gildedstarbaker · 6 months
I wanna see some arguments and propaganda, so...!
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gildedstarbaker · 1 year
Your Ghost has a Message for you!
“I worry about you, you know. When you die.
I know how many times we’ve done this before, but… sometimes I can’t help but wonder… what if I can’t do it this time? What if I can’t bring you back again?
To know you trust me enough to die is an honor. But… your very life is constantly in my hands. What if I can’t do it?
I guess I get so worried when you die because… I’m scared of losing you.
I love you, guardian.”
— your ghost
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gildedstarbaker · 1 year
You either die the hero…
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Or live long enough to see yourself become the villain
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gildedstarbaker · 1 year
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this was.... undoubtedly one of the hardest things i've done in this game in a while like holy wow this is a hard nightfall on GM. i haven't done all nightfalls on GM because i've only recently started doing grandmasters but i have a feeling that this is probably the hardest GM in the game now next to maybe the corrupted still. 100% worth it tho completing this was one of the best feelings ever.
as usual big shoutouts to my fantastic clanmates <3
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gildedstarbaker · 1 year
“This random co-op shooter coming out in 2 years will kill Destiny”
you idiot, no it won’t. Destiny’s more than guns and RPG numbers, its got weird lore, it’s committed to its own idiocy. It’s got a tall person with a vape for a head
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gildedstarbaker · 1 year
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this is NOT a drill, if you don't have the shader already NOW is your one and only chance to obtain it again for the foreseeable future!!
she will only sell it between the dates of 4.11.2023 - 4.18.2023 (before reset) after that it'll be GONE again.
Do yourself a favor and go buy one of the best shaders in the game!!!
Under the cut are some examples of the shader on a weapon and different sets of armor with a mixture of metal and fabric pieces.
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gildedstarbaker · 1 year
Beware of leaks! Season 21 pictures and names of gear has started to appear!
Oh damn. Be careful out there folks, nothing about the next season is officially released outside of the name so if you see stuff online about it, it's leaks.
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gildedstarbaker · 1 year
doing the witch queen campaign again on my titan and seeing fynch with the corpse of his hive guardian next to him at all times got me thinking like, how many non hive ghosts are there who just decided not to revive their guardian anymore? not because they couldn't but because they just chose not to do so anymore.
it's a pretty scary thought like you're so used to coming back from each death but then one time you just don't anymore because your ghost just left! and what if something like this happened while the person was in a fireteam, what would the other guardians or ghosts think or how would they react!! because as far as in aware another ghost cannot revive the body of someone else so would they try to force the ghost to stay or would they just let it go?
it makes me wonder if this has been explored in some lore book somewhere, the only thing that i can kind of think that is similar is i think in one of the ghost stories lore books(?) it tells of a ghost who's guardian got somehow permanently trapped in some part of the almighty and wasn't able to be revived but that doesn't exactly match the idea i'm trying to get at.
let me know if there's like a lore book or something about this!
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gildedstarbaker · 1 year
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for destiny 1 it was definitely my hard mode elulim's frenzy from KF, just something about the way it felt and looked made it a heavy i almost never took off unless a raid or something required it. not to mention it having 2 rounds back when legendary rockets could do so without needing a separate perk as well as the intrinsic cocoon perk on the KF weapons made it such a fun heavy to just whip out and blast a group of enemies with. not to mention cluster bombs are always fun.
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whereas uh destiny 2 is a bit of a more difficult story. because it has changed over time through expansions which makes sense so even if it maybe kinda goes against the rules im going to just show all the ones i've used over the years that were like the gun for my guardian.
for year 1 it was my beloved duty bound that for some reason just really captured me when i first got it from a nightfall all those years ago. maybe it had something to do with how much i grinded for it or how it looked visually or maybe it was because it had rampage back when it was still very desirable, i'm not 100% sure! but the kill count doesn't lie about my usage! of said gun!
year 2 was chattering bone and honestly? i don't really remember why i liked it so much! it was kinda a similar case as duty bound where i just got it and it just felt right. not to mention it was a really cool looking gun from one of the best raids in d2.
year 3 onwards i was kind of weapon switching a lot but a lot of the time i would just use huckleberry because... well its huckleberry! 30 rounds of fast firing SMG bullets that gets all bullets back after a single kill is huge, not to mention the fact that it comes with rampage. it's simply just an amazing gun and is still worth using.
and then after huckleberry fell out of my usage i didnt really have a gun i would always use until i got my wastelander which was pretty much a permanent weapon in all my loadouts especially when energy weapons started becoming very good alternatives with some of the perks they started getting. i just love how it looks visually and it having that trademark tex mechanica flip animation that happens when you take the weapon out and reload it is just the cherry on top.
and now only very recently outbreak prime has become a massive comfort gun for me after i picked it up again a couple seasons back. just everything about that gun is so amazing. the sound, the recoil, the aesthetic, the perks my god the perks are so amazing!! stacking damage on enemies that you headshot that synergizes with other outbreak primes and outlaw hello??? the gun can fit into pretty much every activity in the game with how versatile and solid it is. if i don't know what weapon to put on for something i can pretty much always just look towards outbreak and then fill the other weapon slots with what i might be missing in terms of elements or anti-champion mods! its simply such an incredible gun and i am SO HAPPY it finally got a good ornament.
jeez thats a lot of text. i apologize for everyone who follows me as this absolutely explodes onto your dash. please forgive me (praying hands emoji)
Guardians, what is YOUR weapon?
Im NOT asking which is your best weapon to clear a room or kill a god. I’m asking which one you would NEVER delete even if it’s not the best or even very good. I don’t care if it’s an exotic, legendary, a rare or even uncommon or common OR EVEN IF IT WAS SUNSET. I don’t care if it’s super popular or a weapon nobody knows about.
Which weapon out of your entire arsenal feels like it’s YOURS? Like it’s special and unique and that it only feels right in your hands? The one weapon you would call a true friend if it was a person.
Reblog with your answer and maybe a pic and explanation of why you feel that way about it.
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gildedstarbaker · 1 year
literally if you dont wait for everyone to get the ammo banner before the boss fight in defiant battlegrounds you're a bad person and i actively wont commend you
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gildedstarbaker · 1 year
Photosensitive folks:
Might want to be a little careful running Battleground: Oracle in the Vanguard Ops playlist.
When I ran it this evening, the skybox glitched out for me during the boss fight causing a sort of strobing flash graphical issue.
This only extended to the skybox itself. The actual boss fight arena was not affected by this glitch. So if you looked away from the skybox it could be (mostly) avoided.
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gildedstarbaker · 1 year
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asher mir after driving past nezarec on his way to his day job at vexdonalds
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gildedstarbaker · 1 year
so you get some extra dialogue if you run the avalon mission one more time after the third "canonical" run of the mission
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and it really sounds like mithrax is sad that asher isn't in the network anymore...
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poor mithrax!! he really does miss asher's messages🥺🥺
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i wonder if the two would've actually gotten along! hopefully in a future season they get to talk face to face!
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gildedstarbaker · 1 year
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the dialogue this season is seriously so spot on! good job bungie writers.
EDIT: added one more from the end of this week's avalon mission
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gildedstarbaker · 1 year
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wait a second crow has hunters that work under him? was this established sometime before or is this like brand new lore?
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gildedstarbaker · 1 year
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More of a literal take on Asher as the Lady of the Lake :)
I got most of the way through this before realizing I don't know how 2 vex aesthetics ... oh well, I wanted to keep this at least somewhat "fast" so I'm leaving it as-is.
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gildedstarbaker · 1 year
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I'm not sure if the artist is on Tumblr but I wanted to share their tweet over here with all my fellow guardians who wants to show tribute to our Commander with this statue 🫡
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