't see.
The entire structuring of the final 15 is very much Aziraphale saying "he said" but there's a lot going very deliberately unsaid. There's the unspoken sword over Crowley raised when the Metatron brings him into the conversation. There's the looming threat of the Second Coming, which wouldn't necessarily sound bad to anyone who wasn't familiar with the works of St. John of Patmos.
Our angel is about to go off-the-chain feral and I cannot wait. You do not make someone like Aziraphale a guardian and tell him to protect the world and the people on it and then threaten that world and those people. He gave away his sacred weapon and lied to God's face about it in his first months on earth. He's had 6000 years of escalation building and it's a-coming.
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gildalilli · 2 days
Crowley was rather proud of the Employee Hellpline. There had been a contest, about twenty years back, to create the most confusing phone structure possible, and Crowley had won. (He'd got inspired by calling up a telecom company to cancel service. Despite the fact that he'd made the call without an account, he'd left having agreed to a phone/television/Internet bundle and two magazine subscriptions.)
What he’d forgotten was the fact that he was an Employee, and thus had to navigate the labyrinthine obscurity of the Hellpline every time he needed to put in a request for a little extra power or office supplies. Fortunately, he didn't tend to make many calls; unfortunately, this meant that any insight he gained into the pattern had generally evaporated by the next time he had to face it.
Which was how he came to be sitting in his car, twenty minutes late for lunch, being informed in a monotone that he’d better listen carefully to the following menu, as options might have changed.
“For complaints about colleagues, press 1. For complaints colleagues made about you, press 2. For accounts payable, press 3, then 8, then turn the phone around and repeat. For accounts receivable, enter your ID in reverse. For all other financial requests, spell the first 10 pages of the Bee Movie script using your keypad. For—”
There was a knock at the window. “Are you quite all right?” Aziraphale said.
Crowley rolled the window down, half-listening to the phone menu. “Sorry I’m late—”
“You weren’t late. You drove up twenty-five minutes ago and took the ‘Reserved for Customers of AZ Fell & Co’ spot. So no actual customers have been able to park here this entire time. Which is dreadful,” Aziraphale added happily. 
“This concludes the menu. Make your selection in the next four seconds or this call will be terminated. Four…three…” Crowley racked his brains attempting to remember whether accounts payable was 8, then 3, or— “Good-bye,” the voice said, with gloomy satisfaction, and hung up.
“Ahhh, sanctify it.”
“I’m trying to get this reimbursement through. I had to buy eighty live bats for this work thing, and apparently that kind of order can’t go through the normal process. So I’m on the Hellpline. But this consecrated phone—”
“Didn’t you design the system?”
“Might’ve done.”
“May I?” 
Crowley hit Redial and placed the phone in Aziraphale’s outstretched hand.
Aziraphale listened thoughtfully to the first list of menu options, then tapped the phone. He listened a bit longer, tapped twice more, said, “Mammal, not otherwise specified,” and handed it back. 
A voice crackled in Crowley's ear. “Accounts payable, living creatures from twoscore to nine dozen. How can I hinder you today?”
“One sec,” Crowley said, and moved the phone away. “How’d you do that?”
“It was yours, wasn’t it?” 
“I suppose I simply know how to thwart you,” said Aziraphale smugly. “Go on,” he said, nodding at the phone as he got in the car. “We’re late.”
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gildalilli · 2 days
I can't stop now
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Love Ponyo AU
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gildalilli · 2 days
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When I walk into a room of people, the first person I look for is you.
(crowley's version)
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gildalilli · 2 days
i know we have civil unrest in the fandom but. Neil said in a reply that it is the ending he and terry decided in 2005.
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I repeat. The one they decided in 2005.
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